Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3902 Such vicious behavior!

On the floor in the corner of the kitchen, the little white cat was lying dying, looking very miserable!

The originally white and soft fur was now dirty and wrinkled, stained with a lot of sewage and blood stains.

His legs were lame and twitching, as if he had been greatly frightened.

His eyes were a little cloudy, and he didn't know if he had been hit by something. When he saw the light, he squinted and screamed.

The scariest thing is one of its ears.

It was cut off right down to the root!

When Yun Qiao saw this scene, her heartbeat stopped for a beat. The next second, a frost appeared on her face: "Who did it?"

Zhao Xiaoyue sobbed: "Sister Qiao Qiao, it's all my fault. You have been busy these two days and asked me to feed the cat. I always put the cat food in the rice bowl in the corner of the kitchen, thinking that it would come to eat on time, so I didn’t watch it eat with my own eyes. But since yesterday, I found that the cat food hadn’t moved much, so I put another bowl of dried fish next to it. This morning, I saw that the dried fish hadn’t moved. I should have been alert, but I I was really stupid, thinking that she didn't like eating dried small fish. I thought that the crew would cook braised fish for dinner and leave some fresh and hot fish for her. She would definitely be able to eat it. But... when I came to the kitchen just now to look for fish, I found out that it just came back here! It turns out that it disappeared for two full days and I wasn’t alert, and I didn’t know what happened outside. It’s my fault!”

She regretted it so much. If she could have noticed the clues when the cat food was not moved for the first time, maybe nothing would happen to Xiaobai!

Yun Qiao looked at this scene with a frosty face. After a while, he said softly: "It's not your fault. If there is a fault, it's also my fault. I didn't take good care of it."

Did she just praise Haikou for taking care of Mr. Jun?

Haha, in the crew, she can't even take care of her own kitten, so how can she protect anyone?

Zhao Xiaoyue kept sobbing: "Sister Qiao Qiao, do you think Xiaobai broke into someone's yard by mistake and was attacked by other pets?"

Yun Qiao shook his head: "When pets fight, they won't bite off their ears so fiercely. And even if the ears are bitten off, the wound will not be as neat as a knife! Xiaoyue, sometimes humans are much crueler than animals, you Do you understand?"

This crazy behavior is more like a demonstration.

Not to Xiaobai, but to her, Yun Qiao!

It was as if there was a vicious voice in the dark saying: Yun Qiao, you bitch, I'll cut off the cat's ears today, and I'll cut off your ears tomorrow! Let you go crazy again!

Upon hearing Yun Qiao's analysis, Zhao Xiaoyue was so frightened that she stopped crying, her voice full of fear and disbelief: "Sister Qiao Qiao, you mean... someone did this on purpose?"

Yun Qiao: "Yeah."

Zhao Xiaoyue continued speaking blankly: "Could it be... Gong Xiaoxiao?"

In the past two days, only an outsider, Gong Xiaoxiao, has been to the set.

Could it be that Gong Xiaoxiao pretended to admit her mistake and came to deliver refreshments, but in fact she had a vicious mind and deliberately secretly crossed into Chencang to harm Sister Qiao Qiao's cat?

Yun Qiao was silent for a moment: "Sometimes the most obvious answer may not be the truth."

She leaned down, gently caressed Xiaobai's trembling legs with her fingers, and then groped in her pocket.

Oops, she was in costume, and she didn't have the medicine she usually carries with her in her pocket. And she knew she had to shoot for a whole day this morning, so she didn't bring any medicine with her when she went out.

But Xiao Bai's injury was almost drained of blood.

Whether it’s calling the vet or going home to get medicine, it’s too late!

I am anxious.

Behind him, the man's slender and powerful arm handed over a small emerald green medicine bottle: "Are you looking for this?"

Yun Qiao took a breath!

Isn't this the special hemostatic drug she is looking for? It was prepared by her herself, and it will take effect within a few seconds after being dripped onto the wound!

Why does Huo Junlin have it?

Oh, yes, this was the first time they met. In order to thank him for buying all her cold soup in the alley, she specially gave him a bottle.

Unexpectedly, after going round and round, the elixir that was once given to others can now save Xiaobai's life.

Is this a cycle of cause and effect, where good people are rewarded? !

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 】

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