Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3790: The Palace Saint also has a scandal!

Jasper Bracelet nodded frequently at first: "Princess, you are right!"

However, as he listened, he suddenly looked embarrassed and reminded Yun Qiao in a low voice: "Eldest Princess, you see... there seems to be a scandal involving the President..."

Yun Qiao frowned: "He's not from the entertainment industry. What's so scandalous about a disaster relief team member?"

Jasper Bracelet coughed a few times: "Eldest Princess, his scandal is not in the entertainment section, but in the current affairs section..."

Yun Qiao turned over and over, and finally found the current affairs section.

Among a lot of incomprehensible international news, I saw Gong Sheng!

"Oh my god, the cheap husband is famous!" Yun Qiao sighed, "He just went to the disaster area to lay foundations. As for making headlines? Is this reporter blind and has a crush on him?"

Jasper Bracelet: "Ahem, eldest princess, the reporter scolded him that he should participate in environmental protection activities instead of disaster relief activities. He said that he has frequently appeared in disaster relief news recently. He is just sensationalizing and seeking fame..."

Yun Qiao then carefully looked at the news titles and pictures.

I saw the old news that when someone was digging out the rescue dogs, Gong Sheng initially avoided the rescue dogs, so it was deduced that Gong Sheng didn't like small animals, or even hated small animals.

Some people even found out how Gong Sheng participated in various activities over the years and never came into contact with animals.

Final conclusion: Gong Sheng is a cold-blooded, unloving, hypocrite who does not protect animals!

Yun Qiao was speechless for a while: "Are these people sick? Why do you want to dig up everything about a person and judge him?"

Jasper Bracelet sighed: "Princess, this is what you just said. Reporters in this world are sometimes arrogant and sometimes tactful. They dare to do anything... This is not only the case for entertainment reporters, but also for current affairs reporters..."

Yun Qiao was silent for a long time.

Although her cheap husband is sometimes fierce, and he often doesn't allow her to do this or that. He even loses his temper when she drinks two more glasses of wine or comes home a little late.

The most terrible thing is that once you catch her, you will kiss her endlessly!

But, she really didn't think he was a bad person.

At least, he shouldn't be written about as a cold-blooded person by those reporters in the news.

If Gong Sheng was really cold-blooded, he wouldn't have tolerated her taking in the cat Xiaobai several times.

Not to mention risking allergies and illness to help her protect Xiaobai.

If Gong Sheng was really cold-blooded, wouldn't it be okay if he didn't have to go to the scene when the earthquake happened? Then no one would find out at all, and he couldn't have contact with the rescue dog.

It's not that the palace saint is cold-blooded, it's those reporters who are making trouble out of nothing and are too indifferent!

"No, I want to settle the score with those reporters! During the rescue in the earthquake-stricken area, I was personally at the scene. Those reporters were not blind. In the end, Gong Sheng clearly worked with the rescue dogs. They were ashamed to admit that they were too narrow-minded. , how come it has only been a few days and you have forgotten all of them?" Yun Qiao was filled with indignation.

Jasper Bracelet carefully advised her: "Princess, the reporters who wrote about the scandal this time are not necessarily the reporters who were on the scene. Although the reporters on the scene were moved by you, these reporters who sat at home and wrote random things based on hearsay have never been to the scene. , I don’t understand the situation. Even if you explain one by one, you can’t stop so many people from talking..."

Yun Qiao had to admit that this was the truth.

In the days when she was dealing with reporters, including this time when she was trying to trick Su Yulin, she was able to remain calm and sound. In the final analysis, it was not because of her excuses.

Instead, use actions to fight back!

No matter how random the reporters write, they dare not ignore the facts.

If you present hard facts, no matter how tricky a reporter is, you will be defeated in despair.

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