Devil’s Advent

Chapter 291 Daily life

There are four city gates in Shengle City, and there are four gate captains respectively. It can be said that the official positions are quite overflowing.

At the beginning, Zheng Fan complained about the military system of Yan State more than once, especially in Beifeng County. Overseas Chinese, looking through their family background, can come up with a set of "dressed beasts" and "wearing feathers on top".

But the ass decides the head. When Zheng Fan was just a school captain, he would "verbally criticize and criticize" the devaluation of the school captain. But when he became the city guard and took charge of a city and an area represented by this city, In an instant, it became "true fragrance".

The military pay comes from the government treasury, but compared to the so-called military pay, ordinary soldiers will value this little money very much, but for those who have already made their mark, especially for those who are powerful and powerful in Jindiwubao In other words, it is inevitable that some are not enough.

At this time, it is natural to start offering the "School Captain" Dafa,

One for you, one for him, don't rush, don't rush, have them all, have them all.

For a while, everyone got Dayan's official status, so they naturally became a family, and they were all exposed to the rain and dew.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are only four school lieutenants guarding the gates of a city.

However, the defenders of these four city gates are mainly composed of Zheng Fan's old team, and the barbarian soldiers occupy the vast majority.

After working so hard to build this city and defend his hometown, the key must naturally be handed over to his direct descendants.

If other people were guarding the city, Zheng Fan and the demon kings under his command would not be at ease. In the past, he and others liked to steal other people's city gates, so if they did too many bad things, they were afraid that the retribution would fall on them.

If in the end, because the subordinates were bribed out of the internal response and came to cooperate with the internal and external, resulting in the hard-built solid city wall being directly reduced to a display, it would really have to be compared with the Gallic rooster during World War II.

In the early morning, just after dawn, Yu Huaping put on a suit of leather armor, took a swallow-made knife instead of a sword, and walked out of the inn.

In the post station, there is breakfast.

Steamed buns with stuffing, shredded radish stuffing, pickle stuffing, red bean paste stuffing, and pure meat buns and porridge, as well as shumai, pan-fried and so on.

The example of King Chu's thin waist was fully demonstrated in Shengle City, and the daily diet in the General's Mansion gradually became the mainstream standard in the city.

It's just that things like taste can't be changed overnight, but there's nothing you can do if you don't change it, because Shengle City has implemented military control since a long time ago.

The inn is the property of the General's Mansion. When you walk out of the inn and go down a street, all those who are open for business are the property of the General's Mansion, which is the so-called state-run.

In Shengle City, the military population accounts for the majority, which is actually convenient for management in disguise. Those who have a family and are in the city will receive a monthly ration of rice, flour, grain and oil according to the population, adults and children. Bachelors eat and drink in the barracks anyway.

The caravans going to and from Shengle City all stayed in the commercial hall, which was also the property of the General's Mansion. Every time a transaction was made, the General's Mansion would take 10% of the tax from it.

It's not that there are no caravans who want to evade taxes. In fact, this is almost the instinct of businessmen.

However, since Shengle City sent troops to wipe out the entire clan after a Wubao owner set up a private forum in his own Wubao, such things have suddenly decreased a lot.

According to the general's mansion, the reason why everyone can do business here without being affected is because the general's mansion maintains the law and order here, so it is only natural that the general's mansion takes a cut when everyone does business to make money.

There is a vegetable market in the city, but it is also the property of the General's Mansion.

Originally, the sign on the vegetable market was Shengle City Supply and Marketing Cooperative, but for some unknown reason, General Zheng felt dissatisfied when he saw it, and ordered to change it to Shenglefang City.

If you want to buy vegetables, you can go to Fangshi to buy them. For the rest, daily necessities from coal to cloth, etc., there are also special doors open to people in and out of the city.

In other words, all the industries that can be done in the city are covered by the General's Mansion.

Yu Huaping instinctively felt uncomfortable about this. Walking on the streets of this city, he, the current sword master, would feel as if he was being strangled by the neck and about to suffocate.

In fact, government-run operations have existed since ancient times, and have always occupied a huge market share, but it is really extremely rare for something like Shengle City to completely strangle the private economy in all directions.

Even outside Zhenbei Hou's mansion, there are a large group of local people opening shops to do business. Zheng Fan and the sixth prince also went there to drink mutton soup.

But the Zhenbei Hou Mansion has the entire Yan Kingdom to support blood transfusions. To be honest, the support that Shengle City can get from the imperial court every time can only be said to be better than nothing.

According to the establishment of the imperial court, 3,000 soldiers and horses here in Shengle City are the best, but in fact, the number of soldiers and horses in Shengle City has already exceeded 10,000, close to 50,000.

It's just that Jin people accounted for the majority of them, plus the 5,000 Jin battalion that Zheng Fan had just brought over and those who were there before, and the children of the Wubao Haoqiang family who had recently defected and joined the army, there were nearly 10,000 Jin soldiers and horses in Shengle City.

In the remaining five thousand miles, barbarian soldiers accounted for the majority;

Therefore, in the Shengle City military camp, it was difficult to hear those words with a Yandi accent.

Because blood transfusions are not available in the local area, everything has to be coordinated from the outset. Siniang and the blind man used this method to implement extraordinary methods in extraordinary times.

Yu Huaping felt uncomfortable. He was born in Jianghu, he instinctively disliked restraint and liked freedom, but he had nothing to say because there were no refugees or beggars on the streets.

Anyone with hands and feet in the city, regardless of gender, has work to do. The workshops outside the city are in short supply of labor. It is almost impossible to live in this city as a poor household on subsistence allowances. Son.

At the same time, school-age children can enter private schools for free, and medical clinics will also provide extremely cheap treatment.

Yu Huaping felt that the ancient benevolent king's rule of the world that those literati sang every day seemed to be nothing more than that.

In the city, the largest gold-selling cave was also opened by the General's Mansion. It is a large-scale restaurant, where everything from ordinary people's banquets and gatherings to higher-level gatherings can be held here.

Behind the restaurant is the largest and only red tent in Shengle City. According to the price tag, it can be regarded as fully satisfying the needs of customers of all consumption levels.

Shengle City can be said to be the only city that does not have a private kiln. First, there is no need for it. Siniang can be said to be really handy when doing this, and the rules are very mature. physical examination,

The sisters themselves are willing to come, here, there is no guarantee.

Of course, there are old bustards who want to "start their own business\

,"The ending was to be caught, and the old bustard was thrown into the prison in the city together with the sisters below.

Yu Huaping knew that the soldiers and horses in Shengle City were paid very high, comparable to the Jingnan Army, which seemed to be an unbearable burden.

but look,

After the salaries are paid to the soldiers, everything they eat in the city, set up the red curtains, etc., is the property of the general's mansion. Usually, the military salaries are paid every month, and half of the military salaries just sent out after half a month It has to be returned, and it is impossible to completely preserve capital, but with such a circulation of money, the cost of military pay is actually not as heavy as it seems.

Walking and walking, Yu Huaping came to the gate of the east gate.

There are two hundred soldiers in charge of guarding the place. The captain of the city gate is a barbarian who can speak Xia language, but with a slightly heavier accent. There are one hundred barbarians and one hundred Jin soldiers under his command.

After Yu Huaping arrived, the barbarian captain named Jin Shuke took the initiative to send over a snack, which had the mark of the General's Mansion, which proved that it was bought from the pastry shop under the General's Mansion.

"this is yours."

Jinshu can deliver snacks to Yu Huaping.

Yu Huaping nodded, and then he remembered that the day before yesterday, someone in the city guard specially called for everyone to join in. The captain's mother-in-law gave birth, and everyone was very happy.

Jin Shuke's mother-in-law is a savage, he bought it from the slave market in the city, of course, this market is also from the general, only the people who sign contracts here are protected by the general's mansion, and they trade privately The general's mansion did not recognize the slaves at all, and there was even a case where a privately traded slave escaped and was caught, because there was no official seal contract from the general's mansion, so the slave was sentenced to freedom.

According to what the subordinates originally thought, this barbarian army has always been General Zheng's confidantes, and Jin Shu was born in the earliest 300 barbarian soldiers. As a barbarian general, let alone the future, his status is already very high Forget it, not to mention marrying a girl from Xiahang in the Yan Kingdom in an extremely extravagant way, it is always possible to marry a girl from Jin.

But he didn't, and married a savage mother-in-law.

In private, many of the Jin soldiers under him even teased, saying that the barbarian's vision is really strange, and the barbarian marrying a barbarian is really a bastard looking at mung beans and seeing the right eye.

But in fact, Jin Shu can always remember the scene when he accompanied his master to attack the first Ganren Fortress.

In the dry man's fortress, there is a small red curtain with a woman inside.

The barbarian soldiers stared at those women with straight eyes, almost crying.

But Jinshu Coco noticed that at that time, the master's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

Therefore, Jin Shu didn't dare to touch the women of the Qian State, nor the women of the Yan State, or the women of the Jin State.

This savage mother-in-law is also very competitive, and she gave birth only five months after buying it.

I have given birth to three boys in my life, but I am very happy about the art of gold.

Yu Huaping knew very well that many people from Jin felt that gold art was a bit silly, so it wasn't clear that it wasn't his own kind.

But Yu Huaping understood that in the barbarian culture, as long as the child grew up with him and inherited his surname, he was his "child" and a member of his branch.

When the barbarians fought, the men who were above the enemy's wheel would be killed because they believed that these grown children could no longer be assimilated, while those young children had no such problem at all.

Jin Shu was very happy, really happy, even when he bought the savage female slave, he might have already noticed that the woman was pregnant, and maybe he would feel that he had taken advantage of it.

However, no matter how much you joke about this boss in private, he is your boss after all, so everyone still joins in with each other very wisely.

Jin Shuke was also very successful, so he specially bought pastries and sent them to everyone. Afterwards, Jin Shuke said to everyone:

"After leaving my job tonight, I will be the host of Juyi Building!"

Juyi Building is the largest restaurant in Litian City and the only restaurant open to the public.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Your Highness!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Whether it is a barbarian soldier or a Jin soldier, they are all happy when they hear this.

Yu Huaping stood at his position with a knife in his hand. The gate of the city had already opened, and business travelers were already coming in to deliver goods.

However, there is no scene where many vegetable and goods sellers flock in to catch the morning market when the city gates are opened in the morning in ordinary cities. These things are all sent by the general's mansion in advance to buy them and bring them in together.

And even though the suspicion of the war is already in sight, and the savage rebellion can't say when it will spread here, but as long as there is no real war, those caravans will continue to come in.

This made Yu Huaping feel that these merchants' pursuit of making money is very similar to the swordsmen's obsession with kendo.

Jin Shuke began to arrange people to inspect the caravans. They only inspected the first wave to see if any secret spies or spies would leak in. There was a transit area behind the city gate, and a large area was purposely set aside. Special officials are responsible for clearing the goods and registering them.

As long as anything enters Shengle City, it will inevitably be left with traces. These are also proofs for tax collection after the transaction is concluded.

You can trade in the shop by yourself, or you can hand over directly to the commercial yamen under the general's mansion, but the price of the latter will be lowered.

It wasn't that there were no corrupt officials involved. In the past month, Yu Huaping had heard news that more than a dozen officials had been killed and flayed. In fact, there would only be more officials punished.

The chair that the counting officer is sitting on is already covered with two layers of human skin, and the chair is not allowed to be changed, so you just sit there and continue working.

Jin Shuke walked up to Yu Huaping's side and patted Yu Huaping's shoulder.

The action of patting the shoulder,

It originated from the owner of Shengle City, that is, General Zheng of the General’s Mansion. It is said that he likes to pat his subordinates on the shoulder when talking to them;

Gradually, this movement was learned by others and imitated in the army and yamen.

"Little fish."

"Yes, my lord." Yu Huaping replied calmly.

Except for Zheng Fan and others, no one knows his true identity.

"You're not married yet, are you?"

Although Jin Shuke's Xiayu accent was heavy, he spoke it neatly.

"Not yet, my lord."

"Shall I tell you that you don't want a mother-in-law?"

Master Juggernaut's face is very exciting at this time.

He is really afraid of alchemy. He can say that a group of savage slaves have come to the market recently. Some of the female slaves have even brought seeds for you in advance, so they have taken advantage of it.

To be honest, Juggernaut can understand some of the customs and habits of the barbarians, and he can respect them to a certain extent, but it is impossible for him to want to integrate himself into them.

Previously, there was a soldier nicknamed Sigui among the city guards. He went to eat meat in the red tents in the city.

This incident became a joke among the defenders of the East Gate for a while.

Naturally, Yu Huaping would not participate in this kind of topic, but he couldn't help but overhear it when others were talking about it.

"A nice woman, a woman from Jindi, a widow with a daughter and a mother-in-law."

Yu Huaping blinked.

"That woman looks good, and most importantly, according to what you Jin people think, she is a woman who can live a good life."

"My lord, I don't want to think about this for the time being. I want to earn some military merit, and I'll look for it later."

Yu Huaping could only use this excuse to shirk.

He has his own code of conduct, since he promised to help Zheng Fan guard the east gate, he will not let himself give up halfway because of personnel matters.

A swordsman, a sword, is sometimes just like that.

"Looking is always right."

Jin Shuke reached out and patted Yu Huaping's shoulder again, then lowered his voice, and secretly said to Yu Huaping:

"You boy, I can tell that you are definitely not an ordinary person."


"You and us, you and them, are different."

"no the same?"

"Yes, it's different. I don't believe your reason just now. They care, we care, money, women, status, but you don't care about this at all."

"I care."

"Don't lie to me, Mr. Bei's evening class, as long as I am not on duty, I will attend."


An evening class for the blind, with the theme of brainwashing.

But sometimes when the interest comes, I will also talk about some life philosophies, which is the so-called output of the three views, and if it is easier to understand, it is mixed with private goods.

This is the instinct of the blind, an instinct that cannot be changed, or it can be said that any person who feels good about himself will suffer from a disease of not shaking private goods and not feeling comfortable.

"Mr. Bei said that some people seem to be the same as us, but in fact, they are different from us. He is like the wolf king. When the wolves are cheering for the meat in front of him, he is worried. The coming winter.

The master is the wolf king. "

The master, of course, refers to Zheng Fan.

Zheng Fan is very lazy and rarely attends public events, but it is precisely because of this mystery that he is more dependent on his demon kings to shape his character.

If Zheng Fan had nothing to do every day and just jumped around a few times and showed his face everywhere, it might not be able to achieve such a good character design effect.

Therefore, every time Zheng Fan appeared, the soldiers around him would be extremely excited, as if they were fanatical fans seeing their idol.

Stimulated by the reaction of the sergeants after Tian Wujing appeared in the army last time, during this period of time, the demon kings have spared no effort in this god-making sport.

"My lord, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Since you came here on duty, the number of times the master has gone through our east gate has increased."

"The general likes to go through the east gate. What does that have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter? The blacksmith's workshop is in the west of the city, but when the master went to inspect the blacksmith's workshop, he deliberately passed through our east gate, and when he came back from the blacksmith's workshop, he deliberately went around and returned through our east gate.

It's fine to go out to patrol the city. The master doesn't like lively people on weekdays, but recently he has started patrolling the streets frequently. Whenever he patrols, he will come to our east gate to have a look.

Just the day before yesterday, the master came to our east gate four times. "

When Yu Huaping heard this reason, he felt a little helpless.


Zheng Fan likes to run to the east gate when he has nothing to do during this time.

One trip or two is fine, it seems that now it has become a walk after lunch and dinner, and you have to take a walk here.

Yu Huaping could understand why Zheng Fan ran here,

A sword master is watching the gate for him,

He must come and see now and then,

Every time the corners of his mouth are twitched tightly and he pretends to be serious, but in fact he is very happy and happy.

"Brother, I don't ask where the devil you are."

"It's holy."

"Well, holy, I don't ask you. You are also very conscientious in your daily errands, and you can't find any mistakes. This makes me very satisfied."

"Thank you for your appreciation, my lord."

"Juyi Building tonight, you have to come."

"I have something to do tonight."

In the evening, the Juggernaut has to teach the little sword boy how to practice swords, which is an unshakable homework every day.

Hearing this, Jin Shu was not angry, but nodded and said:


finished speaking,

Jin Shuke turned his head and pointed at the guards behind him and scolded:

"Eat the cakes after the next order, and stand up for me, lest the military discipline officer come and beat you!"


In the bedroom of the back house of the general's mansion,

The young master lay on the bed with his butt pouted, "Wow wow" in his mouth, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

After seeing the child, Zheng Fan asked Xue San to go to Litian City to tell Tian Wujing the news. The door of the Hou Mansion was still closed, and the soldiers outside were completely unreasonable.

Later, Xue San had no choice but to sneak into the Hou's mansion, and left Zheng Fan's letter in the Hou's mansion.

As for whether the letter would be picked up by others, Xue San patted his small chest and said absolutely not, as soon as he sneaked into the Hou's mansion, he instantly felt like being stared at by a tiger.

Obviously, all his little actions fell into Tian Wujing's "eyes", so it is impossible for others to pick up that letter, and there is no possibility of losing it.

However, what Zheng Fan couldn't understand was that Tian Wujing hadn't come and said nothing since he sent his letter, and he didn't send anyone to see the child.

It was as if he had forgotten that his son was still here with him.

However, in the words of a blind man, from such a "look", a Long Yuan sword and those five thousand Jin troops are considered milk money?

at this time,

The little baby who was eating "sky-high" milk powder was still working hard on the bed, and no one in the room was watching him. It is very dangerous to throw a child on the bed like this, and this child's identity is still so precious.


When the young master was about to climb out of the bed and was about to fall down,

A stone that was originally placed on the bed suddenly flew up and pushed the child back.

The little Hou Ye rolled over on the bed like he was on his head, he didn't cry, but looked at the stone with his two godly eyes.

"Whoa whoa."

The stone stopped moving again.

Seeing this, the young master began to crawl out of the bed.


The one in the stone couldn't bear it anymore,

A black baby shadow emerges,

A magic pill with a terrifying image appeared,

Standing in front of the little lord.

Little Hou Ye didn't cry, but lay down on his side, laughing and dancing while looking at Mowan.

Mowan's indifferent face.

Little Hou Ye slowly got up again,

Climbed in front of the magic pill,

hold your head up,

pout your ass,

"Whoa whoa!"

Mowan opened his mouth and said solemnly:

"Jie Jie... Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."


"Jie Jie..."


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