At the same time, the first reaction of the three envoys such as Inujo was not to believe it.

But if these words come out of other people's mouths, these three guys will simply fall on deaf ears, after all, this is the national policy they spent two months formulating.

But the question, the Wang brothers, do have a deep understanding of their history and inheritance in Fusang, and even some of their traditions and customs can be said, as if they really lived in Fusang.

Coupled with the understanding between such words, it is clear that the tavern keeper is also a truly literate and learned person.

Perhaps from his mouth, they can understand more objectively and comprehensively which aspect of Datang they should learn from Fusang's top priority.

Therefore, the envoy immediately looked a little solemn, and then asked, "Brother Wang, I don't know why you have such a statement?"

"In our entire Fusang view, it is already quite remarkable to be able to learn all kinds of advanced technologies of the Tang Dynasty and the imperial court and political system, etiquette and culture, and even commercial farming. "

"Honestly, these are already the most important things, and what could be more important than learning them?"

Wang Chen shook his head for a while, then raised a finger and gestured left and right twice.

"What you said is of course important, and it is the essence of why my Datang can be strong. "

"But you have forgotten a root, the most important foundation you have forgotten, then no matter how much you learn more, it is just a castle in the air, a tree without roots. "

The shock on the dog was even more overflowing, and when he heard Wang Chen say this, he couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

He hurriedly sat down on the side again, as if trying to hear more clearly.

"Dare to ask Brother Wang, what is the foundation and root cause of such a strong Tang Dynasty?"

Wang Chen's index finger wrote two words heavily on the table.


The three Fuso envoys all knew Chinese characters, and besides, the structure of these two characters was simple, and they could see it at a glance.

The deputy envoy Hui Ri couldn't help frowning, and then asked with some doubts: "Brother Wang, where did this population start?"

"The Central Plains is a vast land with a large population, which has existed since ancient times, and it is not a situation that only occurs in a day or two. "

"If I want to learn in Fuso, shouldn't I also learn those advanced technologies and cultures first, and why is the number of people increasing to learn?"

Wang Chen immediately put on his posture of fooling the family, and analyzed with a solemn and solemn expression.

"You're just stuck in limitations, you don't know what the root is, but you're obsessed with appearances. "

"The reason why my Datang is so strong is enough to have the grand scene of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and coming to Chang'an from all over the world to congratulate. "

"It is true that advanced knowledge, culture, technology, and agricultural commerce have to take part of the credit, but in the final analysis, it is the large population. "

"It is because of the large population that no matter what you do, the power is very large, so that you can have enough labor to cultivate the vast fields and crops, and you can have abundant food. "

"It is because of the large population that we can make full use of so many advanced technologies and develop business to the extreme. "

"Otherwise, the population is poor, and there are not many people in a large area, so even if you have advanced technology, who can you use it for?"

"So the population is the fundamental, and everything else is the skin. "

When Wang Chen said this, the dog and the others couldn't help but ponder, and it seemed quite reasonable to think about it.

Why are the Central Plains countries so powerful in all dynasties, and why are they still subservient to the feet of the Central Plains Dynasty after hundreds of years.

It's not because the Central Plains Dynasty has a large population and strong combat effectiveness, and it can easily transform hundreds of thousands of soldiers, which they can't catch up with.

In that case, population is indeed the most fundamental factor in a country's strength and development.

Looking at the contemplative expressions of these three guys, Wang Chen continued to flicker and said, "Referring to the fact that my Datang is so strong, you can compare the changes brought about by Fusang after it became densely populated. "

The three of them immediately turned their eyes to Wang Chen together, waiting for the shopkeeper Wang to paint a vision for himself and others.

Wang Chen gestured while saying in a tone full of inducement: "If you have a large population in Fusang. "

"Even if we don't expand the existing territory, we can easily fill all the arable land in the country, at least as far as I know, Fuso has not yet reached the stage where all the land has been reclaimed. "

"If the population swells, farming becomes much more efficient and faster, and it can be divided into several rotations. "

"In this way, not only is there a great abundance of food, but a considerable part of the light and heavy labor can be freed up for the formation of the army, the construction of engineering buildings, and so much more.

"When the time comes, you can have as much food as you want, if you want to form an army, you can exceed 100,000 people at any time, if you want to build a palace, you can recruit tens of thousands of people at will. "

"This is the fundamental national policy, if the population development is raised, it is equivalent to the excellent technology and knowledge of my Datang 100 times. "

"You tell me whether it is better to develop the population, or whether it is more important to learn some superficial appearances and so on. "

Wang Chen's analysis was not lengthy, and he didn't talk about any big truths and knowledge, but he simply drew a big cake for the three Fusang envoys.

Out of thin air, it depicts the grand scene that will appear after Fuso has a large population.

Of course, this depiction is pure nonsense, because even if Fuso really had such a population, there would not be so much land to accommodate it.

Moreover, the development of population is simply not something that can be done with empty words, and such a vast land in the Central Plains has given birth to such a dense population.

A small island like Fuso, even if it develops to the death, it doesn't matter if it is desperately broken, then not many people will come.

Therefore, this so-called national policy is actually a piece of nonsense, and any minister of the DPRK and the Central Committee who drew the Tang Dynasty will feel that it is pure nonsense when they hear these words.

But the three Fusang people are different, they don't actually have so much knowledge, but they are completely baptized by Wang Chen's depiction and even vision, and they are somewhat immersed in it.


Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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