Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 081, you are not qualified

"The God Emperor! Our God Emperor!"

"Ah. God's miracle is coming!"

"Praise God!"

The salute rang, bringing the atmosphere of the whole celebration to a climax. People began to revel loudly again, holding torches and dancing weird dances, celebrating the perfection of this **** feast. After King Shimian glanced at the idiot, he slowly retreated to the castle, letting things go.

"Huh... it's risky, Mr. Xiaobai is fine."

Xing Li exhaled and looked at the idiot who was **** in the air, then turned around and said: "It should not be too late, we will leave the city immediately."

"Out of town?!" Lilo raised her fists and said unwillingly, "Why are you out of town? We are going to smash the bad king's butt! Ask him to put the bread back!"

Anxiously covered Xiao Liluo's mouth and said, "If we leave the city, what will the princess do? The poison in her body..."

"There is no guarantee for the safety of the princess here. Our next goal is to rescue Mr. Xiaobai, rescue Little Bread, and force the king to come up with an antidote. To complete these tasks, we must first place the princess in one. A safe place. The City of the Dead is absolutely insecure. We must move the princess outside the city. No matter how fast, we have to wait until the city gate is opened in the daytime tomorrow. We can pretend to be travelers and enter the city again."

The walnut is poisoned, and both the idiot and the small bread are caught. Isn't Xingli in a hurry?

She is anxious. But now, in the situation where she is deviated and unable to fight, and her combat power is drastically reduced, she must force herself to remain calm and make the most appropriate decision.

You know, the most difficult part of military operations is rescue operations. This rescue operation in reality is not as easy as it is written in musicals or novels. You can act by saying action. In today's such a small number of people, but to save people from a city full of lunatics, the possibility has dropped to a freezing point. If it weren't because the idiot was her friend, leaving from here immediately would be the best decision she could make.

While the city gate was not under martial law, Xing Li and the others left with the dying walnut.

This grand event continued, and countless eggs and tomatoes were thrown at the idiot.

However, the idiot is quietly **** here. He didn't move, let alone waved his hand to stop. The chains seemed to completely trap him, preventing him from making any movements.

He is waiting.

Wait for time to continue.

Waiting for the sun behind the mountains to slowly set down the plain.

Wait for more and more torches in the square, and wait for the sounds of singing and laughter to fade away.


Until late at night.

He knew that the last move he reserved had finally...waited.


late at night.

The last fanatic could not resist the attack of the Sandman and went home.

Here, it has become an extremely quiet world.

The entire city of the dead began to close their eyes, preparing for a new dawn.

But, does anyone realize it?

Realize. The darkness before dawn is always the deepest.

And this darkness, but only the cruelest demon is qualified to possess and control.


Under the night, a person ran out of the castle in a panic. He was wearing a set of expensive silk pajamas, and his carefully managed hair was messy with anxiety at the moment. In his right hand, a sword with many eyes is connected to his arm. But on his face, at this moment, there are many black spots, which not only look rosy, but also give people a painful feeling.


Hearing the sound of footsteps behind, the idiot who had slept for a long time slowly woke up. He raised his head, opened his eyes, and slowly took in a breath of air...


Hundred eyes rested on the idiot's neck.

The person holding the sword was holding his face, terrified.

"What's going on? My God's face... My God's hands! What did you do?!"

Behind the idiot, it was the king who died. Not only his face, but also his arms and body are covered with black patches. He didn't know how these spots appeared. The only thing I know is that these conditions of my body are very similar to the idea of ​​a virus attack by my warden on his behalf! In that battle against the Bucks, the virus that appeared in it seemed to be like this!

Idiot, put the air in the inhaled mouth into the chest cavity, passed it slowly, and then exhaled the breath. Then, his hands broke the shackles that bound him in an instant, and he opened the chains again and again. He grabbed the cross that was tied to him, leaped lightly, and landed on the top of the cross, staring condescendingly at the king of death who had panicked, staring coldly.

"You bastard... don't stand higher than the original god!"

Annoyed into anger, Hundred Eyes pointed directly at the idiot above, and the king shouted.

"........................ I ask you a question."

Facing the cold moonlight, the idiot carried his hands on his back and slowly said——

"With the strength of your court physician, how long will it take to develop a vaccine for a disease."

" ask this...what do you do?!"


"About...about one day...if you don't can..."

"But, you now have less than three or four hours of life left. In other words, if I want you to die, you are already a dead person."

The simple and direct words of the idiot are like a sharp knife, cutting directly into the heart of King Shimian. His arms holding the sword trembled, and the arms and eyes on the sword kept turning. It can be seen that he is on the verge of collapse.

"Sure enough... it was you... it was you who poisoned me! But... when did you poison me? When?!"

"Just the moment you received the report of the riot in the prison."


"Remember those words in the utility room? Do you think I wrote these words to provoke you? No. The real purpose of these words is to lead you to that closed room. In that room The cholera bacteria have long been spread. Anyone who enters will be infected."

King Shimian was taken aback, his lips trembled.

"In order to bring you in, I first wrote the provocative words. Because they involve you, the soldiers who see these messages are likely to report to you immediately. You are likely to come here in person to find out. Check the words I left. In this way, the cholera virus that I mixed in the paint can directly contact you in such a relatively closed room."

"However, leaving a message alone is not enough. I can't rule out the possibility that the soldiers who saw this line of words will get rid of the handwriting because they are afraid that you will be angry. In addition, I can't rule out that you won't even get the report from your subordinate Go into that small room, but rush to the bottom of the prison to find me. So, I set up a mechanism."

"What...what mechanism?!"

"Below the provocative line, I added a completely incomprehensible sentence. At the very beginning of the words, I used the word'please note.' Then, I used'your... …But………………'Sentence like this. Then fill in some meaningless words in the middle, but you can't understand them at all, and you may not even be able to read them."

"In this way, soldiers who see this line of words don’t know what this line of reminders are actually reminding them, so they dare not destroy them at will. And when these words reach your ears, the soldiers who reported them will definitely say, At the end of the provocative text. There are some words that are completely incomprehensible, and I don’t know what they are talking about. It seems like I want your Majesty to pay attention to something' or something."

"Because you can't tell from the soldiers what I wrote at the end, you will definitely go to the utility room to check it out. In this way, my virus trap can bite you firmly in your mouth. Inside."

The trap is now fully clarified. And King Shimian, now his mouth was open, surprised--

" you have an expression that doesn't care about anything during the day! You already knew that I was infected, and I would definitely be tonight. I sneaked out to look for you when there was no one! ...You...demon...!!!"

"I took care of your face, king."

The idiot said coldly--

"Like I wrote on the wall. You have a choice now. One, is to put me and the bread. For your face, I can wound two soldiers and then leave, so that you can All the sins are shunted to others. But if you don’t choose this answer, if you insist on continuing like this..."

The idiot raised his hand and said, "Death is to greet you, the only ending."

King Shimian gritted his teeth and took a step back.

He clutched his festering face, and his sword-holding hand was shaking.

Obviously, this king has been shaken. I'm afraid that even if the idiot turns away grandiosely now, he will not stop him.


"Good, good! I... I let you go! But you have to put the antidote... woo... woo!"

Suddenly, the originally well-being king suddenly convulsed all over? The source of this convulsion did not come from other places, but from his right hand, from the one hundred eyes magic sword!

"No... you are not allowed to go... I want to kill you... I want to destroy you!"

The pupils above the hundred eyes suddenly moved in disobedience, and the entire right arm of King Shimian suddenly became extremely swollen! Originally, there were already many eyes on his right arm. But now it becomes more! Not only the whole right arm, but also the other parts of his body began to crack open, opening, and out of the eyes!

"No! Hundred eyes, you can' can't do this! I body hurts! You can't treat me like this! I...I will become the Devil...I will become Hallelujah! You... you can not!"

King Shimian screamed in horror. His face also began to crack, and before a moment, countless eyes opened on his left and right cheeks, chin, and forehead. But after he was frightened, he changed his tone again and said loudly—

"You must kill him! If you don't kill him, you will have endless troubles!"

"But... but I was poisoned...!"

"Then let him get poisoned too! Cut off his limbs and use which little girl to force him to give him a vaccine!"

" no no no no no! stop me! I am...I am your master! You are not qualified to swallow me! I am...I am your master——! !!!"

The eyes on King Shimian's body became more and more, his face, neck, chest, thighs, and open pupils everywhere! The king roared loudly, and he covered his head. Make a crazy cry! In such an anguished cry, the soldiers on the night patrol certainly heard it and rushed to this side.

"Your Majesty God Emperor!"

"His Majesty--!"

King Shimian held his head, his eyes closed and opened at the same time. Hundreds of eyes stared at the idiot, and Lu showed hatred.

"Give me... Give me some time... Hundred eyes... I will kill him... I will listen to you... Kill him--!"

At the king's order, the soldiers immediately drew their weapons and pointed at the idiot standing on the top of the cross. The idiot remained silent, head down, looking down at these people.

"You don't want to live anymore."

"Kill him for me—! Kill him for me—! Hundred eyes...give me some time...I will do it...I...definitely! Cough cough...cough cough cough... …!"

A soldier immediately bent his bow and set an arrow, and the arrow shot directly at the idiot. The idiot turned his head slightly, and his body had fallen naturally, falling into the middle of the soldiers.

Xia Lan.

Where the wind blows, blood flies away.

He didn't even hum, the darkness under the moonlight was covered with a thin layer of red light, pulling out a weird and coquettish red line in the air.

"I give you a choice. I have already given too much. Now, return the bread to me. Otherwise, I am afraid you will not wait until three hours later to say goodbye to your life."

King Shimian hugged the slowly growing body, shaking violently. The soldiers who died did not seem to have any effect on him. He just held his arms, coughed loudly, and...

"Enough, human. I have seen the limits of your self-awareness. Now... give me your body!"


Under the night sky, King Shimian let out a scream! Finally, he no longer endures, but directly pulled up the pupil sword, took huge steps, and rushed directly at the idiot!

This huge cry is no longer like a human being, more like a demon's roar. The sound awakened a small half of the city, and people heard the voice of their own **** emperor and walked out one after another. Then they saw one thing...

The black-haired heretic stood before their **** emperor. Facing the rushing **** emperor, he suddenly exerted his strength, and when he appeared again, he had already come behind the **** emperor! And suddenly there was a sword in his hand! In the next moment, a blood line appeared in the sky, extending from King Death's throat to the point of the sword.

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