Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 924 Life is like a play

A brief shock was followed by ecstasy.

Her test subject came back to life, which meant she could get a glimpse of what happened to Raven in the past years.

"Don't move, I'll notify the major research institutions immediately." The female doctor turned around and wanted to open the communication tool.

Suddenly, a big hand pressed on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I still have the entire universe behind me, and I can't let your excessive curiosity destroy billions of living beings. [Memory modification]——"

A sense of trance spread into the female doctor's mind, and she suddenly realized that she had gotten the answer she had longed for. Raven, the being who was supposed to be the subject of her research, suddenly became her mentor, the supreme being who gave her guidance and hope in life, and ruled her body and will.

Facing the female body exuding strong female hormones in front of him, Raven remained unmoved and just asked her to take him away from here safely and secretly.

Half an hour later, in the ancestral home of the female doctor, Raven read the data of this world that was already the future for him without damaging her brain.

After a long time, Raven suddenly snapped his fingers. A small portal suddenly appeared two meters next to him, and a graceful female body bathed in black aura floated out from it, and in just half a second, it condensed into the Shar that Raven was familiar with. .

Shar glanced at the female doctor who was standing beside Raven blankly, and smiled: "Human female? It's so rare. I thought that after you came over, you would sacrifice your Raven's Divine Sword first."

Raven also smiled: "Sorry, I sleep with goddesses, it's hard for ordinary women to fall in love with them. And I don't like to use force."

"Liar! What did you do to me back then!?" Shar started to get angry, and her whole divine body had already slipped into Raven's arms.

Patting Shar's ****, Raven's face became serious: "Things are very troublesome. I never thought that the so-called higher-dimensional universe was actually the world I used to live in. And twenty years ago, Our predecessor, the fool who was chosen by the World Tree, actually invaded this universe with force and was completely wiped out, but when he was wiped out, he also destroyed the entire world he brought."

Shar trembled. She suddenly wondered if Raven would choose his own world and abandon them: "Are you going to choose your own world?"

Gently holding Shar's face, Raven said seriously: "Don't be stupid, I will not abandon you. I have no nostalgia in this world for a long time, and most of my relatives and friends have not caught up with the longevity of this world. Technological innovation is basically dead.”


"Yggdrasil has always emphasized that forced conquest will not end well. This is true. Although the gods are strong, this is already the era of the big universe. Human beings have also developed weapons to deal with spiritual energy bodies. The end of our forced conquest will definitely be destruction. .”

Shar kissed Raven fiercely: "Is this a roundabout way? I'm best at covert operations. You tell me, I'll do it."

Year 28 of the Great Universe Calendar, this year was also called the ‘Year of the Restoration of the Gods’ by later generations.

Because in the history of mankind, a group of gods who have appeared in the long history have truly appeared in front of mankind.

Zeus, the supreme god of Olympus.



They drove countless half-spiritual energy bodies and half-entity armies and began to attack all human colonies in the solar system and the birthplace of mankind - the Earth.

It was different from the last time Dak Xuneda's reckless attack was limited to certain areas.

This time the attack was more targeted and inflammatory.

These armies of gods, armed with the latest weapons, paralyzed the core functional departments of the entire Earth Federation almost immediately, and used evil mind control to dominate all conquered humans. Under this new spiritual control, all weapons against the spiritual energy body previously studied by humans have become ineffective.

Moreover, the evil Zeus also controls the Internet in the entire solar system. All humans who are spiritually connected to the Internet will have their memories rewritten in an instant and complete their control.

In just three months, 95% of human territory fell.

Survivors throughout the world fell into extreme panic, and every survivor was wailing and calling for the emergence of a savior.

At this time, a hero was born.

A descendant of the Nazis named Raven Wingfield, together with the female doctor Apophis, developed a new device for filtering neural signals, which can allow people who have been brainwashed by Zeus to regain their memories.

In just half a year, under the leadership of Raven, mankind has recovered more than 40% of its territory - Uranus, Pluto, Mars, and Saturn. Those colonies on the planet or in the orbit of the planet have all joined the human race led by Raven. League for Liberal Innovation'.

However, human weapons are still unable to cause a fatal blow to Zeus, who can control the entire solar system and space.

The cosmic storm set off by Zeus can easily destroy any human aircraft, but for some reason, Zeus cannot leave the earth too far.

At this time, Dr. Apophis developed a weapon that was more effective against Zeus.

"Only gods can fight against gods! We can let humans with strong wills control the power of gods."

At first, people didn't believe it.

Until in a public demonstration, Dr. Apophis allowed a strong human being with a very high mental power index to be possessed by an ancient god of war named 'Tempus'.

As soon as Tempus came out of the battle, he chopped Poseidon until he cried for his father.

Inspired by this, humans have verified and developed ten sets of divine descending systems.

There are many advanced divine descending systems such as [Phantom Goddess Leila] and [War Goddess Red Knight], as well as thousands of weaker divine descending systems.

Thanks to human efforts, the evil Olympus pantheon was eventually defeated, and most of the gods were annihilated and fell. Only a few, such as Athena, the goddess of wisdom, chose to surrender to humans.

The macrocosmic calendar is 36 years old.

The great Dr. Apophis discovered a parallel universe called the World Tree. For the first time, humans truly communicated peacefully with creatures from another universe.

After the leaders headed by Raven annihilated the opponent's diehard faction, the creatures in the entire Yggdrasil multiverse became a vassal race of humans.

All creatures in the other world swear allegiance to Raven Cloudfield, President of the Earth Federation, and to every subsequent president.

Unfortunately, due to the further development of human life-extension technology, the great Raven Wingfield served as president for nearly a hundred years before resigning in favor of his and his wife Leila's child, Rex Wingfield.

On Earth, a huge villa stands on the highest peak of Everest, wrapped in a translucent glass sphere.

Here, all the meteorological conditions have been adjusted, and it is as warm as spring.

It was nightfall, while enjoying the service of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Raven sighed.

"Life is so lonely as snow!"

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