Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 562: The Endless Curtain (There will be more to follow)

In the dark soul stone, Jotun Kulle and Oneiroi are looking at infinity in front of them.

That kind of look is quite innocent, full of admiration.

Although the infinite will is separated from the authority and power she once possessed, the soul born in it carries traces of countless rules.

That feeling is full of beauty, especially for Jotun Kuller and the Oneiroi who has been aliased as "Merlin" for a long time. There may not be anything more magnificent than an infinite soul in the world.

Although the infinite power and authority have all become the property of Buer Kaisuo, although this soul still exists and is still beautiful, but her condition is not good.

Or very weak!

"Infinity? Maybe I prefer to call you 'Ms.'."

Jotun Kuller had a smile on his face, his smile looked almost indistinguishable from that of Rathma.

Perhaps these nephalem who have embarked on the path of using knowledge to strengthen themselves will look like this?

Pale skin and bald head?

"It seems that this powerful existence has not yet mastered the power of destruction? Otherwise, I should not have retained this consciousness."

Unlimited weakly opened his eyes, looking at Jotun Kule in front of him.

She is very familiar with her own body with strength and rules, and she is also very sure that in the previous battles, she has nothing left.

But still being able to retain the state of thinking now made her understand everything she was suffering.

"Of course, to you, destruction is just an ordinary force, but to us, what destruction represents is not that simple.

But you are no longer far from your end point, especially when that guy is about to appear here. "

Jotun Kuller said politely, and the Kanai's Box in his hand began to emit a faint radiance.

The Oneiroi on one side just stood there blankly, as if he had no idea about the arrival of infinity.

Of course he won't be as calm as he appears at this time, infinite is the murderer who destroyed his world! Or the one that played the biggest role!

It's just that there seems to be no difference between him and Infinity at this time. If I have to say, their existence depends on that bastard with a smirk!

Jotun Kuller!

"Although I don't mind explaining to you how we see the powerful force of destruction, I don't have that much time. If we continue to stay, there may be some troubles in this wholehearted world.

Even if Bulkelso no longer needs to be afraid of anything, it would be better to have less trouble. "

Jotun Kuller said as if saying hello, and the Kanai's Box in his hand began to glow with powerful light continuously.

The will of the coming time captured in it is released at this time.

Such an approach is very dangerous in the eyes of Oneiroi, especially after knowing the consequences of reversing Bulkelso's time.

He simply could not accept a direct encounter with the unstoppable Uldyssian in this place!

"What are you doing!"

Oneiroi shouted nervously, and one could even see bursts of cold sweat from his body.

Perhaps after experiencing this feeling, he would feel that he was still alive, but Oneiroi would rather not have this experience.

"Release a guy who can be used as fuel, otherwise why would I grind Lady Infinite's will into powder?

Don't be so nervous, the level of power that Kanai's Box can touch is not just that of Kanai. "

Jotun Kuller said with a smile, but he obviously didn't explain in detail the meaning of the magic box's past.

Oneiroi has a gloomy face. He is now the meat on the cutting board, and he can only watch Jotun Keller do what he wants to do. As for stopping it? Oneiroi does not have this ability, nor will he have such an idea.

"Isn't this man's purpose to become a god?"

Infinity seemed to have understood something, and said with a strange smile, not even paying attention to the figure walking towards her.

Becoming a god like her is actually not difficult at all, even if there are differences in strength, but the process of achieving this essence really cannot be said to be so difficult.

Just like that Dormammu who was easily crushed, it is enough to combine everything about oneself and the rules themselves.

As long as the will of the controller of this rule can die, then it can be replaced.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is not difficult to do.

"Ha, whether it's the one who chopped up your body or the one that's coming up, they never wanted to be gods, which is why I'm willing to do all the dirty work for them.

How can the existence standing above gods and demons be a new god? He will only be one person, at most he can live a little longer.

Maybe he could reach the end of the nephalem's life? "

Jotun Kooler was still smiling, and he was a little bit impressed that Infinity could ask such a question at this time.

Jotun Kooler has seen too many losers, and most of them will hold resentment.

Of course, there is nothing to criticize, but can a loser full of remorse get the victory he missed by doing it all over again?

Obviously not, life is precious because it is irreversible, and Jotun Kooler has always viewed this kind of thing in this way.

Maybe he will have more common language with Doctor Who?

"Now, prepare to die, Ms. Infinity. If only we had known each other a long time ago, we might have had a good time together."

Jotun Kulle bowed slightly in greeting, while Infinity opened her arms just like the moment she was killed by Bul Kasso.

Then, let that dazed will that belongs to time pour into her body!

The mutual obliteration of the two wills has begun!

"I see, I'm probably like this in your eyes, right? It's just that if I'm lucky, I can maintain my will for a longer period of time.

So I'm such a fuel too? When you need to 'keep warm', I can only perish. "

Oneiroi said with a wry smile.

The matter has come to this point, and regret has no effect.

Although he cannot be blamed for the beginning of everything, he opened the access to this world, and the idea of ​​revenge came from his will.

Then there is nothing to complain about.

Bearing the consequences caused by oneself is itself a common truth in the world.

"That depends on whether your luck is good enough."

Jotun Kuller didn't mean to hide anything at this time, but simply smiled.

Just like infinitely accepting the failure and demise calmly, if one day Jotun Keller needs to bear such a consequence, then he will just disappear with a smile on his face.


In the Burning Hell, Barr looked at the corners of the guys in front of him and twitched his lips.

This confrontation has been going on for some time, but neither side has launched a decent attack.

Even the yelling and cursing that usually accompany the barbarians when they fight didn't appear, maybe it was their intention to delay the time?

Barr had such an idea, but quickly denied his conjecture.

For the Nephalem, stepping into the Burning Hell is something that needs to be paid. Just standing here and doing nothing, just looking at Baal?

No one could look at Barr for long without being affected.

It's absolutely uncomfortable to see the line of sight shattering around Baal bit by bit, and the scorching ground of Burning Hell is already a kind of torture.

"What are you planning to do? Or is it your conspiracy from the first time that bastard Jorez appeared in front of me?"

Barr asked casually, without even intending to get a decent answer.

It's not impossible for those guys on the opposite side to kill him, it's just pointless.

At this time, the barbarian will not have another dark soul stone in his hands, and it is not worthwhile to do so.

Maybe the Kanai's Box can do this kind of thing, but the Kanai's Box will only appear in the hands of the mage Jotun Kulle, which Barr is very sure of.

No matter where Kanai's Cube appears, Jotun Kulle will be around.

Maybe there will be some traces of the original Bulkelso?

"Conspiracy, of course it's a conspiracy. Even if it doesn't do us any good, it's the best news that you can't get stronger!"

cried Canuck, with contempt on his face.

His body kept jumping on the ground of the Burning Hell, as if he was doing warm-up exercises before charging.

But this "warm-up exercise" lasted a bit too long, and even Canuck's feet that alternately stepped on the ground began to produce blisters.

"Burning" in Burning Hell has always been an adjective. Even if the magic fire here is not as terrifying as those exploding molten flames, it is still enough to kill people if it continues.

"I'm not the one who will gradually weaken if I stay here, so if you want to procrastinate, it's up to you.

But keep quiet for me one by one! "

Barr said so with a blank expression on his face.

A hell lord strikes an eerie balance with a small band of barbarians.

Barr doesn't intend to continue wasting his energy on this, he is trying to connect everything in the whole incident from his brain, trying to find the reason for the barbarian's behavior.

Even counting all the beings in the High Heavens and Burning Hells, Baal may be the only one who wants Uldyssian to appear in this world.

Perhaps his once wise and powerful brother had similar ideas, but from the perspective of practice, Mephisto may have chosen to give up earlier.

Could there be any far-reaching calculations to turn oneself into a mentally retarded person?

Unless the name of Lilith, the incarnation of knowledge, is not Lilith, it is possible to be called Mephisto.

But Mephisto will choose to use his own will to have fun with Inaris, and then give birth to the child himself? Not just one?

The thought probably terrified Baal more than Diablo standing in front of him.

Thinking of this, Barr had a headache.

He found that the humanity that he had finally lost came back as he deepened his thinking.

Abandoning humanity is really not that easy, Barr is tired.

Leko on the side had a weird smile on her face, and in that smile was some mockery towards the devil and anger towards Jorez.

"You bastard, you disappeared in my hands at that time is the best ending!"

Lai Ko said bluntly.

Jorez could only nod his head upon hearing that.

"That's not the case. No one's death is the best ending. Even if there is, it shouldn't be Chorez!"

Reco and Reco confront each other.

Jorez nodded again upon hearing that.

There was a rubbing movement of his spine, which was only the backbone. It sounded a bit like Leoric's preparations for a black king to march.

"I just said that I can't remember your childhood, I always thought it was caused by the memory fragments that I lost due to the injury caused by Baal!

Even because of the aura on you that is very similar to mine, I really treat you as my descendant!

And you are the part of me that I lost? "

At this time, Lai Ko was acting a little bit like a shrew, and Qiao Ruizi, who was caught in the middle, wanted to nod, but he stopped in Kanuk's eyes full of anger.

The hatred in Canuck's eyes was much stronger than that in Reiko's eyes.

Laiko's hatred for Jorez comes from the damage he has done to Bulkasso's foundation, and although Kanuk also resents Jorez for this, there may be something in this hatred that "has won the love of Lai Koe". Xin Yuner" evaluation.

But when Lai Ko's eyes turned to Kanuk, Kanuk couldn't see anything about this part of hatred.

In Laiko's eyes, Canuck simply hated Jorriz because of what he did, or Laiko knew it too, but it was hard to say anything about it.

Accepting the love of others is really not an easy thing, the existence of love itself is not equal to giving and receiving. Love is not something that can be given away!

"My feelings for you are no different from those of your descendants! Lai Kou! I really regard you as my ancestor, and I am proud of your existence!

I honor the blood of the bull tribe in my body! "

Lei Ke's words seemed to be justifying, but also seemed to completely separate herself from Lei Ke.

Perhaps for the two of them, no one wants to be reunited now.

Jorez wanted to smile wryly, but the mandible with only bones left could only be opened for a moment, and it was impossible to see what his expression was.

Maybe it was never Baal that prevented Reco from becoming whole, but Reco and Reco each other?

If this is the reason, then what Chorez did in the beginning was wrong.

But this does not mean that there is no problem with Barr!

If Baal hadn't tampered with Lecco's soul at that time, it wouldn't have led to such a result!

It should be his own fault if Jorez doesn't intend to shake it off, but Barr is definitely not an outsider!

Jorez's gaze turned to Baal, and he was just as eager to try as Canuck!

There is still a chapter of no less than 3,000 words in the follow-up, which is expected to be completed before three o'clock.

Thank you readers for your support!

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