Diablo Destruction

Chapter 430: After the war, make love? ?

The entire Doom Caster's battlefield was divided into two halves, with me alone in one half and Oscar's three in the other half. The four of them harvested in their respective areas in a tacit understanding. Being approached by the Doom Caster, it was indeed a harmonious situation for us. Clumps of golden rice and wheat are indistinguishable.

Anyway, the mana has been absorbed to the point where it can no longer be dried. This is probably the so-called dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water.

However, the three Oscars, who have been fighting at high intensity for several hours, have obviously declined in physical strength. However, after drinking a medium-sized energy potion, I still have full physical strength.

Gradually, the doom casters on my side have become sparser than those on Oscar's side.

Oscar, who has a strong competitive spirit and pays attention to the game situation from time to time, naturally soon discovered that his side was at a disadvantage.

He couldn't help but roar again and again, and the swords he waved in his hands accelerated again. His face was as red as Guan Gong as he took a strong breath, and even his smooth head had blue veins standing out.

Exposed from his thick armor are bulging muscles that are as hard as iron and have sharp angles. Coupled with his tall figure, it is enough to make any bodybuilder want to wrap up ten layers of clothes after seeing it. Covering up his "delicate figure".

However, the advantage in physical strength and strength is not something that can be easily compensated for. The two followers behind him can no longer keep up in terms of physical strength. They are breathing heavily and their movements are a lot slower than usual. Oscar cannot win me with his own efforts.

But, who am I? In the original world, when I was in college, I was known as Xiao Mengchang, who was generous with money and righteous. The most nice guy who never said a word about helping girls repair their computers was me.

Seeing the three of them panting like cattle, how could I bear it even though they were opponents in the competition now?

So, I yelled. In their surprised eyes, he threw six bottles of energy potion over and told them that taking two bottles together would have better effects.

"Oh, it's an energy potion!!"

When he took it over and took a look, Oscar's eyes suddenly shone with joy at the news that the Mages Guild had developed an energy potion. It has already spread among adventurers, but most of the energy potions produced are sent to the second and third worlds. They are in short supply in the first world, and it is difficult to get them without some connections. Even It was also the first time to see Oscar.

"Brother Wu Fan, I, Oscar, admire you!!"

Obviously, my great act of lending a helping hand to my competitor had deeply moved this simple barbarian. He no longer had the slightest doubt about my actions, including, of course, the sentence "Take two bottles together for greater effect."


Seeing the three of them swallowing the two bottles of energy potion in their hands, I slightly raised my eyes and looked into the distance.

Well. Anyway, I have never heard of someone dying from an overdose of Viagra.

The moment I swallowed the two bottles of energy potion, I could feel a powerful force erupting from the three people opposite me from a distance, and hot breath erupted from their mouths, noses and even every pore. It looks like energy gushing out of a Super Saiyan.

"Wow, click, click—"

Oscar's arrogant laughter rang out, as if he had suddenly transformed from a beggar to a nouveau riche, waving two golden swords, and the overflowing heat that continuously erupted from the pores in his body made his body tremble. It looks like flames are constantly bursting out of the body, as powerful and invincible as the God of Fire.

The other two seemed similar.

Laugh, if you can still laugh now, laugh for a while.

My eyes turned to pity. He turned around and swung his palm violently - facing the three people who suddenly transformed into Super Saiyans, if he didn't work harder, he would be the loser, but he couldn't dig his own holes and jump out of them.

As the firepower of the three Oscars was suddenly filled to the limit, the situation began to become unclear again. Looking at the number of doom casters on both sides, if this continues, there is a high probability that there will be a result - a draw.

only. No matter it is the competitive Oscar. Even if I am still full of confidence, it is impossible for me to accept this ending. Inadvertently, our eyes fell on Latin, who was dragging the rest of the doom casters back.

"Latin, little Ding, Ding Ding——"

Oscar pulled his neck and began to use his invincible top summoning technique again.

"Hurry up and bring those monsters to our side."

Wow, you can be shameless, but you can't be shameless to this extent. Looking at Oscar with a proud face, I suddenly became very angry. The little guilt I had just caused by cheating on them disappeared without a trace. No trace.

Just when the situation of the battle took a turn for the worse and seemed to be turning against me, that ruthless assassin named Latin, I seemed to be able to hear a cold snort from his nose from a long distance away.

Then, with a large number of doom casters, he suddenly turned a corner, bypassed Oscar's area, and headed straight towards me.

Ha, the assassin uncle is so arrogant.

"No, Latin, Xiao Ding, Ding Ding, how could you betray me..."

Oscar, who was heartbroken, watched helplessly as a large number of pink and cute doom casters were dragged to my place by his Latin classmates. He suddenly looked like an abandoned woman, his eyes full of sorrow, and he almost fell to his knees, biting his handkerchief and crying.

Look, this is the consequence of a failed summoning spell. The more advanced the summoning spell, the stronger the backlash of failure. Little lolita must pay attention in the future.

The very faceless bear beside me laughed and accepted the generous gift from Latin. According to the unspoken rules of this game, the doom casters in his own area cannot cross the border unless they are completely killed. Go to the opponent's area to grab monsters.

As a result, in the area that Oscar is responsible for, the casters of misfortune are getting sparse and sparse. If you want to kill one, you have to run far away, but here they are even denser. I don’t even have to move my steps. I twist my butt and shoot with my left hand. Right, right, right. Just when a row of doom casters fell, the winner was clear.

In addition, several other assassins responsible for dragging monsters were obviously led by Latin. Seeing Latin dragging the doom caster to my side, they also dragged the ones behind them, breaking the last hope of the three Oscars. There is no suspense about victory or defeat anymore.

When Oscar and the others finally cleared away all the doom casters in their area. When I hurriedly turned around and came towards me, I had already killed more than half of the doom casters dragged by several assassins. Even if the rest were given to these three people, they still couldn't defeat me. .

When the last caster of misfortune fell whiningly in Oscar's long sword full of resentment, I walked up in a hurry, just wanting to "kindly" comfort Oscar, so that he would not be upset because of his loss. As for the lines, I have already prepared them.

For example, life is precious, and there is a big rock next to the gate of the Demon Fortress. You must not hit it.

Another example. Death is not terrible. Face is greater than life and death. However, even if the three of you lose to one of me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

But just as I was about to slap my bear's paw down, I was attacked on the shoulder when I came out of the teleportation station. I was about to avenge it, but the big guy stepped away without saying a word, and rushed out with a sharp movement. Bursts of dust and loud roaring sounds could be heard in the distance.

"Brother Wu Fan, the game is not over yet."

I took a look. But no, there were more than a thousand Doom Knights behind him. There was no rule in this competition that only Doom Casters were counted. I immediately guessed what Oscar was thinking, and I couldn't help but feel angry and amused.

Who says barbarians aren't cunning?

However, if Oscar is really allowed to kill in Knights of Doom, he might use this as a excuse, saying that one Knight of Doom is worth two Doom Casters or something like that. Anyway, I have seen his face. Definitely city wall level.

So, I didn’t say anything. I followed him, pouring mana potions as I walked. All the doom casters were already dead. With mana, Oscar's killing speed would be even less likely to compare with mine.

When the last Knight of Doom slowly fell under my crystal sword, a huge sense of emptiness suddenly hit me.

After a larger battle, there will always be a greater emptiness in the heart - why should we fight, why can't we not fight?

No normal person would like this kind of seemingly endless killing, even bellicose barbarians. Fighting can be used as a way of life, but it must not be regarded as life.

Fortunately, after several years of training and countless battles, I have slowly begun to get used to this feeling of emptiness and loneliness. I took a deep breath and looked around the entire battlefield.

The leftover body of the flesh and blood beast was mixed with the disgusting green blood after the huge fat beast was torn apart. The Knight of Doom had no body and could only see piles of bones, mixed with fallen armor and long swords. Doom. After the caster dies, he turns into a pile of ashes and disappears into the air.

The entire battlefield was covered with bloody corpses, and the dark brown ground was covered with dense piles of bones. There were still pieces of stubborn wildfire left over from the magic, and there were thick smoke, seemingly unwilling to disappear like monsters. invisible.

The arrows stuck crookedly on the ground, making the mountain of corpses in front of them look devastated.

The desolate north wind from the depths of the suburban prairie stirred up black dust and extinguished the last tenacious wildfire. The monster's corpse gradually decomposed and was blown away by the cold wind. In just half a day, all the corpses would disappear, and the entire battlefield would be Return to the way it was before, as if nothing had happened.

But how could it be possible to pretend that it never happened? The scars and emptiness of every battle have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of adventurers.

All the adventurers dragged their tired bodies and did the same actions as me, silently looking around the entire battlefield, silently watching the corpses that fell under their swords disappear. Hundreds of people stood together, but silently Quietly, not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a slight sound among hundreds of people. No one knew who made it, but it was obvious that this usually insignificant sound was like an alarm bell, ringing all the adventurers one after another. Awake.

For a moment, the atmosphere was like that of the entire battlefield after the moment of silence at a funeral. The voices sounded in scattered sounds one after another, gradually becoming more alive.

Throwing all the darkness and emptiness in my heart aside, I smiled, squinted my eyes and looked at the bustling adventurers opposite, and my heart was gradually filled with a warm current.

In a sad future filled with battles, at least he would have these lovely people walking with him instead of being alone.

suddenly. A little warmth came from my forehead. I raised my head in surprise and found this scene.

The dark sky seemed to have a small hole drilled out, and a ray of golden sunlight projected down from there like a golden bridge, just falling on my forehead.

I never knew a ray of sunshine could be so beautiful and precious. In this gray world, almost as if I was holding a treasure, I carefully caught this ray of golden light with my hands, and the purest joy surged in my heart.

Soon, it was in the palm of my hand. The sunlight, which was only the size of a spot, gradually expanded to the point where my two palms could not accommodate it, and the gray sky. It also seemed to be collapsing, with small holes or gaps opening, from one strand, to several, dozens, hundreds...

When other adventurers discovered this beautiful scene, they all raised their heads and looked at it with obsessed eyes. With pious hands, everyone was silent in the joy of the warm golden sunshine.

Living in the Demon Fortress all year round, they understand the preciousness of this ray of sunshine better than I do. Even if it is spent with real gold, it cannot be exchanged for it.

When the golden light gradually connected into one piece and illuminated the entire Demon Fortress, the adventurers suddenly cheered, bathing in the sunshine at the towering and majestic Demon Fortress. It gave me another kind of shock. It lacks the eerie feeling, the grandeur of a giant standing tall on the sky. Looking down at the majestic and majestic scenery in all directions, I was even more moved.

"Brother Wu Fan, how are you? You're stunned. Everyone says that the Demon Fortress is as scary as hell. That's just because they are blind. Our Demon Fortress is the most beautiful place in the entire continent. "

I received another heavy tap on the shoulder. When I turned around, Oscar's sincere smile that blended with the bright sunshine magnified in my eyes.

I nodded. Although I didn't agree with the word "most", I couldn't deny that the charm of the Demon Fortress was indeed no less than any place I had ever visited.

The scenery of Rogge Camp is soft. The temperature there is suitable all year round, the grass is evergreen, and the sky is broad, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

The weather in Lugaoyin is the same as the weather there. The scenery is so enthusiastic. The ground is covered with gold-like yellow sand. The undulating sand dunes with marble texture stretch as far as the eye can see, just like the rough and heroic people living in the desert. Of course, men can also raise beautiful little lolita like their precious daughters.

Kurast, on the other hand, gives people a distant feeling, with winding rivers, endless dense jungles, and countless types of plants, animals, elves, totems, and legendary creatures living in it. Cave treasures all have a simple and mysterious appeal that makes people want to stop.

The beauty of the Demon Fortress is a poignant beauty, a tragic beauty, and a magnificent beauty. It is precisely because the place is too desolate and gray that the beauty displayed in that moment makes people so enchanted.

"Speaking of which, brother Wu Fan, the energy potion you gave me is really useful. I still have endless energy to use up." Oscar said, his big hand fell heavily on my shoulder again, and then he showed me touching all his muscles.

Angry, forget it once, I tolerated you twice, why do you want to do it a third time? Even a clay figure has three points of fire!

I immediately turned around and glared. What appeared in my eyes was Oscar, who was still in the third generation Saiyan state, and his energetic eyes could almost shoot out salty death rays.

Obviously, fighting Oscar in this state is not worth it. He is like a wild monkey now, worried about having nowhere to vent the overflowing strength in his body. I don't want to be his punching bag.

"I must have won this time."

So, I tried to change the topic to winning and losing, so that this big guy would know what it means to commit suicide after realizing shame.

"You won, brother Wu Fan, I am not as good as you."

Oscar said in a very sincere tone, and he didn't forget to pat me on the shoulder again.


I didn't expect this guy to be able to pick it up and put it down so well. I was hoping to hit him a little bit, so I gritted my teeth bitterly. The language mixed with my endless resentment, just after I uttered a word, I suddenly stopped...

It seems that although there is a competition for winning and losing this time, there is no prescribed lottery, right?

In other words, if Oscar loses, he loses. That’s all. If we don’t tell anyone, maybe only the four of us will know. I'm no good at all.

Only then did I realize that this guy came over to talk to me just to stimulate me - hehe, didn't you win? What's the use of winning? Who told you not to determine your winnings?

On the other hand, it also shows that this guy is not as indifferent to winning or losing as he appears now, otherwise he would not be entangled and came over to stimulate us to regain our position. The more depressed I am now. The more he won his heart.

After thinking about this, I suddenly became enlightened, and the gaze I aimed at Oscar became extremely indifferent. This guy jumped up and down in front of me, and then exchanged a cold look with me. Finally, he ran away full of tangles, with a dejected expression, like a monkey that dropped both sesame seeds and watermelon at the same time.

I stretched my limbs and walked towards Linya and the others. She had just arrived at the Demon Fortress, was unfamiliar with the place, and was looked down upon for her strength, so she was drawn to participate in such a battle. It must have been hard for her.

However, it was obvious that I was wrong. As expected, the scene of her being alone and excluded by the mages did not appear. Instead, she was the centerpiece. A large group of female mages and archers surrounded them, and the male adventurers on the periphery also cast their admiring glances at them from time to time.

In the gap between the crowd, Linya's pretty face is brighter than the sun, and the grace and propriety shown in her movements, and her friendly charm, let me vaguely catch a glimpse of her grandmother. Raphael's figure that captivated all living beings back then.

Thinking she noticed my gaze, Linya stopped talking. Her beautiful blue eyes cast her gaze over in pursuit. Their eyes met, and the gaze from the other side immediately became tender and tender. It seems to melt steel.

The mages around her naturally noticed this change. They all turned around and cast their eyes on me as I was getting closer. Then they whispered to each other, and there were bursts of silvery chuckles. I have to say, a girl who can become a mage , although it cannot be compared with the darling of the beauty god like Linya, but her appearance is at least at the level of comeliness.

Soon, a faint exclamation came from the crowd. Linya was pushed by the female mages. She stood up with a blushing face, met my gaze from a distance, lowered her head shyly, and kept playing with herself. corner of clothes.

But how could these female mages who love to join in the fun let her go so easily? Linya's petite body suddenly flew up and rushed towards me amidst her exclamations.

Telekinesis, the second level lightning skill, is a skill that a mage is most proficient in and is used by them in all aspects of life.

Like a flying swallow flying into the forest, Linya's body flew toward me. Naturally, I couldn't live up to the kindness of those mages. I jumped lightly, caught Linya in mid-air, and held her in my arms.

Feeling the nephrite-like delicate body in my arms, with a faint virgin fragrance, I took a deep breath of intoxication at the refreshing body fragrance that hit me, and tightened my hands slightly. The ribbon-like snowy skin, even though It can be easily felt through the mage's robe.

Linya did not struggle and lay in my arms like a well-behaved kitten. When she lowered her head, she saw that her slender neck, as white as jade, had turned red. Faced with such temptation, after the battle, she suddenly became bolder. Many of me reached into my arms, looked for the snowy chin and gently pinched it, lifting Linya's lovely face as red as an apple from my arms.

After a battle, a man's desire is always particularly strong, and I can't avoid it. If I weren't on the battlefield, I might be led by desire for a moment and turn Linya into an overripe apple. Eat it, I am sure that even if Linya will resist, it will be weak. Under my wild offensive, she will become a woman who belongs only to me in body and mind without any suspense.

However, the will I have developed as an adventurer quickly suppressed this urge, and I looked almost obsessively at the beautiful face in front of me, one of Rogge's three beauties. There was a slight tap on the seductively shining cherry lips.

Linya, whose first kiss was suddenly snatched away, was stunned. Although she was absolutely willing, she had even taken the initiative to kiss him that night a few years ago. It's just that the kiss finally landed on my face because of my hesitation.

She just never expected that her sacred first kiss would be completed in full view of the public. When the female mage's tsunami-like cheers rang out, the shock in Linya's heart completely disappeared, replaced by a feeling that was thicker than honey. Want a sweet feeling of happiness.

In this life, if you have such a kiss, you will die without regrets. No, how could he die? I want to create more happiness with Brother Wu...

Linya was thinking so crazily in her heart, a pair of slender hands held her lover's head tighter, not letting the warmth close to her lips leave, her crystal clear eyes shone with happiness condensed. into tears.

After a long time, I reluctantly moved away from Linya's fragrant lips. I really didn’t expect that this little girl would be so proactive even though it was her first time. I almost couldn’t breathe while hugging her. Looking at Linya who was so shy that she buried her head tightly in my arms, I felt so moved in my heart. Full of tenderness.

The group of female mages obviously still didn't see enough. After shouting for a while, another scream came from inside.

"Meow meow~~ What are you going to do, meow, let me go, meow~~"

Look up. A tall female mage was holding Fini by her back collar, like a kitten, and she was like a cat being picked up out of thin air. Her limbs were flailing and struggling, and her frightened and weak meow was very... Can inspire men to protect their hearts.

"Handsome guy, there's another one here. Don't favor one over the other."

The tall female mage carried Feini, and she didn't even need to use telekinesis. She just swung her body hard and flew towards me with her light and petite body.

Sigh, they probably don’t know that Feini is a transvestite, but I think even if they knew, they would probably throw it at her. And with even more fanatical passion.

Like an otaku. The fujoshi is a wonderful creature that will inevitably exist even across countless planes and eras.

"Meow meow~~. Cousin, catch me meow~~"

Tears were shining in her big black eyes. The pitiful-looking Feini was dancing and gesticulating in the air. She seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that as a fourth-level wizard, she could use teleportation (in fact, it was very difficult to do so in this state). She couldn't concentrate enough to cast the spell), but she looked at me begging for help, hoping that I could catch her.

I'm sorry, I'm a narrow-minded man, and my mind can only accommodate one woman at a time. Holding Linya's soft and fragrant body, I solemnly performed a military salute towards Feini, who was flying over in mid-air, and moved my body slightly to the right. A few steps.

"Meow~~meow meow~~~~"

Feini's screams flew past me. Looking back, I was about to witness this rare scene of a comet hitting the earth, but the development of things was beyond my expectation.

A black shadow rushed up at an incredible speed, facing Feini's direction, and then the two black shadows merged with each other. In an instant, an extremely erotic scene in a martial arts TV series appeared.

In mid-air, there is a man dressed in black, with a sharp gaze and elegant demeanor. In his arms is a soft girl, wearing a uniform, with sobbing eyes and a pitiful expression.

The two people looked at each other affectionately (?), inseparable like magnets. Their bodies rotated in slow motion in mid-air, highlighting the elegance of the man and the lightness of the woman. There seemed to be plum blossoms all around. They all fell down to cheer and bless this beautiful couple.


In everyone's stunned eyes, with flowers flying, the two of them landed gently on the ground. The assassin Latina, who was wrapped in black, moved slightly hastily, and even his breathing was a little messy. At first glance, he looked so cold. There is a green and astringent big boy flavor in his temperament.

He gently took it out from his clothes, and found a sheathed dagger still carrying his body temperature, which was held tightly in Latin's hand.

After caressing her reluctantly for a while, Latin resolutely put the dagger into Fini's hand, who had not yet come to her senses, and left like an extremely shy boy after his first confession, without looking back. Hey, hey, There is a stone wall in front of you! !

Ah, I bumped into it...

Wait wait, what on earth is going on? I had to sort out the things in my mind first. I covered my groggy forehead and gradually recalled the scene just now.

First, Fini was thrown over, was dodged by me, and then caught by Latin. Finally, she was given a dagger that seemed to be very precious to Latin. It can be seen from the fact that he carried it close to his body instead of putting it in the inventory. A spot.

In other words, could this be the legendary love at first sight, a token of love?

"Wow ha ha ha ha--"

For a moment, my intestines seemed to be knotted. I was rolling on the ground laughing while holding my belly, and kept hitting the mud with my forehead.

This...this is too funny! !

And Fini, who came back to her senses a moment later than me and understood the meaning of everything that just happened, her face turned pale in an instant. The dagger in her hand, which still had a trace of the opponent's body temperature, was struck by her He lifted it up and was about to throw it away.

"Ah, isn't this Latin's most precious dagger?"

At this time, a female archer next to her looked at the sheathed dagger in Feini's hand and suddenly exclaimed.

"That's right, it's the dagger he often takes out and hides in the corner to clean. I heard it's a family heirloom passed down from his grandfather's grandfather's generation." Another female mage also helped. said.

"Last time, an adventurer accidentally touched this dagger and was beaten half to death. It is said that he couldn't get out of bed for three days."

Hearing this, Feini suddenly stopped when she was about to drop the dagger, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked towards me pitifully.

Even if you look at me, there is nothing you can do. The other party is a fifth-level super assassin! !

Obviously, this dagger is a hot potato for Feini, and it is definitely not good to keep it, but if you dare to throw it away, you will have to face the wrath of a fifth-level assassin, not to mention that Feini is just a wizard who has just reached the fourth level. , even a sixth-level wizard would not dare to easily offend a fifth-level assassin, unless she has understood the state of mind.

But at this moment, except for Linya and me, no one could understand Feini's depression. Whether it was the beautiful hug in the sky, or the romance of falling in love at first sight and giving love tokens, these women were so excited that even Zhan Zhan They couldn't care less about the exhaustion at the end. The enthusiasm was unprecedented, and gossips with subtly different meanings spread from their mouths.

I am sure that tomorrow we will hear more than thirty versions of the scandal about Feini and Latin in the entire Demon Fortress.

However, no matter what version it is, these women have a hint of obvious envy in their eyes. After all, this kind of romance is rare. It would be great if it happened to them.

Moreover, Latin is recognized as the diamond king in the demon fortress. Not only is he handsome in appearance, but also has a cold temperament. Moreover, while other men are fooling around in the women's street or casino, he is silently in love with his dagger in the corner.

Some "experienced people" assert that if you don't love a man like this, it's fine. Once you fall in love with him, he will definitely stay with you until death. The woman he falls in love with will definitely be happy.

"Finnie, you have to be strong."

I patted Feini on the shoulder and silently sent my blessings.

"How do you want me to be strong, meow~, I...I am already Oona's, how can I accept other people's love?" Feini's eyes were red with grievance, and she whispered like a dedicated little woman. Whimpered.


After hearing Feini's explanation, my face was immediately covered with black lines.

It turns out that what this transvestite creature cares about is not gender, but that she already has a partner and can no longer accept others.

How should I complain about this?

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