Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 489 The Significance of the Iron Law of High-level Heaven (more to follow)

On the sacred mountain of Harrogath, Dr. Voodoo has once again stood in front of Craig.

Not far away, the figures of the two angels also appeared outside the temple of the elders.

The three ancestors finally compromised with the two archangels.

Because what happened a little earlier made the three ancestors choose to back down.

Imprius said at the time: "You plan to leave a ruined Harrogath to Bulcasso?"

Faced with such questioning, Kahn's anger rose almost uncontrollably, but was firmly held in place by Tariq's hands.

Not being able to protect the holy mountain is his greatest shame!

And this shame has now become his weakness.

Tariq was persuaded!

It's just that he can only accept Imprius's statement on behalf of himself, not on behalf of the three ancestors!

Everyone's will is noble, and barbarians will not become someone's voice, even if the Immortal King stands here.

Force can make others shut up, but it will not destroy their will!

Savages have always been like this!

"I'll keep an eye on you! Especially you, Imprius, you know exactly how far I can go!"

Taliq's eyes were full of fanaticism! There is no need to say much about the threat in it!

When a gatekeeper gave up everything, he desperately used his soul to absorb the power of the holy mountain of Harrogath.

Then it is not a fantasy that this ancestor burst out with almost the same power as the archangel in a short period of time.

However, doing so will not guarantee victory.

It is also destined to turn itself into the dust of the world.

"I can't accept two archangels appearing on the holy mountain at this time! You must know that none of them helped us when Malsail was raging!"

Kahn is still relentless, he only hates the Archangel!

"We are trapped by the iron law of the high-level heaven, and we will not fight each other."

This time it was Auriel who spoke slowly. As hope, she should be the only one among the archangels who would get the favor of most nephalem.

Even Tyrael, the Archangel of Justice, couldn't do this.

At least Auriel didn't detonate the World Stone!

Auriel said some heavyweight content as soon as she opened her mouth!

The iron law of the high-level heavens, the nephalem know the existence of such a thing, but no one knows what it is for.

"So, you just watch death sweep everything?"

A sarcastic smile leaked from Kerik's face, he already felt the change in Auriel.

The superimposed breath of life couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

Had Korik been born into a tribe of Vasily's descendants, he would have been a legendary druid, not a legendary barbarian.

Life held few secrets in his eyes.

"We're human now..."

When Auriel said this, she seemed a little ashamed to speak. The voice is even a little muffled.

"Of course, you are human, and even a mother. So what makes a mother go to a dangerous place?"

Creek didn't mean to be sarcastic this time, he looked at Auriel seriously.

He completely ignored the astonished eyes of Taliq and Kahn beside him.

"Because, responsibility!"

Imprius took over the topic, and his burly figure took another step forward!

"What is wrong with human beings is not determined by the blood flowing! At least we think so now.

Moreover, when have all great deeds been without the company of courage and hope? "

Imprius spoke majestic words, and his figure was already approaching the gate of the holy mountain of Harrogas.

His abdomen was still pierced by Kahn's long sword, and after walking a few steps forward, he was already looking at Kahn face to face.

The long sword passed through his body completely!

Kahn's slender hands could even grab the intestines of a human named Imprius from that wound!

Until this moment, Kahn's face was finally moved!

"All great deeds have always required stepping on fear!"

Kahn said to Imprius, and slowly drew his long sword from the wound of the person in front of him!

The long sword was pulled out inch by inch from Imprius' wound, and blood dripped onto the ground as the long sword moved!

Kahn looked at the expressionless courage in front of him, and then took out a bottle of spirits!

"Impryus, you are courage, but you can also be fear if you choose!"

Kahn opened the cork while speaking, his eyes were still fixed on Imprius!

"This is what the iron law of the high-level heaven brings to us. Because of the iron law, hope will not become despair, justice will not become despicable! Wisdom will not become ignorance, and courage will not become fear."

Auriel was already standing beside Imprius, speaking softly and word by word.

That is the iron law of the gods who created the world for all truth, goodness and beauty. If they obey the iron law, they will never fall.

"Tyrael has fallen?"

Tariq frowned and said so.

The only archangel in the high heavens who chose to fall to heaven in order to follow himself!

Needless to say, Tyrael violated the iron law of the high heavens, and even confronted Imprius for this!

"The despicableness of justice, haven't you already felt it?"

As Imprius said so, he looked at the holy mountain from afar.

The collapse of the holy mountain of Arreat was precisely because of the despicableness of justice, and the holy mountain of Harrogas in front of him should not have suffered from that.

After speaking, he casually took the bottle of spirits from Kahn's hand, then opened his mouth wide and poured it into it.

From the beginning, he was only willing to drink some fruit juice, and now he is drinking strong alcohol. He has gradually felt the fanatical and fierce way of life that belongs to the barbarians.


Imprius can only be described in these four words!

"Then what about you!?"

Lei Ko appeared in the internal test of the gate of the Holy Mountain, and her expression revealed a seriousness that had never been seen before.

Behind Laiko, Canuck was holding a hand ax of the simplest kind, constantly shaving his beard.

Now at this moment when the fate of Nephalem may be determined, Lai Ko finally re-displayed her self as a legendary barbarian.

That figure that Canuck keeps following!

"We? We are archangels and not archangels, we are humans and not humans! We are half of the nephalem, half of the noble! I am courage, and Auriel is the highest hope in the heart of courage..."

Imprius's words have a strong sense of religion, filled with the sublime glory of courage that ordinary people cannot directly see.

The savage could understand that this was the true words of Imprius, who had begun to call himself a human being.

They seemed to be convinced.


Because the wound on Prius's lower abdomen was healing, the muscle retraction squeezed out the blood in the wound and made such a movement!

And Lei Ko finally stood in front of the three ancestors, looking directly at the two archangels or human beings!

"I am willing to let you enter the holy mountain as a guarantee! I can also provide you with an environment that will not be hostile in the name of Volusk and me, Leiko!

But what promises can you make! ? "

Lai Ko's voice is aggressive!

Under the link of the holy mountain, Leikou's courage is even more majestic than the mountains! Hotter than a sea of ​​fire!

Lai Ko has the power to fight against the archangels. When she stands on the holy mountain, the courage of the endless ancestors will make her qualified to fight against the other party!

Even if Imprius still chooses to take away her courage this time, it can't stop Leko.

The Holy Mountain of Harrogas was established by the ancestors just to face these rules!

"I use my existence as a guarantee. We are here to guard against Malthael and Diablo. I can put my human soul into the holy mountain. You can let the spirit of the ancestors tear him apart at any time. !"

Imprius said so.

He gave his promise and proof before Auriel!

Auriel was nobler and more selfless than he.

So Imprius got a head start because he was a father.

There will also be an update of more than 4,000 words in a chapter.


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