Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 509 Mechanized Angel


Ozil's expression looked as if he was about to say something and was fisted into his throat.

It was a feeling of aggrieved with anger, and anger with astonishment.

The distorted expression looked like a piece of chocolate-flavored ice cream that had been placed on the ground and stomped twice.

To be honest, maybe even Ozil's immediate boss, Masail, has never seen Ozil put on this kind of appearance. Ozil gave up his once great love a long time ago.

As for when was that?

That may have been the moment when Ozil found out that his flaming brilliance couldn't even inspire awe of justice in people's hearts.

All Ozl may believe in eternal justice more than Izul, but in the long time, when he saw countless despicable things happen in the warm firelight, the thought of this mighty angel It's starting to change.

When will the burning angel of killing be aggrieved?

Probably the last time Ozil felt this way was when he was beaten by Tyrell.

Arguing with justice itself for the sake of "justice", the content of the dispute is probably whether to retain the rights and interests of justice for those heinous bastards.

Tyrell did not convince Ozil, but Tyrell convinced the Burning Angel. Justice itself is a kind of power, no matter how fair it is, it is also power.

And power will not allow others to question it.

After the belief in justice became subject to the power of justice, Ozil chose to seek the help of wisdom.

Look like I can't beat you, but someone can make you weird and obedient. Tyrell said nothing about this, perhaps because he didn't care whether his men were under his command or under Malthael's.

Tyrell had a much better relationship with Malthael than with Imprius.

Then it was time to fight as the Ear Commander of the Soul Reaper Legion.

A guy who was burning all over his body should not look like the entourage of the Archangel of Wisdom, this look is too rough.

Perhaps being the deputy of the Archangel of Justice is more suitable for Ozil's appearance, but the conflict of ideas is no longer something that can be resolved by the appearance.

Ozil is free, so he can think, he can make choices.

As long as there is self-awareness, then choices are made, one after another.

No one knows whether the next choice will be the most important one in life, but Ozil has not regretted it at least for now.

And Ozil chose to use his burning justice to turn into a trial of killing. It may also be the reason why Ozil felt that no soul could hide something from the face of death after Masail became death.

However, Ozil is still different from the corrupted Izual. At least Ozil is killing as an angel, not as a demon.

Even though his methods may be much crueler than demons.

"Hey! It's hot enough!"

Johnny said this, and then the flames on his body burst out suddenly.

This move looks like a provocation to Ozil.

Now perhaps except for Ozil himself, no one can know whether this angel can still retain his inner persistence.

A paranoid, somewhat insane "justice"?

There is still some difference between high temperature and high temperature. The temperature on the surface of a star does not seem to be too much for these angels to bear.


Ozil's eyes widened, looking at Johnny who was burning all over.

Well, to be able to make such actions as staring, he probably still has some will of his own.

I just don't know whether his self-will is more or less than that of the little chick.

At this time, Ozil's goal was directly pointed at Loki who was cooling down, and the flamethrower in his hand began to gather strength.

The incandescent light can be seen from that muzzle, and it even makes people fall into blindness.

"Loki, get out of here!"

Frigg still misses her son, and there are always such mothers who appear when facing danger.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it's dangerous!"

Loki's tone was like that of a rebellious child, he turned his head and yelled at Frigga!

But the body stood firmly in place, blocking Frigga's body!

Blood all over his body was about to erupt from his body, his face had turned dark blue, and fangs protruded from the corners of his mouth.

The cold began to solidify in front of him, and then turned into a space like a vague mist!

This has already reached the level where Odin is, leveraging the power of the rules!

The power represented by Izual, the good friend of the Burning Angel.


Loki was able to display such power at this time, although he had factors of his growth, it was still due to the blood of the Frost Giant.

The counterpart of burning justice is cold rage.

Two awkward but almost equally powerful angels symbolize just such things.

It's a pity that both angels turned into strange shapes.

The warmth of redemption and the judgment of coldness were inexplicably instigated, and it was as if the treatment of the high-level heaven was poor.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there are only examples of the fallen angels there, but no one has ever seen such an existence as the Holy Light Dread Demon King.

Maybe High Heaven is a little less attractive.


Ozil's body didn't stop in place because the muzzle was accumulating strength, his heavy body full of metal made a series of "dong dong dong" footsteps and directly slammed into Loki.

It's just that Ozil's expression seems to be a little reluctant.

The body and will are separated, and the will still belongs to Ozil himself, but the body is like a remote control toy at this time, out of control.

Even making some expressions is like manipulating the body with all the will.

The stiff performance made Loki let go of his worry-filled heart a little bit.

But the most important thing right now is not to be glad that the opponent he is facing is a controlled guy, but how to withstand this destined to be an extraordinary blow!

Tony, who was flying in the sky, had already turned on the charge of the hand cannon with hesitation on his face, and he was not sure if his attack could have a miraculous effect or something.

But something has to be done. If he sits idly by at this time, then he is not Iron Man Tony Stark.

The energy light ball in the palm flickered like a light bulb with poor contact, and it was Johnny, who was not very familiar with them, who first came into contact with Ozil!

Among the most important traits of a superhero is definitely "nosy"!

The remaining 4,000 words will continue to be coded after I wake up.

I really can't keep my eyes open. As for today's update, the minimum guarantee is 4,000, and the normal 6,000.

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