Diablo Destruction

Chapter 572 Visitors in the Thunderstorm


Having said that, Article 6 should not fall into the category of "conditions", and what's going on with this strong sense of déjà vu? I always feel like I have seen it somewhere...

However, if you are still not moved when you see this kind of pure, cute,...well, and a little bit of arrogant deep love, then you really are not a man.

At this time, my heart felt like melted chocolate, hot and sweet, and I wanted to reach out and hold this cute little fox in my arms to vent my inner love.

Unexpectedly, this sensitive little fox had the foreknowledge. Before he even stretched out his hand, he jumped out with his beautiful big tail wagging, looking like a frightened little rabbit, and then cast a look that contained anger and shyness.

"You're such a pushover, you've just taken such a big advantage, what else do you want to do..."

The little fox was really frightened. Although the unfamiliar pleasure, especially with himself...that annoying villain, was very intoxicating to him, it was precisely because of this intoxication that his body did not belong to him. The fox was afraid. After all, as an excellent assassin, she had never been so helpless and willing to sink.

Seeing the little fox's reaction, I couldn't help scratching my head and laughing a few times. It seemed that the sex just now was really a bit too exciting for this little fox. She, who was not afraid of anything, could show such a reaction. expression.

"Quickly, sign your name on it. You bad guy, are you trying to cheat?"

Seeing me standing still stupidly, the little fox couldn't help but urged anxiously, looking at my hand tightly with his beautiful eyes, as if he was afraid that I wouldn't agree.

Sign, why don't you sign? This is not a difficult condition. It is clearly a love contract. Looking at the little fox with a look of worry and expectation, I smiled slightly and didn't want to tease this cute little guy anymore. He took out a dusty quill from the inventory and wrote his crooked name on it.

Well, as a cramped keyboard geek, even if I don’t master writing skills, my life is very nourishing.

Looking at the sharp contrast between my earthworm-like signature and the little fox's beautiful and neat small characters, which looked like a beautiful woman and an alien octopus, I comforted myself in my heart.

As soon as the pen stopped, a white light flashed on the scroll. It seemed that this was still a contract magic scroll. Of course, the so-called contract magic scroll should not be too profound and powerful, unlike the so-called soul contracts in novels. They are completely different things. The magic above only prevents later people from adding text and tampering with the content.


The little fox looked at my signature over and over again, as if he wanted to see a flower in it. From the corners of his lips with beautiful curves and attractive colors, he kept humming with joy and pride. I was embarrassed to see it, as if a master of traditional Chinese painting was exaggerating with his kindergarten-level sunflower graffiti.

After watching it for ten minutes, if I were the scroll, I would probably be embarrassed by the little fox staring at me. Then, this cute little fox carefully rolled up the scroll and put it in gently. In the inventory, she took it out again in a moment, unfolded it gently, and looked at it a few times. A silly smile appeared on her usually capable and pretty face. She carefully rolled it up again, but this time she put it in. In the pocket of his own arms.

There is no doubt that I was amused by this series of actions of the little fox.


Regarding my act of laughing, the little fox snorted coldly, but his face was still filled with a satisfied smile. His pretty face blushed, and he ran a few steps. His petite and beautiful figure blended into the sunset, and then he turned around and looked majestic. Pointing straight at him with his index finger.

"Remember, bad guy, you must abide by the agreement." After saying this, she paused and added again.

"It's okay to not be able to do it occasionally, as long as you abide by the penalties of Title IX."

"I will not let your evil plan succeed. Article 9 will never happen."

I shouted to the other party. Under the light of the setting sun, the little fox's figure was shrouded in light black, a little hazy, but still extremely beautiful.

After receiving the answer, the little fox seemed to show himself a big sweet smile, then turned around again and left quietly, his figure gradually turning into a black dot and disappearing into the sunset.


It may be a bit embarrassing to say this, but what I want to say is that although this way of parting is more in line with the romantic atmosphere in the novel, there is still a way to go from the camp, and we can definitely continue walking together for a while...

Looking at the disappearing figure of the little fox, I silently complained in my heart and stretched. Unexpectedly, before I took a step, there was another whooshing sound, as if a breeze blew by, and the figure of the little fox appeared again. before.

She stared at herself silently, her face flushed, her eyes flushed, and she just stared at me motionless.

Suddenly, in my incomprehensible gaze, she didn't know what happened, and pushed her into my arms fiercely, and the shyness in her heart seemed to have reached its peak, and even shy tears oozed from the corners of her eyes, and then...

Another uppercut.

Hey--! ! ?

Holding the soft thing that the little fox had forced on me with both hands, my body flew high in the air, and her shy roar of "You big bad guy, stop being so proud of me" rang in my ears. I didn't understand the situation at all.

After turning over and landing lightly, the little fox's figure that left shyly turned into a black dot and disappeared in the direction of the setting sun. I was scratching my head and turned my eyes full of doubts to the thing in my arms.

A sweater.

A brown sweater.

An extremely soft brown sweater.

To be more complete, it should be a soft and extremely warm brown sweater with a faint familiar fragrance.

This is……?

I scratched my hair and suddenly remembered what the little fox said in the trading market.

"Every summer and winter, the hair on our fox tribe's tails will change. The shed hair is fox down. If collected, it can be woven into lightweight and warm clothes."

Smelling the faint familiar body fragrance emanating from the sweater, I finally realized that this sweater was actually knitted by the little fox using his own fox down.

No wonder when I asked the little fox for her fox velvet, she would be too shy. No wonder yesterday, when I asked the white wolves what their little foxes were up to, their smiles would be unusually weird and ambiguous. Maybe the little fox has been so busy these days that he hasn't even left the house, just making this sweater.

This tired little fox...

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly felt warm, and even the cool grassland breeze blowing in the evening seemed to become warmer.

Walking at a slow pace, it took twice as long as before to see my small white tent in the distance.


A voice full of coquettishness came from a distance, followed by the sound of breaking through the air.

Uh, this distance and this sound, could it be...

My expression changed, and the face that still had a warm smile suddenly turned miserable.

Little ghost-style human cannon! !

"Boom boom——"

The white figure was like an energy cannon, blowing up a cyclone on the ground and crashing straight into my arms. With a few "噌噌噌"" sounds, I held the white figure in my arms and flew straight out, as if my body was flapping on the surface of the water. Like floating tiles, it kept bouncing on the grass. It rubbed like this five or six times, flew dozens of meters away, rolled a few times, stopped and made no movement.


After a while, the white figure in my arms stuck out its head like a newly hatched chick, shook my body, and whimpered a few times.

"I'm sorry, I'm already dead." I reacted immediately to the little ghost's coquettishness.

"Is he already dead?" The little ghost gently touched his cherry lips with his jade-slender index finger, tilted his head and looked at me, showing an extremely cute contemplative look, and then...

"Ah woo~~" he said and took a bite.

Is it okay to eat it because it’s dead? Could it be that... I encountered a corpse-eating ghost? At this moment, I had tears streaming down my face with my eyes closed.

"You won't even let go of my corpse?" As the little ghost's teeth kept grinding, I finally surrendered, opened my eyes and glared.

"If Xiao Fan really dies, I will eat Xiao Fan whole." The little ghost tilted his head and said with a smile that seemed to be true.

"Then a little Xiaofan will be born."

"Stop talking, it's all a horror movie no matter how you imagine it." I shuddered and hugged the little ghost hard in my arms and rubbed it a few times.

"You little lazy pig, you must have slept all day again."

At this time, the little ghost in his arms stretched out for a long time, rubbed his big and sleepy eyes, and showed the lazy and cute posture of a kitten who had not woken up.

"Humph, it's not me, this holy lady... said someone who got up for lunch at noon." This little ghost was confused, but his mouth was unambiguous. After hearing what I said, he immediately argued.


In other words, except for lunch time, you have been sleeping?

When I was thinking like this, suddenly, this little ghost seemed to be suddenly awakened by something. The originally confused and cute silver eyes suddenly woke up completely, showing a vigilant look, and then used Her petite little nose kept sniffing at me, and she began to mutter.

"It's unmistakable, it's the smell of that coquettish fox. Xiaofan, has that coquettish fox come to seduce you again? Didn't I tell you not to be fooled by her? This saint with piercing eyes can spot her at a glance. His nature is the same as that stinky Aina, he is a cruel fox with a vicious heart. He always steals the snacks that Sister Shaye makes for me, and also lies to me that eating too much fish will not make me grow taller!!"

Looking at the angry little ghost who said this in an alarmist and threatening tone, I couldn't complain and fell into a distant state.

"Could it be...could it be that you have also been succeeded by that naughty fox." The little ghost looked serious and shocked.

"Hmph~~, have you discovered it yet? But it's too late." I pointed my middle finger and pushed up my nose, lowering my head and laughing with an indifferent smile.

"Originally, in my mind, you, the little ghost, ranked third behind Sarah and Willas. Unfortunately, now, the little fox has taken your place, and you can only be the fourth child now. "

"Wow!! It turns out that I'm only in third place, and I've been squeezed out by that naughty fox." After hearing what I said, the little ghost suddenly let out his signature short wow, showing a confused look.

"Hmph, it's too late to notice now. Men always like the new and dislike the old. Now the little fox is the third, so you can't call her a sexy fox anymore. You have to call her sister fox, do you understand?"

I kissed the little ghost's delicate and pretty face and continued to talk with a smile.

"However, if you realize your mistakes now and can correct them, you won't be able to catch up again. It depends on your performance."

"I...how do I have to behave?"

Unexpectedly, this little ghost did not complain. Instead, it acted very cooperatively and listened carefully, looking at me nervously.

"The method is very simple..."

I smiled coldly again, and the next moment I kept sneering, with two lines of male tears in my eyes.

"As long as you don't complain about me all the time in the future, don't talk about third place, it will be no problem even if you are promoted to first place."

It’s really not difficult, isn’t it? It’s really not difficult under such conditions, ho ho! ! !

"Is that so?"

The little ghost tilted his head slightly again, revealing deep trouble in his beautiful silver pupils.

I said, I want you to stop complaining about me. Do you really have to show the look of making such a difficult decision?

"Forget it, fourth is fourth."

After thinking for a while, the little ghost suddenly shrugged his shoulders in frustration and expressed his final choice with a depressed expression.


In your mind, how much does complaining about my behavior weigh on my heart?


When I was unable to roll my eyes, this annoying little ghost suddenly shook my shoulders in a coquettish tone.

"You really like little Vilas and little Sarah more than me. How much do you like me?"

While acting coquettishly, she asked relentlessly, her soft and boneless jade arms wrapped around my neck, and her fragrant and moist jade lips kept rubbing her face, making it impossible to tell what she wanted to do. Seduction, or threats of force.

However, she didn't mention the little fox at all. It seemed that she didn't take my nonsense to heart at all. Is she confident, or is she easily seen through?

"Little fool, what do you think?" I smiled softly and kissed her soft lips that kept arching on her face.

"I don't know." The little ghost shook his head seriously, and then looked at me again with confused eyes.

"Xiao Fan, tell me how much you like me."

"How do you want me to like you?"

While intermittently kissing the fragrant lips that made people dream, I asked again with a smile.

After hearing this, the little ghost fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, he suddenly showed a happy smile. Like a kitten that was suddenly praised by its owner, it kept rubbing its flawless face on my face coquettishly.


At some point, there was a sigh from the side. When I raised my head, I found that Vilas had walked up from a distance and saw us rubbing each other's faces affectionately.

"Sometimes I really envy Alice." Even Willas, who has always been shy, said such words. It seems that she was really envious of the intimate intimacy between me and the little ghost just now. .

"Hey hehe~~"

The little ghost smiled happily, but also a little embarrassedly, and held my neck harder with both hands, hanging on my neck like a little koala and refusing to come down.

"Dinner is ready. If you don't eat it, you'll have to eat." Seeing the little ghost acting coquettishly like a child, Vilas also pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly.


Just when I stood up with the little ghost in my arms and walked back side by side with Vilas, she seemed to suddenly remember something, clasping her hands together gently, showing a happy smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Oleana will be back later."


I recalled it in my mind for a long time, and finally I vaguely connected it to something from the remaining memory? He asked Vilas uncertainly.

"You mean the dead dog?"

"Sir, it's true." Seeing my reaction, Vilas lightly covered her face and sighed helplessly.

How can you blame me? You usually bark like a dead dog, so you have the spare time to call her Orena. Don’t you think this name is particularly difficult to pronounce? And compared to Orena, Dead Dog saves one word, which is also a huge contribution to this procrastinating and cumbersome world! !

"But this dead dog has been missing for several months. How did you know she was coming back?"

"Well, I'm actually not sure. I probably have a hunch." Vilas smiled troubledly and said sheepishly.

"..." Is this the so-called housewife's intuition? It should be very effective.

At this moment, I had no doubt that the dead dog would go home today.

As soon as we returned to the tent, the last trace of glow remaining on the horizon was completely covered by the sudden dark clouds. As the first incandescent thunder snake that tore through the dark clouds appeared, a sudden thunderstorm enveloped the entire Rogge camp. In the darkness and rustling thunderstorm.

Only then can you feel the warmth and safety of home.

Looking at the dark heavy rain outside, I thought to myself, another thunder snake fell from the sky, and the thunder roared in my ears. However, this kind of scene is already familiar to people outside. Heavy rain in the grassland is always special. violent.

Just when I responded to Vilas's call and was about to turn around, suddenly a barrel-thick thunder snake fell straight down, and a violent explosion sounded outside, even the ground shook slightly.

Even in the grassland, such overbearing lightning is rare. Of course, compared to the Holy Knight's Fist of Heaven, these thunder and lightning are nothing.

I was slightly surprised and was about to turn around when suddenly a strong and trembling breath came from the explosion site where the lightning had just landed...

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