Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3705 It’s not that the dog has become a spirit, it’s that Yun Qiao is so awesome!

Chapter 3707 It’s not that the dog has become a spirit, it’s that Yun Qiao is so awesome!

This is a brilliant, unexpected idea.

Let the dog be the pioneer of the adventure and go inside to take videos!

The problem is that search and rescue dogs only have sensitive noses, but they don’t have such a high IQ. They can’t take videos, and they can’t know the right place to take pictures inside. If they go in and just jump up and down, the camera won’t be accurate, so what’s the point? It's also a piece of crap, completely useless.

Therefore, the key is Yun Qiao, the conductor, to make the dog understand the human intention!

Everyone looked at the clear picture and saw the collapsed tables, chairs, benches, steel beams and steel bars in the ruins, as well as the injuries of the old principal and his position away from the exit. They were filled with emotions for a while.

That's not all, the point is, Yun Qiao immediately ordered Gouzi to take a bottle of water and a bag of first-aid tablets for heart disease and send them in.

Gouzi simply obeyed Yun Qiao's orders.

Almost everything that only humans can do, this dog did it perfectly, almost like a spirit.

No, it's not that the dog has become a spirit, it's Yun Qiao, the conductor, who is so awesome.

The reporters who had made wild guesses about Yun Qiao's identity now unanimously formed a new opinion——

"It turns out that this woman is no ordinary woman, she is an expert in animal training!"

"That's right, only this kind of expert can command the search and rescue dogs!"

"No wonder, I said that there will never be an ordinary woman around the President. It turns out that this woman is the assistant he needs for his work!"

"If we really reported this woman's origins randomly and turned it into a scandal, it would be a joke..."

Everyone was secretly shocked and thankful that they had not acted rashly just now.

Under Yun Qiao's command, the search and rescue dogs completed a series of pioneer pathfinding missions, and also fed the old principal water and medicine to ensure that he could survive for a longer period of time.

Moreover, given the situation in the ruins, the rescue team will know how to continue digging safely.

Everyone quickly continued to work vigorously.

No one would gossip about the relationship between Gong Sheng and Yun Qiao anymore.

Even those jabbering reporters before were moved by Gong Sheng and Yun Qiao's sincerity in saving people. They no longer dared to complain and complained. Instead, they honestly followed Gong Sheng's instructions and dug the earth where they should. Stone transporters.

The scene was finally under better control.

Not long after, the entrance was dug open again to a width of one person.

Gong Sheng took the lead and rushed in. He and several reporters carefully lifted a beam that was pressing on the old principal's leg and gently lifted him out.

Seeing that the dying old principal was finally rescued, all the teachers and students in the school couldn't help but kneel on the grass: "Thank you, Mr. President, thank you to the rescue team, thank you, little sister...!"

They didn't know Yun Qiao's name, so they called her "little sister" affectionately, making Yun Qiao feel embarrassed.

Finally, the last teacher was rescued.

When the headcount was taken, all the students cried. There were many students in the whole school. Although some people were seriously injured, they were properly rescued by Gong Sheng and the rescue team and were transported out for treatment.

It can be said to be a miracle in the history of rescue that all the children, teachers and principals of an entire rural primary school could survive such a strong earthquake.

Everyone had tears in their eyes. Whether it was the rescued people, the rescue team members, or even the reporters who got involved halfway, they all re-understood the meaning of life.

The reporters faced the live broadcast camera and started live broadcast again——

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