Diablo Destruction

Chapter 435 Gem Temple!


Flames all over the sky suddenly rose, and the bodies and souls that were pierced by chains on the stone pillars screamed as they were put into the oil pan and sizzling. Finally, their whole bodies were charred and hung down, and the trapped souls screamed. When the sound dissipates, I don’t know if it’s pain or relief.

It's so easy to abandon compassion. Those monsters, because I have played the dark game, I can still use them to hypnotize myself, but these human beings who still have thoughts, the screams of flesh and blood, the distorted faces, the The sad eyes made me unable to forget them for a long time.

Fortunately, there are not many trapped bodies and souls. I only encountered them five or six times along the way, otherwise I would have collapsed.

Apart from these trapped bodies and souls, the monsters in the Plains of Despair are not much different from those in the suburban prairie. It’s just that the environment here may be harsher. For the same monsters, the ones in the Plains of Despair are more fierce and tougher. Dense.

If there is any difference, it is true. Not long after arriving here, I saw a unique monster, which is more troublesome than the Doom Caster.

Burning soul.

They are the advanced form of Kurast's Twilight Soul. I have seen the Twilight Soul in the Skinning Forest. They are derived from the evaporation of water vapor in dense jungle swamps and some remaining souls. They are completely transparent and white, with a middle There is a dark shadow, so adventurers call them will-o’-wisps.

Because their souls are incomplete, their IQs are not high, but they are still very dangerous to adventurers because they have a special ability, which is invisibility. After becoming invisible, even assassins can hardly detect them. They can only attack when they attack. Only then will the figure be exposed. This is the best chance to kill them.

Twilight Souls use lightning attacks. Adventurers with low lightning resistance are at a certain risk against them. In addition, their attacks also absorb a little mana, so they are disliked by adventurers and are called Kuras. The most obscene monster.

As advanced bodies of twilight souls, burning souls, they are derived from the flames in hell and those floating souls. The whole body is red mist color, and it has inherited the wretchedness of the original body. Not only can it be invisible, but it also moves faster and has stronger attack power. It moves with elusiveness and gives adventurers a headache. It really lives up to the title of will-o'-the-wisp.

Especially since I was alone. Dealing with these burning souls is even more of a headache. They often appear in the distance, emit a bolt of lightning, and disappear again before I can catch up. It's so infuriating.

Fortunately, we finally remembered that there is a modified volcanic explosion. With just a flick of the finger, a pillar of lava will be ejected from the feet of the burning soul to kill it instantly.

Burning Souls are not without their flaws, their defense and health are simply too weak. Even the boss can be killed instantly with one volcanic explosion, and the elites can't stand up to two or three, and they are even worse than the dwarves of Kurast.

Therefore, increasing the cooling time of the volcanic explosion or re-evolving the fire storm that has been improved into multiple versions has become a top priority. It is impossible for more than ten burning souls to come, and I have to wait stupidly for each one I kill. After the cooling time.

Compressing cooldown time doesn’t happen overnight. It has to be through the continuous use and understanding of magic. To put it simply, the cooling time can be gradually shortened with higher proficiency, so I had to focus on the second method.

Improved Firestorm.

Today's fire storm has been changed beyond recognition by me, and the many plans I had at the time have changed. All have been practiced one by one. Even the more difficult ones cover the whole body with multiple compressed fire storm energy. It can create a burning skill effect like that of the Demon Hunter in Warcraft, and it can be used reluctantly, but because it is not mature yet, it can only last for just over ten seconds, and it still needs to be mastered.

As for the most difficult one, permanently adding the energy of the fire storm to the weapon... Ahem, this is under development. Please consult the relevant departments for details...

What I want to improve now is the second form, which is to gather the destructive energy of multiple fire storms, press it on the ground, and a large pillar of fire will immediately rise not far away. This is the move I use most frequently and skillfully. One of them (sneak attack is more convenient).

How to improve? Of course, this large fire pillar is divided into several or even a dozen. Anyway, the burning soul is like an egg and breaks with a light touch. Even if the attack power of the first-order fire storm is divided again, it can still kill them instantly. .

This is indeed a challenge. It is not difficult to divide the fire storm into several channels, but the difficulty is that the burning souls cannot stand neatly waiting for you to release them. Their distances and directions are different, and they appear in different places. The timing is also different. How can we completely control these several or even dozens of fire pillars to hit them accurately, so that the enemy cannot even hit the ground? No matter how much improvement is made, it will be in vain.

It's a pity that most of the scrolls left by old man Galen are about transformation and summoning systems, and he doesn't seem to be very interested in the elemental system.

I have to say that people's potential is forced out by fuck. With my mediocre magic qualifications, even with the help of soul magic, it is not easy to master this skill in a short period of time.

But when I was so angry that these wretched and damned things were burning my soul, I kept practicing hard. In just a few days, I actually found a way out. Although I couldn't guarantee a 100% hit, But as long as they dare to show themselves, they will most likely accept the baptism of fire.

I have compressed the casting time of triple fire storm to less than 6 seconds, and the cooling time is less than 1 second. If necessary, I can reduce the compression of one fire storm to double fire storm and reduce the casting time to 4 less than seconds.

Therefore, no other druid skill can be more suitable to deal with burning souls than this split fire pillar. Among the seven major professions, I am afraid that only the Amazons can be faster than me. There is no way, their archery is the absolute nemesis of these burning souls. Yeah, especially with the multiple arrows, killing these guys is easier than cutting a watermelon.

Of course, the mage's chain lightning and freezing ball are not slow either, but unfortunately the cooldown time is relatively long. Ah, I almost forgot, the mage's fifth-level lightning skill Thunder Cloud Storm... It seems that Amazon is going to step aside, and I can only settle for the third position. What a tragedy. Is it easy to improve a skill?

Demon Fortress-level adventurers have always just wandered around the edge of the Plains of Despair, and then made a large circle to reach the City of God's Punishment. Very few people dare to go to the depths of the Plains of Despair. It is said that the place is extremely perverted, with boss-level monsters swarming in groups, elites crawling all over the ground, and small bosses not as good as dogs...

Well, it's wrong to copy other people's comments about online game novels. In short, those old guys at the bar wanted to tell me. Life is precious, the monsters are terrifying, and you can't go deep into the plains.

The cave Tualatin was talking about was actually on the other side of the plain, in a hidden canyon near the entrance to the City of God's Punishment. For adventurers who come to the plain from the suburban prairie, it is indeed located in the "deepest part of the plain", but the deepest part of the plain and the true center of the plain cannot be touched in eight lifetimes.

So, after igniting the Despair Plains teleportation station that I had resented for a while. I was faced with two choices. One was to walk around the edge of the plain, which was the old route used by other adventurers. The other was to go directly through the depths of the plain and take the shortest straight line distance between two points.

Without thinking too much, I chose to cross in a straight line. This was out of trust in the alliance, even if there were some terrible monsters deep in the Plains of Despair. It must have been cleared out by the Alliance a long time ago. The Alliance will never allow a monster that is too powerful to stay in the first world. Otherwise, if it comes out on a whim and kills all the adventurers in the Demon Fortress area, Akala I'm afraid I really have to commit suicide.

The monsters in the deep plains are really dense, which makes me feel like my hands are cramping from killing monsters. There are often a small group or even a large group of monsters less than one kilometer apart. Gathered in past prosperity. Inside churches or houses that have now become ruins.

The strong and swift figure of Balog, the mighty posture of the Knight of Doom, fully armed. The disgusting tactics of the Doomcasters, the annoying soul-burning invisibility, and the Clifflurkers scurrying around like grasshoppers.

What makes me even more speechless is another kind of monster, the flesh and blood resurrector. The difficulty of these monsters is that they are just like the blood eagle nest in the camp. They can breed flesh and blood beasts one by one, and they can spit them out in almost ten seconds. One, one flesh and blood resurrector can spit out up to twenty flesh and blood beasts.

In other words, a small group of more than ten flesh and blood resurrectors can be guarded by more than two hundred flesh and blood beasts. If the speed of your elimination cannot keep up with the speed of its production, you will be buried alive by the flesh and blood beasts until you die. The flesh-and-blood resurrectors themselves also possess considerable strength.

Think about it, if thousands of flesh and blood resurrectors can gather together like the fallen demons and dwarves, more than 20,000 flesh and blood beasts will be produced, and there must be many elites, small bosses and even demon kings in charge. , I’m afraid even if I transform into a blood bear, I will have to walk around when I see such a lineup.

These endless monsters are densely dotted on the Plain of Despair, adding countless terrifying figures to the originally silent plain. Especially the hundreds of burning souls I encountered in a group at a time caught me off guard. Suddenly they all appeared, hundreds of lightnings were cast together, and the world in front of them suddenly turned into a white world.

Even the surrounding space feels like a stuck scene in a game. If his lightning resistance wasn't strong enough and his health points weren't high enough, he might have been instantly killed.

However, despite encountering a lot of troubles, opportunities are often hidden in dangerous situations. As the saying goes, opening up wasteland has benefits. In these places where few adventurers go, there are a large number of bosses and elites. Almost every team has one. Boss, one elite appears in each brigade.

At the end of the day, there were dozens of bosses and a dozen elites to mention. My hands were cramped from killing monsters and picking up equipment, especially the clusters of yellow gold coins, which almost filled my inventory. Now, I'm starting to think about dropping some gold to free up my inventory.

Unfortunately, most of the equipment here is for levels over forty, and only some special items such as jewelry will have lower usage requirements, such as the golden necklace for Linya, and the rarer amulets.

Large amulet of strength

Requires level 17

+6 Strength

This amulet is a good thing. It is equivalent to a free attribute. It does not occupy any position and is only limited by the adventurer's qualifications. However, even for an adventurer with low qualifications, it is not a problem to bring ten or eight amulets.

It is precisely because of this that the explosion rate of amulets is so low that it is shockingly low. If dark gold and green equipment can still be expected to explode on demon kings and demon-level monsters, then no one has ever counted on amulets. So far, I only have 4 amulets on my body including the bug amulet.

maybe. Among the adventurers in the entire first world, I am the only one with an amulet, so it is not surprising.

In addition to the improvement in the quality of monsters, there is also a great benefit, that is, the temple. Because few people come, the temple here is full of power. It was a rare temple once in half a year. I have encountered them twice in the past few days, once in the Combat Temple and once in the Flame Temple. Unfortunately, what I am most looking forward to is the Experience and Skill Temple. And of course...

When I felt that I had reached the deepest part of the plain, I stood on a low cliff and looked at the vast ruins of the plain below me, and I was speechless. I wish I could give myself a slap in the crow's mouth.

A few days ago, I was muttering about what a terrifying scene it would be if thousands of flesh and blood resurrected people gathered together. Unexpectedly, it has come true now. Although there are not thousands in number, at a rough look, there are at least three. Four hundred, and the number of flesh-and-blood beasts produced may reach tens of thousands.

An ordinary flesh and blood resurrector can produce about twenty flesh and blood beasts at the same time. There are 30 bosses, 50 elites, and 100 mini-bosses. In other words, there are still a large number of bosses, elites, and even mini-bosses.

After carefully observing the edges for a while, I finally discovered that one of them was the most special, three times the size of an ordinary flesh-and-blood resurrector. Resting on the ground like a spider. The sharp limbs, sharp horns and bony tail have clear water chestnuts. It looks like a giant alien, and every time it moves slightly, the ground will tremble slightly.

It is surrounded by several smaller flesh-and-blood resurrectors of different colors, all of which appear to be elite-level, so there is no doubt that the giant flesh-and-blood resurrector in the middle is a mini-boss.

With it as the center, hundreds of flesh and blood resurrectors form a circle, and with this circle as the center, tens of thousands of flesh and blood beasts protect them. If you want to touch the flesh and blood resurrectors, you must first pass through tens of thousands of them. The level of ferocious beasts of flesh and blood.

I calculated that unless I could fly and fly directly to the flesh and blood resurrector area to attack, I would inevitably have to face tens of thousands of flesh and blood beasts, and there were hundreds of flesh and blood resurrectors in the center, and they would move up and down every ten seconds. Can spit out a beast of flesh and blood.

In other words, hundreds of them are spit out in ten seconds, and the terrifying output of dozens of them is spit out every second. This does not take into account the faster speed of bosses, elites and mini-bosses.

Therefore, if I want to break through the siege of flesh and blood beasts, then the most basic condition is that the output can kill dozens of them in one second, at least it must be greater than the amount they spit out. However, except for rabies, I really want to There are no other moves that can achieve such lethality.

Rabies requires a cooldown and consumes mana.

If Xiaoxue and the others were all here, they might be able to do it, but that was only if.

If I don't transform into a blood bear, with my current ability, I can only look at these flesh and blood resurrected people with regret, because there is a mini-boss-level fat sheep there, and because there is a gem temple next to the mini-boss! !

It’s the place, the Gem Temple! A temple that can upgrade any gem by one level! !

This is the first time I have seen this since Dark. Perhaps, this kind of temple is not very important to other adventurers, because the adventurers in the first world have incredible character, and at most they only have one on hand. A complete gem.

But I have flawless grade gems on my body. If I upgrade it to a higher level, it will be the top perfect grade gemstone, and its attributes will be increased by more than five times! !

Gems of flawless grade and below can still be exploded from various powerful monsters in the future, so although their attributes are good, after being set into a groove, they are not as good as a real dark gold equipment.

But perfect gems, because they can be encountered but not sought, have their attributes skyrocketed. A perfect gem can match the properties of more than five flawless gems.

It can be said that a perfect gem is the attribute of a piece of dark gold equipment. The problem is that equipment often has more than one groove. What if two, three... or even six perfect gems are embedded in it?

certainly. This is just a luxurious idea. Six-slot equipment is inherently rarer than top-level dark gold equipment, and six perfect gems can only be thought of in dreams.

It can be seen from this that how important that gem temple is to me, it is actually like a shining dark gold equipment waving to me.

Facing the unbreakable ocean of flesh and blood, no matter what I say this time, I will be a rogue again.


A roar that made the earth tremble. Wake up the wild beasts and flesh-and-blood resurrectors all over the mountains and plains. They have been at ease for too long. In the depths of this plain, no other monster dares to challenge their majesty.

Opening their eyes loosely, they suddenly discovered. Since he was born, the sky above has always been gray, but now there is a layer of dazzling fire, and boundless pressure is coming from above. That was a power that was simply beyond their reach, just like the Sinking Demon facing Diavolo, making their bodies stiffen and their hearts filled with awe.

A curious beast of flesh and blood raised its head tremblingly and saw a scene that it would never forget...

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