Devil’s Advent

Chapter 214 Asking

"You can't convince me," said the Juggernaut.

"I didn't want to convince you, I just think about it, will my store still be open tomorrow?"

"Let me help you take a look."

The Juggernaut went to the door and reinstalled the removed door panel.

"Don't drink the soup?" the old man asked inside.

"Come back later and drink."

After the Juggernaut finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving only the old man sighing in the shop:

"It's a pity that there are so many green onions."

The whole of Gyeonggi has become a mess at this time. It was a rout a month ago, but this time it was a rout again. It was still a pro-army before, and it was also a rout.

In everyone's field of vision, it seems that there are Yan people everywhere, you can see Yan people everywhere, straight mother thief, how many Yan people have come here!

Without the support of the establishment, the vast majority of people would not be able to resist. They just subconsciously began to hide around. Occasionally, a few soldiers gathered a group of soldiers, and before they had time to continue snowballing, they encountered a After the impact of the Yan Army's cavalry was broken up, the small group that had finally gathered together melted away.

The ridiculous thing is that the Yan people are divided into many groups, but even the one with the smallest number has not encountered any real and practical resistance. The development of the matter is really too smooth.

At this time,

The big bell of the Jin Palace was rung,

One hundred and sixty years ago, when the imperial palace was still used to go to court, this bell would ring every morning, which represented the beginning of a new day of order in the land of the Three Jin Dynasties.

In recent years, except for sacrifices or birthdays, the bell doesn't ring very much.

At this time, the land of Gyeonggi was attacked, and the sound of the bell was a signal to gather troops.

Yu Huacheng, who was wearing a cloak, stood on the palace wall with the big bell roaring behind him. It can be said that he is the one who knows the situation best among the Jin people in the current chaos.

First of all, he knew that it was impossible for the Yan people to have many soldiers and horses.

But it's useless to know this, because the soldiers and horses that I can mobilize now will only be fewer.

The personal guards I brought into the palace, plus the palace guards who were originally controlled and released to return the weapons, and the guards who came after hearing the bell, add up to a total of 2,000 people. look.

Yu Huacheng knew that among the two thousand people, there were not many who had the will to fight.

During the day, I personally let Jingnanhou go; thinking that since the other party came, why not take a step back, lose my name and give him a boost in prestige?

Purely as a sacrifice for the overall situation.

Who knew that Jing Nanhou taught himself a lesson directly.

It was not until now that Yu Huacheng realized that war sometimes had to be watched by looking at the direction of the temple, but sometimes it had nothing to do with the temple.

I have too many distracting thoughts, too many worries.

Look at Hou Jingnan again,

A master who can destroy even his own family,

This boldness and ruthlessness,

I really can't catch up even if I flatter myself.

In front of him, there are two options, one is to take this group of people upstream, block the Yan people, and then call back the scattered soldiers and horses in the capital, so as to stabilize the situation;

The other is to leave here directly with these soldiers and horses and the Queen Mother, and go east to seek refuge with Situ's family.

But for the latter choice, if he really chooses it like this, what is the difference between him and Jinhuang?

After tossing and tossing, in the end, the last bit of foundation of the Yu family was tossed away, so what's the point of my tossing around?

A white light rose into the sky from the night in the west.

Yu Huacheng took a deep breath, he recognized the white light, it was his elder brother's sword intent.

Brother, a choice has been made.

Yu Huacheng silently descended from the palace wall, mounted his horse, drew out his saber, facing west,


"For the hometown!"


In a chaotic situation, many coincidences are destined to occur, but most of the coincidences can often be deduced after the fact that there is a trace of inevitability.

When Yu Huacheng led 2,000 soldiers up against the current and planned to regain a piece of land in the capital, he happened to miss Zheng Fan's 300 men who rushed straight over.

Yes, I missed it, just a little bit, just a little distance.

Even Yu Huacheng and the Jin army under his command had noticed that a small-scale cavalry of the Yan army "passed by" not far from them, but they could no longer take care of it, because a group led by Liang Cheng personally A group of cavalrymen joined many nearby Yanjun cavalry teams and began to follow the orders of the Marquis of Jingnan in advance, like a group of sharks smelling blood, they rushed straight at the big whale.

This also made Zheng Fan's long-distance drive into a real long-distance drive. When he encountered a few routs on the road or didn't know whether it was a rout or a commoner from Jin, they were all run over.

in the end,

The Jin Palace, which has been mobilized with almost all defensive forces,

Just like that, it was placed in front of Zheng Chengshou.

Everything is so beautiful and lucky that it makes people feel a little unreal.

The gate of the palace is closed, but throughout the ages, when foreign enemies came here, no matter how majestic the palace city was, there were hardly any swords that really stopped the foreign enemies.

Outside the palace gate, Zheng Fan reined in the reins, and the knights behind him also slowed down their horses.

Zheng Fan was observing where to climb the city wall to attack, because there were no defenders on the city wall.

at this time,

The gate of the palace was pushed open from the inside,

A group of eunuchs opened the palace gate and ran out, knelt down in front of Zheng Fan's horseshoe, begging loudly to show their merits.

Zheng Fan remembered that in later generations, people would often count the bloody and capable eunuchs in history. The fundamental reason for doing this kind of statistics is that most of the people without Luanzi, did he really have no Luanzi? .

With a whip, Zheng Fan turned over the eunuchs who were kneeling in front of him, and then waved his hand, followed by the cavalry of the Jingnan Army, directly entering the palace!

The moment the hooves of the war horse under my crotch stepped through the palace gate,

Zheng Fan suddenly had a feeling that he was the creator of history,

he believes

If future generations want to compile "History of Jin", there must be records about themselves in the last section.

For example, I (Zheng Chengshou, Zheng Houye, Zheng Junwang, Demon King) led the army to rush into the Jin Palace, marking the official fall of the Jin Kingdom.

A sense of pride, a kind of heroism of standing on the top of the mountain to guide the situation, arises spontaneously.

at the same time,

Zheng Fan felt a little surprised,

It seems to be affected by the emotional excitement in my heart,

I have been stuck in my eighth-rank realm,

At this time, there are traces of looseness!

This actually,

also can?


The Juggernaut held his sword and was walking between the capitals. He could sense Tian Wujing's position, because every once in a while, that Pixiu would let out a roar as if he was extremely bored.

This was intentional, the Yan people, Nanhou, were waiting for him.

The old man in the soup and cake shop said, what are you doing?

So what if the emperor doesn't look like the emperor Jin doesn't look like Jin?

At least the capital of the Jin State has not suffered any military chaos for hundreds of years.

Days, in fact, passable.

If you have to toss, what the hell will you end up with?

Lord Juggernaut felt that it was difficult for him to answer the old man's question. He was the one who forced his younger brother to betray Emperor Jin and drive him off the dragon chair.

Since I have done this, I can't control the killing or burying, otherwise this matter will be done in a dishonest manner.

Take a step back and say,

The last piece of Yu's private land is about to be tossed away.

Juggernaut doesn't like this feeling very much, he doesn't like being coerced to do anything, he likes freedom, but now the one who is coercing him is himself.

Along the way, he beheaded three Yan army knights, and before the Yan people encircled him, he jumped out first and came to the western suburbs of Gyeonggi.

over there,

A man in gilt armor was leaning on Pixiu, as if he had been waiting for him for too long and fell asleep.

After the Pixiu found himself approaching, it grinned at itself, but it didn't dare to growl like before.

Tian Wujing woke up, opened his eyes, and slowly sat up straight.

"I still remember that during the day, Master Hou said that he didn't look down on the so-called Jianghu, but he didn't expect that at night, he would take the initiative to become a member of the Jianghu."

Jingnanhou stood up slowly,

Looking at the Juggernaut standing in front of him,


"Do you know why Benhou doesn't like Jianghu?"

The Juggernaut drew out his sword and began to gather momentum, saying at the same time:

"You can listen."

"People who have always advertised that they are in the rivers and lakes, but they like to go involuntarily."


The Juggernaut began to walk towards Jingnanhou.

Tian Wujing stood where he was, without moving, and continued:

"You said that if you practice swords all your life, you should practice swords. Why do you blindly participate in these things? Do you really think that if you practice swords well, you will be able to master all kinds of things?"

"I also feel like I'm doing it wrong, I don't seem to be good at these things."

Master Juggernaut directly admitted, and at the same time, continued:

"So, I'm trying to make things the way I'm good at right now."

next moment,

The long sword was like a rainbow, and a white light flew up, as if even this dark night had been split by the sword energy at this moment.

A black barrier appeared around Tian Wujing's body, and there was a loud noise, and the barrier and sword energy dissipated together.

The Juggernaut moved forward again, his momentum soared again, and said at the same time:

"Tian Wujing, there is something I've always wanted to ask you."

Every time the two confront each other, it is a real head-to-head confrontation. The world's top-ranked sharp sword and the warrior physique, which is advertised as the most powerful physical body in many cultivation paths, are engaged in a duel of spear and shield.


"You Tian Wujing, will you also regret it?"

regret what?

Of course, he regretted the night at Tian Zhai.


Tian Wujing replied.

"Have you ever thought about how you will face your relatives when you go to hell in the future?"

Tian Wujing nodded slightly,

His face remained calm,


"Then please trouble the Sword Master of the Jin Kingdom to help Benhou go down first and ask!"

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