Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 46 The Real Virgin! Upgrading with the battle (this chapter is exclusively titled by Junshu

After the deal was successfully concluded, seeing Bailang still standing there in a daze, Miss President couldn't help asking, "Why don't you leave?"

"Shrimp?" Brother Lang was puzzled when he heard the words, and said innocently, "I'm waiting for feedback from users."

Waiting for your sister! (▼ヘ▼ # )

"Get out! Could it be that you still want to watch me change my clothes?" President Zhuang cut to the chase and started to chase people away.

"Ah, I'm sorry! It's my fault, I'm leaving now." Bailang finally came to his senses, reluctantly walked out of the office, "That's right!" He turned his head suddenly.

"What's the matter?" The little sister was startled by him, and she was a little nervous.

"You have also seen the notes on this piece of equipment. Remember to lower your neckline and unbutton one more button later, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced." A distraction.

Yes, what he was talking about was the effect of 'unifying people's hearts'.

The president looked at his shirt and top, his face flushed slightly, and then he gave him a vicious look. To be able to say such a thing in a serious manner without changing his face, really underestimated the other party's shamelessness.

When Bailang walked out of the office, he was greeted with admiration and admiration from everyone.

To be able to share the same room with the Chairman? ! Although the time was short and nothing happened, it was impressive enough. The aura and majesty at school were so big that he even made the new intern teacher cry.

A few minutes later, the president also came out. With sharp eyes, she immediately saw that her clothes were slightly adjusted, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she was even more beautiful...Huh? ! ! ! What's with the neckline? Actually opened low! Is that the career line! I didn't expect you to be so unfathomable!

Although the change in appearance of the president is small, it is the finishing touch. With the addition of the equipment in the park, her temperament instantly sublimated, and the cohesion of the team increased invisibly. Even Brother Lang was encouraged, feeling that her aura of domineering was stronger.

Just when the president quickly stabilized people's hearts and 'cohesive' the team again.

Bailang had already come to the opened window. He took out a bunch of 'mutated and expired spicy skewers' from his portable space, distributed them to the people around him to replenish their energy, and then looked down.

On the ground are two thick 'magic insect bodies', tightly wrapped around the building; in addition, there are several 'earth-drilling insects', which crawled to the vicinity of the building, squeezed through the windows on the second floor with their bodies, and burrowed in. Starting to attack layer by layer, there is not much time left for them.

"Back away, I'll try the distance."

After eating the barbecue, he cleared everyone away, grabbed the chain tightly and pulled the 'Fu Gui Wan' to his side.

Sensing the ominous atmosphere, the Sinking Demon struggled and roared, and then was whipped by Bai Lang, making him 'happy' again.

Bailang stood on the inside of the window, swinging the chain vertically, causing Fuguiwan to spin rapidly, then he grasped Kakutsu, and suddenly let go of his hand to let it fly out of the window in a parabolic shape. After crossing the peak in the air, it fell obliquely towards the opposite building.

The truly incomparable free fall was too exciting, Fuguimaru struggled with all his strength, and there was still a long distance from the opposite side, feeling extremely desperate in his heart. Finally unable to bear the torment of Bailang, earth-shattering screams erupted in mid-air.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...!"

Then the chain was straightened, it bounced twice in the air, and hit the building here.

Its actions did not attract the attention of the surface monsters, but instead caused the monsters in the building to boil.


Bailang kept retracting the chain, pulling up the hanging 'Fugui Pill', and analyzing it in his heart. The fallen demon is less than half the weight of a human being, but it can't touch the other side either.

At this time, Fuguiwan was trembling, his legs trembled and limp on the ground, he could not restrain his screams, stimulating the monsters outside the door, and continued to hit and slap the door.

"It's too noisy!" Cowardly girl looked at the door nervously and said.

Bailang kicked Fuguiwan a few times, but it completely ignored it. It has even experienced death once, so it is still afraid of mere white waves? At this time, he was still screaming in fear.

In desperation, Bailang took off his tattered coat, tore it into a pile of rags, stuffed it into Fuguiwan's mouth, and then tied him up so that he couldn't speak!

Afterwards, he repeated the same trick, spinning the Fugui pill many times and throwing it at different angles. After consecutive failures, he grasped some rules... The Fugui pill on the other side, under the continuous high-intensity "bungee jumping" torture, completely gave up resistance, Ge You was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes were numb and empty, and he fell into autism.

Suddenly, Brother Lang slapped the table and said, "I have a solution! But..."

President Zhuang looked at Brother Lang with searching eyes. It's all come to this point, you still want to talk about conditions? Others also tensed up.

"Don't worry, I'm not the one to set the price on the ground. But the ugly thing is up front. If I help you escape, it's not too much to charge a cost, right? Xiaowen also paid for his life when he passed the zombie level last time."

It is true that Bailang is a good person, but he is not the kind of bad person who gives unconditionally and never asks for anything. Bad people are doomed not to last long, because of the imbalance between expenditure and income, sooner or later they will lose money and go bankrupt.

He must at least recover the "charity cost" and form a virtuous circle, so that he can continue to benefit the weak and help more people. Therefore, someone like him is the 'true Madonna' who understands right from wrong!

"How much do you want?!"

Brother Lang was full of malice in his heart, thinking that Brother Lang was taking advantage of the fire and looting, so he was very hostile. But he was not stupid enough to say: 'You are obviously capable, why don't you help us? ’ nonsense.

"Not expensive, old rules, 5 gold coins."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it's not expensive? What a bargain. They could save just five gold coins in a few days, and their gratitude to Brother Lang grew stronger in their hearts. With strength and sense of responsibility; with bottom line and sense of proportion!

"What do you want to do? Use a chain to tie a heavy object and wrap it around the opposite side?" asked the president.

"No, that would be too troublesome."

Bailang first tied up Fugui Pill to prevent him from suddenly turning back and betraying him after he left. Then he fixed the chain on himself, and cleared out the debris on the desk with one click, and put the desks together into a runway.


But before that, he decided to go up a level first!

So the forgotten 'extraordinary physique' was temporarily solidified.

[You have used the ability bar, confirm to solidify the 'Extraordinary Physique'. Your strength, dexterity, and stamina attributes are activated. The current ability level is lv1, white, you get 1 attribute. Can freely dispose within the above three items. Please ensure that the attributes assigned to physical fitness are greater than strength or agility. 】


Bailang was stunned, why didn't you play cards according to the routine in this game? The attribute points are not given for free, but obtained from the "hardening ability"? What the hell is this way of adding points?

Just when he was in a daze, Paradise also fed back a piece of information.

The 'ability bar' is not simply a solidification of a skill, but a thorough integration of this 'ability' into itself, becoming the 'foundation' of its own power system.

If Brother Lang learned the 'fireball technique' in this world, when he left, the spell would be cleared and only experience and memory would be retained. When he enters another world of martial arts, where the laws do not support magic, all these knowledge and experiences are useless, and he will never be able to create a flame.

However, after solidifying the 'fireball technique', the 'rules' contained in the fireball technique were stripped out by Paradise, separated from the original 'magic system', and integrated into the foundation of the tester, becoming a general-purpose ability that is not disturbed by the outside world. Any world works fine.

What he got was not just a 'fireball technique', but more like a 'fireball technique' innate supernatural power; at the same time, he obtained a 'magic-friendly physique'; and a hidden 'fire attribute'; and deeper changes.

The feedback method of attribute points is also wonderful.

The level of solidification ability represents the realm, and the improvement of the level can continuously feed back the attributes. To improve the overall quality. (Self-enhanced hardware)

For example, Bailang's 'Extraordinary Physique' was supposed to be the 'Blood Bull Physique' formed by the orcs through hard training, improving their strength and physique, and finally breaking through the limit.

At this moment, Bailang consolidated the 'extraordinary physique' of Lv1, and without any training, he obtained the strength and realm of a beastman. Correspondingly, his physical fitness (hardware) must be improved in order to match the realm of lv1.

So he has 1 point of attribute, which can be freely allocated to 'strength, agility, and physical fitness' to strengthen his physical fitness. Because these three things are closely related to 'extraordinary physique'.

(Extraordinary physique has nothing to do with spirit, perception, and charm, so it cannot be added to spirit.)

If he has solidified the 'Fireball Technique', which means he has the mage realm of level 1, then correspondingly, Paradise will open the 'spirit, perception, charm' attributes, allowing him to freely distribute, and raise his 'blue bar, spiritual power' to worthy of the 'fireball' point.


This discovery made Bailang realize that each tester's 'ability bar' is limited, and it seems that there are only five at present. Then the 'attributes' obtained by everyone are almost the same.

This means that each 'ability' must be carefully thought out and carefully matched, instead of picking one out of nowhere!

If you choose the "legal system ability" to solidify, then it will inevitably become a "spiritual specialty"; if you choose all the combat systems, you will inevitably become a speed stream, a meat shield stream, or a power stream; if you take the balanced route, it seems that there is no shortcoming. But when the total attributes are equal, they are dwarfs in all aspects.

Anyway, during the probationary period, he could 'try and experience', so Bailang didn't have any psychological burden, so he directly chose the '3:3:4' distribution plan. In the case of ensuring the strongest physical fitness, increase the speed as much as possible to improve his success rate of leaping the building!

The energy of the 'ember crystal' in the body was exhausted. Feeling the changes in his body, Bailang was completely reborn, and became much stronger again! Compared with the last 'Evil Energy Mode', it's not much different.

Compared with the aborigines of this world, the 'hardening ability' is cheating. Putting it in a comprehension novel, is this raising a small realm out of thin air?

[Strength 5.7, Dexterity 5.6, Physical Fitness 5.9, Spirit 5, Perception 4, Charm 3]

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