Diablo Destruction

Chapter 164: Song of the Saint, Pure Love (Part 1)

Chapter 164: Song of the Saint, Pure Love (Part 1)

Mrs. Yerris seemed to be very familiar with the cathedral. Even in such a dim environment, her elegant pace still did not hesitate at all. She walked from the prayer church to the depths, which was beyond the reach of ordinary monks. As we approach the area, the dark oppressive feeling permeating the church seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Only the magic lights neatly inlaid on the stone pillars on both sides are slowly retreating, like the pilot lights on the airport at night, spreading into the depths of darkness. .

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed that we had reached the deepest place, where only the Pope and the Archbishop were allowed to enter. Mrs. Yeris took me around several turns and arrived at a small side room.

"Mrs. Yerris seems to be very familiar with the cathedral!"

"Actually, I haven't been here either. It's just a feeling, a bond, telling me that my dear husband is right here..."

Mrs. Yeris said in a tone that even she herself was confused about, but her movements did not pause at all. She came to the inner wall, and her slender hands were groping for something on it. I was about to remind her to be careful, but was stopped by Interrupted by the rumble of the wall moving, a stone wall more than one meter wide slowly rose up on the wall about a few steps away from her. The dust surrounding it made people cover their eyes and nose.

Japan, does the secret door also engage in gender discrimination? I thought of the revolving secret door in the military camp that caught me off guard, and then I looked at Mrs. Yerris's calmness, her teeth chattering with hatred.

After the dust cleared, a dark hole appeared in front of us, revealing a spiral staircase leading underground.

"let's go……"

Mrs. Yeris stepped in without any hesitation. I really don’t know what makes her courageous. Is this the power of love? Watching her back slowly disappear around the corner, I quickly followed her.

"...Tap Ta..."

The footsteps of the two of us echoed on the dim and narrow staircase. This is a very classic spiral staircase. It often appears in some fantasy blockbusters or games. If I were holding a dim yellow oil lamp in my hand, and my expression and movements would be tighter, it would probably easily remind people of the underground secret room of the ancient tomb castle. thing.

Time always feels very long in the dark. Maybe we haven't walked very long, but it feels like a century has passed. When I finally stopped, I couldn't help but want to ask Mrs. Yerris beside me how far she was. when.

There seemed to be a sudden sound. The sound that reached my ears from the depths of the deep stairs was so slight, just like the thin threads of spring silkworms, easily crushed by the monotonous footsteps. If I hadn't stopped suddenly, I wouldn't have been able to move so fast. Noticed.

There was no way to tell what the vague sound represented, but judging from the silky soft tone, it seemed to be a song.

I was in a daze. Mrs. Yerris, who had turned a deaf ear to everything around her, passed me with a steady pace, so I had to put aside my doubts and follow her quickly.

"Mrs. Yerris, did you hear it? What a beautiful song!!"

I sighed from the bottom of my heart, and the looming voice coming from the depths became increasingly clear. In the end, it seemed to be wrapped gently around the ears, slow, graceful, round and transparent.

Like the clearest running water, washing the earthly body.

Like the gentlest breeze. Contains the repentant soul.

Like the warmest sunshine, guiding the fallen soul.

It is so holy and moving, just like the most beautiful soul song. The unpleasant dark atmosphere around it is all driven away, and the cold body is nourished by the flames. It is unbelievable that the power of a song can actually can be so huge.

Feeling the sublimation of my body and mind, I happily said to Mrs. Yeris. But she didn't show the sense of recognition I imagined. She still maintained a calmness that was almost devoid of emotion. Her face was a bit paler than before. Even so, her pace did not slow down at all.

But as they got closer, in addition to the holy and moving singing, there was an unusually sharp sound of iron chains, accompanied by occasional shrill roars. It's as if he is going against the singing. The two voices were constantly fighting, trying to overpower each other. But the singing was always slightly better, suppressing the sound that sounded like a bound devil.

Hey, hey, madam, is this the salvation you are talking about?

I vaguely noticed that the situation seemed not good, and looked at Mrs. Yeris next to me with a dark look on my face. Didn't you judge my strength before making a request? Do I really have this ability? But now it seems there is no turning back. I just hope that the owner of the song, who seems to represent the side of justice, can help when the time comes, although I don’t know what will happen yet...

The long stairs will always have an end. The holy singing and the devilish roar are like a fish line twisted together, leading the two of us to the end.

This is an empty rotunda with nothing in it. Only the huge blood-red altar in the center is particularly eye-catching...

This is an extremely weird altar. There are many complicated grooves carved on it, forming a huge circular magic circle. The bright red blood is slowly flowing on the grooves, exuding an extremely evil atmosphere. In the center of the altar It is a high-erected stone slab with a green skeleton nailed to it. The blood flowing on the grooved magic circle gathers here to form thick blood chains that tightly bind the skeleton. Above the skeleton, there are strips of black mist like ink. These black mists are constantly struggling and twisting, forming a huge skull from time to time. The sharp and terrifying roar comes from this black mist. Emitted from the huge black skull.

And next to the altar, in a small corner, there is a snow-white girl, with a hazy shimmer all over her body, and a smile on her face that is breathtakingly holy and beautiful. This is a poetic scene, which can only be seen when The perfection that can only be outlined in a painting appeared in front of me at this moment.

The girl didn't seem to notice our arrival, she still kept her kneeling posture and prayed, singing her beautiful voice. Singing slowly from her mouth, the melody that could purify the soul was gently soothing the huge black mist above the altar, but it seemed unable to completely suppress it, making it sometimes peaceful and sometimes violent.

"Madam, could this be your husband..."

I stiffly opened my mouth and pointed at the bones nailed to the central stone slab. In any case, it seems that this is not something I can do.

"Oh, yes, God, he is my husband, my beloved Alexander Erchton, oh, God! Why is this? Why do you suffer such misfortune. Your pain, even if I am You can feel it even in your deep sleep. Who is my Alexander? Who can imprison you, who is invincible. Even your soul cannot rest in peace..."

Mrs. Yerris covered her face with her hands, as if she couldn't bear it, but she still looked at her husband firmly, imprinting the pain he suffered in her heart. Clear tears continued to flow from her fingers. The deep sorrow and pain revealed in her eyes and words could never be faked.

"But what should I do? Don't tell me to defeat that black mist..."

Although Mrs. Yerris is indeed pitiful, I have to consider my own strength, otherwise, the number of pitiful people will increase by one.

Shaking her head silently, Yeris finally withdrew her gaze from the altar, and she faced me. Looking carefully, there is a hint of unclear information in the eyes, which can be described as "very complicated eyes".

"Mr. Wu Fan, first of all, I want to thank you for agreeing to my rude request and accompanying me here. You are really a kind-hearted warrior."

"It's my honor to be able to do my best for Mrs. Yeris."

I said something formulaic and perfunctory. I secretly thought in my heart that it’s coming, it’s coming again, and it’s the pattern of good things to say ahead. When I was a student, I had countless experiences drinking tea in the teacher’s office, which made me instantly alert.

"Don't worry, the method is not as troublesome as you think."

Yeris couldn't help but smile when he saw my nervous look.

"Did you see it? There are five very small grooves around the altar. As long as five kinds of gems are inlaid into them, and then the magic circle on the ground is destroyed, my husband's soul can be saved..."

So that's it. It sounds like it's very simple. I checked it again. It seems that any level of gems will work, and there's no fixed order. What, isn't this very simple? After confirming the steps, I ran towards the first groove happily, without noticing the sad, unbearable, but decisive eyes of Mrs. Yerris behind me.

After filling the five grooves with five different kinds of shattered gems, I sighed for a while. Fortunately, she met a nouveau riche like me, otherwise ordinary adventurers might not be able to collect five different kinds of broken gems. Where are the gems?

The next step is to destroy the magic circle. This is simple. Farah also told me that just destroy the formation on the ground. "Most" of the time, the destroyed magic circle will not explode. Uh... I remember him Indeed, the word "most" has been used to describe it, so there should be no problem...

Picking up the cheapest saber, I slashed hard on the grooves dripping with blood on the ground. These grooves seemed to be reinforced by magic and were extremely hard. Falling down, the blood dripping in my heart is almost more than the groove. Farah is a stinky guy. He also said that the magic circle is easy to destroy. You must know that repairing this whiteboard saber will cost dozens of gold coins. ah! I'll have to ask Mrs. Yerris for reimbursement later.

After the durability of a brand-new saber was almost reduced to zero, I made a cut in the groove on the ground. In an instant, the entire blood-red altar was filled with blood, and the sword that had been quietly nailed to the erected stone platform was The skeleton also began to tremble gradually. The dark clouds in the sky continued to pour in from the top of its head, and the blood chain binding its body was shrinking at a speed that could be detected by the naked eye.

"Mrs. Yeris, something seems to be wrong. Let's run away quickly..."

I stared blankly at the scene in front of me. This was definitely the scene before the boss came. Don't think that I, an otaku with many years of game experience, can be easily deceived.

"Well, something is indeed wrong, because there is still one thing missing..."

Mrs. Yerris behind me said, and the next moment, before I turned around in surprise, I saw a pair of strong hands. He grabbed my neck, slowly lifted me up and pushed me to the center of the altar.

"Mrs. Yerris, you..."

I turned around with difficulty, and the person holding my neck was Mrs. Yeris. I really couldn't believe that those slender and weak hands could actually lift me up. And according to the current situation, I seemed to be unable to struggle away. How much strength does this require? Does she have barbarian blood?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Destroying the altar cannot save my husband. Only... only by sacrificing you can he truly be resurrected... Please forgive me, a selfish and vicious female devil, I just... I just want to save He is just my husband, even if he goes to hell. He will receive the most severe punishment..."

Mrs. Yeris shed tears of guilt and regret, and said in tears. She turned her eyes away, avoiding my direct questioning gaze, and walked towards the center of the altar resolutely.

"I don't understand. As far as I know, you were killed by your husband. Why can you still do this for him? If possible, can you satisfy the doubts of a dying man like me?"

I sighed. The body that was lifted up in the air finally gave up and gave up its useless struggle.

Mrs. Yerris's steps hesitated slightly, as if she didn't understand why I knew such extremely ** things. However, she quickly continued to take steps. What if he knew more?

"Yes, when he decided to kill me, I really couldn't understand it. My heart was full of pain and resentment, but..."

She paused and her voice became as joyful and soft as a girl in love.

"But then, I knew that he was not killing me for God, but for me. At that moment, I thought. No one can understand the joy and pride in my heart."

"What do you mean?" I was confused by Mrs. Yerris's tongue-twisting sentence.

"After all, you are just a young man and cannot understand the essence inside. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Her words were a little confusing, but the meaning was easy to understand, because she was about to kill such a young life.

"My dear husband, Alexander, is the most faithful believer in God. I don't think there is anyone more pious than him, not even the Pope! Although he loves me, I have never dared to think that I can live in the fullness of his faith. Have even a little place in my heart.”

But at that moment, when the knife in his hand pierced my chest, I saw his tears, and I read in his eyes the love I had never expected... and regret. At that moment, I Understand that he did not kill me because of my behavior that angered God, but so that I could be redeemed after death. He loved me. Compared with me who was killed by my lover, he was more painful and regretful for killing his lover with his own hands. , as long as I think of these, what reason do I have to resent him, what reason do I have to not love him..."

Mrs. Yeris loudly vented her inner happiness in an passionate tone.

Killing because of an act that offends God, and killing oneself in order to be redeemed after death. Although the results are the same, the feelings they represent are essentially different. Mrs. Yerris seems to be intoxicated. At the moment when you can finally occupy a place in your husband's heart, this relationship is so innocent, pure and devoted. Alexander, you are so happy, and you don't know how to cherish it.

"Mrs. Yeris, your feelings really touch me. Lord Alexander will be proud to have a wife like you. If it is to protect this relationship, I would rather pay a lot..."

I said silently.

"But, it will never include your own life...!!"

Before Mrs. Yeris could recover from my words, a snow-white figure had already knocked her whole body away.

"I'm sorry, I also have my own goals and people I love, so I can't possibly devote my life to fulfilling your dream."

I approvingly touched the plush head of Xiaoxue who came over from the side, and looked coldly at Mrs. Yeris lying on the ground. Then, the poisonous flower vine, and the other four mutated ghost wolves, the lazy crow, and the oak wise man, They all appeared around me.

I was very wary of Mrs. Yerris's request, but I couldn't find any flaws in her, so I kept an unintentional look. But in fact, just after I came down, I had already secretly They summoned them, and my mother's teachings were indeed correct. Never talk to strangers if nothing happens.

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