Diablo Destruction

Chapter 402 The Deer Spirit Transforms

"This technique is not without its shortcomings, so be careful when using it. First of all, you must understand why the adventurer will fall into a brief pause state when being attacked. In addition to the restrictions of the rules, the slightest movement of the body through the pause state Shock can remove part of the opponent's attack power, and it is a form of life's instinctive way of protecting itself."

"So, when you use this method of forced body stabilization to reduce the side effects of the pause state, you must also know that this method may bring you greater attack damage. If the opponent is an assassin or a druid, Well, with the high defense of the bear-man transformation, that little damage is nothing at all..."

"Hide If the opponent is a barbarian who is known for his melee attack power, then you have to pay attention. Especially when the barbarian uses his knockback and stun combat skills, it would cause the opponent to retreat and suffer a large shock to the whole body. The dazed state can offset part of the damage to a large extent. If you use physical strength at this time, it is very likely that the opponent's already terrifying attack power will double or even attack several times. Even with the bear man's defense, That too……"

At this point, Galen's voice paused, he hummed a few words, and then used three words to describe it: "It hurts."

"It's extremely painful."

When I saw the old man talking about pain, his facial muscles clearly twitched severely. I thought probably... no, it should be definitely. This old man must have had similar experiences. Poor guy, I can imagine the bear man. After the transformation, the old man faced the attack of the barbarian with the giant ax and long sword that smashed down like a hill. He foolishly used his physical strength, and then ended up with a miserable end...

"Okay, that's it for today."

Old Man Galen moistened his throat and coughed a few times. Then he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, old man, you haven't taught me the secret to using the strong body yet?" When I saw it, I became anxious. What's the use of just telling me this kind of skill? The secret is the king.

Hearing this, Galen turned around and glared at me: "Didn't I just say it? I'm just pointing out a path for you, exactly how to go. You still have to explore on your own, and you can only do it through constant exploration and constant failure. , accumulate experience bit by bit, and then what you learn is truly your own.”

Damn, this old man really thinks I'm a genius. I told you that a druid can transform into a blood bear. Can you transform it for me?

"Then at least there is a werewolf transformation. Just finish telling me about the werewolf transformation, old man." Seeing Galen's determined expression with nothing to say, I knew it would be useless to ask any more questions.

"Werewolf transformation?" With a questioning tone, Galen chuckled.

"Werewolf transformation requires dexterity and quickness. When you learn how to strengthen your body and master the skills of integrating power with the surface of the earth. When the time comes, you can use this skill in reverse to make your body more agile, right?"

This damn old man's tone is really irritating. It's easy to say, I teach you to eat with your nose, how about you use your nose to spit out all the food you eat?

He made an international gesture to the dead old man's back. He didn't know why he was leaving in such a hurry. Catch the funeral.

When I came back to my senses, I fell into a state of meditation. Although Old Galen's words were not very pleasant, the techniques pointed out were still very useful. Don’t forget that I am covered in golden equipment and my defense is already very high. Coupled with the defensive aura of the Paladin and the shout of a barbarian who adds defense, it can be said that the defense is several times that of a Druid of the same level. Other Druid I am afraid of the powerful attacks of barbarians, but I may not be afraid.

It's just...how to integrate the so-called power into the ground, you bastard! It's like someone telling you to burn your life with explosive power, saying it's easy. But I have no idea in what form life exists in the body. How to control it, and how to achieve the so-called burning of life, you bastard! !

then. In a dense forest, a brave and promising young man, facing the entangled roots of a towering ancient tree, would sometimes fall into deep thought, and sometimes stand on a horse post and make some strange movements and expressions...

The old man Galen is actually quite good. When he is free, he always teaches me some useful and useless knowledge. Most of this knowledge is relatively lonely and is not recorded in Kane's books, such as adventure. One day, when we were sitting on a tree stump outside the door, stroking our bellies and picking our teeth and resting after dinner, old man Galen took the initiative to ask me when he got interested.

"Boy, do you know what's going on with the adventurer's vitality? Do you know why the adventurer can't be fatally injured before he dies?"

"This is not easy." I burped and said arrogantly in the surprised eyes of old man Galen.

"Because it's the rules set by God."

"Is this what you call knowing?"

First I was surprised by my confident attitude, and then I realized that I had been fooled to the fullest. I was so angry that I almost put the ocean bowl I had just put down on my head.

"Otherwise, what do you say?" I rolled my eyes at him, aren't the rules made by God or the rules made by you?

"Okay, now I'll let you, a bastard, have a good look at this." The old man stroked his beard and instantly entered scholar mode.

"Although the rules were created by God, they are not without rules. God can't just say that the child you were born with has no butthole, does it mean that he really has no butthole?"

"You don't have an asshole, the child you gave birth to doesn't have an asshole." I was immediately angry. Even if I was wrong, there was no need to use me as an example, you bastard.

Automatically filtering out my words, old man Galen continued to play with his beard: "After countless years of research, we finally discovered the laws contained in it, which is life energy. Every adventurer who is promoted to a mercenary, Through the ritual, everyone will have this life energy, and the value of the life energy is the life value of our adventurers."

"This so-called life energy cannot be seen or felt, but it is all over our body. Its function is extremely miraculous. When we are hurt, it has actually been borne by the life energy. Even if some wounds are left "

"However, life energy is good. It is not without its shortcomings. That is, when life energy is produced in our bodies, the life energy has been integrated with our lives and souls. Ordinary people can live without life energy, but we adventurers Once the life energy is cleared, it means death, and many rookie adventurers who have just been promoted ignore this factor and die inexplicably."

"Do those hell forces also have so-called life energy?" Although the old man had a strange temper. But when he spoke, he was able to explain things in a simple and profound way, and I completely understood him after a dry explanation.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Then... the life energy you mentioned actually exists. Can we give it a try? Do some research. If we can develop a magic circle or something to suppress this life energy, wouldn't it be much easier for the hell clan to deal with it?" I said. His eyes lit up, and he was quite proud of his genius idea.

"Boy, my brain is not slow, and I can think of this immediately." This was a rare compliment from Galen, no, I should say it was his first time to praise me.

"We have also thought about this issue. In history, there have been several artifacts that can ignore life energy and directly cause harm to the opponent. However, after all, this is a rule created by God. Except for artifacts that defy the heavens, Except for things, how can it be so easy to break. Over tens of thousands of years, countless mages and scholars have devoted themselves to it, but made no progress. In the end, during the attack of the hell clan, those artifacts also disappeared. "

Speaking of this, Gallen sighed for a while. With reverential eyes, he seemed to have penetrated time and space, and saw the moving scenes of countless masters and sages studying this with red eyes and staying up late at night.

However, what Gallon said surprised me, damn, a fatal attack that ignores life energy? My bug sword doesn't seem to have such an ability. I originally thought that ignoring defense would be the most awesome thing, but I didn't expect that there are such heaven-defying attributes in this world. Wouldn't it be even more awesome than my bug sword?

Originally, this shouldn't be something I have to worry about, but thinking about my past experiences, with existences like mine that are accompanied by all kinds of weird events, there's no guarantee that I won't encounter this kind of bug artifact in the future, so I'd better be careful and it'll be fine. Don't hit the mouth of the artifact.

After publishing an eloquent theory of life energy, old man Galen plunged into his room again, not knowing what to study, while I continued to face the roots of the tree, tinkering with the so-called body-strengthening techniques.

Gradually, as old man Galen hurriedly returned to the house to do experiments again and again, or went out mysteriously and didn't know what he was doing (probably to practice his own experiments), I saw more and more, and I began to understand a little bit what he was. In what way is he a strong man? Recalling what Akara said, old man Gallen's achievements in combat are simply not worthy of Akara's respect. His real strength is the recognition and research of professional skills, which is similar to that of soldiers. Just like scientists, no matter how good a soldier is, his value cannot be compared with that of a scientist who can develop a nuclear bomb.

Ahem, although I don’t know how strong Old Galen’s “scientific research” ability is, just whether he can tinker with anything practical...

The boring days were repeated day by day. Old man Galen was enjoying his experiments, while I was helplessly trying to figure out the techniques to strengthen my body in the dark. Apart from three meals, the two of us had almost nothing to do with each other, but we took a break after the meal. For a short while, old man Galen would always catch me and teach me something like the theory of life energy. It was remote, seemed useful but useless, and made me unsure whether to consume the little storage space left in my brain. Weird knowledge that got entangled in memory. This old man probably lived alone for a long time and became lonely. Now there are two more people. Once his mouth is opened, he will talk endlessly.

So, one evening when I was having a rest, the little ghost and I were so bored that we started to count the pieces of equipment in the inventory. Suddenly, I seemed to have found something that could be fun.

When was it? In short, when I was in Kurast, a golden deer antler exploded. On it was a skill exclusive to Elf Druid - Deer Spirit Transformation. The requirement was level 30. At that time, I did not meet the level requirement. Later, because there was The Divine Word Helmet was such a top-notch item that I gradually forgot about this hat. No, when I was sorting out the inventory, a grunt rolled into my sight. A lifelike deer head, with a pair of black and shining eyes. It really shocked me. I thought I was I went out to hunt a deer head while sleepwalking at night and came back.

Shadow Armor Antlers

Defense: 67

Durability: 20-20

Strength Required: 24

Level requirement: 30

(for druids only)

+60% defense enhancement

+20 points of defense

+5 strength

+10 agility

+15 life

+1 hurricane armor (druids only)

+2 Deer Spirit Transformation (Druids only)

+2 illuminated range

There is a 1% chance to cast level 5 fireball when attacked.

So, I took the antlers and went outside. Planning to do a field test, the little ghost's little tail also flew over gently, and its beautiful silver eyes blinked out of curiosity, shining brighter than the stars in the sky.

It's all my fault for being careless and too curious. After I put on the antlers, I couldn't wait to perform the transformation without having time to check the introduction of the deer spirit's transformation. I saw a sudden flash of light, and the next moment...

A sika deer with a petite body and graceful lines that almost only appears in paintings appeared in the open space. Patterns as white as snowflakes are evenly dotted one by one in the soft and shiny hair, and two big eyes filled with water mist blink innocently. A pair of slit and curved golden antlers exudes grace and elegance, and the one-foot-long little tail behind the butt is constantly swaying back and forth at a high frequency.

"This is Xiami, you bastard!!" Lu opened his mouth and spat out an angry human voice.

"Wow, so cute."

At this moment, the eyes that the little ghost looked over had become the epitome of countless bright stars twinkling in the sky, which made me shiver violently.

"What's going on? Why is it like this?" I turned the deer's head around. He tried to look at his whole body, but his four snowflake hooves were swaying as if he was drunk.

In the past, even when transformed into a bear or a werewolf, even a blood bear in its atavistic state would walk upright on two feet, at most using fists to assist when running. Now that it has four hooves, it is of course impossible to get used to it immediately.

Try to stagger away for a while. I finally got used to the rhythm of a four-legged animal. At least when I walked, I wouldn't look like I was drunk. Only then did I calm down. I carefully looked at the deer spirit transformation that was unique to this elf druid and made me embarrassed.

Deer Spirit Transformation (Level 2)

Strength -21%

Defense -30%

Agility +40%

Movement speed +112%

Passive skill: green energy

Green energy: When the deer spirit is surrounded by the breath of life, the thicker the breath of life around it, the higher the ability bonus will be. On the contrary, when it is in a place where the breath of life is desolate, the ability will be weakened.

Duration: 40 seconds (after 40 seconds, if you are forced to maintain the transformation, mana will continue to be consumed)

The so-called breath of life is actually nature, such as forests and grasslands, and the most representative place where life is desolate is hell.

This attribute... is a bit too extreme. It reduces strength and defense, and greatly increases agility and speed. This is basically a skill set for running away. Let's just call the running spirit to transform.

Of course, this is just my angry words. Since the Deer Spirit Transformation has replaced the Bear Transformation, there will definitely be corresponding skills designed for the Deer Spirit Transformation in the future. It will definitely not be as simple as running away.

The question is...how to attack the enemy in this state? The only thing I can think of is the antlers on top of the head, uh... front hooves? Hind hoof? Tail? You are still joking now, you bastard.

So, maintaining my sika deer status, I ran directly to a nearby small lake. There were a lot of things to complain about, so I might as well take a look at myself beforehand, which made the little ghost's eyes gleam.

I have to say that animal instincts are powerful. Let me declare in advance that I am not a wild animal, but an authentic human being, just after transformation. Just like transforming into a werewolf brings a cruel personality, transforming into a bear has a bad temper, and I have acquired a little bit of the habits and instincts of the transformed creature. Therefore, I quickly adapted to it while jumping around in the forest. Following Lu Ling's running style, he shuttled between the narrow gaps between trees and turned into a phantom. Often, before I even react, my instinctive agility makes me jump over complicated routes that I originally thought were impossible. Is this the ability of deer that have lived in forests and grasslands for generations? Sure enough... it's a little bit powerful.

However, I pray that after I return to human form, I must not get used to walking with four hands and feet. I don’t want to return to my ancestors...

The attribute bonus of Deer Spirit is really not worth it, now it is in a complex forest. I didn't run at full speed because I couldn't let go, but based on my current speed, if I ran at full speed, my speed would not be much worse than Xiaoxue, especially in the forest. The deer spirit has received a huge attribute bonus. I can guarantee that when I become fully familiar with the deer spirit's running style, I will be in such a place with a strong sense of life. Even Xiaoxue can't catch up with me.

Therefore, fighting elf adventurers of similar levels in the forest is actually a kind of harassment. Most of them can get the bonus of life breath. Of course, if you are not afraid of causing public outrage, you can burn all the surrounding woods with a fire. First.

With the speed of Lu Ling, it only took me a moment to arrive at the small lake that usually took more than ten minutes to reach. The calm lake emits silvery waves under the starlight. It's like a silver pearl embedded in the green forest. Having said that, old man Galen is actually quite tasteful and knows how to choose a place to live in seclusion.

It's just that I'm not in the mood to admire this peaceful beauty now. Instead, I stretched out the deer's head fearfully and looked towards the water. The next moment, my eyes broke. My soul was deeply affected - I am a great man. Turned into such a petite and cute sika deer? Heaven, earth. Professor! !

Wait, maybe it’s not without its benefits. My mind calmed down instantly. Indeed, although I haven’t actually seen it, in my impression, sika deer can swim. Maybe I can unexpectedly start my own swimming career and career because of this. , has since become a super swimming coach for children throughout the Dark Continent, and the originator of the deer style swimming technique that is praised by everyone.

Feeling certain, I started to submerge my front hooves into the shallow water. After confirming that it was safe, I also put my back hooves down, and then slowly moved forward. The water slowly submerged my belly, then my back, and up to my neck. , then the eyes, and finally the pair of towering antlers also pierced and quietly disappeared into the water.


A series of long bubbles emerged from the bottom of the water. Finally, a pair of antlers suddenly appeared from the water, and then the deer's body - don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I floated, but I roamed under the water for a while, and then returned the same way. .

I jumped out of the lake expressionlessly, the fur on my body shook desperately, and a large number of water droplets were splashed out.

Sure enough, like the road idiot, the attributes of a landlubber will not change due to transformation. Even if one day I can transform into a mermaid, I may drown and die.

Just when I was immersed in great sorrow, I suddenly felt an inexplicable but chilling breath approaching me. It was as if I was in a huge conspiracy. Goosebumps appeared all over my body. The snow-white The spotted plum blossoms spread in circles.

Suddenly, the wind suddenly blew up. I was excited, subconsciously kicked my legs, and jumped to the side. At the critical moment, a white shadow passed by the place where I was standing. Then, I jumped into the air, and sadly hit the ground. He landed on a towering tree in front of him, and his whole body pressed against it, making a heroic collision sound that even hurt me.

Tests have proven that sometimes flying is not necessarily a good thing, at least it is difficult to stop the car, and then end up like this.

"Wu Gu——"

The little ghost slid straight down from the tree, stood up unsteadily, squatted on the ground, covered his nose with his hand, and whined sadly, looking like he was really in pain.

The big question is, should I complain about her now?

"What do you want to do, little guy?"

I came to her, lowered my head, and proved with facts that the antlers can actually use moves like the killer knife.


The little ghost, who suffered another "big wound" on his head, turned around and looked at me pitifully. His silver eyes, his long moon-colored hair, and his snow-white mage robe made him look like an elf under the starry sky, beautiful. It was breathtaking, but this little elf now looked so pitiful that people couldn't help but feel pity for it.

I relented and rubbed my head against the little ghost, and then my head was held in her arms, enjoying the sweet and fragrant breath and the huge softness. Then, with my comfortable moans, my little hands followed me neck, caressing the back, lightly kicking with both feet...

Hoho, what are you doing, little guy? At the critical moment, I hung the little ghost up high with antlers, and performed a Wu's rapid Trojan horse spin. It was just different from the previous times when the little ghost was in the necklace. The difference was... I would also faint.

"Woo~~ Xiaofan, give me a ride, just take it off."

The back collar was cleverly hung on the antlers and could not be detached. Seeing that the plot failed and was caught red-handed, the little ghost immediately showed a pitiful expression.

"How can this be done? How can I, a great man, let you ride on me?" At this moment, my tiger body shook violently, showing the momentum of the head of the family.

"Why not?" Hanging in the air, the little guy was like a hamster being held up by the back of his neck, struggling in vain with his arms and legs dancing together.

"Give me a reason." My tone was as indifferent and melancholy as a peerless swordsman.

"What if you always rode me before? Is there anything wrong with letting me ride you now?"

When I asked, the little ghost suddenly became confident. He put one hand on Xiao Liu's waist and pointed at me in a domineering posture. The green and white jade little finger quickly enlarged in my eyes.


At this moment, I felt a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart. I couldn’t train him in the right way, I couldn’t train him in the right way! !

So, on the edge of a quiet small lake at night, a beautiful sika deer, carrying a stunning girl who made the stars dim, slowly strolled by the lake. This scene made people feel like they were in a scroll. Of course, if you can ignore the previous conversations.

However, what I didn’t know was that there was really a conspiracy surrounding me. The dead dog sleeping with its legs spread out in the room had a proud smile on its lips. In a few days, it would be the Dragon Moon...

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