Diablo Destruction

Chapter 687 Return to camp

"Of course, brother Hans, and brother Ricken, brother."

Alius said in a matter-of-fact tone, obviously thinking that my question was too superficial and unprofessional.


I secretly clenched my fists, and then looked at Aleus with a smile on my face.

"Aleus, um... can you let me see it?"

Tilting his head, his fiery red hair rippled with a beautiful color like glass. After thinking for a while, Aleus nodded heavily, and then solemnly took out a notebook again from his inventory. Hmm. With a sound, it was handed to me with great momentum.

It turns out that there is such a book hidden inside, and it has not been taken out with other notes. In other words, the pile of notes on the table is the regular version, and the book about Rickon and Hans is the precious first limited edition. Originally Are you still guarding me and don't you plan to show it to me now?

It's hard to tell that this guy is very wary. With such a cautious look, he looks like a wary little Stymon, but that's not surprising. Although he is a fujoshi, he is still an adventurer after all.

Taking the note from Aleus, I immediately opened it and read it, although the content above was definitely rotten food, and it was most likely rotten food with strong taste.

However, for some otakus, this rotten thing represents another larger meaning, so big that they can ignore the fact that it is rotten thing.

After turning a few pages, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I fell to the floor and rolled around, tears coming out of my eyes.

What a tragedy. I didn’t expect that the leader and the colonel would still be so close to each other in a different world.

"How, how is it?"

Aleus clenched his fists nervously and looked at me and asked, hoping that his works would be appreciated by his colleagues. This is also a normal mentality.

At this time, whether it was sincerely or for the sake of my own life, I would give a thumbs up to the other person and praise him very much.

"Very good."

After receiving my affirmation, Alius lightly covered his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. While laughing, he reached out exaggeratedly to wipe away the crystal mist from his eyes. This shows how nervous she was just now, and How happy I am now.

Perhaps it was at this moment that she truly and completely recognized my identity as a fellow traveler, although recognizing this fact was not a pleasant thing for me.

No, what's the point of continuing like this? As an otaku, his dignity will never allow this rotten girl to treat him as a gay otaku, and he is not even allowed to think about it.

Maybe you can see if you can use your own methods to develop her from a corrupt to a nerd. Saving the ignorant and fallen girl is also my mission to represent love, justice and peace. Corruption is wrong, nerd is justice. !

It may be a bit difficult for one person. Let me think about it, besides myself, who else can help? Oona, and her pseudo-lily partner Fini, can barely be considered to be related to the otaku. Although in the opinion of a senior otaku like me, the level of the two of them is not even considered to be a pseudo-otaku, but when it comes to employing people, , I can only pull them over casually to make up the numbers.

Little Ghost, can Little Ghost, this complaining saint, be considered a half-nerd? Although the two aspects of complaining and slander are indeed extremely sharp, and the stay-at-home saint who is said to like to sleep in her own nest and sleep in a daze is indeed a very otaku style, it is still difficult to describe this girl. The complaining little saint who is alluring the country is treated as a otaku. Compared to her, maybe she is more like the H-shaped Sanwu Princess.

Very good, I need to plan this matter quickly, otherwise I won't be able to stand the entanglement of Aleus, a rotten girl. Even if there is a sexual relationship between the leader and the colonel as a buffer, it will not be able to correct Aleus' rottenness. Personality, if you lead it to the "right path", just stay away from it in the future.

After glancing at Aleus, I had already made several decisions in my mind.

In this short moment, after being praised a few times by me, Aleus, whose pretty face flushed with excitement and whose blue pupils kept flashing, took a deep breath, then exhaled, and suddenly took out seven books from the inventory again. notes.

"Teacher. No...don't mind sucking haha..."


Aleus (lowering his head and choking): "..."

It makes you excited, and you forget to pause when speaking. What a tragedy, maybe you bit your tongue again.

In short, I already understood what Arius meant. She probably just wanted to say that she would read these if she didn't mind. Looking at the seven books in front of me and the one in my hand, I burst into tears.

It turns out that there are eight versions in total. I wonder what expressions Hans and Rickon would show if they saw these? Do you really expect that scene to happen? The most likely thing is that she will be pissed to death. No wonder Arius won't let Hans get close to the tent door. It turns out that it is out of this consideration. Can I praise her as a good sister who thinks about her brother?

Not good! !

Suddenly, I realized something that needed to be done urgently.

I am also a man, in other words, I am also the target of this rotten girl’s observation, right? If this guy suddenly gets a whim one day and turns me into the protagonist, then even if he is thrown to the eighteenth level of hell in the future, he will not be able to wash away the rotten smell on his body.

Thinking of this serious consequence, I stared at Aleus: "Well... Aleus, do you also want to kill me..."


After tilting his head and thinking for a moment, Alius finally understood what I wanted to express, and couldn't help but quickly waved his little hand.

"No, no, no, teacher, it's too ordinary, Aleus, not interested."


I didn’t expect that this rotten girl’s eyes were quite picky. Speaking of which, can’t you speak more tactfully? It's not my fault that you're average looking, bastard! !

Although he breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt slightly unhappy in his heart.

You are not beautiful enough to be the protagonist in my bl book - any man who is told this will feel extremely subtle in his heart.

In short, in my extremely depressed mood, the first otaku and rotten girl life interview session came to an end very quickly.

If possible, I definitely don’t want to hold a second session. I thought to myself when I saw Alius turning around and leaving under my watch with a reluctant and disappointed expression.

Soon, I followed Aleus out of the tent. Although it only took a short while, everyone got up and were packing the tent, except for Aleus and me.


When I came out, Hans immediately stopped what he was doing, came up to me shamelessly, and kept circling me with critical comments, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Although I don't know what you want to say, I know you are definitely mistaken about something."

I said this when Hans came back to me after a thousand and eighty degrees of detour.

"Ah~~! Love always comes so suddenly, making my heart beat fast."

Ignoring my explanation, Hans raised his head slightly like a bard.

Can’t you understand people? They say you’re thinking wrong, bastard, and what era is this poetry? Are you a bard who traveled through time from the Stone Age?

There is no doubt that Hans' level is still at the level of understanding that as long as you add an exclamation [ah~~] in front of a sentence, it is a moving poem.

Ah~~! Hans, you damn idiot.

Ah~~! Aleus, you are a naturally stupid bitch.

As expected of a brother and sister, they are equally overwhelming.

"I said it's not what you imagined." Seeing Hans acting disgustingly intoxicated, I couldn't help but try to explain clearly again.

"Brother Alsace, when will you join our team?"

Hans, who was completely trapped in his own fantasy world, once again ignored my explanation.


"This opportunity will never come again. Hannah is a rare beauty. Although I didn't realize this before yesterday. How about it? How about it? As long as you sign this team contract, then you With this love, you can get the full support of my brother."

With the face of an ace salesman, Hans took out a sheepskin contract from nowhere in an instant and kept shaking it in front of me. He had a seductive look on his face, as if what he was holding was not a contract document processed by magic. , but a naked photo of her sister Arius.

Although Arius' figure does seem to be very good...

"Ah, you guy, why do you carry such a thing with you?"

Ricken looked closer, looked at the contract document in Hans' hand, and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Hmph, do you know what it means to be prepared? Our Hanbag team is not as good as some third-rate teams, but we are always ready to open our doors to powerful adventurers like Brother Alsace."

"What did you say?! A third-rate adventure team is the one who cares about your family, right? You bastard, don't confuse the concepts, okay?"

"What did you say? Casual? Am I, Hans, a casual person? Are you looking for a fight?"

"You still want to come with your body like this? How about I give you a hand? Hahahahaha——"

Watching the two sworn enemies arguing like two gangsters on a certain street, I stayed for a moment and immediately saw through Ricken's sinister intentions.

Good guy, these people are really not fuel-efficient, but thanks to Ricken, we finally got rid of this idiot Hans. Really, the two brothers and sisters are equally annoying. Is this genetic? Or does Hans's family run the kind of nightclub that warmly solicits customers from outside?

After getting rid of Hans's entanglement, I quickly packed up my tent, and then walked around in a circle. Ricken and Hans, who were still quarreling, had their tents packed up by their teammates. Now Only Aleus's tent was left standing tall, which looked particularly awkward.

"Where did Aleus go? Is he still in his tent?"

Paladin Baal happened to pass by, so I grabbed him and asked.


There seemed to be a big question mark on Barr's head. Obviously he didn't know who I was talking about?

Only then did I remember that given the character of Arius, it was really possible that no one knew her more intimate name.

"It's Hannah, Hannah."

"Oh, it turns out Hannah's nickname is Arius."

Barr sighed with sudden realization, and was subtly entangled in his heart. Why did we, who have been with Hannah for decades, never know that she had this nickname, and this guy only got along with her for less than half a month, but she came from behind? ?

However, this subtle entanglement was quickly turned into an ambiguous look by him. He looked in the direction of Aleus' tent, then looked at me, revealing a meaningful and evil smile like those of the bosses behind the scenes. .

Could this guy really be the incarnation of the Great Demon God Baal? Can I harmonize this bastard immediately on behalf of the moon to prevent it from happening before it happens? Akara won’t blame me, right?

I really couldn't bear Barr's gaze, so I just extended a hand for help to Hans who was having a quarrel with Ricken next to me.

"Hey, brother Hans, you should know it too, Aleus."

"Aleus? Who is Aleus?" Hans turned around and looked at me confusedly and asked.

Barr and I were speechless at the same time.

Such an incompetent brother should really be punished.

"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding you. Hannah's nickname is that, right? I always thought she had been abandoned, but I didn't expect..."

After noticing our sinister gazes, Hans smiled as if he had been fooled.

You bastard, please be careful when walking alone at night and turning alleys. Don't be surprised even if you are suddenly covered by a sack falling from the sky and beaten violently.

"By the way, why hasn't Hannah come out yet? Someone hurry her up."

Seeing that everyone was waiting for Arius alone, Hans, as the elder brother, no matter how thick-skinned he was, had to say something. However, when he said this, he kept looking at me. The intention is very obvious.

"Well... Brother Alsace, it seems that only you can enter her tent. We are waiting for your good news."

Hans said to me with a look of pity, "The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Once a strong man is gone, he will never come back. Brother Alsace, just go ahead." Hans said to me, not only Hans, but also the other ten people. Attitude.

Very good, it seems that these guys want to use this to test and see how far Alius and I have "progressed".

In an instant, I understood the intentions of these guys who were afraid of chaos in the world, and I couldn't help but grit my teeth with hatred.

Anyway, I have no interest in either man or woman at all in Arius. If you want to misunderstand me, just misunderstand him.

After thinking about it, I also felt that a gentleman is magnanimous and there is really no need to care about the eyes of these villains, so I calmly entered Aleus' tent under the gazes of ten nervous eyes.

When the back foot successfully stepped into the tent and the figure disappeared under the cover of the tent door, Hans's unwilling cry came from behind.

"I, as an elder brother... I, as an elder brother... actually lost to a man I have known for less than half a month..."

Very good, it is best to let this unwillingness and pain torture you for the rest of your life.

With this sinister thought in mind, I took a few steps forward and suddenly stopped.

At this time, you must not rush in, because from my experience as an otaku, if you walk in directly like this, there will be a 99.99% chance of triggering a flag event such as the other party is changing clothes or going to the toilet, which will lead to ge or blackmail. Neither death ending is what I want to happen, so it’s better to be careful.

"Aleus, are you in there? What are you doing?"

The safest way is to ask first, why do the male protagonists in many gals not have this kind of awareness, so that they end up being blackened and dead?

"Old...teacher, come in...come in."

A voice that was stammering and had an odd tone, but could undoubtedly be described as clear and melodious, sounded from inside the tent.

They say I am no longer your teacher, how many times do you want me to correct you?

"what are you doing?"

Taking a few steps forward, I immediately spotted Arius. His small body was lying on the table, writing furiously with an astonishing momentum.

"I just saw Brother Hans quarreling with Brother Ricken, inspiration!!" As he said these words, Aleus' whole body seemed to be on fire.


In other words, I just saw Hans and Ricken arguing, and suddenly I got inspiration, so I didn't show up for a long time?


I casually took out a scroll and rolled it into a tube shape. I did not hesitate to use it to slap Aleus on the head.

"Woo, inspiration, inspiration, gone."

The weak slap was naturally unlikely to cause much pain, but it seemed to wipe away the inspiration brewing in Arius's mind. She immediately put down her quill and held her head like a hamster. His upper body lay weakly on the table, shivering.

This guy's exaggerated reaction was surprisingly interesting.

While thinking this, I scolded him loudly.

“Too superficial!!”


Raising his head, Aleus looked over with confusion and a strong desire for knowledge.

"Hmph, if you only live by inspiration, you will only be an amateur for the rest of your life. A true master never needs any inspiration. You can achieve this state at your fingertips, do you understand?"


With an exclamation, Arius tilted her head and thought for a moment, suddenly feeling that it seemed to make sense, and suddenly nodded her fiery red little head.

"So, you must get rid of your dependence on inspiration in the future, otherwise, you will never become a master."


No matter how you look at Arius, who is nodding his head desperately and revealing his true self, his every move is like a small animal, always with a seriousness and vigilance that makes people laugh.

Very good, the deception was successful.

After putting on his cloak and hat, covering himself tightly again, and returning to his former iceberg state, Aleus followed me out, while Hans was still crawling outside the door crying...

In the teleportation array at Rogge's camp, thirteen rays of white light flashed, and thirteen eye-catching figures appeared from inside.

"It's Hanbag and the KFC team." The adventurers nearby shouted immediately.

"Hey, Brother Hans, have you killed Bisu Bosu?" A familiar adventurer who knew the whereabouts of the two teams asked.

"Of course."

Hans waved to the other party.

"Oh oh oh - they are indeed the two top teams in our camp." Immediately some adventurers cheered loudly, happy for the two teams. I am also happy that I have mastered the first-hand fresh news.

Soon, more adventurers gathered around, and the teleportation array became the focus for a moment. The two teams accepted the congratulations of other adventurers, but they only expressed some doubts about me, the extra person.

"I'm going to have a good sleep these days, absolutely! You can't come over and disturb me, you know?"

After finally getting rid of those adventurers, when I was separated from the two teams, I saw through Aleus's intention in one fell swoop and gave a solemn warning.


Alius was silent and nodded in an imperceptible manner. It seemed that this guy was still very cautious in front of outsiders and couldn't let go, but I could feel the disappointed expression under the cloak and hat.

Next, after a good sleep, I finally got to do something serious. My other purpose in coming here...

Watching the twelve people disappear, I shook my aching arms and turned back towards the direction of the Mages Guild.

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