Dashan Makes a Living 1984

153 Chapter 150: Night talk

Zhang Yufeng thought about what happened to Tiancheng half a month ago. At that time, she was very anxious, and when she saw Tiancheng was injured, she blamed her second child in her heart.

I didn't think anything at the time, but looking back now, the second child's eyes seemed calm, but they were actually very disappointed. It is estimated that since then, his feelings for him have faded a lot.

Otherwise, why would he rather stay in the mountains than come back.

Is it true that I did something wrong.

"Mom, I haven't slept yet."

Wang Tianxiao came in and stood leaning against the wall. He glanced across the railing, and found a row of small shoes, hats, and clothes on it. His feelings were also very complicated.

My mother's eyes are getting worse and worse, because she was tired when she was young, and she spent countless nights dressing and shoes for the children, making shoes and mending clothes under the kerosene lamp. These things must have taken a lot of work.

Just because this kind of thing is usually made by grandma for grandson.

Although I didn't tell my mother the specific arrangements for the full moon, and she didn't even see her grandson, but I still didn't let go of what I should do.

Perhaps, in Mother's heart, she has already done what she should do, but in her own eyes, she has been pursuing something called fairness.

He has always longed for his mother to be able to hold a bowl of water, but mother doesn't seem to have this concept.

She may never really understand her grievance.

"You are cold. If you are cold, come and sit on the kang. The coal you bought for me last time is very good. There are no stones in it. It can be simmered in the kang tube for a long time. It is hot."

"No, I'm wearing thick clothes, so I'm not cold."

Wang Tianxiao didn't go to the kang, but seeing his mother was a little embarrassed, he still sat on the edge of the kang and helped his younger sister Xiaozhu cover the quilt.

The temperature of the coal kang is so high that sometimes it can burn the quilt, and the children are so angry that they will throw off the quilt as soon as they sleep.

Although Wang Xiaozhu is a younger sister, Wang Tianxiao is not a young soul anymore, so looking at her is like looking at a child, a twelve-year-old girl, cute and innocent.

"Do you drink water? It's in the thermos bottle. Mother's cup is behind the railing." Zhang Yufeng said.

"No, I'm not thirsty either."

After the simple opening remarks were finished, the atmosphere was slightly suffocated.

Wang Tianxiao was hesitating how to speak, but Zhang Yufeng started the topic first.

"Tianxiao, the child is going to be full moon, right?"

Wang Tianxiao nodded: "The day after tomorrow."

"I guess it's about the same," Zhang Yufeng nodded. "I haven't been able to remember things recently, so I'm afraid I'll forget them. Look, those are the shoes, hats and clothes I made for my children. There is this..."

Zhang Yufeng took out a red string from under the pillow, on which was hung a triangular red packet.

"This is the longevity talisman I asked for my child in the Dongshan Temple. I asked Yin Yang to consecrate it. You take it back and hang it around the child's neck. If I can live another twelve years, I will help him get it. If I die at that time, you can go directly to the temple and let the yin and yang be removed."

This kind of talisman is called longevity talisman, which is a custom here.

There is a famous temple in Qingcheng called Dongshan Xianfu.

It is a hodgepodge, which includes Taoist gods, Buddhist Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, and even Confucian saints.

Before the children in the neighborhood are full moon, the old man will go to Dongshan Xianfu to ask for a longevity talisman. After returning, he will hang it under the armpit of his clothes, or wear it around his neck. He will wear it until he is twelve years old. .

The so-called Longevity Talisman, inside is a piece of rune drawn on yellow paper, and the outside is wrapped in red cloth to form a triangle. If you want to hang it around your neck, you need to ask for a red rope in the temple. If you want to hang it under your armpit, Just sew it on the clothes with red thread.

When the old man is twelve years old, if the old man is still alive, the old man can take it off and put a handprint on his forehead.

If the old man has passed away, he needs to go to the temple where the talisman is sought, have the yin and yang removed, and put a red stamp on the child's forehead, indicating that he has passed the first catastrophe. You know, don't bother me any more.

Dongshan Immortal Mansion is in the valley of the next town, more than ten kilometers away from Wangjiazhuang. Zhang Yufeng can't ride a bicycle, so she must have walked there. With her small feet, it may take almost a whole day to go back and forth.

It is also very hard.

When Wang Tianxiao heard his mother mention death, his heart softened a little.

He knew that if he followed the trajectory of his previous life, his mother would not survive Wang Peng's twelve years old.

When Wang Peng was eight years old, that is, eight years later, his mother passed away.

And he also knew that his mother was not far away from hemiplegia. In the summer of 1985, his mother was too hot to work in the field, so she drank a ladleful of ice water when she returned home and fainted.

When he woke up again, he suffered from hemiplegia and was paralyzed on the kang ever since.

At first everyone was able to maintain it, but seeing that the mother was unable to recover for a long time, they gradually showed their faces, and the family fell apart completely.

The mother has also become a burden everywhere, and no one wants it.

Unlike others, Wang Tianxiao has complicated feelings for his mother.

When other people hurt him, it was all about interests, and they wanted to take more things from him.

But the grudges between the mother and him were all because the mother didn't treat him and other brothers fairly. But then again, the mother could only say that she didn't do well enough, but she didn't mean to hurt him actively.

She basically kept her mother's responsibilities to a minimum.

He was arrested and raised, and in his previous life he also took care of the children.

In the thinking mode of later generations, it is obviously not enough to achieve this level, but in this era, it cannot be considered too bad for a mother who is alone with eight children.

There are so many worse parents than her.

Therefore, Wang Tianxiao complained to his mother, but it was not hatred.

He is not the kind of cruel person who draws a clear line with others when others treat him a little bit badly.

Wang Tianxiao has always been a grateful person.

As long as others are kind to him, he will reciprocate.

This is the kindness and brilliance of his character, but also the weakness and inadequacy of his character.

Many people often take advantage of this, causing him to suffer grievances and losses.

"Well, you worked hard."

Zhang Yufeng was taken aback.

The separation and estrangement of her son made her very sad.

Her personality is actually a bit similar to Wang Tianxiao's, she is the kind of person who likes to keep things in her heart.

But now she knows that if she continues to misunderstand like this, then she may really slowly lose the love of this child.

"Tianxiao, what do you think about Full Moon Wine?"

"Just do it at home."

"That's it, okay, okay," Zhang Yufeng's lower half of his heart was hanging, and he couldn't help showing joy: "Is it in the pit yard?"

"Let's put it in the alfalfa field. The pit yard is too small, and it has to go up and down the alleyway. It's inconvenient for people to come and go, and it's not easy to take things down."

"Clover field, okay, it's covered with dust, how can I eat?" Zhang Yufeng asked worriedly.

Then Wang Tianxiao told his mother what he told Wang Dabao.

"That's good, you can put it on the top, the place is spacious, what about the banquet, have you found the manager, if you haven't found it, you can let the fourth brother do it..."

"I went to find my big brother."

"Dabao, that's fine, he's fine as the manager," Zhang Yufeng nodded, and asked again: "What about the ones who do it for you, or let the third and fourth children go and shout together."

"No, I can yell by myself. Mom, don't mention the old couple in front of me in the future. I don't want to talk to them, and I don't want to hear any information from them. They don't want to get involved in our family's affairs."

"Then...you are brothers after all..."

"It doesn't matter. I don't have such a younger brother, and I don't deserve to be such a person as an elder brother."

When Wang Tianxiao mentioned Wang Tianren, the anger in his heart slowly boiled up.

If he complained about his mother, because he was a mother after all, and he was pregnant with him for ten months, and he could bear the kindness of nurturing him for more than ten years, but with Wang Tianren, he could only stay away from them until he died.

Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for the relationship between his mother and his two nieces and nephews, he would have thought of beating up Wang Tianren and his wife right now, and then trampling them on the ground forever.

Although he and Wang Tianren are siblings of the same mother, brothers who have broken the bones and tendons, but the many hatreds in the past and present lives made him feel angry when he thought of Wang Tianren.

"Then... well, if you don't want him to get involved, then don't. You're all grown up, you're all married, and you're the father of several children. As a mother, I can't say what you should do."

Zhang Yufeng sighed, "Besides, it's useless for me to talk about your stubborn temper. I'll leave it to you to resolve the grievances and grievances between you."

"En." Wang Tianxiao responded.

"But no matter what you do, don't lose the face of the Wang family outside," Zhang Yufeng added, "You are still young, and you don't understand the truth of being fearful. It's not that I have to take care of my old face all the time. He is someone who is about to be buried in the loess, so what face do I have. I am worrying about you and your children."

When Zhang Yufeng said this, she seemed to think of something, and her eyes were moist. She wiped her tears with her sleeves, and continued: "Your father died early, and your mother supported such a big family by herself. It's hard to walk in the village."

"What do you keep watching others do? We live our lives by ourselves..."

Wang Tianxiao retorted subconsciously, but he also remembered that both Wang Dabao and his wife said that it is impossible for people to completely leave the group and live alone in the world, and they need to help each other and support each other in everything, so he didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Anyway, I don't know if I can live to celebrate the new year. I've been feeling my eyes are dry lately. Is it because God sees that I have held my last breath for too long and is just waiting for me to swallow it..."

"What nonsense?" Wang Tianxiao didn't want to continue talking about this topic. Death is a heavy shackle, especially on his mother. Even for him, he couldn't face it calmly.

"I'm here tonight to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"When Pengwa passes the full moon, his uncle's family will definitely come over. At that time, you should not be like before. If his uncle's family can't step down, it means that Lili and I can't step down. If any disputes arise, I'm afraid It's a child's full moon wine and it turns into a farce."

Zhang Yufeng's face darkened.

She seemed to want to get angry, but she didn't. She moved her lips several times, but she didn't make a sound.

The lights flickered, reflecting her shadow on the wall, making her look lonely and small.

After a long time, she let out a long sigh.


"Tianxiao, do you always blame me for being prejudiced against Lili's natal family?"

Wang Tianxiao didn't agree, but he didn't deny it either.

This is an obvious thing. My mother has a deep prejudice against the people in the mother-in-law's house, and everyone can see it.

"Son, it's because you haven't experienced the pain of losing a loved one," Zhang Yufeng said in a low voice, a little weak, "If the person you thought would be with you for the rest of your life suddenly died in a certain family's yard, would you really be able to forgive him?" Not to mention blaming them, the people in the two places also have some old grievances that cannot be clearly explained."

"Mom, we have to try to turn the pages of the past. Staying in the past won't make our life easier. You just can't let it go, but because of your stubbornness, it will definitely affect other people. Think about it, I have been married for several years, because of prejudice, have you ever really cared about our family's life..."

Wang Tianxiao paused, smiled, and didn't continue talking. Once these things were brought up, they would be involved in unclear grievances, and it was annoying to death. He didn't like talking about these things.

It doesn't matter who says who is right, he only looks at the final result.

"Mom, I just said that this time my son is over the full moon. I don't want any conflicts to happen. You have to think about it for me. How can I get along in front of my old aunt and uncle when you are always like this? Since I was a child, I have always listened to you, so you never thought that it is not easy for me, and I also have my own difficulties?"

Zhang Yufeng stared at her son in a daze. After a long time, she sighed: "Okay, it is my mother's hope that your family can be harmonious. My mother promised you that I will not target the Li family at the full moon banquet."

Wang Tianxiao felt quite comforted in his heart.

It was a big concession for my mother to bow her head.

Many parents in this era have a strong sense of feudalism, thinking that their own words are the sky, and their children must listen, and no disobedient behavior is allowed.

If his mother can do this tonight, he can't force her anymore.

"That's good." He smiled slightly.

Seeing Wang Tianxiao relax, Zhang Yufeng also showed a gentle smile on his face.

She actually looks like a man...

The forehead is broad, the eyebrows are very close together, and the eyes are triangular. If they are fine under normal circumstances, once they are angry, the entire eyes will turn into two inverted triangles, which looks fierce and even a bit sinister.

Wang Tianxiao and Zhang Yufeng are very similar in appearance, they also have square faces and inherited triangular eyes.

So he is usually not angry, and others can't see it, but when he is really angry, his eyes will be very fierce, and it can often make others subconsciously alert.

This is also the reason why he easily falls out with others.

It is often because he is not particularly disgusted yet, but as long as he frowns, others will think he is very angry when they see his triangular eyes, and naturally other people will also be angry, and the conflict will become intense.

But if he's not angry, he's actually quite handsome.

Although he is not as handsome as Li Guanping, but he has a special kind of handsomeness, otherwise it would not be able to attract Dai Yuanyuan to fall in love with him at first sight.

Perhaps it was a temporary consensus on the matter of the wife's natal family, and the atmosphere between the mother and son was much gentler.

I also took advantage of the opportunity to talk about some details of holding the full moon wine.

Although one chapter, but the word count is quite a lot.

When I am not in pain, I will definitely resume updating, and more.

Really uncomfortable, not kidding you.

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