Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 030, not a good person

I'm afraid, it is no longer possible to describe the look in Zart's eyes in any language. He stood there blankly, and he didn't even have time to raise his hands. But soon, he noticed something, and the hand holding the branch changed again-

"Second sword, insects..."

The straight black blade appeared again. Its speed is not very fast, but it seems to be in line with the reflex nerves of the person, and the compelling Zart quickly lifts the branches to resist it when there is not enough time to think. It was just this action, the black sword that stabbed immediately disappeared. Along with a turn, a soft cry of summer insects, behind Zart, there was already a sword on his neck.

Very quiet interpretation...

Even, the silence is terrible.

The idiot slowly retracted the black blade and stood in front of Zat again. Looking at the idiot, Zat's eyes seemed to have discovered some treasure, and he became extremely excited! His hands trembled with excitement, the tree branch slowly lifted up, caught under his armpit, and his face was full of joy and shouted again—

"The third sword! Xia Lan——————!!!!!!"




This time, the idiot did not move.

There was no expected storm overwhelming the sky, and for some, only the child stood there blankly, his black pupils stared at him coldly, motionless.


Yeah...for Yuzat, there is indeed a small disappointment.

But such disappointment is permissible. In other words, he has got too many unexpected surprises!

Because of this small disappointment, he finally figured out the strength of the boy in front of him, and finally let him know what to do.

"From the third sword, Xia Lan began to teach. After you learn it, I immediately teach you the fourth sword and the fifth sword!"


Inside the prison of the mayor’s mansion, there was a dark and humid smell.

The polished iron gate opened with a heavy creak. The headed young man walked in with four men carrying food buckets. As soon as they entered this prison with dim lights and old blood stains on the walls, there were shouts of curses in the surrounding prisons.

"Despicable black dragon remnants! Have the ability to fight with us openly!"

"Only know how to use means, despicable villain!"

"No wonder it was wiped out by us, you only know this trick!"

"Look at it! Master Dai Lao will definitely come and rescue us! By then, your time of death will come!"

The screams came out one after another from the cells on both sides. Gaia silently walked in the middle of the aisle, holding a small paper box in his hand. The subordinates who followed him did their part to open the prison door, and brought out the fiercest and most angry Feltra among them. The fat man seemed to be quite used to this cell in the past two weeks, everything went as usual except for a few more welts on his body.

Since it is business as usual, then continue as usual. The black dragon warriors tied him into a zongzi, pushed him into the torture room and put him on a shelf, picked up the whip and whipped him. Felt was also strong enough, and while shouting pain, he still cursed. Of course, those whips are inevitable.

After turning a few walkways, Gaia came to a closed cell alone. Those of his subordinates were aware, and they dispersed early to make inspections. After everyone else had left, Gaia's tight face relaxed slightly.


He exhaled, took out a key, carefully inserted the door, and turned away...


As the cell door opened, a small body rushed towards him, raising a handful of straw in his hand and stabbing Gaia's thigh. Gaia smiled slightly, still attacked by the opponent. He closed the door with his backhand in the sound of the little girl's "Ahhhhhh" fighting.

The cell is very bright. Compared to the other dark and damp rooms, it's not as bright as a cell. There are bright guiding lights hung on the roof, and the brilliance that always emits tries to drive away the darkness in any place, so that the little guy inside can feel at ease.

After poking the bun with straw a few times, she found it was useless, and she was anxious. In a hurry, she threw away the straw, hugged Gaia's thigh, opened her small teeth and bit down fiercely. Of course Gaia won't let her succeed. He reached out and picked her up at random and placed it carefully on the thick quilt bed in the corner.


Bun grabbed the quilt, looked at Gaia with a pair of vigilant eyes, and kept muttering in his mouth.

"Don't look at me like that. Look, what good stuff did I bring you?"

Gaia shook the paper box in his hand in front of the bread, put it on the table aside, and opened it. Inside are four small sliced ​​cakes, and the white strawberries are brushed with honey, which smells fragrant.

Gaia spread his hands, put on an extremely exaggerated posture, and said loudly: "Qiang Qiang——! Strawberry Cake Quartet~~! Come on, little princess. Would you like to try it? It tastes good~~~"

Little Bread glanced at the cakes and couldn't help swallowing. But it was just a glance. After a glance, she looked at Gaia again with such vigilant eyes, yelling "Silly beep! Silly beep!".

Faced with the indifference of Little Bread, Gaia wanted to cry without tears. He sat at the table, looked at the bread and shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "Hey... I was quite confident at first. Little girl, what kind of living environment can make you so hostile to me? ? Ordinary 5-year-old girl shouldn't resist the temptation of cake so easily? Besides, you are still full of foul language..."

"Stupid beep! Stupid beep!"

After complaining a little bit, Gaia showed a wry smile again: "Oh, I really need to ask. I killed your family in front of you. It would be weird if you can show good things to me like this. Thinking of it, when I was 5 years old...heh, not to mention it."

Thinking of this, Gaia stood up and walked slowly to the bed. Bun grabbed the quilt and began to pull vigorously, and his mouth kept screaming, as if a little animal was forced to a dead end, weak and helpless.

"Little girl, in the past two weeks you have not touched all the delicious food you have brought me. You only eat a little when the food is leftovers. Do you not like to make peace with me? "

The bun shrank to the corner, and finally she tore off the quilt, immediately took out the cotton from it, and threw it at Gaia.

Gaia didn't care at all. He smiled and stretched out his hand, trying to touch the soft pink hair of this little girl. But at this moment...



Bun suddenly opened his mouth and bit Gaia's palm in one bite. Fortunately, Gaia shrank quickly, but the bite of the bun was also very strong, and a deep tooth mark was immediately left on his palm.





"Silly beep!!! Silly...silly beep!"

The smile on Gaia's face gradually stiffened, and then slowly disappeared.

He clutched his bitten right hand, and his eyes gradually began to change color as he looked at Bun.

His smile disappeared. Instead, there is a kind of indifference that is hard to come by.

In this prison, between him and Little Bread, he has absolute power. Here, he can ask anyone to die. Even young exception.

Slowly stretched his hand to the small bread.

The hands like claws approached little girl's delicate throat little by little.

The eyes that have been completely replaced by indifference are also condescending...

Staring at this child...





Hold the sword for many years, the hand covered with calluses, lightly stroked on the hair of the bread.

The movements are very light and full of gentleness.

Xiao Bao boldly opened his eyes, and what he saw was no longer the scary look in Gaia's eyes. Instead, it was a pair of eyes with a faint smile and a touch of sadness.

"In your opinion...I must be a big bad guy..."

Bun squatted nervously, shaking her torn quilt with both hands.

"He... Yeah. I really can't be considered a good person. If I really want to say..."

Hand, let go. Gaia rubbed his hands and slowly left the bed. Just before leaving the cell, he smiled gently at the bun again and left.

What I really want to say...


May indeed...

It's a bad guy........................


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