Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 563: Attractive conditions

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"three item……"

"Only one left!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by. Don't think about it, Mo Wentian also knew that the other two things must include the most terrible artifact in Jiuyou Land.

Jiuyou Divine Sword!

"The other two, one is Jiuyou Excalibur ..."

"And the other one!"

"It is Jiuyou Jianjue!"

Prince Ape, the twinkles of his eyes flashed, seems to remember something, the heat in the eyes of Prince Ape also dissipated a bit!

"Sure enough!"

Mo Wentian's eyes, a moment's glance, Jiuyou Shenjian and Jiuyou Jianjue ...

This is absolutely the supreme treasure!

"His Royal Highness ..."

"This third one!"

"What is it?"

Looking at Prince Ape, Mo Wentian asked in a deep voice.


Prince Ape gave a slight meal, and then Shen Chen said: "We don't know what this treasure is, but it was on this altar ..."

"That must not be, how much worse than Jiuyou Shenjian!"

"It's not worse than Jiuyou Shenjian!"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath, no wonder Prince Ape, so enthusiastic in his eyes, Jiuyou Divine Sword, but it exists in a grade with Jiutian Divine Sword.

Such a terrible thing.

There are only four pieces of the entire sword **** continent, which shows that ...

How precious this thing is!

"This third thing is so precious, why ..."

"Still here?"

Looking at Prince Ape, Mo Wentian's eyes with a little doubt, like the treasure of Jiuyou Divine Sword, I am afraid that even if it is a sword god, I will not let it go ...

Too many mysteries have been opened countless times!

Is there no one to take this thing away?

"The Lord Mo Ge joked, this thing stays here, but it's not that nobody wants to take it, but it can't be taken at all, even the Jiuyou Sword God of the year ..."

"Not taken away!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Prince Ape, said with a bitter smile.

"Jiuyou Sword God ..."

"I can't take it!"

Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly, this thing ...

It's so scary!

"Master Mo Ge, don't underestimate this North Sword Court. Once the prohibition here is triggered, I will wait for the three of them, and I am afraid it will instantly become shredded!"

"Remember, don't mess around ..."

"Everything here!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Prince Ape said suddenly, solemnly.

"Instantly turned into powder!"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath, Mo Wentian three people, although not the real sword **** strong, but the combat power of the three is more than the sword **** ...

It's almost the same!

Being able to kill three people instantly is more than terrible!

Already terrible!

"Buzz ..."

As the Mo Wentian and the three looked around, the hall again fluctuated, and the next moment, two figures appeared in the hall.

"From heaven ..."

"Tsing Yu!"

Looking at the two of them, Mo Wentian's eyes skyrocketed.

Prince Ape and Devil Fox!

Instantly, the eyes were boundless.

"Mo Wentian ..."

A resentful look fell on Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian turned his head and saw Li Tian, ​​looking at himself with a grim expression, that look ...

I ca n’t wait to swallow it.

"From heaven ..."

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a sense of killing. Last time, if he didn't run away from heaven, Mo Wentian last time, he would leave heaven and beheaded outside the river of ruins!

See you again, Mo Wentian's intention to kill ...

Instantly skyrocket!

"Mo Wentian, I'll take a look this time ..."

"Where do you flee!"

Seems to be thinking of something, looking at Mo Wentian, Li Tian suddenly looked overcast.


"Why should I run away?"

Mo Wentian raised his mouth slightly, and looked at Litian's eyes with a bit of mockery. Last time he could defeat Litian, this time ...

He can do it too!

"From heaven ..."

"You are really a waste!"

The low voice sounded, and Mo Wutian's face was cold and proud. He heard Mo Wutian's words, and Li Tian's face was instantly ugly. Then looked at Mo Wutian's eyes ...

It's killing!

"Mo Wentian ..."

"You still, so arrogant!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, Mo Wentian turned his head, and saw a pair of indifferent eyes falling on his own body.

Those cold eyes, without the slightest emotional color.

"Qing Yuyu ..."

Mo Wentian took a deep breath. At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart suddenly calmed down, and even the anger in his eyes slowly dissipated.

"I will……"

"Destroy your sword temple!"

The voice of Mo Wentian is bland, but in the eyes of Prince Ape and Qing Yu, a terrible light burst out, especially Prince Ape ...

Crazy flashing eyes!

If you were to say this outside of the mysterious realm, Prince Mo Zi hadn't taken it to heart, but in this mysterious realm, the prince ape fully realized ...

Don't ask the horrible days!

Maybe one day, don't ask Naive ...

"Hahaha ..."

"Destroy my sword temple!"

"Mo Wentian, you think you are the God of Sky Devourer, but you have just inherited the sword of Sky Devourer. The current Sky Devourer does not even have a sword spirit!"

"And my sword **** temple, sword **** strong countless ..."

"What do you take, fight with my sword **** temple!"

After hearing Mo Wentian's words, Li Tian laughed wildly, and then looking at Mo Wentian's expression, he even laughed sneer, as if he heard it ...

This is the biggest joke in the world!

"Countless sword gods ..."

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, is there no calmness, is the sword **** strong?

For the previous Mo Wentian, the sword **** was the supreme power of the sword **** continent, but for the current Mo Wentian, the sword **** ...

But stepping stones!

"Yuyu, Mo Wentian is here. He is the destiny of the sword **** continent. He must know the whereabouts of the gods. Not only that ..."

"He still has the Devourer!"

"If you get this sword, it is likely to form the sky, break the barriers of the world, and enter that more terrible time ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Li Tian, ​​his face frantically said.

"Bite Sky Sword ..."


The rain was blue, and the twinkles of the eyes spread. When the Prince Ape and the magic fox heard this, their eyes changed instantly, and quickly ...

Standing beside Mo Wentian!

"Li Tian, ​​Mo Wen Tian is an ally of my demon, you move him ..."

"Then pass our barrier!"

Prince Ape, indifferent in his eyes, looking at Li Tian and Qing Yu 殇, Prince Ape's face was extremely dignified, especially looking at Qing Yu 殇 ...

Prince Ape, face full of fear!

"You guys ..."

From the sky, a cold flash in his eyes.

"Prince Ape ..."

"You step back!"

When Li Tian was ready to say something, Qingyu's cold voice came again, and the voice of indifference, with a commanding tone ...

Leave the sky and quickly retreat!

"Mo Wentian, tell me the position of the **** ..."

"I can give you a **** seat!"

"Let you be a member of my sword shrine. Not only that, I can also let you eat the kingdom of heaven and become a secular force in my sword shrine!"

"By then, you will be the new sword **** of the sword **** continent!"

"And you eat the kingdom of heaven and god, is also the first force of the sword **** continent!"

"what do you think?"

A faint voice sounded, looking at Mo Wentian, Qing Yu's eyes, with a lofty arrogance, that pretty face, very confident!

His condition was very tempting ... he didn't believe it, Mo Wentian would reject her!

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