Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3393: A certain weirdo can’t climb up?

Number 33 is coming up?

Seeing that Xiao Ning was slow to write and sign, the secretary asked anxiously: "Chairman, is there something wrong with the list? Do you need me to modify it?"

Xiao Ning sighed heavily: "No. There is a careless guy who may cause trouble again!"

Anyway, there will definitely be no peace where Boss Ye is.


Xiao Ning guessed correctly.

This year's family gathering is destined to be anything but peaceful.

Although the location was chosen in a seemingly remote place like Xiangshan Maple Leaf Valley, because all the people attending the party came from all over the world, members of the Bai family's branch tribes scattered around the world, as well as close partners, it can be said that there are too many people talking. miscellaneous.

There are loyal people, and there are naturally good people.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

Xiao Ning was prepared and sent his most capable subordinates to take charge of conference affairs and logistical support, while he personally led the secretarial team to receive the guests at the mountain gate.

For safety reasons, even Xiao Lili was surrounded by ten bodyguards.

Of course, such a grand event requires media promotion. She carefully selected some media with whom she usually cooperates well and invited them to report on the surroundings and gossip of Bai's party.

At this moment, standing in front of the mountain gate, welcoming guests as the leader of the Bai family, Xiao Ning felt that she had a heavy responsibility.

You know, at that party two years ago, at the same place, she was still the most marginalized and inconspicuous little person in this family, and anyone could step on her.

At that time, she was about to run away while pregnant with her baby. Even a character like Xiao Zhijun could stop her in the middle of the mountain with evil intentions!

But now, she is standing on the throne with dignity, behind her are the Bai family's capable generals and many bodyguards, lined up to protect her, her majestic momentum is different from before!

The higher the position, the greater the responsibility.

She concentrated her eyes and received every visiting tribesman and guest in a dignified manner. Just shaking hands and taking photos with a polite smile would be enough to make a normal person collapse from exhaustion, but she had been busy all morning and did not show any signs of fatigue. state.

The secretary was very impressed.

He repeatedly advised her to rest.

She just took a sip of water, told her secretary to see if Xiao Lili was running around, and then continued to cheer up and socialize with the guests.

Her eyes swept across the crowd near the mountain gate. They were all people from the Bai family, but there was no strange figure in sight.

Could it be that the location she chose was so wonderful that some weird wheelchair couldn't climb up at all?

And according to a certain arrogant and arrogant temperament, it should not be allowed, and others should carry him up, right?

Haha, so why don’t you come?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly smile.

At this moment.

In the back garden of the Zen temple, a group of descendants of the Bai clan and a dozen children aged six or seven gathered together to play.

The adults were drinking tea in the teahouse and chatting near the mountain gate. The children followed suit and started "socializing" like little adults.

Because they are all pampered and have been the apple of their family's eye since childhood, the girls only talk about clothes and jewelry, while the boys talk about horseback riding, martial arts and travel experiences.

One of the boys in a tuxedo said seriously: "I've been learning stock trading recently. I just sold 10,000 shares of Bai's stock and made a million."

Immediately, several little girls looked at him with admiration: "Really? You are so awesome!"

The boy in the tuxedo managed to hide his pride, but he still couldn't help but show off: "What's so great about this? Yesterday, my mother and I selected diamond rings for my fiancée at the Diamond Family. We picked a pink diamond that costs two million."

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