Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1289: Deliberately trying to curry favor with Mr. Ye

Qianqian Novel Network

Witch doctor undercover? !

Accused of such a wretched crime, Lisa's complexion changed, her face turned red, and she stammered a little: "I, I'm not an undercover agent, an undercover agent!"

Uncle Yun was not polite, and exposed her: "Don't you dare to deny the fact that you are a witch doctor?"

"I..." Lisa was speechless and confused.

Uncle Yun sneered: "Hehe, just now you almost fell into the river, what was the chanting that came out of your mouth?"

Chanting is a very prominent sign before the witch doctor casts a spell.

Witch doctors have special bloodlines, and of course ordinary people cannot identify whether someone is a witch doctor by testing their blood.

However, as long as it is a witch doctor, it will definitely perform thaumaturgy through singing.

When some witch doctors perform surgery, they also sing to enhance the effect of the surgery. This is where witch doctors are stronger than ordinary doctors.

Lisa was speechless, with a struggling look on her face: "I..."

Uncle Yun pressed on every step of the way: "Stop trying to make excuses! Lisa, to be honest, when you were besieged by men in the tavern, I started to suspect you! At that time you were singing non-stop, since you He is a witch doctor, so he must have a way to get rid of those local snakes, but when you saw Young Master Ye coming to help you, you immediately stopped singing and acted like you were wronged and let others slaughter you? What's the matter? Are you not an undercover agent? Since you were in the tavern, you have been planning to follow Ye Gongzi, curry favor with him, and let him take you into the ghost island, right?!"

Lisa was about to cry: "I'm not... I'm really not!"

Uncle Yun snorted coldly: "Just now you saw His Highness the Nineteenth Highness being cared for by Young Master Ye and held in his arms, so you also deliberately slipped and fell to try to attract Young Master Ye's attention?! It's a pity, it's a pity, your charm is too bad, Ye The young master is fond of Wu Shijiu, but he is dismissive of you, and he is too lazy to socialize with you! But you used the opportunity of our team competition to achieve your personal goals, and the moment you fell was delayed for several seconds, otherwise our team results would not be as good. Be taller, you are too selfish! Now I seriously doubt that you have other goals, and you will continue to make small moves for us in the next game, stumbling us, our team will not tolerate an undercover agent like you! Get out!"

Uncle Yun's analysis was meticulous and sharp, leaving Lisa helpless.

I saw her red lips opening and closing, weakly refuting, but there was no substantive rebuttal.

But, when Uncle Yun said he couldn't tolerate her and told her to go away——

Her small body suddenly surged with explosive power: "No! You have no right or right to drive me away! I'm here with Mr. Ye, unless...unless he drives me away, I will never leave him!"

Uncle Yun: "Hehe, you are really thick-skinned, and you won't let Mr. Ye go. How long do you want to drag him down? Without you, our team speed will be several times faster than it is now. The next level is our victory over the witch doctor At the critical moment, with you, a shameless undercover agent, do you think we are idiots?"

"What are you arguing about?" Gu Qiqi's cold voice suddenly cut in.

Lisa trembled, her face became even redder, and mist formed in her eyes.

Uncle Yun said in a deep voice: "Master Ye, Lisa is an undercover witch doctor, and her purpose must be to destroy our team's performance. You must not soften your heart, let her go now!" Books to chat with you, please wechat/letter/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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