Diablo Destruction

Chapter 261 Life of hard work (2)

Chapter 261 A life of hard work (2)

"Time has passed and three months have passed. After these three months of unremitting efforts, I can finally prick a mosquito's wing in the dark with a thin needle half a finger long..."

Kasha: "..."

"What are you daydreaming about to yourself over there? It's only been half a month since you've made such a small amount of progress, and you still dare to show off that you've made great progress. Why don't you start quickly?"

"Yes~~, I understand~~." I responded with a half-dead drawl, weakly pressed my akimbo muscles, and let out a long yawn before closing my eyes again and covering them with a black cloth in resignation. own eyes.

That's right, the previous sentence was just completed in my head. I now understand clearly what those "reaching the sky in one step", "progressing a thousand miles with a day", "achieving great achievements in one week", "defeating all the invincible opponents in the world in three years" etc. In fact, they are all lies. The results in half a month only allowed me to catch five finches in a dark room the size of an indoor basketball court in one day, and that was while transforming.

At the beginning, I worked hard without transforming, but made little progress. Occasionally I caught it just because I was lucky. One day, I had a sudden impulse and let Xiaoxue go in. In the end, just ten seconds later, it disappeared from the body. He walked out, raising his head proudly, holding five half-dead sparrows in his big mouth.

Don’t you know what it means to be a master of high merit? hateful!

Unconvinced, I asked the waiter and others to try it again, but the results were the same. The longest time did not exceed two minutes. Finally, I let the poisonous flower vine go. This time it was better. After waiting for a long time, it didn't come out. Go in and take a look. The five peak finches are gone, the poisonous flower vine has fallen asleep, and half a bird feather is still stuck to its mouth...


Finally, I let the Oak Sage go in, and finally found some psychological balance.

However, this experiment also allowed me to get out of a simple misunderstanding. nnd, I was completely misled by the old drunkard Kashana. Although I had no way to avoid fighting in the dark. But the enemy can't stop me from transforming. If this is the case, then my transformation into a werewolf is not cheating.

Undoubtedly, after transforming into a werewolf, the five senses have been improved by more than one level. The sense of smell can clearly smell the scent of the sparrows, and the ears can clearly hear the vibration of their wings. Even if the light is completely cut off, the eyes seem to be vaguely aware of it. something. Could this be the legendary infrared? This is probably the secret why Xiaoxue and the others were able to catch the peak bird easily. As for the poisonous flower vine, it has no eyes in the first place, so whether it is black or not has no effect on it at all.

After transforming into a werewolf. The next step is easy. First, mess around inside to make the sparrows move around. The first one is the most difficult to catch. It often takes me a long time to catch it. The more I catch, the easier it is to catch the rest. But even so, it took me half a month to reach this level.

Now, the small dark room has been transformed into an entire training ground, and instead I was blindfolded, and Kashayomo put dozens of sparrows in it. From morning to night, you can catch as many as you can.

Don’t think that the difficulty of training just means that the space has expanded and the number has increased. Damn it, indoors and outdoors are completely different, because the flow of wind and other small and noisy sounds seriously interfered with my five senses and my eyes were completely blind. . Covered by a special black cloth. Not to mention infrared rays, even x-rays are useless.

What a misfortune!

What? Just training? If you think so. That's a big mistake. This kind of training alone is not enough to make me cry out in such sorrow. After all, we have survived nine years of compulsory and seven years of paid examination-oriented education, and we are not to this extent. Something scares me.

So there are three things that really make me complain: first, the current training. Second: Kasha’s irresponsibility. Third: Kane’s land is long-winded.

What do the last two points mean? I'll explain it to you right now, irresponsibly, just like the literal explanation. In the past, Kasha's actions were often traceable, and soldiers who were familiar with her could easily find her in the training camp, but now, This guy didn't know what she was doing. She would drop me off at the training ground every morning and explain it to her, and would not come back until the evening. Although she said she had "important things" to do recently, I think the most important thing for her was drinking. Therefore, it is not my responsibility to judge where she must have gone to drink.

Kasha could not be found in the training ground, so the soldiers naturally targeted me, the unlucky elder who was running around in the training ground covered with a cloth. So one day Soldier A came over and said, "Lord Fan, it's not good, Ximen." A group of fallen demons appeared ten kilometers northwest, moving towards Rogge. Master Kasha told me that if she is not here, she can leave it to you, Master Fan, to handle it. You see..."

Okay, I know the purpose of that old drunkard, ho ho, don't let me see you tomorrow.

So, after a good start, the soldiers were too lazy to leave me alone, who was squatting in the training ground every day, and the whole training camp went to look for the elusive Kasha: "Sir, a man appeared on the grassland outside xx village. A large group of hard-skinned beasts has seriously affected the villagers' grazing...", "Sir, there are xx carrion corpses in xx forest, and five hunters have been injured..."

Are you the old NPC village chief of Novice Village?

"Sir, there are almost not enough bows and arrows in the soldier reserve. You see..."

"Asshole, go find Akala for me, bows and arrows are none of my business!!"

While I was angry and helpless, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. It's funny to say that I didn't feel sad for myself, but for Kasha who was the instigator. Even a little druid like me felt that I had to deal with these trivial things. Monsters are like cannons to fight mosquitoes, but what about Dikasha, a level 78 Amazon? She has been doing this for decades.

Putting aside the old drunkard's thoughts, another thing that bothered me but couldn't refuse came from Kane and Akara. I still remember when we were in Lugoin and fought with the old fox Aigis in the gambling shop. ? When I was buying the book, I once thought about it, should I fiddle with some of the crude papermaking techniques I know and let Kane and Akara study them? With their abilities, I believe it won’t be long before paper becomes popular. When I told them about this idea. Akara was shocked and Kane was happy. After learning the method from me, these two old guys went without eating or drinking for two days and two nights to determine the entire process. Until now, I can still I clearly recall when the first piece of cheap rough paper was formed in front of everyone. Kane looked like he was crying while holding the paper.

It’s not that I don’t understand the importance of paper to an era. It can be called the four great inventions along with printing, compass and gunpowder. It must have a huge promoting effect, but I can’t understand Kane’s mood. Even if I know it importance, but as someone who comes from a world where books were torn up and folded into paper airplanes after graduation, I really can’t relate to their excitement.

Hello. Didn’t I say I couldn’t understand it? Why are you bothering me every now and then? Of course, these words can only be said in my heart. I still respect Kane from the bottom of my heart. But now this old man has become a living treasure. As long as the paper is slightly improved, for example, it becomes whiter. If it's a little tougher or a little softer, it will pull me to see the finished product as if it's asking for credit. Please, I've seen paper that's ten times better than this, so please spare me.

I still underestimated the importance Akara attached to this, in order to facilitate transportation when the finished product can be officially put into use. She built a paper mill next to the river near the misty forest, and then in order to prevent attacks from monsters and forest monsters, she transferred two groups of adventurers from Harrogath, each group taking two shifts. Months, for senior adventurers, this is completely a good thing to travel at public expense and return home in armor, so naturally they are happy to agree.

But they soon discovered that this was not entirely a bad thing. Don't forget that Rogli also has a middle-aged spinster, Kasha, who has been holding back for decades. Seeing that some decent masters finally came, how could she let him go? Although these two brothers are both masters of Harrogas, who is Kasha? Harrogath, who had reached the second world, was even a super master with the ability to reach the third world. Even if two people went together, they were suppressed by Kasha and complained endlessly. This is the gap between strength and experience.

What makes me even more speechless is that this old bastard Kane actually proposed to build a bronze statue of me in front of the paper mill. He even thought about the words to be engraved under the stone statue. "God brings light to the world. He spreads knowledge to the world. Let us remember him, the creator of papermaking - Wu Fan."

I said, I'm not dead yet, and I still want to live for a few more years. There's no need to curse me like this. Privately, I secretly told Kane that if I have to do this, give me a more handsome bronze statue. , the posture is more domineering, it doesn’t matter whether you look like it or not, the important thing is the image.

The gentle sound of wind, the friction of sand and dust, the sound of air flow caused by the flapping of wings. In this space, countless subtle sounds gather into thin streams, and then they are caught with ears, looking for the sound they want. However, a burst of The sound of slight footsteps disturbed everything. I sighed softly, took off my scarf and canceled the werewolf transformation. I looked at the cage next to me. There were three sparrows inside that were restlessly tossing. This is me. The result of a long day's hard work is really unfortunate.

Then, I raised my head and set my sights over the training ground. I couldn't help but draw an arc at the corner of my mouth - there was a soldier's figure running towards me in the distance. Before, I would never have been able to escape from these many slight changes. The sound of footsteps coming from afar can be distinguished from the sound. Training does have some use, doesn't it?

"Sir, there are signs of sinking demons and hard-skinned rats in the small jungle six kilometers directly in front of the north gate. The number is unknown." The Rogge soldier gasped for air, but he still reported to me clearly.

"I know, thank you for your hard work, go down and take a rest."

I called over Xiaoxue, who had been napping not far away, and jumped up under the awed eyes of the soldiers. "Old man, let's go." As I gave the order, Xiaoxue's lazy eyes suddenly became sharp. The slender figure was as tense as a bowstring. The next moment, the body was like an arrow leaving the string, quickly turning into a black spot in the soldiers' stunned eyes.

"Whoosh--" The gentle breeze turned into a violent airflow, rushing towards me, and even the surrounding scenery became blurred. Amidst the screams of countless students, Xiaoxue was like a storm, coming from the entire North District training The camp blew past violently. Among the countless blurred scenery, a familiar scenery in the corner attracted my attention. I couldn't help but let out a soft "Hey", made a big circle with Xiaoxue, and quietly came closer. When I got up, who did you think I saw?

The fourth floor of the tomb...

"nnd, it seems God is still on our side."

The suffocating huge pressure came from the opposite side of the door, making Doug sweat on his forehead, but he was not surprised but happy. Who else could have this terrifying aura besides Andalil?

Ever since they made up their mind to give it a try, what they were worried about was no longer whether they could win, but whether Andariel would be beaten to the punch by others. You have to know that if you try hard in one go, it will fail again, and it will be exhausted in three attempts. If they attack this time, Nothing, it will be difficult to regain the current momentum next time.

"Doug, Geoff, tell me, are you scared?" After the break, Lal stared closely at the door filled with evil aura. The sharpness and murderousness in his eyes would surprise those who are usually used to his hip-hop look. .

"Go to Harrogas and ask, which barbarian is afraid of death? Are you, my eldest brother, my sister-in-law Sari, and Sarah not afraid of not being able to go back?" Doug laughed.

"Hehe." Lal smiled faintly: "I would have been afraid before, no, maybe I am still afraid now, but just because I am afraid, I must win!!"

"I will follow my eldest brother. We will live together and die together." Gefu only said one sentence.

"Very good, you are indeed my good brother." Lal gave a long laugh, stepped forward, and firmly and powerfully pushed open the door to hell.

Right in front of the gate, at the end of the straight red carpet, on a throne made of skeletons, Andariel stepped on the corpse and drank blood from the cup. Those eyes that symbolized violence and killing were staring at the intruders in a playful manner. .

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