Diablo Destruction

Chapter 302: Magic Superposition

This chapter should have been divided into three chapters, but it was a bit messy to put them together. I had no choice but to rush and there was no time to divide them, so let’s treat them as three chapters in one.

After finally pulling out the arrow from his body, the culprit was still humming a tune contentedly, "Damn it, just wait and see, it will make you, an old woman who can't get married, know what it means to have good fortune."

"By the way, old drunkard, do you know how to effectively enhance the power of magic?" I plan to learn from the foreigners' strengths to control them, so I will first seek advice from the experienced old drunkard.

"Enhancing the power of magic? This is not my area of ​​expertise." Kasha took a sip of wine and pondered.

"Don't talk about magic compression and other techniques that are impractical for a rookie like me." I blocked what Kasha was about to say.

"Then, if you can't compress it, how about overlapping it?"

Kasha scratched her head and thought for a long time before hesitatingly said that although Amazon also had magic skills, they were used with javelins or bows. When it came to pure magic skills, she was also confused.

"Overlap?" I was slightly stunned. Is this okay? There is only one magic seal, can I prepare two at the same time?

"What's wrong with that? Just watch."

Kasha turned up her nose. She didn’t know much about pure magic skills, but when it came to overlapping skills, it was a piece of cake for her. As she said that, she took out a javelin in each hand and turned it around a few times. Then he held it firmly in his hand and made a throwing gesture. In order to let me see clearly (show off?), he shouted "Lightning Javelin" in a serious way.

The two wooden javelins in Kasha's hands suddenly turned into two lightning white snakes, and then they were thrown out by her, and two white energy pillars flashed past. Two deep ravines were left on the ground, which stretched for hundreds of meters before disappearing. Thick smoke continued to emerge from the ravines.

Damn, good bt, this so-called lightning javelin, according to my guess, should be Amazon's second-level skill of javelin and spear - lightning ball, which is just a second-level skill, displayed by an old drunkard. It is no less than Xiaoxue's Light Fury Breaking Attack. She uses two of them at the same time, which is the power of Light Fury Breaking Attack*2. Are all high-level adventurers monster-like existences like her?

But what surprised me even more is that the old drunkard actually did it. It was really possible to use two identical skills at the same time. Has he really ignored the fact that there is only one magic mark?

"Although I don't know much about pure magic techniques. But I think this should be the first step in compressing magic. If you can't even do overlapping magic, don't dream about compression magic."

To me, Kasha's words at this moment are authoritative, even though she does not have a deep knowledge of pure magic techniques. But as the saying goes, one knows everything, and I have no doubt about the correctness of what she said.

"How do you do it?"

I scratched my head and asked, there is only one magic seal, can it be used by breaking it in half?

All right. Just think of it as preparing the second one immediately after completing the first one. Since the spell is cast instantly, it looks like it is cast at the same time. Just think of it like this, but as far as I know, even if it is a simple magic, There will be a small cooling time, which is like treating the magic mark as a fragile circuit if current is continuously passed through. Then this circuit will not be able to withstand the heat and burn out, so each magic seal needs cooling time. It may be okay to overload once or twice, but if you do it a few more times, the magic seal will collapse sooner or later.

"Well, I can't help you with this. You can figure it out on your own." Kasha looked like I was doing it for your own good.

"Three barrels of ale." I pointed three fingers at her indifferently.

"Deal!" Kasha replied almost instinctively, and then scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's not that I won't tell you. It's really hard to explain this thing clearly. When you can do it, you can do it naturally. If you have to say it, I can only give you four words - practice makes perfect."

Wow, there is still no shortcut. It is right to think about it. For now, if there is no soul magic, it will take at least several more years for me, a magic idiot, to preliminary optimize the magic. In other words , the soul magic has been blitzed enough. If the blitz continued, the Horadric clan would have ruled the entire Dark Continent long ago.

"Actually, it's not that there's no compromise, it's just a bit troublesome. Has Farah taught you the magic superposition technique?"


I nodded. The so-called magic superposition technique means that while preparing the first magic, you can save the second magic. The function is that after casting the first magic, you can instantly cast the second magic that has been saved, eliminating the need for The singing time of the second magic is still very useful for rookies who cannot cast magic instantly.

Although it is useful, the superposition technique also has certain limitations, that is, the difficulty of superimposing a magic will increase geometrically. Farah said that he can only superimpose 6 at most, and they are below the fourth level, so this superposition technique is no longer enough for him. It's completely useless. He can cast almost all magics below level 4 instantly.

I don’t know how many can be stacked now. I remember that I could only stack one. I haven’t used this technique for a long time, and I don’t know what my current level is.

"That's right, let's use the superposition technique like this. Isn't it the same as saving the first magic and casting the second magic at the same time?" Kasha snapped his fingers and said excitedly.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

I jumped on the spot. If Kasha were hundreds of years younger, I would have kissed her.

Just do it, I immediately prepared the first Fire Storm. I can now cast Fire Storm instantly, so the attack is ready in the blink of an eye. Next, I will wait for the cooldown time of Fire Storm. The first-level skill is better. It only took less than two seconds to cool down, and then the second Fire Storm was saved. After the completion, I felt that I still had enough time, so I couldn't help but wait another two seconds, and the third Fire Storm was also equipped.

That is to say. I can now superimpose two magics. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that Fire Storm is only a first-level magic.

"Super Firestorm."

With a soft drink, three fire storms slowly rose from the ground, and then the three turned into nine, spreading crookedly, and it looked even more spectacular than the mage's sea of ​​fire.

It’s done, I clenched my fists happily. My steps were a little shaky, and I wiped the sweat from my forehead. There was a vague feeling of fatigue in my mind, which would have such side effects. First, it was my first time to perform it, so I was not very proficient at it, and the previous exercises had also been exhausted. I have a lot of mental strength, as for the second reason. Of course, it's because the magic superposition spell and the simultaneous use of three magic spells consume too much.

"I'm exhausted. This is really not a job for humans."

I exhaled and shook my head, but anyone could see the joy in my heart, even though it was small. But it is indeed a huge progress.

After drinking a bottle of mana potion and sitting down to rest, I also thought about the shortcomings of this technique.

First, of course, is the issue of consumption. If I dismantle Firestorm and cast it one at a time, it won't be a problem for me to cast it hundreds of times in a row. But as it is now, I estimate that I can only use it more than 20 times at most, and this data is only after I can use it skillfully. Estimate.

Second, it's a matter of time. I can cast a single fire storm instantly. But if you stack it once, you have to wait for two seconds of cooling time. If you stack it twice, it will be four seconds. These four seconds are very important at critical moments, and there is no way to shorten it now.

Third, there is the issue of control. I can control the spread direction of a single fire storm as I wish, but with three paths. It's enough that I can perform it. Not to mention manipulation, this will probably improve after you become proficient. Well, probably.

I calculated the various gains and losses before and after, and at the same time simulated the battle scene in my mind, adding several optimization magics that I now mastered, in order to find an environment suitable for various magics to be used. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind.

Surprisingly, I can cast three fire storms at the same time. If I change the superimposed magic to magma boulder, and then cast the fire storm and magma boulder together, it is probably possible, and it can save the two seconds of cooling time. , it can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

Thinking like this, I felt that my mental strength had recovered a little, so I couldn't wait to stand up.

First, there was Firestorm, which was ready in an instant.

Next is the magma boulder. With the help of the properties of the Book of Cain and the Horadric Cube, this second-level magic can be cast almost instantly, and the time will definitely not exceed 1 second. In other words, casting Fire Storm + Lava Rock saves about one second compared to Fire Storm + Fire Storm.

After preparing the lava rock, I felt that the two magics were jumping up and down under my control. It was already the limit of what I could control, and I could no longer superimpose a second one - the second-level magic was the second-level magic.

I'm not greedy. I controlled the two magics with sweat all over my head, and my face turned red from holding it in. Well, it's a bit strange, why the two magics just don't want to come together.

At this time, Kasha next to me also noticed something strange about me, and his expression changed: "Wu, are you trying to superimpose different magics?"

I nodded with difficulty, unable to even speak. Under my control, two different magics began to riot more and more restlessly.

"Are you an idiot? Hurry, release it quickly and release them one by one." Kasha said in a rare panic.

I thought about it too, but now I'm stuck. The two magics can't be separated, and they refuse to come together. They are as sticky as maltose, which makes me want to vomit blood in depression.


There was a huge explosion, accompanied by thick black smoke rolling up, and the flaming snakes in the sky engulfed my whole body. The open space suddenly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. After a while, after the fire calmed down, the place where I stood had turned into a huge fire several meters deep. pit.

Inside the pit, I stood in the center like a stone sculpture. My whole body was charred and black, and my clothes were still smoking. I paused like this for several seconds, and finally opened my mouth and blew out a mouthful of black smoke.

"This, as a self-destruction skill, is quite good."

After saying this, the world spun and I fell straight down.


"Boy, are you awake? Your brain was blown out?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, the gloating face of the old drunkard magnified in my eyes.


I exclaimed in a calm tone without any emotion at all.

Undoubtedly, a blow to the head. Bastard, doesn't this guy know I'm a wounded person and really wants to beat me into a fool?

"You're lucky, you're still unscathed. You know, overlapping the same magic and overlapping different magics are not at the same level of difficulty. It's a shame that you, an idiot, can implement it as a matter of course. There are many times in history. A mage whose intestines go to the bottom. He is also like you, and then he becomes a fool, or a puddle of flesh."

As soon as I stood up after cursing, Kasha's serious look immediately gave me a shiver.

"Is there no way around it? Is this barrier really impossible to overcome?" I murmured unwillingly.

"Who says there's no way? That damn old man Farah, let alone overlapping two different magics, or even different types of magic. He can also fuse it. I think back then, the old guy's best trick was the lightning ice ring. A composite magic that combines the fourth-level electric skill Chain Lightning and the fourth-level ice skill Icicle. Well, I’ll give you some more news by the way. That guy’s unique skill is a combination of chain lightning and the sixth-level ice skill Ice. The eternal frozen arrow prison fused with the sealing balls, tsk tsk. Every time the chain lightning hits an enemy, a freezing ball will burst out. It is simply a purgatory covered with ice arrows. What a scene..."

Kasha shook his head and made a final decision.

"Slut, and its slut."

Just as I was immersed in the magnificent scene after countless frozen balls exploded, Kasha struck me with the wooden bow in his hand.

"This is an exclusive secret. Don't tell that old guy that I told you. That old coquettish guy doesn't seem to like to mention his past. It's best not to tell him, otherwise I won't help you if you piss him off. ”

I nodded quickly.

"Okay, that's good. Let's get back to the point. So it's not that you can't overlap different magics. The key is that your magic control and magic proficiency are very different from Farah. After all, that old guy has been practicing for hundreds of years. . You little kid can’t compare to shooting a stick. Practice more in the future, and don’t rely too much on that soul magic."

"Come on, come on. I get it."

I waved my hand pretending to be impatient, but I was secretly grateful. This old drunkard was actually not a bad guy. I guess he came here with the intention of giving me some guidance in addition to telling me about Princess Sanwu.

"The ungrateful brat is indeed the same as that damn girl." Looking at me, Kasha naturally gritted his teeth.

"Speaking of which, how should I explain this to Akara?"

I looked around and saw that the garden behind the church was in a mess due to my self-explosion. What’s more serious is that the old drunkard was probably overly excited just now and actually aimed two lightning javelins at the church and threw them. As a result, the beautiful pink and white little The church was penetrated into two large holes, and it was only one step away from collapse.

It's easy for me to make a big hole in the ground, just fill it with soil and find some flowers and plants to plant in it. But the two holes of the old drunkard are not so easy. Maybe the whole church will have to be demolished and rebuilt. Therefore, A gloating smile appeared on my face.

"Wu, um, look, I'm just trying to show you, you can't be so cruel, just let me take responsibility alone."

The old drunkard suddenly panicked. If there was anyone she was afraid of, it was Akara. Although Akara was usually tepid and calm, the more he was like this, the more likely he was to get angry. Call it a horror, well, that's probably right...

"Forget it, I'll pay for the repairs, but you have to explain Akala's side."

I thought about it and felt that there was nothing left for the old alcoholic to exploit. Besides, she did help me a lot today, so I just need to give a little bit more.


Thinking of facing Akara, the old drunkard suddenly had a long face. However, it was rare for me, Grande, to bleed. She also relaxed a little and rolled her eyes. Probably because she was afraid that I would suddenly regret it, so she left a sentence: " I'll tell Akara right away" and disappeared in a flash.

Next, eh, my mental energy is almost exhausted. That’s it for today’s practice. Well, now I need to go and bring Princess Sanwu back immediately. It's better to hang out in the "new" Rogge Bar for a while and let her suffer a little more. This is indeed a problem.

Just when I patted my butt and wanted to leave the church, the old drunk who had just left came back again. Wasn't she afraid that I would regret it? Oh, there was someone following behind me. If I looked closely, I saw that I hadn’t seen him for more than a month. It makes me suspicious that Farah has been sent to stay at home in college.

The two villains from Rogge's camp were walking together, and it seemed that they were heading straight towards me. At this moment, the fifth curled-up hair from the left on my forehead bangs gave off a serious red alert— —The idiot who would only issue a yellow alert when there is an earthquake, tsunami, or even the end of the world, actually issued a red alert. You can imagine how panicked I feel now.

Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, thoughts flashed through my mind, and my body jumped sideways involuntarily. A lazy donkey rolled into the jungle beside the road, rolled a few times, and suddenly his body seemed to hit something like a dead tree root and stopped.

Eh? It seems that there are no obstacles in the direction I chose.

Looking up, Farah lowered her head. That "kind" smile appeared over me.

"Dear Wu, why are you so interested in playing and rolling on the ground?"


A shiver ran through my body, "Dear Wu"? How many years has it been since this old man called me that? There is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy.

"Ahem, Vilas is still waiting for me to go back for dinner, so I'd be crazy not to accompany you."

I ran away. Unexpectedly, after taking a few steps, the old drunkard grabbed me by the collar from behind.

"Old woman, let go. Aren't you afraid that I won't pay you for the church's maintenance fees?" I threatened in a stern tone.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Our Mage Guild can still make use of this small amount of money." Farah, who was slowly following behind him, said with a smile.

I said why the old drunkard is so arrogant, it turns out he has found a supporter. By the way, don't these two bastards usually get along? Why is air coming out of one nostril today? Just one of them gave me a headache, but with these two, it looked like I was doomed.

"Come on, come on, don't be shy, let us three elders get together and discuss Rogge's future." The old drunkard said in an upright manner. Then he dragged me back to the church garden.

You're such a shy girl. Who wants to get together with you two bastards? The future of Rogge’s land is none of your sisters’ business.

Under the pressure of the level 78 Amazon. I was dragged obediently to the center of the open space, and then, the two old guys used a mysterious position to lock my front, rear, left, right, and even the possibility of going up to the sky or the earth.

Farah nodded with satisfaction, and put his hand like dry wood into the inventory, carefully not knowing what he was picking up.

I said, are you even exempt from foreplay? Even the foreplay of discussing the future of Camp Rogge? Are you that impatient, assholes?

After a while of groping, a glass test tube appeared in Farah's hand, containing two-thirds of a turbid white solution.

"Come on, Wu, drink it and take a look."

At this moment, the smile on Farah's face was like a doctor comforting a child to give an injection, well, a perverted doctor secretly researching biological weapons.

"What is this?"

I said with trembling lips, thinking that I would probably never see my lovely Sarah and Vilas again. Princess Sanwu would probably have to be locked up obediently for half a month, and the little ghost... , Hey, I said little ghost, can’t you come out and help your husband me out? Can you accept me turning into a biological monster?

"It's the energy potion in Lord Tarasha's handbook. Speaking of which, I have to thank you." Farah said with a smile, and the test tube was getting closer and closer to my mouth.

I deserve to die. I have brought it upon myself to live.

"Why do you have to ask me to do the experiment? Cats and dogs are fine too."

Being held down by Kasha, I could only shake my head left and right to avoid the test tube.

"Animals can't bear the ingredients of the medicine. Only those who have changed jobs can do it. You are an elder, don't you feel you have this obligation?"

"I want to resign now, immediately, immediately."

"Don't worry. Although the old guy's character is not very good, his level is indeed worthy of praise. No one has died in experiments before." Kasha comforted him kindly, which made me feel a little relieved.

Of course, this old guy has never been tested on humans before. I just used some small animals, I didn't lie, Kasha added in his heart, and couldn't help but feel proud of his wit.

"Wait a minute, there is an energy potion. Then there should be a mental potion. Let's try the mental potion first."

Anyway, there is no way to avoid the fate of the white mouse. I can only make a choice. After all, the practice just now consumed a lot of mental energy. Drinking energy potions is not as good as drinking mental potions.

"The mental potion hasn't been finished yet, and it will probably take a few days. Let's try the energy potion first. Don't worry, even if it doesn't work, we will never take your life for granted. Otherwise, Akara won't behead me. "Farah said awkwardly.

"Then why not experiment with old drunkards?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but for people of our level, just like primary healing potions, this primary energy potion is no longer effective for us, and Kane and Akela can't afford it. So we can only I can find you."

After Kasha explained this, I felt a little better.

"But I haven't used up much energy right now. Even if I drink the energy potion, it may not have any effect."

"Ah. I was just in a hurry to do the experiment, but why did I forget this? What should I do?" Farah suddenly slapped his head and turned around anxiously.

"Forget it, I will admit defeat today and help you." I shook my head and sighed. Since there is no danger, we should fulfill our elders' obligations occasionally.

Said. I stood up, and after standing there for a moment, I suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. My body was instantly enlarged dozens of times, and I transformed into a blood bear more than ten meters tall, showing a violent and domineering appearance.

It is worth mentioning that I can barely control that violent force even without merging with the little ghost. Another benefit that soul magic brings to me is that it can hone my soul power. only. The wonderful feeling of becoming one with the little ghost, the contact and tolerance between souls. It’s more enjoyable than having sex, and the little ghost probably feels the same way, so the two of us understand each other tacitly.

"I don't quite believe Warev said you can control this power." Kasha took a few steps back, raised his head and looked at me and said loudly.

I rolled my eyes at Kasha, and I didn’t know why the bloody bear rolled his eyes. There was no mirror, but the old drunkard was happy anyway.

When it comes to the fastest way to consume energy, energy cannons are definitely the best. At that moment, violent black lightning slowly gathered in my mouth. The air flow emitted by the black energy ball caused a strong wind to blow across the entire open space, which was already crumbling. The church finally could no longer bear it and collapsed to the ground with a bang.

Farah and Kasha had already seen the power of the energy cannon. At this time, they also hid behind a broken wall with their heads in their hands, sticking their heads out from behind to look over in a funny way, as if they were afraid that I would make a mistake and harm themselves.

When the energy ball reached the size of a football, I stopped condensing it, opened my mouth wide, and made a ready launch posture - who knew whether the energy potion would work.

The black lightning ball expanded several times in an instant. Under my control, a bucket-thick black energy column flashing with lightning appeared, disappearing in the distance where green and blue intersected. The huge ravine created by the energy column stretched for thousands of years. The distance of meters gradually disappeared, and Bikasha's lightning javelin was countless times more powerful.

After canceling the transformation, I collapsed on the ground exhausted, gasping for air. At this time, the two villains Rogge saw that the danger was over, and they flashed to the side with smiles.

"Boy, that's awesome. Even I can't perform such a powerful move." Kasha looked at the spectacular ravine, patted my shoulder and complimented me.

Yes, Amazons are not known for their huge power. What they are good at is control skills. Regardless of what Kasha said is true, if the two of us really fight, she will definitely not take ten minutes to defeat me.

"Come on, drink it and see."

Farah looked at me with excitement. In his eyes, there was probably nothing else except this bottle of energy potion.

I picked up the test tube and shook it a few times like a cocktail. I drank it without hesitation and smacked my lips. It smelled a little fishy, ​​but not bad.

"How is it?" Farah asked, shaking his beard.

"It's a bit fishy, ​​and the taste is better than I expected." I expressed my thoughts.

"The main ingredient of the energy potion is the blood of monsters. It must have a fishy smell. I'm asking about the effect. It's effective."

"Uh-" I was stunned and suddenly stood up.

"Haha, my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer weak, and I feel strong all over. This thing works, it really works."

sweat. Why does it sound like a line from false advertising?

After tasting the sweetness, I was overjoyed. Although this bottle of energy potion could not completely replenish the physical strength I had just lost, it at least restored 90% of my combat effectiveness. How could I not be happy? With this thing, we can use energy cannons in the future. It's not like firing two shots and killing monsters with one shot. Another one as a firework?

There was no one present who was more happy than me - I saw Farah dancing, and she was so excited that she couldn't even laugh out loud like a mute. More than a month of sleepless research was not in vain. The joy of success in being rewarded after hard work, outsiders It's hard to understand.

"Is this thing still available? How about giving me a few dozen bottles? Money is not an issue." I stretched out my hand to Farah with a salivating look on my face.

"It's just this bottle, don't worry, we will be able to produce it soon, and you are indispensable as a hero. As the person who drank the first bottle of energy potion in Darkness, you will go down in history. How about it, are you happy?"

"How about giving me a hundred bottles of energy potion." I sniffed and said nonchalantly.

"You bastard..." Farah was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

"Boy Wu, let me say it first. The function of the energy potion is only to stimulate the human body's potential, which is equivalent to pre-supplying physical strength. But don't drink too much in a row, otherwise you will suffer the side effects." Before leaving, Farah said this I said, and then teleported away.

This is just the most basic energy potion. Next, we will develop intermediate, advanced, and probably super potions. Only these potions are truly suitable for advanced adventurers. There are also psychic potions. Of course, the most important thing is the long-distance transmission magic circle. Just thinking about it casually, I can understand how busy Farah is, and I probably won’t be able to see him for more than a year.

After Farah left, Kasha also immediately stepped away. He turned around and looked at the huge gully of thousands of meters created by himself, the collapsed houses, and the cracked earth. I was intoxicated with myself for a while, and I was suddenly stunned.

Al, could it be that all the damage and repair costs have to be borne by me alone? ! ! !

"Filling the hole will probably take..., well, and the church, ugh~~~"

Along the way, I stretched my fingers and toes and counted again and again. I felt that it was impossible to restore the entire church to its original state without ten thousand gold coins, and I couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Wu, where are you going?"

At this moment, an amiable voice came from not far away. When I turned around, it turned out to be the blind nun, Akara, the leader of Rogge Camp, who was greeting me on crutches.

"It's you, Lord Akela, haha..."

I feel like my smile is a little cramped. Now that I see Akara, I feel like a hole has been dug in my wallet, and the gold coins inside are dripping.

"So that's it, eh, eh, I understand." After I finished explaining, Akara laughed.

Woohoo~~ Damn it, that old drunkard is so cheap.

"Akara, you won't be angry."

I asked cautiously. After all, when she taught me the key, she told me to be careful.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You didn't mean it. Besides, didn't you promise to rebuild the church? What else do I have to be angry about? Fortunately, I haven't had anything to do with the church lately."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What I didn't expect is that Farah has developed an energy potion. This is great news." Looking at Akara's face, it was obviously joyful. Sure enough, she is still a sensible boss.

"By the way, Wu, are you free? Why don't you come with me and have a look."

Seeing my stunned look, Akara laughed.

"I know, you have probably been wondering where I went when I disappeared sometimes. How is it, are you interested?" After saying that, she took a step forward without waiting for my answer.

This, this, this, isn't this clearly tempting me? After secretly reciting "Curiosity Killed a Cat" ninety-nine times, I felt a chill in my heart and resolutely followed it.

She is obviously blind and uses a cane, but Akara's steps are not slow at all. I was just stunned for a short while, and she had already walked a hundred meters away.

"Akara, where are we going?"

Along the way, I couldn't help but ask, she is taking me to a place that I have never seen before. After living in Rogge for three years, I never knew there was such a place.

When a layer of magic wave faintly came over, my eyes widened in surprise - it wasn't because I didn't know much about the camp yet, it was clearly that this place had been covered by a huge magic circle, and I couldn't enter without permission. No, if I hadn't mastered soul magic, I wouldn't have been able to detect this level of magic fluctuations.

What place and what important things are there that are worth spending so much effort to hide the entire area? With this question in mind, I followed Akara's footsteps and watched her open one magic barrier after another. , finally, finally came...

Khan, what kind of place is this?

After walking out of the magic barrier, my eyes lit up. What appeared in front of me was a huge camp, just like the North District training camp, but the facilities inside seemed more comprehensive, covering almost all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation. It was simply a small camp. Self-sufficient base.

Within sight, some white figures were on the training ground, with a white light flashing from time to time.

"Could this be..." I looked at Akara with doubtful eyes.

"Yes, this is the secret training ground of Camp Rogge. You are welcome to come, Wu. From now on, you will also be a member here."

Akara opened her arms, hugged the entire base condescendingly, and said with great pride in an exciting tone. The nun's veil fluttered in the wind, making her look like a great sage, unattainable.

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