Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 793 The Legend of Li Min! The most important thing about experiments is repeatability!

"Then what are we waiting for?

Please open the portal you mentioned! "

Doctor Strange made his decision almost immediately.

He had already seen that this fellow Constantine wanted him to go to Candullas from the very beginning.

As for the barbarians, although Doctor Strange still had some hope.

But now he still prefers to go to Candulas, which Constantine said will definitely heal his injury.

"I thought you'd think about it a little longer.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not given up on you completely, they are just temporarily incapable of treating your injuries.

These are temporary..."

"But I'm not sure how long this will last for the time being.

A doctor who has been away from the operating table for ten years, do you know what that means?

That means that this doctor has created a gap with the most cutting-edge medical technology!

This means that I can no longer be the neurosurgeon I used to be!

I can't accept such a result! "

Doctor Strange looked a little impatient.

Fortunately, none of the people present would be dissatisfied with his impatience.

Melinda had seen too many impatient people.

And Constantine... almost everyone who deals with him ends up becoming irritable.

If one day the people around him are not impatient, he might be a little unaccustomed to it.

"Well, although I really want to say that you will be very different after you arrive in Candullas than you were before.

But let's talk about it after you have healed the injury.

Maybe after your injury is healed, you won't be so attached to the profession of doctor? "

While talking, Constantine waved and opened the portal!

On the opposite side of the portal, you can see the figure of Leoric sitting in front of the computer and trying to press the keyboard...

That action is a bit strange, but it is quite normal for a computer novice to appear.

That's right!

It is the legendary two-finger Zen input method!

Who would have thought that Leoric, the famous Skeletor in Sanctuary, would one day poke two fingers on the keyboard?

But this kind of action doesn't look cute on Leoric's body at all.

"Your Majesty, I have brought you a good seedling.

Didn't you just get a Rathma admission request?

I think this Dr. Strange will definitely become a very good necromancer~"

Constantine said this before the portal was closed.

That's right!

He did it on purpose!

Let Melinda, representing S.H.I.E.L.D., know that Rathma and Leoric are connected!

As for whether he wanted to tell the barbarians through S.H.I.E.L.D. or simply hoped for S.H.I.E.L.D. to know about it, only he could know.

Melinda watched Constantine lead Strange through the portal with a blank expression.

Then he took a long breath before picking up his phone.

Then I called Nick Fury...

At this time, even if Melinda doesn't like Nick Fury, she will still pass the news on.

There's no necessary connection between hating Nick Fury and trusting his abilities.

Melinda is a mature agent, of course she can distinguish private affairs from official affairs.

"The bad news is that Candullas and Rathma got in touch.

As for what you want to do with it, that's your business. I'm going to take a vacation next.

Don't give me a job for at least a week! "

Melinda said such a series of words the moment the phone was connected.

Then quickly hung up the phone and pulled out the calling card...

Then, he used the power of his blue light ring to completely smash the phone card, and even brought his mobile phone...

These things can prevent Nick Fury from immediately giving her an unrefusable condition to the greatest extent.

As for how to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. after a week?

S.H.I.E.L.D. won't move...

Even if the headquarters is placed on the aerospace aircraft carrier, the Trident building still exists.

Unless within this short week, S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed from beginning to end by some enemy.

If that's the case, Nick Fury hasn't found her, it can only mean that Melinda's resignation has been approved.

As for whether she will get a salary from SHIELD's financial system in the future, it depends on whether SHIELD has given her retirement treatment.

Within a short period of time, Melinda had already thought clearly about these things.

Her plan to change jobs was not a simple whim.


"Leoric, long time no see~"

When Constantine and Dr. Strange came to Leoric and closed their own portal, another portal was opened.

A nice female voice came from over there, so the two people who just came over were a little confused.

However, what made them even more puzzled was that the moment Leoric heard this voice, he was as frightened as seeing flesh and blood grow out of his Skeleton King form...

This is of course enough to make people wonder.

An existence that can scare a guy like Leoric, or a lady?

Lilith's name flashed in Constantine's mind for the first time.

"You're back!?"

Leoric didn't care about Constantine and the others who had already arrived in front of him.

On the contrary, an excitement directly smashed the computer in front of him.

This was not intentional on his part, it was just an accident caused by the uncontrolled divergence of energy in the body.


When the female voice came, it was full of pride.

This lady is clearly a top-notch powerhouse.

It's not that Constantine has never seen Leoric's attitude towards ordinary people.

You must know that this guy has never been so serious even when facing the spirit of the ancestors of the barbarians.

Obviously, among those ancestral spirits, there are many guys who can directly break Leoric's bones.

But he has never meant any fear, not to mention the emotion he is showing now is called panic!

"For the sake of interrupting, this lady who didn't show up, you should know the principle of first come first served.

I appeared before His Majesty Leoric earlier than you.

At this time, it should be my turn to discuss a deal with His Majesty.

The probability of finding a mage who can meet Rathma's requirements in this world is very low.

And the one next to me is definitely the best choice! "

Constantine spoke to the portal whose sight was blocked by the azure blue light curtain.

But his words were undoubtedly addressed to Leoric.

Mage seedlings who can meet Rathma's requirements?

This requirement is already general enough.

Who knows what kind of person Rasma would like?

Like Zur, a guy who is full of justice in his heart but tends to scare ordinary people with his methods?

Or those mages who should be called "priests of Rathma"?

If I have to say it, Zuer's necromancer should be considered ugly.

You must know that all the Rathma priests that Bulkelso met during his adventures were all handsome men and beautiful women.

Although the temperament of the handsome men is a bit sinister... yes "ghostly" rather than feminine...

And the temperament of those beautiful girls can only be described as cold. ①

"A mage seedling that Rathma can recognize?

Are you serious guys?

Can you, a demon hunter, know Rathma's requirements for his apprentice? What are you kidding? "

A questioning voice came from the other end of the portal.

Constantine was sure that he had never heard this voice.

I have never seen the owner of this voice.

But the other party was able to directly see his professional identity as a demon hunter through a portal... This is a bit strange.

Coupled with the panic displayed by Leoric, Constantine can basically be sure that the person opposite is a top nephalem powerhouse.

"Li Min! I'll ask you again! You're back!?"

Leoric finally called out the opponent's name.

And this name is not very unfamiliar to Constantine.

During the days on the holy mountain of Harrogath, he had heard this name more than once.

Although most of the barbarian ancestors are not very willing to talk about the mage in detail.

But the fact that the opponent is strong is indeed a consensus.

Able to give that guy Azmodan a plasma perm while the energy ray is fighting each other.

Able to release hydras of various attributes at the door of Andariel's lair to give the other party a body wash...

It can even make Diablo tremble when he hears her voice...

Among the magicians, who can be more powerful than Li Min?

Even Li Min may have surpassed Yisu, the ancestor of the mage, a long time ago!

If the talent in this group of Nephalem can be quantified.

Then the initial ancestors are of course 100 points out of the full score.

As for Bulkelso, who has now become a well-deserved strongest existence, it is probably only around one hundred and ten.

And Li Min... Her talent is about 200%, which can barely be described?

In the final battle of the Sanctuary, Li Min did not lose to the Archangel of Wisdom Marthael.

It's just that as a human being, he can't fight against death!

If Masail was just an archangel of wisdom, Li Min would probably be able to make Masail throw his hood on the ground and stomp his feet...

This is an existence that surpasses authority with its own talent!

It can even be said that Li Min himself is shaping his own authority!

"I want to see how you, a witcher, look.

Anyway, Bulkelso doesn't need me by his side now. "

Li Min's voice and her figure appeared in this office together!

How to describe Li Min's image?

A wand and a hand ball are the standard equipment for a magician.

This does not show Li Min's uniqueness.

Her hairstyle is somewhat disheveled, but this does not affect her charm.

The random ponytail seems to be just because it is more convenient?

The slightly purple lips make it hard to tell whether Li Min is wearing lipstick or the endless arcane energy is showing on her body.

But that delicate and charming face with a bit of naughtiness makes it hard to feel bad...unless you are standing in front of her magic...

At least Azmodan will not have any compliments other than the most vicious curses when facing Li Min...

Even though Li Min is indeed a rare beauty.

"You mean this guy with the donkey's face?

His hands are shaking~

Rathma would like a guy like this as his apprentice?

I remember when he protected his apprentices, even the ugliest one was much better looking than this guy, right?

Maybe it's because Rathmah is ugly himself, and living among handsome guys makes him think he's handsome too? "

Li Min pointed at Doctor Strange's appearance very impolitely.

By the way, I also maliciously speculated about the top of the Necromancer Rathma...

Li Min would not call Rathma the ancestor of the necromancer.

Because she knew very well that the original creator of the necromancer profession should be Targ'Oul who was equipped by Rathma...

However, this does not seem to be an unacceptable thing.

Necromancers like this tune anyway.

Let's see what the necromancer's suits are called.

"Bone Armor of Rathma", "Benefit of Inaris", "Avatar of Trag'Oul"...

The only relatively normal one is called the "Burning Carnival Ball Dress"...

Well, this name is not as good as the previous three sets.

It sounded like Rasma was wearing it to some weird party.

As for what ball Rathma is going to... Just thinking about this scene makes people shudder.

Doctor Strange's expression became a little ugly after being pointed at.

He really didn't expect that he would be the first to suffer a round of humiliation after coming to this Candulas...

"Master Li Min, does your presence in this place mean that the affairs on Bulkelso's side are coming to an end?"

Constantine said very respectfully.

Being able to bend and stretch is probably his biggest advantage, being able to bend and stretch in various senses...

"Huh? I knew that Bulkelso wouldn't keep it a secret.

But I just love how he does it!

Since you are a strong person, why do you have to cover up when you do things?

But it's outrageous that a weak witcher like you would know what he's doing. "

Li Min looked at Constantine with scrutiny in his eyes.

This look is a bit weird, like a woman examining her husband's friends...

Constantine was keenly aware that something was wrong, but he hadn't heard that Bulkelso had a true partner...

"Well, although I'm quite weak. But I think I'm still very good at intelligence.

At least I have a lot of friends..."

Constantine explained with a guilty conscience.

"Okay, I accept that statement.

I can also tell you that the matter with Bulkelso is over.

The guy from Karasim is still missing, but hasn't he already come here before?

At least I saw this scene before my consciousness disappeared. "

When Li Min said these words, his eyes were on Leoric who had finally calmed down over there.

As for the story between Li Min and Leoric...it's actually very simple.

Li Min doesn't really believe in the legend of the Skeleton King's undead.

So she decided to try it herself, and she really did.

So Skeleton King bathed in the brilliance of the arcane in the disintegrating ray.

Li Min got the conclusion he wanted, but it is well known that the most important point of the experiment is that it can be replicated.

The results of an experiment are likely to be regarded as an accident.

This stare violates Li Min's principle of pursuing wisdom and knowledge.

In the end, Li Min really verified that the Skeleton King's immortality cannot be broken by any authority other than destruction.

As for this process, it can only be said to be "thanks to Mr. Leoric for his selfless dedication".

In fact, Leoric objected, but the objection was invalid...

Li Min dismissed Leoric's objection in the name of "truth".

And strength itself is a kind of "truth", and it is also the kind with the greatest versatility...

As for the disintegrating ray... This is a relatively common method used by magicians.

And Li Min's disintegration ray...that was the product of her imitating the power of destruction with her own wisdom and knowledge.

Li Min himself is a certain kind of authority... If you want to give this kind of authority a name, you can imitate or create it.

Because that's what Li Min did!

"Vera and Nazeebo have something to say to Bulkelso, and I can't stand that stuffy conversation.

I just heard that Bulkelso said that you were completely dead and resurrected, so I came here.

How did you manage to crawl back after being destroyed by existence itself?

I just want to experiment now. "

When Li Min was speaking, he looked at the slightly distorted crown on Leoric's head.

It was this look that made "Leoric" feel a little bit wrong.

①The female necromancers and female monks in Diablo III should be more in line with the public's aesthetics...Sonia's appearance is easily reminiscent of "brothers", and Johanna, although beautiful, but she and Sonya are different a type of...

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