Diablo Destruction

Chapter 148 Chase

Under the shining of the setting sun, the teleportation station stained red by blood exuded a dazzling red color.

I took a deep breath and told myself that I must calm down at this time.

Trying to avoid the blood on the ground, I carefully moved to the side of the corpse. During the break from practicing with Kasha, she did not forget to instill some miscellaneous combat knowledge into me. One of them was simply identifying the traces of the corpse. One thing, at that time, I didn’t think this skill was of any use. I only had the patience to learn it out of my interest in detective novels and the idea of ​​using up my time.

I thought with a wry smile that if I could, I would rather not use it for the rest of my life.

First, I came to the closest corpse. This corpse was lying on the ground with its back turned to the sky. Judging from the source of the blood, the fatal injury should be on the neck.

After observing carefully for a while and confirming that nothing was missing, in order to get a more comprehensive understanding, I carefully turned over his body and planned to turn him around. Maybe I could find some clues from the front.

Unfortunately, I was only half successful. Although the body was turned over, its head was only pulled but did not turn around. It looked like the neck was twisted 180 degrees, which almost scared me. A huge jump.

Holding back a scene that only appeared in horror movies, I stepped forward - it turned out that the wound on the neck of the corpse was so deep that it was almost severed. The squirming trachea and flesh on the fault, and The neck bones are clearly visible, leaving only a thin layer of skin connected to the body.

After coming to the conclusion, I turned the head of the corpse and saw the pale face appearing in my eyes. My heart couldn't help but suffocate slightly. It was this face. Yesterday, Rogge Archer, who sincerely suggested to me to rest for a night before leaving. At this time, his face no longer had the smile of yesterday. What appeared in front of me was a horrified face, and All those who are about to be summoned by death have in common - attachment to life.

He was killed in one blow. From his completely preserved look of horror, I could immediately tell that he had not been killed instantly. He couldn't hold on for long, and judging from the fact that there was only one wound on his neck, the most likely death was a single blow.

Even a soldier-level warrior cannot be so weak! What is it that can kill him instantly? I can't help but compare it with myself. If I don't use magic, even if I transform into a bear, I can take the 4-27 damage machete and hit the maximum damage value. I don't have much confidence that I can kill it instantly.

After looking through the bodies of the other two people, they were all killed in one blow. There were expressions of surprise on their faces. It seemed that there was no time to resist, judging from these signs. There are only two scenarios I can think of.

The first is that there is more than one enemy, and the second is that the enemy is very fast, because the three people fell at different positions, and there are no traces of movement. Judging from the similarity of the wounds and the fact that the scene was not messy, it was obviously the latter situation.

What kind of enemy could make these resolute soldiers look so surprised, and who in Rogge's camp could possess such strong strength? Thinking of this, a figure reappeared in my mind. Yes, the cloaked man who brought me powerful force this morning, and wasn’t his target the outer corridor transfer station? Although I don't want to admit it, there are various signs that he is the biggest suspect.


No matter what the reason, why would you kill your comrades? Why?

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists so hard that I couldn't forgive you!

The blood on the ground was cold and solidified. Judging from time. He had been dead for at least several hours, and there was an unexpected discovery. There was a small bonfire not far from the body, which was still warm, and a few pieces of meat foam were left on the ground.

It seemed that the murderer could not be discovered at all. After killing the person, he rested for a while and ate a lot. Is this confidence or provocation?

For me, this is good news and bad news. The murderer has not gone far and he should still be able to catch up. This is indeed good news. But the bad news is also terrible - this person is determined, cruel and powerful, and it is definitely difficult to deal with.

At the critical moment, Xiaoxue was of great help again. After understanding what I meant, it circled around and sniffed around with its nose that was more sensitive than a dog. After a while, it made new discoveries.

After a while, under the leadership of Xiaoxue, we chased out of Taimo Highland from the outer corridor. The other four ghost wolves and poisonous flower vines fell behind, obviously unable to keep up with Xiaoxue's speed, although I also wanted to hurry up. I caught up with the murderer, but I had to ask Xiaoxue to slow down. Facing the unknown enemy, I had to maintain my full strength.

While Xiaoxue was tracking all the way, I was also thinking about countermeasures. If the murderer was really that person, what should I do? I had been in the dark world for more than a year, but all I had to deal with were monsters. We have never really competed with other adventurers, which means there is a huge gap between us in terms of experience.

Moreover, based on the performance of the other party, there is no doubt that he is a strange assassin. From the momentum and the signs of the three corpses, I judge that his strength level is equal to that of Sister Sharna, even before her Above, but it won’t be too different, otherwise I would never dare to catch up so rashly.

In other words, he should at least be able to use third-level skills. Regarding the assassin's skills, I carefully recalled the introduction in Kane's book. They are divided into traps, martial arts, and shadow training. I don't know what he is. Which department I am proficient in, I hope it is martial arts, otherwise with my speed, it will be difficult to even get close to him.

As for the equipment, I thought about it for a long time and finally decided on the following items.

Clothes, strong scales, 82 defense.

Gloves: Death Leather Gloves, of course, covered with a pair of ordinary gloves.

Shoes: Golden heavy boots. 12 defense, +15 accuracy, +10 stamina, +5 agility (in this way, the crossbow can also be used), +1 lighting, +19% freeze resistance, and as for that +30% defense. Just ignore it...

Belt: Gold light buckle, 5 defense, +5 agility, +18 health, +15 mana, lightning resistance +24%, poison resistance +22%, attacker takes 4 damage.

Weapons: Because there are so many to choose from. So I haven't decided what to use. I'll take the scepter first (+1 resistance to aura, +3 holy light bullets, +15% poison resistance) to strengthen the defense, and then I'll adapt accordingly.

As for necklaces and rings. There is nothing left for me to pick and choose.

What makes me hesitate the most is the hats. Two of them are very suitable. One is a blue skull hat, which has +25% fire resistance. Because the assassin's skills, including the second-level skill Flame Fist of the Martial Arts Department, and the third-level skill Flame Resurrection of the Trap Department, are mainly based on fire damage, so fire resistance is particularly important.

Another option is the wolf head. Although its attributes are relatively rubbish, it has a wide field of vision and is very effective in dealing with speed-type assassins. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to put on the skull cap first.

Although I'm sure that person didn't walk long, it was obvious that he was not going slow. Until nightfall, Xiaoxue, who had been maintaining the maximum speed, could not see any trace of them. If it weren't for Xiaoxue's confident telling I didn't lose track of him. I even suspected that I was going in the wrong direction. After all, I wanted to find someone on the vast plateau. For me, it is definitely a fantasy level of difficulty.

When the red moon rises in the sky. I had to stop, even if I kept chasing. It's very likely that it won't take long to catch up, but I'm not willing to compete with an assassin at night. In order to reserve enough energy, I think it's better to rest for a while, and Xiaoxue didn't follow him anyway.

After setting up the tent, I ordered Xiaoxue and the others to be alert and set up many traps outside - although they were of little use. Faced with my lack of experience, I had to use more caution and vigilance to make up for it. Maybe the assassin made a big circle and followed behind to peek at me.

Fortunately, I had a very peaceful sleep. No matter how powerful the assassin was, he wouldn't know that someone could follow him. He didn't have Akara's ability to predict.

In the early morning of the next day, before the sun had risen, I hurriedly packed up my belongings and continued riding in the snow towards the unknown direction in the morning fog.

This state lasted until the afternoon. Just when I thought Xiaoxue's nose had malfunctioned occasionally and she had lost him, an empty little devil's camp made me regain my confidence. There was not even a shadow of a little devil on the camp. No, but there was still a faint trace of blood floating in the air. Although I couldn't just conclude that it was that person who did it, it gave me some motivation to continue chasing.

Facts have proved that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Xiaoxue's nose. But about half an hour later, a figure as big as a black bean appeared in my sight. When the figure was enlarged enough to be able to clearly see its outline, I finally confirmed that I The right target has been found.

Soon, his speed was very fast. Even though Xiaoxue and the others were at full power, the distance between us was still very slow to close. No wonder we chased him for almost a day. Thinking of this, I broke out in a cold sweat and took away his strength. The evaluation has gone up again.

However, the assassin quickly spotted the pursuers behind him and stopped, so it didn't take me long to follow him.

He turned around and looked at us slowly approaching with a look that I couldn't recognize. I stopped more than ten meters away. This was a very subtle distance, just right for an airdrop. The maximum range allowed.

I suppressed my nervousness and looked at him with cold eyes as much as possible. The snow under me, the ghost wolf and poisonous flower vines following behind also made me calm down a lot.

He was also looking at me with great interest. He said he was very interested, but in fact his eyes could not escape the vicious and indifferent personality emanating from his bones, as if he had a dispensable attitude towards everything, which made him feel uncomfortable. One doesn't feel the integrity that an adventurer should have at all. Instead, it feels more like facing a cold-blooded monster.

They looked at each other quietly, as if they were waiting for each other to speak. The invisible atmosphere around them made people a little breathless.

"The people in the teleportation station. Did you kill them?"

I tried my best to suppress my anger and spoke in a slightly trembling tone.

After hearing my words, he made a slightly thoughtful expression before answering in that unique tone.

"Oops, too many people have been killed. You asked me so suddenly. I can't remember it, but..."

He paused for a moment. It seemed like his eyes were staring at me closely.

"If you are talking about the teleportation station in the outer corridor, I was indeed the one who killed it..."


"Why, why do you want to kill your own soldiers?"

I held the scepter in my hand tightly, suppressing the desire to do it and roaring loudly.

"Why? Don't say that. I'm not a person who likes killing. It's just that those three guys are too long-winded. I just want to go back to Rogge, but they keep asking questions. It's really annoying. In order to let them Be quiet, that’s what I had to do.”

His casual tone continued to stimulate my nerves.

"It's just a few minions, do you need to be so excited..."


answer his. It was the crossbow with loaded crossbow shells that I suddenly took out from the inventory, and it was nailed to his mouth.

I have completely understood that the person in front of me has simply lost his nature and is talking nonsense to him. It was a mistake from the start.

"You are such an impatient person. To be honest, I am not sure that I can kill you, otherwise I would have done it when we were in the outer corridor. However, you gave me a good reason..."

He gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his tone gradually became filled with strong murderous intent.

The next moment, he had appeared in the open space only a few meters away from me.

So fast! It's a bit faster than Kashana's devilish workout! !

My eyes narrowed. The scepter and shield in my hand were replaced by me after shooting the crossbow bullet.

"Come on..."

In just a few moments, he was less than three meters away from me. In an instant, his body shot straight towards me like a sharp arrow that came off the string, so fast that his figure was almost blurred.

In my eyes, I just felt a black shadow rushing towards me, subconsciously. I held the shield in my left hand in front of me. The scepter in his right hand was thrown at the black shadow, facing the highly sensitive assassin. I did not choose to dodge in vain, exchanging injuries for injuries was the safest tactic. I had already drank several bottles of potions before this, and there were more than ten bottles of rejuvenation potions on hand, which were enough to kill him.

With a "touch", a huge force came from my left hand, and the scepter I waved empty with my right hand was not unexpected. Just when I thought my attack was empty, the opponent's attack was also blocked by the shield. At that moment (actually I was at a disadvantage, even if I blocked with a shield, I would still lose life), I suddenly found that his figure disappeared, and then the next moment, a cold whooshing sound came from the back of my neck, which made my heart freeze instantly. down.

"too slow……"

Before the voice could even finish, I felt an icy cold front approaching my neck.

At the critical moment, Xiaoxue suddenly crossed over, narrowly allowing me to escape the attack. Touching the goosebumps on my neck, I felt a chill in my heart.

It turns out that the force coming from the shield in his left hand was not the attack of his weapon, but his toes using the force of the shield to quickly jump behind me in the air.

Unfortunately, the Druid's hand-to-hand combat with the Assassin's Bowl was simply seeking death.

"I knew you were going to be a big problem."

After dodging the attack with Xiaoxue's help, the assassin did not pursue the victory, but stared at Xiaoxue with cold eyes. It seemed that he valued Xiaoxue's threat more than me. Damn it, I will make you regret it later. This kind of thinking.


He suddenly jumped up, and the next moment, the ground he was standing on exploded, and a flower vine burst out of the ground. It was the latent attack of the poisonous flower vine, but he did not expect it to be dodged.

"Not bad, really good."

The assassin who was still in mid-air said lightly. Although he seemed to be downplaying it, in fact, he dodged this blow quite dangerously. If it weren't for the intuition that he had trained in death for a long time, he might have been attacked by a sneak attack. Success...

A beautiful kite turned over and landed firmly on the ground. He looked at us with twinkling eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

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