Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 25 Brother Lang Gradually Super God

At 6:30 the next morning, Bailang tidied up his backpack. Carrying first-aid medicine, a small amount of food and drinking water, followed by pistols and ammunition, and finally hanging the rune bat on his waist, he left the spiral building and rushed to the agreed place.

At this time, the sky was gray, there were few pedestrians in the camp, the street lights were turned off, and the wild dogs were digging food by the roadside. The humid air was mixed with the smell of decay, which was very refreshing.

Leaving the city wall, we turned two turns to find an abandoned parking lot, crows circling and howling in the sky. In the middle of the open space, parked an old modified pickup truck with exaggerated and deformed bumpers, a machine gun installed on the roof, and a layer of anti-bite nets installed around the body.

At this time, the three men were sitting on the cargo box playing cards, and when they heard Bailang's footsteps, they all looked over.

A burly man with a vacuum in the upper body, muscular muscles, and a jacket; a thin face wearing camouflage, a hat, and a cigarette butt in his mouth; and a man in a fur trench coat with half of his face covered in tattoos and a bit unorthodox. .

All three are white, but they are not surprised by Bailang, and there are many yellow skins in the camp.

"Newcomer?" The muscular man in the jacket spoke first.

"Yes, is this a patrol?"

"This is the third team, welcome. Get in the car first. Let me introduce myself, Taylor, a part-time fireman of a Berserker, codenamed 'Dart'."

The strong man stretched out his hand and pulled Bailang into the trunk. In the trunk, there were a lot of rusty and mottled chains, several boxes of beer, barbecue grills, dried blood stains, and monster fingers that were not cleaned. The red skin is obviously produced by the fallen demon.

Taylor went on to introduce: "This is Johnson, an ammunition expert, a part-time driver, you can call him 'cigarette butt'."

The thin-faced man in the camouflage uniform nodded to Bailang, as if he knew him.

"My name is Napoli, patrol captain, Druid, welcome to join, you can call me 'Hunter'."

The last non-mainstream person with tattoos covering half of his face whistled towards the sky after greeting Bailang. I saw two strong crows descending from the sky, landing on his shoulders and arms, squawking.

Then, a crow with sharp eyes landed directly in the back box, picked up the severed finger, and immediately attracted another crow to compete for food. The two sides were playing and playing, pecking off the severed finger in two or three times, and swallowing it whole.

"Summoning?" Bailang asked curiously, thinking of the druid's skills in the game.

"This is animal taming. If you want to learn it, you must first master 'animal communication'." Napoli simply explained. These two crows are his carefully cultivated pets, and they are always with him. They are not "summoning spells" conjured out of thin air in the game.

"It's your turn, are you a monk from the east?" Taylor asked curiously.

"No, my name is Bailang, I'm just an ordinary person, and I haven't determined my occupation yet."

"Bai~lang? It's a mouthful. Do you have another name? Or a code name."

After Bailang and others came to this world, they passively mastered the language of this planet, and there was no problem in communicating. However, the pronunciation of his name does not conform to the grammar of this planet.

Brother Lang thought about it, and decided to give himself a western name. The Flash Wallace obviously didn't fit his temperament: "Just call me 'Outlander'."

"Stranger? You match me well, let's go!" The captain raised his arms, and two crows flew up into the sky again, circling to lead the way.

Cigarette opened the door and entered the cab, and the captain sat in the passenger seat. This broken pickup had only one row of seats, and Taylor let Bailang stay in the car, but he jumped to the ground and quickly ran towards the fence of the parking lot.

When the vehicle started and drove slowly to the exit in first gear, Taylor ran over with dozens of chains in his hands, dragging a piece of walking corpse. He called Bailang to help, and fixed the chains on the pickup truck, and then got on the truck.

Immediately, the team drove out of the separation zone with a group of vicious dogs as if they were out hunting.


On the way, the speed is not fast. The zombies dragged behind the car had flexible legs and could barely keep up when running.

Taylor and Bailang sat in the open-air car and chatted aimlessly, instilling all kinds of common sense in him.

The city has three types of monsters:

Undead, also known as undead, such as zombies, skeletons, and ghosts. Converted from corpses eroded by the power of hell, there is no IQ at the bottom, but the high-level undead are very smart and can command low-level miscellaneous soldiers. Therefore, high-level undead often have a group of reliable younger brothers who dare to fight and fight, are not afraid of death, and are very difficult to deal with.

Mutant beasts are all kinds of ferocious beasts and insects polluted by hell on this planet. When humans gave up their position at the top of the food chain, wild animals also began to rise and embarked on different evolutionary directions. There are behemoths with a single body sanctified, and there are also "ratmen, frogmen, and apemen" who compete with humans for the dominance of the planet. But the most popular one is the enhanced version of Demonic Beast.

The most frightening thing is the 'demon race', which originally referred to the 'hell species' with the wisdom to master magic. But as the invasion of hell continued, more and more humans chose to become demonized. In addition, the hell species also had to meet their physiological needs during the invasion period, and they couldn't afford Durex, so they broke reproductive isolation with various animals on the native planet and gave birth to a large number of 'native hybrids'.

Demons have language and civilization, and the 'technological field' is far inferior to humans, but they have learned a lot of knowledge over the years. However, the invasion of hell has caused the "law of technology" to gradually degenerate and fail, and the industrialization of the hell race has also come to an end without a problem.

Many big figures in the hell camp appreciate the convenience brought by human civilization very much. Even though the vast majority of human cities are shrouded in protective barriers, they are still willing to give up their home court advantage, bear the weakening of their inhibitions, entrench themselves in remote corners of the city, and open up lairs similar to the 'Rogge Camp'. .


"There are many monsters, monsters, and undead in this city, with different levels, forming a huge ecological chain. For humans, everything outside is an enemy. But for these monsters, humans are only a very dangerous part of the recipe. species, they also kill each other, not all humans."

"The task of the patrol team is to keep cleaning the site within a radius of five kilometers. This is the absolute territory of humans, and those threatening monsters are not allowed to enter. However, there are always some desperate starving ghosts who will venture in to find food, and then they should Here we are."

"These zombies? Of course they are our private property. The rewards for simple patrols are too low, so it is possible to cultivate a group of zombies to generate income. Those monsters that have been killed, except for a few special organs that are valuable, are basically discarded. Instead of cheap ones Garbage, why not use it to feed zombies, wait for them to evolve and become valuable, and then sell them to corpse collection teams in other camps."


The first day's life was particularly fulfilling. Under the leadership of the three veterans, Bailang ran all over the streets and started the adventurous life of a sanitation worker in another world.

The Druid captain controls two crows to act as 'drones' to scout the environment, and can also communicate with plants, and constantly communicate with the trees on the roadside, searching for 'crispy skin. A little salty', which is a type of "crispy skin. A little salty" that walks into the road and breaks in to make a living. monster.

Immediately afterwards, there was a stimulating campaign of suppression.

Bailang was driven to the shelves, and carrying the 'rune bat', he rushed to the front line bravely, fighting monsters to the death. Fortunately, the restraining power in the safe zone is strong, and there is an old driver beside him. He was in danger several times, but he didn't suffer any fatal injuries? ! The worst time, it was just a wound seven or eight centimeters long.

Brother Lang, who was gradually getting used to it, also grew evil towards the gallbladder.

Relying on the backing of his old driver, he took the initiative to chase all kinds of monsters and mutant beasts, and he was diligent in his hands and feet. He had no complaints about all kinds of sneak attacks, replenishing swords, moving corpses, and collecting materials.

The members of the patrol team naturally like him, an ambitious young man who is diligent in his hands and feet, and speaks nicely, and he doesn't want extra pay. They are also happy to guide and impart some tips, which can not only improve the work efficiency of newcomers, but also reduce their own workload.

Time flies.

In this way, in the next four days, Bailang was like a sponge, frantically absorbing all kinds of knowledge.

How to cut and collect the most valuable organs in monsters, how to preserve eyeballs correctly, how to use zombies to search for living things, simple lockpicking techniques \u0026 building a safe house in a building, identification of monster types, mutated beast barbecue, shooting skills, trap making , how to hide yourself, the art of running away...etc.

When it came to the excitement, Taylor simply demonstrated it himself and taught him a few basic 'sword styles', which happened to be performed with a bat. If it wasn't for Brother Lang's limited strength and lack of physical fitness, the other party would even want to teach him the skill of opening the scoop of the'Tomahawk'.

In this way, Bailang started frequent combat work, wielding weapons constantly, single-handedly fighting against skeleton soldiers and goat-headed demons. The farther away from the camp, the stronger these monsters behave. Moreover, there are constantly 'high-end goods' breaking in from the outside world, even the elite skeleton soldiers are not much weaker than him. He still retains the fighting instinct of his life, and it is still dangerous to fight head-to-head. (If you are obscene, Brother Lang can hit ten!)

Under Taylor's teaching, Bailang practiced several basic movements such as blocking, rebounding, rounding the back, rolling, and kicking. Although these 'postures' are simple and unattractive, they are very practical.

When Bailang gradually became proficient, he began to apply what he had learned. Under the guidance of several veteran drivers, he constantly fine-tuned these "inherent postures" and modified the way of exerting force. Make them more adaptable to you, and finally simply derive several exclusive skills with strong personal styles such as 'broken knees, broken stems, headshots...'.

The continuous battles made him feel that his personal combat power has improved by leaps and bounds. Whether he is fighting with cold weapons or shooting, he has practiced well. Even the main task was brushed to [124/300] by him. 4 'keys' that cannot be seen by the aborigines are randomly spawned.

However, after his main task broke through '100', the monsters in the safe zone, regardless of their species strength, began to be greatly reduced. Paradise is hinting that he should quickly get out of the 'safe zone' and challenge stronger monsters.

This made Brother Lang, who was addicted to brushing weak chickens, hesitate for a while whether to activate the title of'Despicable Demon Hunter'? The more he beat these monsters, the more he understood how powerful this 'title' was!

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