Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3430 Uninvited guests break into the wedding!

Chapter 3432 Uninvited guests break into the wedding!

Could it be that he couldn't wait until Xiao Ning was unlucky in this life?

Father Xiao was very indignant. When he thought that such a grand wedding was not for his biological son Xiao Zhijun, he felt uncomfortable all over. Even at the wedding, he had a bad face.

This daughter won't do him any good anyway, and he has no feelings for her at all!

He tried to stir up troubles about Xiao Ning in front of Mrs. Bai as before, so that the old lady would come forward to confront Xiao Ning.

Who knows, the old lady said calmly: "I am old and my brain is confused, but my conscience is not confused. I used to treat Ningning badly, and now I want to make it up to her. You are not a genius. Do you want me to become an old fool?" ?”

Father Xiao was choked: "..."

Damn, even the old lady has switched sides and sided with Xiao Ning!

In fact, he was supposed to lead Xiao Ning to the stage to the groom, but he didn't get such a chance to show his face. Instead, the old lady went to the battle in person on behalf of the Bai family, supported Xiao Ning, led Xiao Ning to the stage, and attracted the attention of the entire audience. Thunderous applause!

He was left alone, extremely embarrassed.

Father Xiao watched the wedding lively and smoothly, and it was time for the bride and groom to take their oaths.

Suddenly, the opportunity comes!

He saw a middle-aged man slowly walking towards the door of the auditorium. He didn't look like an invited guest, but he was walking on the red carpet towards the small stage where Xiao Ning and President Ye were taking oaths!

This person must be here to cause trouble!

Father Xiao saw the photographer and bodyguard starting to stop people. He quickly walked over and pushed the bodyguard away: "This is a guest of my Xiao family. What are you doing? Who dares to move?"

The groom's old father-in-law said so, so everyone had no choice but to stay still.

But this person...

Xiao Ning's secretary's eyelids started to twitch again.

This man is obviously Ouyang Xiong, how come he got out of prison? The point is, this person is Bai's archrival, why did he become a guest of the Xiao family?

What is Dad Xiao doing?

Does he know?

This Ouyang Xiong is the chairman's enemy. He must have bad intentions when he comes to the wedding.

Of course Father Xiao knows.

But he just wanted this stranger to ruin the wedding.

The messier the better.

Xiao Ning killed his son Xiao Zhijun. He had no other way to take revenge, so he took revenge at Xiao Ning's wedding. Humph!

Father Xiao watched Ouyang Xiong successfully walk to the stage, and he also breathed a sigh of relief - it's a good show!

Ouyang Xiong approached the small stage, grabbed the microphone from the emcee's hand, and interrupted the bride and groom's oath: "Wait a minute, I don't agree with this wedding!"

Before the oaths are taken at an imperial wedding, the master of ceremonies, pastor, or host will symbolically ask all the guests, "Does anyone have questions about the moral and legal aspects of this wedding? Do you agree with their marriage?"

This question is a custom that has been handed down.

It has certain practical significance.

For example, if a man is married, or the daughter is a third party, at this time, the original wife's family or herself will come out to object.

Of course, nowadays most of this sentence is just a ceremony. Those who hold weddings must of course be legal and reasonable before they dare to hold weddings.

Scumbags and mistresses don’t dare to be so high-profile.

Therefore, this sentence is just a question, and usually no one answers, or everyone says "agree" in unison.

Who would have known that someone would actually stand up and say "disagree" with Xiao Ning and President Ye's wedding today!

The guests and Bai clan members all looked at the middle-aged man who said "I disagree"!

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