Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 100 On the Relationship Between Hairline and IQ

Gaze is mutual.

When you stare at someone for a long time, that person will notice and follow the line of sight.

T'Challa noticed that everyone in the restaurant was looking at him, but he didn't care because he was also looking at the guests in the restaurant.

There are not too many customers in the restaurant. There are bald men in robes, old men in armor, middle-aged men with low smiles, old men with horns on their foreheads... etc. Whether it is extraordinary temperament or extraordinary appearance, All impressive.

Apart from the guests, he was also surprised by the miraculous effects of the dishes on the menu, many of which had the effect of heart-shaped grass.

What is Heart Grass? It is a sacred object of Wakanda, and only the black panthers of the past can take it. After swallowing the heart-shaped grass, one can obtain extremely keen five senses, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and reaction.

And it is such a sacred object, which can be found everywhere on the menu, innumerable.

At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling that the sacred object was rotten on the street.

But in the next second, he threw out the thought of being disrespectful to sacred objects. The Dimensional Restaurant spans multiple worlds, and there is no need to compare it with it.

Focusing on the menu again, T'Challa selected a few familiar ones. After recording T'Challa's order, the mermaid lady turned and went to the kitchen.

After Miss Mermaid left, Mu Qiu sat down opposite T'Challa and started a conversation.

"You don't take off your helmet?"

"Ready to pick up."

T'Challa took off the panther helmet he was wearing while speaking, revealing a handsome face hidden under the helmet, which is more handsome among blacks.

"Need I introduce myself?"

"No, I know you." T'Challa shook his head. After entering the restaurant, the information instilled was about the boss, and he could recognize the young man in front of him.

"Boss Mu, what do you want from me?"

"I want to make a deal with you." Mu Qiu changed his sitting position, propped his face with his right hand, and pressed his elbow on the table, "I want to buy a little vibration gold to make a set of knives. Are you willing to sell it?"


T'Challa frowned, and stared at Mu Qiu with sharp black eyes, like a black leopard hunting in the jungle. He immediately wanted to ask why Mu Qiu asked him to buy vibration gold, but a second before the words were spoken, T'Challa remembered the identity of the man in front of him.

He knew his identity, and it was not surprising that he had access to Zhenjin.

His gaze returned to normal, he paused, T'Challa said softly, "I can't answer you for now, I need to go back and ask my father."

Vibration gold is prohibited from export in Wakanda. Any unauthorized export will be sent to prison by a complete set of laws restricting the export of vibrating gold.

But Zhenjin is not completely non-exported. When necessary, they will trade with outside countries, but the amount is not large and the frequency is very small.

So he needed time to convince his father that he would agree to sell Zhenjin.

"No problem, I'm not in a hurry." Mu Qiu waved his hand casually, it was just a sudden whim anyway.

After the conversation, Mu Qiu returned to the previous seat and continued to read. While waiting for the meal, T'Challa thought of reasons to persuade his father. Tony strolled over to T'Challa with a glass of wine and sat down next to him, and began to chat.

He heard the brief conversation between Mu Qiu and T'Challa just now, and he knew that the black brother in front of him could get Zhenjin.

Zhenjin is a good thing, and Mr. Tony can't miss it. It would be a waste not to take the opportunity to establish a good relationship with the other party.

You want to ask why Tony doesn't spend money like before, of course it's because there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the restaurant, maybe a person who looks ordinary is actually very rich, millions of dollars every minute, and his subordinates are still in charge There are thousands of troops, so Tony has learned not to judge people by their cover.

At the same time, T'Challa didn't know Tony's details, so he was vigilant, and he was careful in everything he said, without revealing any information about Wakanda and Zhenjin.

Although T'Challa's anti-thief-like attitude annoyed Tony, but for Zhenjin's sake... he still couldn't bear it.

A thousand cups of wine is less when you meet a bosom friend, but a few words are more than a few words if you don't speculate.

The aggrieved Tony resolutely left,

I went to drink with my drinking buddy Thor.



In front of the New York branch, two black off-road vehicles stopped, the doors opened, and a dozen people got off one after another, led by Coulson wearing sunglasses.

"Let's go, let's go in." Coulson closed the car door, straightened his suit, and possed with his head held high.

"Hey hey, what are you doing!"

In the next second, the handsome Coulson was rudely pushed by the customers queuing up to buy fast food at the door of the branch. Coulson, who was caught off guard, staggered back, and the sunglasses he was wearing on his face were crooked.

"If you want to buy food, you line up in the back. Whether you have the quality or not, it's no wonder that your eyes are swollen from the beating."

Seeing the panda eyes under Coulson's crooked sunglasses, the fat man who pushed Coulson turned around cursing, with a very disdainful tone.

Coulson, who was pushed and scolded for no reason, was stunned, and he was very hurt in the face of the scornful glances of passers-by around him.

He obviously borrowed it, why did he become a queue jumper, and he was despised by passers-by on the street?

Furthermore, what is the connection between swollen eyes and lack of quality?

Coulson looked dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Natasha and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw Coulson who hadn't been handsome for three seconds.

This is called the law of heaven is clear, and the retribution is not good, telling you to cheat us before.

Hearing the laughter, Coulson turned his head speechlessly, laughing like a ball of wool! The wound in my eye was caused by you.

I was scolded for being unqualified and have your share of the pot!

Putting on the sunglasses again to cover the panda eyes, Coulson said to Natasha and the others who were smiling happily, "You must have thought of a way to get in, please~~"

Gentleman Coulson made a gesture of invitation, but Natasha and the others, whose laughter stopped abruptly, didn't think that Mr. Coulson was getting cheaper and cheaper.

Natasha flicked her hair by her ear in displeasure, walked out of the queue, gave Coulson a hard look as she passed by, then took out her mobile phone in front of him, and made a call.

"Hello, is this Banner?...I'm Natasha, I was stopped at the door of the fast food restaurant, can you come out and pick me up?...OK, I'm waiting for you."

After hanging up the phone, Banner had already run to the door of the store and waved for Natasha and the others to enter the store.

Natasha waved her phone at the stunned Coulson again, twisted her slender waist, and walked towards the store door like a victorious queen. The store staff opened the way, and the customers in line did not push Coulson Also intercept Natasha and others.

A group of people lined up in a line and moved forward one after another. Hawkeye Button was at the end of the line, silently making up the knife when passing Coulson.

"You were smart when your hairline moved back, but now your hairline is back, but your IQ is lost."

:. :

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