Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Six hundred and forty-six. Cao Cao's ambition

646 , Cao Cao's Ambition

Of course Xiao Long'er can eat, if he is free to eat one meal, a real fairy monster is not a problem, but, this way of eating can last for a long time without eating, digest slowly, and eat all three meals, and one meal is not a problem. At least one hundred tons of real immortal meat is needed, and not everyone can afford it. If this amount is replaced by the food of the Three Kingdoms, at least 100,000 tons of rice will be needed. If you give it to the princes for a few days, they may be poor. watermark ad test watermark ad test

Cao Cao and the others in the restaurant, each of them ate about two catties, and couldn't eat any more. They just felt so full that they couldn't be fuller, and their whole bodies were warmed up. They really wanted to exercise. It is a great tonic, and several people looked at each other, and they all saw that each other's face was flushed, and they burst into laughter.

The extra should not be wasted. Under Xu Chu's arrangement, the tiger and leopard riders accompanying the team will have a big meal today.

After breakfast, Cao Cao and others also stepped out of the dining room. They saw Liu Hao manipulating the blazing flames to help with the barbecue, and Xiao Longer beside him was cutting and biting with a special table knife. This one bite is more than they eat in one meal, there is no comparison at all, and it is no wonder that their small body is so powerful after transforming into a dragon.

"This kind of meat is not difficult to hunt in the other world. It may be weak at the level of a true immortal, but it is good at the holy level, and it is more suitable for you to cultivate. Raising an army is even better!"

Liu Haoyi said that Cao Cao and his group were very excited, and they knew better that with such a meat supplement, it only takes a year and a half for the army to be upgraded to a higher level, and the combat power will be increased by ten times, and one hundred thousand can be equal to hundreds Wan, how easy is it to face Yuan Shao?

Lu Bu's army of 500,000 people, when they first entered the earth, the seventh and sixth tiers accounted for half, and now, the eighth and seventh tiers accounted for half, with such combat power, they could compete with Cao Cao when they came to the Three Kingdoms .

It's just that Lu Bu no longer has the idea of ​​playing the Three Kingdoms. He has read many books on the Three Kingdoms on Earth, and he knows that he is a martial artist, and it is impossible for him to be recognized by the family. It would be more pleasant to establish the Kingdom of Flowers and pass it on, so why not do it?

Even Lv Bu's military Chen Gong still has the same thoughts now. Fenglangjuxu has already opened up another world.

Now, this only shortcoming will soon be made up for by Liu Hao, and when the time comes to send an army into the Three Kingdoms World to conquer the grasslands, the names of Lu Fengxian and Chen Gong will soon spread, and the world will open up territories. His extraordinary achievements through the ages cannot be concealed, and it is inevitable to leave a name in history.

It belongs to the wish, and in the future, it is enough to spend more energy on practicing to a higher level.

Once Cao Cao enters the earth, he will definitely not be able to let go of this route. Even if he is in a tight budget, he will build a base on the earth. Compared with the Three Kingdoms, the monsters on the earth are enough to make Cao Cao very coveted, let alone from the Xuanwu world. It's your chance to hunt monsters.

For more than half an hour, Cao Cao's group saw Xiao Long'er's small body with their own eyes. After eating the food ten thousand times bigger than him, the little belly didn't grow up at all, his eyes were all round, and he swallowed saliva wildly. Put a label that must not be provoked, and must be respected and respected.

Starting from Dalian, running on the cement highway, it took only half a day to arrive at Liaodong County. This speed gave Cao Cao the determination to sell everything.

Thirty miles outside Liaodong City, Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu greeted them with the recalled Xun You, and Liu Hao took Cao Cao out of the car and introduced them to both parties;

"This is Zhuge Liang, whose name is Kong Ming, and is a minister of state affairs in Liaodong!"

"Hello Cao Gongan!" Zhuge Liang didn't have much entanglement in his mind, he had already adapted to his current identity.

"Mr. Zhuge is well!"

Cao Cao has been famous for Zhuge Liang for a long time, and the debate books between him and Jia Xu are now among the ministers and scholars in Xudu. The name "Zhuge" means that Zhuge Liang can see through the pattern of the next hundred years, and has a higher-level name with ordinary talents, which belongs to the reputation of "genius".

Therefore, when Cao Cao saw Zhuge Liang, when he bowed his hands in return, he respected him as "Mr."

"This is Jia Xu, Jia Wenhe, Meng De must be familiar with it, he is a military minister of Liaodong!"

"I've seen Mr. Jia, and passed by Mr. Jia. Every time I think of it, my chest will feel tight. I wish I could do business, and I've done it!"

"Mr. Cao's absurd praise!"

Liu Hao smiled after hearing this, Cao Cao is a typical example of how precious he is only when he loses it, and Jia Xu made a name for himself, which makes him feel even more distressed.

The distinguished guests came and the banquet started, but there were many think tanks from the earth to join in the fun, especially those who studied history, they even brought paper and pens to record every word and deed of the banquet, and looked at Cao Cao and Guo Guo frequently. Jia and the others really put a lot of pressure on Cao Cao.

Cao Cao only thought that these were historians, and there must be a lot of such people in every major event, but it was the first time he had seen a group of people who were writing and writing on the spot, so he had to weigh every time he spoke, lest he would His own image has dropped.

After the banquet, Cao Cao and his party were introduced to the Liaodong County Hotel. This hotel listed as "Yuelai Inn" was also the first chain hotel in the Three Kingdoms era. It also opened three hotels in Liaodong area, except Dalian and Liaodong County. However, the last one is in Kyushu Island, and more of them belong to the Navy's internal hotel.

Cao Cao and his team love this kind of residence, not to mention the comfortable environment, but also their own space, but once, they are very familiar with each other. In the sauna room of the hotel, a group of confidant generals gathered together to meet each other frankly and steam in the sauna , with a happy face.

"My lord, Liaodong is rich and prosperous, but from You's point of view, the biggest strength of Liaodong is the separation of military and government!"

Xun You wiped the sweat flowing from his body, and made a summary of his observations during this period. Some of the data in it basically described the degree of wealth in Liaodong. After talking about this, he opened his mouth and threw out his biggest conclusion. Greatly attracted the attention of Cao Cao and others.

"The two powerful ministers in Liaodong, Zhuge Kongming and Jia Wenhe, can be said to have high positions and powers. They have nothing to do with the situation of Liaodong. Both of them can decide with one word!"

These words had a great impact on Cao Cao. He was a power minister himself. He made some comparisons in his heart. He felt that his current power was not much different from Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu. Isn't Liu Hao worried?

Seemingly understanding Cao Cao's doubts, Xun You interjected;

"Zhuge Kongming is in charge of government affairs; Jia Wenhe is in charge of military affairs; the two have discussions with each other, but all decisions on government affairs are made by Zhuge Kongming; on the contrary, in military operations, Zhuge Liang may put forward many opinions, but those who issue orders are bound to It's Jia Wenhe. The two complement each other, but they have nothing to do with each other!"

Cao Cao sat up straight, didn't bother to wipe off the sweat on his body, and weighed the pros and cons with all his thoughts.

It is true that Zhuge Liang in government affairs has unlimited power, but if you look closely, you will find that, not to mention the lack of military command power, there is not even a soldier under his command, and it is almost impossible to rebel unless he secretly reaches out into the army. But in this way, Jia Xu, who is the chief military officer, must know it, and he will definitely rebound.

So looking at it this way, Zhuge Liang is not very threatening, and he can't be reused too much.

On the contrary, Jia Xu holds the power of soldiers and horses, and seems to be able to turn himself into a prince at any time.

Cao Cao didn't express his opinion immediately, but looked at Xun You, motioning for Xun You to continue.

"Although Jia Wenhe is in charge of the military, he has no financial power! The food and salaries of the soldiers are all distributed by an organization called the 'General Logistics Department', and all the distribution is money!"

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, and the light in his eyes flashed away. If the army's money and food were blocked, it would be equivalent to half the threat. Cao Cao didn't know the establishment of Liaodong Bank, but he didn't study how to do it. There are always more ways than difficulties.

Xun You didn't immediately state the matter of the bank. Cao Cao was more concerned about the division of power at present, and the issue of restricting the rebellion of his subordinates was naturally not boring himself.

Xun You has a job in Liaodong, so he naturally has a salary and his own passbook, which is credited to the account every month. He has also tried to withdraw money for shopping, and everything is very convenient;

After some investigation, he became clearer that everything needs to be based on sufficient commodities, and the lowest level of security also requires sufficient food and cloth to implement such a salary payment model. Maybe it can be done in Xudu, but outside Xudu, Not at all.

Passing this point, Xun You once again talked about the military structure of Liaodong;

"In addition to the 'General Logistics', there are three departments: 'General Staff', 'General Assembly' and 'General Affairs':

The formulation of the strategy by the General Staff, the formulation of strategic goals for the next year or even several years, and how to achieve them after that are the tactical planning issues of the Minister of Military Affairs;

General assembly, in charge of all military equipment, such as horses, armor, swords, etc., are distributed directly from the final assembly to each team, and even directly to individual sergeants;

The General Administration is in charge of the recruitment and training of new recruits, etc.! "

This set of plans, originally the earth dragon military structure model, was slipped into the Three Kingdoms world by Liu Haoti, but he didn't expect to be taken by Xun You directly, and it aroused Cao Mengde's great attention.

This structure basically limits Jia Xu's power within a controllable range. Seeing Cao Cao's smile on his face, Xun You continued.

"The recruiting and training of recruits in Liaodong is separated from the soldiers and horses for the battle. The newly recruited troops will be assigned to the garrisons in various places after being trained by a special organization, and they will be rotated every two years!"


"Exactly! A sergeant will not stay in one garrison forever. He will serve in this garrison for two years. Unless there are special circumstances, the garrison must be changed!"

Cao Cao knew that this was an excellent method. In two years, the relationship between the leading general and the sergeant was more like a leader than a cronies. The generals in power put a shackle, especially the local generals, which almost cut off their ability to rebel.

Xun You knows best what the superior Cao Cao is most concerned about. After he has finished these statements, he will be dispatched here. Not something he should be concerned about.

Liu Hao showed Xun You all these administrative structure models in order to let Cao Cao understand and learn from them.

For an emperor who founded a country, he was afraid that his power was not strong enough, but once he wanted to pass it on, he would understand that his children and grandchildren could not have his prestige, and it would inevitably involve the struggle for power between the monarch and his ministers. It is enough to plant a seed, and Cao Cao is not expected to learn immediately.

Cao Cao was very talented, and quickly figured out the core of the separation of military and government from the core of the internal excellence. After thinking about it, he began to ask questions about other aspects of Liaodong.

After steaming in the sauna, several people feel refreshed all over, and they are still reluctant to leave before leaving.

When visiting various places in Liaodong, Cao Cao was very careful, and he was not ashamed to ask his subordinates when he encountered something unclear. After his trip, he was frightened by the wealth of Liaodong.

Wherever they went, the common people were full of happy smiles. The discussion of which house and household was not about filling their stomachs, but chatting about the benefits of those commodities. It has been raised from the problem of food and clothing to the imagination of the convenience of life. What matters is not which one eats well or not, but which one eats well and how much money they earn.

Comparing the past dynasties, Cao Cao couldn't find anyone who was better than him. If the Liaodong County was rich, Cao Cao would be envious, but now not only the county, but the people are also so rich, which makes Cao Cao think of himself as a "capable minister of governing the world" There was a trace of suspicion in the evaluation, and the eyes looking at Zhuge Liang became much bluer, wishing to tie him to Xudu.

These days, the ambition in Cao Cao's heart has also been stimulated more and more, and his vision has been broadened. In particular, he has a deeper understanding of the industry of "industry". From Liu Hao's mouth, there is a sentence: "No agriculture is not stable. , No work, no wealth", let him understand that the "scholar" in the "scholar, agriculture, industry and commerce" is not so superior, and the "agriculture, industry and commerce" definitely has a lot to do.

A person like Cao Cao doesn’t need you to teach him how to do it. If he really instills ideas, he will only get the opposite effect. A person who is arrogant to the bone is mostly a donkey. Show him and let him experience it for himself. Any teaching is useful.

Until he left Liaodong, Cao Cao was thinking, comparing, and thinking about how to implement some policies that would be beneficial to him after returning to Xudu. Cao Cao was very silent along the way, and he would come when he thought of something occasionally. Discuss with Xun You and Guo Jia.

Liu Hao watched coldly. He and Xiao Long'er were fishing with two fishing rods. When Cao Cao and others couldn't figure it out, they would come up and ask, and then they would state their thoughts. Think for yourself.

It was not until the islands outside the 'Lianyungang' that Cao Cao realized that this was already under his territory. Looking at the gushing air from the bottomless cave in the island, Cao Cao cursed inwardly, it is so important The Xuzhou government actually ignored the information, and the world channel that was placed under his nose had asked other people to tell him. Cao Cao gritted his teeth when he thought of this.

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