Diablo Destruction

Chapter 121 The style of that arrow

"Lord Dhruv, the ravine is almost filled." A paladin from the front shouted loudly.

This was what Dhruv was worried about. He originally thought that the fallen demon at the bottom would be crushed to death by the living creatures above, and then disappear completely. In this way, this ravine would become a bottomless abyss that swallowed up the enemy's life. But I didn't expect that these fallen demons were not very strong, but their lives were very tough. They were buried inside and dying but refused to die. Tens of thousands of fallen demons and thousands of dark hunters, spearmen and huge beasts pressed down. , the gully has begun to make ends meet and is gradually filling up.

Either clear out the enemies piled up in the gully as soon as possible, or prepare for a contact battle. Dhruv took a look at the entire battlefield, but there were at least thousands of enemies in the gully. what else can we do? He sighed and gave a signal to the soldiers on the other side of the guard tower. In this way, the advantage that had been accumulated with great difficulty would be gradually evened out again.

"The soldiers in front are ready..."

The soldiers on the guard tower put down their bows and arrows and shouted orders.

In an instant, a row of barbarians and druids walked out from the front, and behind them were paladins with flashing halos.


Countless arrows rained down, forming black rainbows that looked like splashes of ink in the drizzle and cloudy sky. On the other side of the ravine, one could see those monsters who were not afraid of death and used their bodies to fill it up, so one could not help but hold one's breath. , a pair of bloodshot eyes full of bloodthirsty desire. The cruelty of war has brought out the bloodiness and violence deep in the hearts of the soldiers.

After the last dark hunter was filled in the ravine, this bottomless ravine was finally leveled by the enemy.

Without the soldiers on the sentry tower saying anything, the barbarians in the front row put down their bows and took out their familiar melee weapons and shields. A thundering roar came from his mouth. The second-level skill - shouting, immediately increased their defense by a large amount. The druid also used the bear transformation at the right time. The oak wise man was hovering nearby, giving them both life and defense. A big improvement.

The Paladins standing behind them were working together according to the division of labor. Most of them were standing far away from each other while wearing a halo of resistance. The warriors standing in the front row were all shrouded inside without missing a beat. The team's combat and excellent coordination brought their strength to the extreme. After shouting, oak wise men, bear transformation and the blessing of the resistance halo, these The warrior's defense and health reached an extremely terrifying value.

And the rest of the Paladins. It is to step on the offensive aura "Holy Fire Aura". Although it is a second-level skill-Holy Fire Aura's damage value is not high, many paladins add a little symbolically in order to learn more powerful skills later, but this The density of enemies at this moment. But it made the Holy Fire Halo useful.

After some high-level career changers acted as human shields, the long-range output damage of Vitas Village immediately dropped by one level. Fortunately, the opponent's black wanderers and skeleton archers had already suffered more than half of their casualties. They were like locusts at the beginning. Arrows poured over. It has become much thinner now, and the battle has changed from a fierce life-and-death struggle to a long-lasting war of attrition. As long as the wall of flesh in front is not broken through, the final winner of this battle will be Vitas Village.

"Haha, it's just a joke..."

The barbarians in the front row are brandishing axes and swords in their hands, clothes, and foreheads. His face was already covered with blood, and his generous smile looked indescribably ferocious. With the blessing of his skills, the surging attacks from the Sinking Demons and the Dark Clan were like scratching an itch for him. , only huge beasts can cause a little trouble. The power of teamwork is the most powerful essence in the Dark Continent.


A druid who transformed into a bearman. The dormant wildness inside the body is stimulated by blood. It was also boiling. At this time, the huge bear's head and grinning teeth looked more ferocious and ferocious than the barbarians. Not to be outdone, they swung their huge bear paws and slapped the short, pug-like fallen demons in front of them into the pile of meat.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Brothers."

Several shouts came from the back row, and a dozen thin figures emerged from the gaps between the tall Paladins. After a closer look, it turned out that they were all assassins. They had always been gloomy and calm, but now they also looked bold and excited. look.

Several gaps were quickly opened in the human shield for them to turn around. These assassins rushed out and instantly replaced the bows and arrows in their hands with melee weapons. They approached the enemy and used the second-level skill "Flame Fist" to gather energy at once. Second time...

"Stand back!!"

There was no need for these assassins to remind them that the human shields had already taken the initiative to push back several steps. They had already experienced the terror of the assassins' energy gathering skills.

Three times of gathering Qi... release! !


A series of flame explosions sounded, and nearby enemies were immediately thrown away by the explosion, and a blank area appeared on the entire front.

After the explosion, more than a dozen assassins immediately got back into the crowd and waited for their skills to cool down. With their weak lives, even if they had the blessing of the resistance aura, they were not suitable for fighting on the front line for a long time.

"Hey, little guys, kill that huge beast for me."

A mage wearing a black robe and exuding a cold aura pointed at a huge beast in the direction of the densest group of monsters and said.

In an instant, more than a dozen arrows struck the huge beast. It let out a mournful cry, its eyes slowly dimmed, and it fell down precariously.


The huge beast had just fallen to the ground, and with a single finger from the black-robed mage's hand, its body immediately inflated like a blown-up balloon, and then exploded with a "touch", and the blood of flesh and blood all over the sky turned into the most powerful thing. The sharp weapon devours all the companions around it.

The Necromancer's second level skill - Corpse Explosion.

The horrific and cruel sight made even those warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles tremble, fearing that one day their corpses would also enjoy such a baptism. Only the black-robed mage, who was the culprit, let out a sinister and cruel laugh.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... war... corpses... oh... God!! It's so... ah... which bug shot the arrow."

Before he could finish laughing, a stray arrow flew out of nowhere and hit his forehead. He covered his forehead in pain and cursed. His image as a mysterious master was immediately undermined.

"Lord Dhruv, the mage's mana is almost used up..."

A mage in his 30s rushed up and said. The blue mage robe on his body was stained with mud, and there were still a few sharp arrow holes, just like a beggar's robe.

"Really? The situation is really not good."

Dhruv did not stop holding the bow and arrow for a moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face. Including job changers and mercenaries, although the number of mages is only a few hundred, the powerful destructive power of magic is definitely one of the main forces in long-range attacks. Without the magic of mages, the long-range attacks in Vitas Village The output damage will probably be reduced by more than half.

"Go ahead and lower the frequency of magic use. Every mage must retain a minimum combat power of more than 3 magic values." Dhruv looked at the sky: "Just hold on for a little longer, just hold on for a little longer. When it gets dark, this battle will be temporarily over."

Accompanied by thunder and drizzle, as well as fierce shouts and roars on the battlefield, this fierce and protracted battle is still continuing, with arrows raining on the battlefield. It is far inferior to the sky-covering and gorgeous magic at the beginning. At this time, there are only a few feeble strokes, regardless of monsters. Everyone in Vitas Village has fallen into a period of relative exhaustion.


I don't know how long it took, but the human shields in the front row let out a dull hum, and the arms that kept waving the weapons mechanically changed again and again. At this time, both of them began to become numb. As the saying goes, ants bite elephants to death, even if they are blessed with skills, the face is still there. To the enemy that surged over like a tidal wave. They also began to struggle gradually.

They kept drinking the life potion, and the paladins behind them also desperately used holy light bullets to replenish it, and also stepped on the consumable prayer halo. It should have been more than enough, but...

I don't know when, hundreds of fallen magicians rushed not far away, and hundreds of sudden fireballs immediately suppressed the health of the front row soldiers.

"Damn it. The soldiers in the front row retreat. The paladins behind are on top."

"The second group of archers, targeting the fallen magician..."

A few "swishing" sounds. Immediately, hundreds of arrows poured in the direction of those thieving fallen magicians.

"Something's wrong..."

Not long after, Dhruv muttered to himself in a low voice.

The number of fallen magicians doesn’t seem to be decreasing much. A lot of them have been killed just now, so how come all of a sudden...

"Bixu Bosu, it's Bisu Bosu..."

Dhruv suddenly shouted loudly, and after his reminder, everyone suddenly realized.

"Look, there."

A sharp-eyed Amazon pointed at a fiery red figure dodging in the distance and said loudly.

"Damn it, it seems to be out of range..."

The position where Bisu Bosu stood happened to be outside the range of most archers, and only a few high-level Amazons in the front row could barely reach it.

Dhruv watched with fire-breathing eyes as Bisubosu resurrected the fallen magicians one by one after finally killing them. He wanted to eat them alive - the fallen magicians' fireballs had now become the main pressure on the front row's human shields. .

Bisubosu must be killed first. Who knows how long its resurrection ability will last. If this continues, the soldiers will be unable to withstand it, Dhruv thought anxiously, but look at Bisubosu's distance. , but there is nothing you can do about it. Do you really want to...? ? ?

"Suicide Squad..."

After hesitating for a while, he squeezed out three words through his teeth. Every word he spoke seemed to be a piece of flesh being cut off from his body. His young and precious life was about to be destroyed because of the loss of his life. If he was ruined by his next decision, he might be accompanied by endless nightmares for the rest of his life. The heavy burden and guilt gave him a sudden masochistic pleasure.


At the moment he made the decision, a sudden arrow, like a little red in the green, inserted out of place into the sky filled with arrows, spanning the entire distance of the battlefield, passing through countless obstacles, and stably Nailed on Bisu Bosu's head.

A perfect shot.

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