Blood Sea Training Spirit

He clearly understands that this is Master Zixiao’s teaching method, and he is his disciple, so teaching this matter will not be left behind.

It’s just that the ability to revive at will and open up space at will, isn’t it too scary?If it wasn’t for that saint who was still preaching, he might have thought he was meeting that big guy.

The sea is rough and the waves are rolling. Wang Sheng’s balance is actually pretty good.

The main reason is that I have been traveling in the wild for ten years, often facing deep pits and bulges or depressions, and my body has long been used to such operations.

Coupled with the addition of aura to open and hang, it is not too simple.

“Master, if it’s just these tests, then I think my course should be cancelled, haha”

He shouted to the sky, triumphantly.

However, after a long time. Zixiao didn’t respond, so it means that the postgraduate entrance examination is definitely more than that.

Time passes, here is cut off from the outside world.

Wang Sheng manipulated the single tree and was able to navigate the waves with ease, the sea water rolled his whole body wet.

Underfoot is the endless dark blue unknown.

“Could the master be testing his patience?”

Having not seen danger for a long time, Wang Sheng was very suspicious. Didn’t he exercise his control this time?

Just as he was thinking, he felt a chill behind his back, and then he couldn’t feel his body tissues at all.

Moreover, his mind was empty, and he couldn’t remember many things. He tried hard to remember, but he couldn’t remember who he was at all.

not good

Shocked, Wang Sheng hastily touched his back with his hands, but it was covered in blood.

He even touched some soft things, and there were bones protruding from his body.

That was his internal organs, and the bones that should have been wrapped in muscle.

With such absurd thoughts accompanied by the severe pain of “I was eaten”, Wang Sheng suddenly lost control of his balance and fell into the sea water.

However, spiritual energy needs the body as a medium to use it. At this time, the operation is stagnant and cannot be used at all.

“Shifang Liuli Avenue”

For some reason, thinking of the name, he subconsciously called it out.

But what to do after shouting

With confusion, he fell heavily into the sea water.

If he saw his own head, the back of his head with half of his brain eaten, he would probably know what to do.

Above the sea water, he still can’t feel anything, but as soon as he entered the sea water, the first thing Wang Sheng felt was the terrible pain in the back of his head

This is crushing his head inch by inch. If the pain value of being stabbed by a finger is one, then the pain in his forehead at this time is tens of thousands.


He thumped and yelled in the sea water, but he spit out a large amount of blood and sea water mixture from his lungs. It turned out that a section of his lung was also eaten.

At the same time, the boundless pain came from the lungs, followed by the back, liver, spine, tailbone, and buttocks.

The pain came one after another, and Wang Sheng couldn’t even help himself to a coma. He just lost consciousness and was about to be woken up again by the pain.

After barely opening his eyes, he found that the sea water was no longer dark blue, but dark red.

Where is the water here? It is clearly blood, a sea of ​​blood

Severe pain, how Wang Sheng wished that the part of his head that felt the pain would disappear, instead of being so painful that he was dying.

The most painful time in Wang Sheng’s life was only thigh cramps, and his hands and feet were never broken, but at this time he was suffering a pain that the human body could not bear.

During this process, the things eating his body in the sea of ​​blood finally took shape, appearing from his back one after another, transforming from transparent to solid.

They are ghost babies one by one, with six hands, with evil and crazy smiles, swallowing his blood, body, and even soul.

And in this sea of ​​blood, his Qiankun ring seemed to have lost its spirituality. Without a savior, it was like a dead thing, and it could never be activated without spiritual power.

Finally, in a daze, his consciousness completely disappeared.

He was eaten up, his body was eaten up, and his soul was not completely dead until the eyeballs fell into their mouths at the last moment.

Wang Sheng’s last experience was actually a pleasure of relief.

Never come here again, never wake up again.

The pain of death in the desert is not as strong as here. It seems that your pain of death is magnified ten million times, and the time is extended ten thousand times.

In the darkness, consciousness dies.

Suddenly, a light flashed by. Wang Sheng looked for the light and opened his eyes.



The cane, the waves, the sea waves and even the torrential rain, he was resurrected.

“No, don’t, don’t”

Wang Sheng was stimulated, he hurriedly touched his back, mentioned something indiscriminately, and flung it forward, it turned out to be a ghost doll.

He didn’t feel the slightest.

And the ghost doll is chewing the flesh in his hand at this time, it belongs to Wang Sheng.


Wang Sheng felt like he was going crazy, he felt around his body, yelled, cried and laughed, found several ghost babies and threw them out.

Touch it again, shake it again, gradually, teeth marks and blood holes are all over his body.

Until the heart was eaten, he fell into the deep blue sea water, the sea water suddenly turned dark red, the pain hit him, his voice was hoarse, and he once again experienced the severe pain in the world.

Waking up again, still on the canoe.

“I want to calm down, I want to calm down, the master sent me here, there must be some way”

Wang Sheng groped his body, while throwing the ghost doll, while forcing himself to calm down and meditate.

After two desperate and painful deaths, being skinned and eviscerated now feels a little familiar, and it doesn’t feel so weird.

No matter how painful it is at sea, I don’t feel it, but a little pain in the water is magnified thousands of times.

“My difficulty is spiritual power, and the master also hinted to me that it is to hone spiritual power.”

“Then, can I sense these ghost things with my spiritual power, so as to ensure my survival?”

He thought about it, and threw out a six-armed ghost baby that caught his eye again.

Suddenly, his eyes went black, it turned out that the spine had been bitten off.

The spine controls the body up and down, and a series of nerves. When it is broken, a person is paralyzed.

However, Wang Sheng can still feel the pain.

Falling into the sea, he panted heavily, and the pain hit him, overwhelming and unstoppable.

For the third resurrection, he stood on the log and tried to use his spiritual power to perceive his body.

Not long after, I suddenly felt something moving all over my body, it must be those ghost dolls.

He tried to blow them away with spiritual power, but their speed was too fast, and their size became bigger and smaller from time to time, the big one was as big as an arm, and the small one was smaller than a flea.

Only by accurately hitting them with spiritual power can one hit kill them.

Wang Sheng’s spiritual power at this time still cannot be precisely controlled, it is very rough.

“Plop,” he finally fell into the sea, and the pain pierced his heart with thousands of arrows.

Wang Sheng was not discouraged at all, he got up from wherever he fell, gritted his teeth to make people suffer, and killed ghost babies time and time again, and his control of spiritual power became more and more precise.

Death and pain again and again, if it was someone else, I would have gone crazy and fell into endless pain and darkness.

Wang Sheng is different. Although he was also insane, the severe pain made him wake up again. This is the best psychotherapist.

Years and months are unknown in the sea, and pain does not count time.

Dazed, Wang Sheng suddenly woke up, and as he shot out spiritual threads all over his body at the same time, precisely killing every ghost baby crawling on him, the sea water suddenly disappeared.

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