Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 160 Chapter 157: Rehmannia glutinosa

Everyone at the station was worried about what happened on the road.

Wang Tianxiao asked Wu Qiancai and their daughters-in-law, only to find out that Wu Jianye had a bad reputation in the village. He just liked to take advantage and often cheated.

It's just because Wu Wenhua spends more time working outside, so he doesn't know the specific situation.

Hearing this, Wang Tianxiao cried out inwardly.

It is estimated that something happened to the mule.

Sure enough, when he went out to search on a motorcycle, he saw Wu Wenhua squatting on the side of the road wiping tears on the mountainside. The mule was already dead on the mountain road next to him.

Seeing Wang Tianxiao approaching, Wu Wenhua stood up, with a face full of shame, first slapped himself several times in one breath, and then said dejectedly:

"Boss, it's all my stupidity. You clearly reminded me that there is something wrong with this mule. I just thought that it was my own brother anyway, so I didn't worry too much. It's all right now. I bought a sick mule, and I was killed by that dog. The Japanese Wu Jianye was deceived."

Wang Tianxiao parked the motorcycle on the side, got off and touched the mule's body. It was still warm, but he was not breathing. He was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

"Boss, I bought the sick mule. Let me pay for it. You deduct it from my money every month until the mule's money is exhausted." Wu Wenhua said anxiously beside him.

Wang Tianxiao waved his hand, "Brother Wenhua, go back and call for someone to come and take this mule back to the station."

"Take it back to the station, this sick mule, if there is any infectious disease, it will be bad if you take it back."

Wang Tianxiao nodded, "Just take it back and put it on the mountain ridge. I have other uses. Today's matter is your responsibility, as well as my carelessness. We will see how to allocate responsibility after the matter is settled. Go back and call someone first, I will go down the mountain and ask about things and I will come back."

"Oh well."

Wu Wenhua was now full of guilt, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he turned around and went back up.

Wang Tianxiao observed the mule for a while, opened the mule's mouth and smelled it, and found that there was a smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the mouth, and pinched his nose to check the excrement excreted by the mule due to pain, and there was the same smell inside.

It seems that the mule should have been terminally ill, but it was temporarily fed something in order to restore its energy temporarily. Under the stimulation of the drug, the mule barely survived for more than half a day, but it was basically killing chickens to extract eggs and emptying out the blood. The mule was so last alive that it died suddenly before it even made it back up the mountain.

Wang Tianxiao is quite familiar with the taste of the medicine. He should have taken similar traditional Chinese medicine before, but he doesn't know what it is, so he is going to ask Rui Menhuan when he returns to the village next time. The barefoot doctor mainly sells traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine must be able to distinguish quickly.

He carefully collected some mule dung and put it away.

After waiting for a while, Wu Wenhua and Wu Qiancai came along with Li Guanping. Everyone looked very bad when they saw the mules on the ground.

Especially the brothers Wu Wenhua and Wu Qiancai, thinking that Wu Jianye was his cousin, and under his own introduction, sold a sick mule to the boss, they were really speechless.

Wang Tianxiao noticed the change in the expressions of the two of them, and comforted him with a smile: "If you suffer a fall, you will gain wisdom. This incident is a lesson for all of us. Not only you, but I also have to sum up my experience. So Don’t be too ashamed, it’s not too late to mend a dead sheep.”

"But boss, this is a mule, it costs several hundred yuan..."

"No, let's go back to the village to find his wife..." Wu Qiancai said beside him.

"What's the use, you don't know that his daughter-in-law is a shrew, more difficult to deal with than Jianye... than Wu Jianye, besides, Wu Jianye has been doing this kind of thing outside for a long time to give birth to a son without an ass hole, and his family members may not Know."

"Hi!" Wu Qiancai poked his younger brother, and said angrily, "You should also be more careful. Look at the trouble, if it's a small thing, it's okay to say, it's a mule."

"I, oh, I'm just an idiot, stupid! I'm still too easy to talk to people, I just think that he is in the same family as us, and he is our dear cousin, who would have thought that he would cheat on our door It's gone. When I meet him next time, see if I don't break his leg, grandma, you really don't want to be shameless."

"At this point, it's useless to say these things. You can take the mule back. I'll find someone. We'll study what the hell this thing is at night."

Wang Tianxiao didn't criticize Wu Wenhua much.

Wu Wenhua was at fault for this matter, and he was also careless, and he clearly noticed that the mule's body was shaking, but he still didn't persevere. He was also at fault.

After parting with several people, he rode a motorcycle straight to the village clinic.

Rui Menhuan had just finished his work and was cooking some dried noodles. When he saw Wang Tianxiao coming in, he asked in surprise, "Tianxiao, why are you here? Aren't you in the mountains?"

Wang Tianxiao looked at his face on the table and said with a smile: "There is something I want to show you."


"You want to eat noodles, I'm afraid you won't be in the mood to eat noodles after seeing it."

Rui Men called out with a smile, "That's fine, just wait for me."

He originally ate small pickles and noodles, but seeing Wang Tianxiao waiting here, he was too embarrassed to continue eating slowly, picked up the rice bowl and quickly shoveled the noodles into his mouth.

This is how northerners eat noodles.

Many times when I watch the noodles in the north, it seems that the noodles have not been chewed by the teeth, but have been cut off with the throat at will and swallowed into the stomach.

A bowl of noodles, if they really want to eat it regardless of their image, it may be done in ten or twenty seconds.

"Wait a minute, I'll take the things in."

Rui Menhuan went to the back hall with the plates and empty bowls. When he came out, he brought two masks, one for Wang Tianxiao and one for himself.

"Take it out."

"You know what I'm going to show you smells bad?"

"Then there's no need to talk about it. Otherwise, why would you let me finish the meal? It probably doesn't look good, and it doesn't smell good."


Wang Tianxiao said, and handed the excrement that was originally wrapped in plastic film to Rui Menhuan.

"Look, I'll just say it's not a good thing."

Rui Menhuan took the things in distaste, opened the opening slightly, and closed it immediately after just looking at it, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What kind of dung are you, a cow? A donkey, or a mule?"

"It's a mule."

"Why would someone feed this stuff to the mules? Don't they know that the mules will not be able to hold on, and if they take too much, they will die suddenly?"

Wang Tianxiao looked at Rui Menhuan curiously, "Men Huan, so you know what it smells like?"

"Of course, isn't this Rehmannia glutinosa?"

"Rehmannia glutinosa?"

"Yes, this is proper rehmannia glutinosa, and it's not the kind of high-quality rehmannia glutinosa. It probably grew by a stream or in a dark place. The taste of rehmannia glutinosa is not right."

Wang Tianxiao nodded.

When it comes to Rehmannia glutinosa, he certainly knows what it is.

Because in later generations, rehmannia was made into a series of very famous medicines, because it has a good effect on nourishing yin and tonifying yang, so it is widely used by people.

That is what people often call Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

Liuwei refers to the addition of wine cornus, yam, moutan bark, Poria cocos, and Alisma, all of which are good medicines for benefiting the body.

Of course, there are also the legendary twelve flavors, sixteen flavors, thirty-six flavors, sixty-four flavors, etc., which have not been made into medicines, but they can still be seen in some ancient books.

Rehmannia glutinosa mainly grows at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and Ziwuling is just in line with this growth condition, so there will be many wild rehmannia glutinosa waiting for people to pick them.

Because Yangziling is close to the east and the sea is relatively low, the color of rehmannia glutinosa is not very good, and the quantity is relatively small.

The really good Rehmannia glutinosa are all in the west.

However, there are a lot of rehmannia and all kinds of beasts in the west, and most people dare not go there.

Maybe, the medicine is not picked, and the people are picked by wild animals.

When he came back to his senses, he pointed to the object in Rui Menhuan's hand and asked him, "Then tell me, what would happen if livestock ate rehmannia glutinosa?"

"It's hard to say, and it's not necessarily true."

Rui Menhuan hesitated a little, and continued: "There are actually three kinds of rehmanniae, and different rehmannias have different effects after taking it. If it is fresh rehmannia, it can be used to clear away heat, and basically it will not have much effect on these livestock, but now This season, there is a high probability that there will be no fresh rehmannia root."

"Except for the fresh rehmannia, there are two types: dried rehmannia and rehmannia glutinosa. As the name suggests, rehmannia rehmannia is dried to 80% of the fresh rehmannia. Rehmannia rehmannia is similar to rehmannia glutinosa, but some alcohol is added for processing.

I just sniffed what you brought, and it didn't have the slightest smell of alcohol, so I guess with a high probability that it was taken from dried rehmannia glutinosa. Why, what kind of feces is it, and what happened to make you come back and ask me with great fanfare. "

Wang Tianxiao told Rui Menhuan about his mule purchase, and Rui Menhuan suddenly realized after hearing it.

"Just to put it bluntly, I said that people who raise livestock basically know these basic common senses. When they go out to graze livestock, they must be careful that they eat rehmannia glutinosa. Why are there still people who take dried rehmannia glutinosa? It seems that they just want to eat rehmannia glutinosa. Let the mule regain its strength temporarily, and after it has fooled you, it will die sooner."

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