Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1291 He is so considerate! So gentle!

Qianqian Novel Network

Lisa's eyes were painful and hesitant: "I, I didn't mean to..."

"I know." Gu Qiqi said lightly, "You want to win too, right? It's just that your ability is not enough to realize your idea."

Lisa nodded sharply and explained hastily: "I slipped and fell just now because the sole of my foot slipped. I don't know what slippery thing I stepped on. It scared me to death! How could I intentionally slow down the team's performance? ?Even if I have such bad intentions, I can’t be so reckless. It’s not a good deal to trade my life for a drop in the competition.”

Gu Qiqi commented approvingly: "That's exactly the reason."

Lisa lowered her head in embarrassment: "But it's impossible to say that I have no selfishness at all. Before I slipped and fell just now, I was really distracted. Because I saw you saving His Highness the Nineteenth, and I was very moved. I had a little fantasy, if it was me, would you save me? Who knows that extreme joy can lead to sorrow, and in a blink of an eye, I really thought about something... This is indeed my fault, I admit that I was negligent and didn't concentrate on the game , I want you to apologize..."

Lisa even confessed her shameful girlish heart.

Gu Qiqi sighed slightly, and patted her on the shoulder: "I also want to apologize to you. In fact, I might have made you more stable when I hugged you. But at that time, for our team to win the first place, hugging you was a waste of time. I It was a bit rough, and I came up directly by your collar. Lisa, you won't blame me, will you?"

Lisa was taken aback, her eyes were moist again.

It turned out that Mr. Ye didn't give her the princess hug, the real reason was this!

It's not that Mr. Ye doesn't value her, nor is it that Mr. Ye thinks His Highness Nineteen is better and deserves gentle treatment.

But to improve the game performance!

They are a team, and the results of the team are their common goals!

Ye Gongzi did this, she understands too much!

For a moment, Lisa felt that the sky was a little brighter, the forest was much greener, and the gloom in her mood was swept away: "Mr. Ye, I will never blame you..."

Mr. Ye, how can you be so kind, so caring, so thoughtful...

Uncle Yun stood aside, his face turning blue.

Gu Qiqi said lightly: "Uncle Yun, Lisa has already explained her behavior and resolved the misunderstanding. Do you have anything else to say?"

Uncle Yun: "I can't talk about her, I don't want to talk about it! Mr. Ye, I just want to say one thing, the witch doctor will always be our enemy on the way to the championship, not our friend. Keeping the witch doctor by your side is a time bomb." ,too dangerous……"

Gu Qiqi waved his hand to stop him: "Who said that witch doctors must be enemies? There are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in this world. Our interests are not in conflict, and we don't have to win the championship. Whether we win the championship or not is not up to us." That's what the three of you really care about, don't you?"

Uncle Yun was stunned: "You... don't you want to win the championship and give the empire's great pharmacists a complete shame?"

Gu Qiqi said faintly: "I'm not interested in representing the great pharmacist of the empire, I'm just representing my master to find medicine."

Uncle Yun frowned: "Your master...should also hope to see you win the championship, and help him realize his unrealized wish?"

Gu Qiqi curled her lips slightly: "Then you don't know him too well. He doesn't care so much about fame and fortune. Before leaving, he repeatedly told me that I don't have to compete with others for my grades. Come and experience it and go back quickly. Whether you win the championship or not, He doesn't care."

Uncle Yun: "But..."

Gu Qiqi asked back: "Uncle Yun, didn't you also come to look for medicine, the spring water of Chunv Spring? Lisa is also looking for medicine, and there are only two medicines left to get it done. The three of us are not here for the championship. We only need to rush to the last level and enter the core area of ​​the ghost island to find medicine, won’t we realize our original intention?”

Yun Bo was speechless: "..."

However, Gu Qiqi had already raised her eyes to look at the vast virgin forest in front of her, muttering something: "Forest Lost Valley... I don't know what kind of surprises are waiting for us inside..." Miss Zhenren is an online service to help you find books to accompany you For chatting, please wechat/letter/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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