Dashan Makes a Living 1984

123 Chapter 121: It hurts to break the ribs

No matter how powerful an animal is, it has its weaknesses. The lion is the king of the grassland, and even if it sees the hyena, it will shrink its buttocks.

There are not many animals that can hurt it like this. After all, there are only a group of jackals in Ziwu Ridge.

Wild boars used to live in groups, but they didn't know why this wild boar was left alone, so it was picked up by jackals.

But the jackals obviously ignored the stamina and desire to survive of an adult male wild boar, and he managed to escape after being injured like this. Instead, Wang Tianxiao and the dogs became the last fishermen.

The advantage of the boar sitting like this now is that the area it can cover has increased a lot, and it is impossible for Ah Ying to turn around his buttocks.

But it was also unable to escape quickly because of this, giving Wang Tianxiao time to approach.

Naturally, Wang Tianxiao did not miss this opportunity. He kept moving forward along the slope, running faster and faster, and soon came to a distance of 20 to 30 meters from the wild boar.

The wild boar also noticed his appearance, and looked very irritable and anxious, trying to get away and run away, but there was A Ying constantly watching him beside him.

It was gasping for breath, staring at Wang Tianxiao and his gun in despair and anger.

"Aying, come back!"

Seeing that the time was ripe, Wang Tianxiao greeted Ah Ying, who turned her head to look back, her pace slowed down, and there was a moment of gap between it and the wild boar.

Wang Tianxiao was about to raise his gun and shoot.

But at this moment, the wild boar seemed to have a premonition, jumped up suddenly, and rushed down the mountain ridge at an extremely fast speed, and wanted to continue to escape.

Wang Tianxiao cursed secretly, quickly caught up to the mountain ridge, and the wild boar had already run tens of meters away.

He quickly got down on the ground and aimed at the wild boar.


The violent gunshots shocked the valley and hit the wild boar in the neck.

"Howl... roar!"

After being shot, the wild boar ran crookedly for a few more steps, and finally couldn't stand it any longer, let out a shrill howl, and fell to the ground.

Wang Tianxiao didn't bother to look at the wild boar, so he hurried over to check on Gale lying on the ground, he must have been seriously injured just now when he was pushed up by the wild boar.

Go to the front and have a look, as expected.

A wound two or three inches long appeared under its ribs, the bone was visible deep, and its gray-white hair was stained red with blood.

It was trembling with pain, and when it saw Wang Tianxiao approaching, it whimpered softly at him, looking aggrieved.

Wang Tianxiao pressed on Dafeng's ribs, and found that not only the flesh was cut open, but also several bones inside were broken. As long as he touched it lightly, Dafeng immediately grinned in pain.

If Wang Tianxiao was not its owner, he would definitely bite him without hesitation.

Dafeng's injury was an emergency, and Wang Tianxiao did not prepare medicinal materials. The most important task at the moment is to quickly stop Dafeng's bleeding. The bones can still be returned and reattached. The blood has been so bleeding in the wilderness, and the dog can't hold it.

But in the wilderness, what can stop the bleeding?

Wang Tianxiao looked around anxiously. In spring and summer, there are many herbs that can stop bleeding in the mountains, but where can I find them in this bare winter?

If we go back now with strong winds and a bumpy road, we don't know if we can hold it.

How to do it? !

Wang Tianxiao was very anxious, and Ah Ying was so anxious that he sobbed softly beside him.

In the desolate barren mountain, there are bare brown tree trunks as far as the eye can see, and there is no green between the trees, let alone some herbs.

Suddenly, something caught his eyes.

Could it be...

He stood up abruptly, and quickly ran towards the birch tree not far away.

Without stopping, he quickly climbed half way like a monkey, looking at the things on the tree trunk, ecstatic.


It is really Phellinus! !

There is no unparalleled road, the strong wind can be saved.

Phellinus japonica is the most effective in stopping bleeding. At a rough glance, this phellinus japonica weighs at least half a catty, and the color is starting to turn black. It is ripe and ready to be picked.

Phellinus is a fungus that grows on broad-leaved trees. Generally poplar, birch, and oak are the majority.

There are also mulberry trees, but although it is called Phellinus mulberry, there are not many real mulberry trees.

Therefore, Phellinus mulberry is the most valuable on the mulberry tree.

There are many ways to use Phellinus Phellinus. Generally, it is used as a Chinese herbal medicine soaked in water or mashed and taken directly. However, few people know that Phellinus Phellinus can also be applied externally.

It's just a waste of some.

It is difficult to effectively use the full medicinal effect of Phellinus.

Because Phellinus is very precious, good Phellinus can be sold for 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per kilogram in later generations, and poorer quality can also be sold for 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.

It once had the same status as rare medicinal materials such as Cordyceps sinensis and saffron.

Moreover, there is another characteristic of Phellinus Phellinus, that is, the effect of wild and planted herbs is actually similar, and sometimes artificial planting is even better than wild medicinal materials.

It's just that the planting conditions and yield are difficult to keep up with, and the price/performance ratio is not very high. The market demand is limited, so it has not been widely promoted.

In addition, Phellinus is a medicinal material with cool nature. Although it is very helpful in improving people's immunity, it can be taken as a health-care medicinal material for a long time.

But people who are cool in nature should not take it for too long, otherwise it will aggravate the impact and damage people's health.

This is also a disadvantage of Chinese medicinal materials. Any medicinal material has its own nature and the nature of the user, and it can only be matched. If they conflict, it will bring negative effects.

Right now, Dafeng was seriously injured, Wang Tianxiao naturally couldn't care less, he climbed up the tree, and pulled the Sanghuang that was bigger than his palm.

But did not pull.

This guy is pretty solid.

He had no choice but to hug the tree trunk with one hand, and touch the dagger on the side of the boot with the other.

After catching the thief last time, the dagger was left behind by the police and has not been brought back. He bought it temporarily, and it is far inferior to the previous knife in terms of sharpness and material.

Can only make do with it.

Like pulling a saw, he slowly and repeatedly drew a hole in the root of Sanghuang, and then pulled it hard.


No matter how hard he pulled it before, he thought it was still very strong, but this time he used too much force and shook him.

He lost his balance, fell directly from the four or five meter tree trunk, and hit the ground heavily.

"Oh shit!"

He fell completely unprepared, directly hitting his stomach flat on the ground.

The frozen rocky mountain soil had little buffer, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

Phellinus in hand also fell to the side.

He lay on the ground, feeling as if his body had turned into a huge stone, and it was a bit like a ghost pressing a bed.

The mental world is very clear, but the body just can't move.

Even tilting his head became difficult, his nose and mouth were pressed hard on the ground by the weight of his body, and he couldn't breathe at all. If he continued like this for a few minutes, he might suffocate to death in such a strange posture.

"Let me move."

He was anxious and shouted silently.

His fingers scratched out countless traces on the ground.

He just wanted to turn his head and take a breath of fresh air. He believed that as long as he could take that breath, he would be able to recover.

But no matter how hard he tried, he just lacked that strength.

His body was so stiff that he couldn't move at all.

Damn it!

He shouted depressingly in his heart, it was all because he was too anxious just now, and he didn't have the usual composure at all, and made such a stupid mistake.

Sure enough, it was immediately fed back to him.


At this moment, Ah Ying noticed the situation here, and it ran over quickly and yelled at Wang Tianxiao a few times.

Seeing that Wang Tianxiao didn't respond, the clever Ah Ying hurriedly grabbed Wang Tianxiao's neckline, pulled hard, and slowly pulled his head from the front down at an oblique angle.

"Ah... poof!"

After a while, Wang Tianxiao suddenly let out a long breath.

He found that his arm could move.

It was no longer the fingers struggling, but the power slowly began to return to him.

He jerked over with effort, onto his back.

Looking at the clear blue sky, the originally icy northwest wind blowing on his face at this moment has become so comfortable and warm.

After a few minutes, he finally sat up.

He hugged Ah who was squatting next to him, rubbed its head, and kissed it hard.

"Aying, you saved my life. You don't know, I'm almost reborn."

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