Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 399 Masail really dares to speak (guaranteed)

"Let's talk about how to deal with Craig first, monk? It's been a while since I saw you."

Jotun Kuller was spinning in mid-air while talking loudly, playing with Kanai's Magic Box in his hand.

Kanai's Cube One is exuding a mellow luster, which may be inseparable from Jotun Keller.

After all, this thing has lost the lifespan of an ancient nephalem.

"With whose blood?"

Bulkeso glared at Jotun Keller and said casually.

The old man named War was looking at what was happening here with a funny face, but his eyes would glance at the bag around Bulkeso's waist.

The power of the Time Stone is familiar to a Time Lord.

This thing is purer than the energy source of Tardis.

"Johanna is definitely indispensable, but is the other one going to be yours or Lecco's? Or maybe Sonya whose bloodline is closest to the first generation's ancestor? Quack quack ~"

Jotun Kuller's irritating whisper sounded non-stop, making several people present frown.

"Sonya is starting to get stronger, but it's not necessarily a good thing."

Bulkelso pinched the bridge of his nose with his hands and said in distress.

"The ancestors of the first generation believed in Lilith more, who knows when he will appear on Sonya's body. Do you dare to bet on such a thing?"

"That's not my problem. While I wish the nephalem were above everything, Lilith is a demon.

I don't want demons to stand above humans, not even Lilith, the mother of the nephalem! "

Jotun Kuller put his hand into Kanai's Cube, and a breeze rose around him.

Bulkelso nodded, probably understanding Jotun Kuler's reminder.

Lilith is a demon, the daughter of hatred.

Both Diablo and Baal are her uncles. Maybe this guy will think from the standpoint of a devil.

But in this way, the archangel and the devil have become relatives.

Inarius and the Archangels are also considered brothers, so the Hell Demon God has become the elder of the Archangels?

Jotun Keller pulled out his hand from the magic box, holding a gemstone in his hand, and the bursts of power on it were showing his existence to everyone present.

"Gem of Freedom?"

Bulkasso read out the gem's name, then put his hands in his backpack and rummaged through it.

That gem looks somewhat similar to the one he upgraded from.

Although it is not the original legendary gem, but this gem has been upgraded, and its power is just a little bit worse than the original legendary gem.

"Don't look for it, it's yours.

This thing is called freedom, so it has the ability to let Craig use the power of his previous life if necessary, isn't this a good thing? quack quack~"

Bulkeso's eyelids twitched when he heard the words, and the glory of the oathkeeper appeared in his hands, as if he was going to knock the thief to death on the ground in the next moment.

Jotun Kule threw the Gem of Freedom directly on Craig before Bulkelso made a move towards him, and the gem gave off a burst of dazzling light.

Then the gemstone fell out again, turning into a tall figure with a hunched body and a mask.


Bulkelso stood up straight away, and walked in front of Nazebo's figure.

"Oh, fate always points to an indeterminate ending, I guess I'll find you here."

Nazeebo turned his head to look at his surroundings.

By the way, she nodded in Johanna's direction.

A soul eater he left on Karasim before, allowing his will to emerge with the power of the Gem of Freedom.

"Okay, buddy. I gotta tell you something about this side, or you might be surprised when you meet them!"

Nazeebo sat cross-legged on the ground, looking like a giant frog.

The bulge of his belly can prove that his appearance of thinness is not due to bad food.

It's just too much exposure to toxins and some damage to the body from the soul.


Of course, the meeting between Malthael and Lilith would not be so harmonious.

After all, one is an archangel and the other is a demon.

"Masail, you will think of waking me~"

Lilith's voice is not unpleasant, and even has a strange charm.

It's just that her consciousness doesn't seem to be so clear yet, facing Malthael, she is still aloof.

This is natural.

If anyone has ever been the undisputed king of Sanctuary, it's her name written at the top.

The massacre with his own group of children almost wiped out all the demons and angels staying here.

Even Inaris chose to retreat when facing Lilith.

It's just that it doesn't have much to do with her power.

It's because those first nephalem were powerful enough to be called gods.

"I want knowledge, what do you say?"

Marthael's words made Lilith frown, and the horns on her head that revealed the ferocious beauty flashed for a while.

"I will not surrender to you, neither you nor they are worthy of my surrender."

Lilith said seriously.

Then gently lifted Rasma up on the ground.

"You" refers to the archangel, and "they" refers to the devil of hell.

Lilith's arrogance was outrageous.

"What do you want from me, tell me directly! Otherwise, Rasma and I will make you suffer."

Lilith finally had emotions on her body, and she took a step in the direction of Malthael.

He casually summoned the corpse belonging to Kanai hanging on the stone pillar beside him.

A burst of black light flashed, and flesh and blood emerged from the corpse.

Most of the authority of creation has been found by Lilith.

After all, when everyone was groping and creating, only she really gave birth to life.

That is not creation, but the miracle of life.

With the help of this incomplete creation, it is still possible to provide one's own son with a body.

"Bulkelso, come back, come back to me. I will not be as stubborn as your father, because knowledge is always enlightened~"

There were words in Lilith's mouth.

As flesh grew on Kanai's corpse and the heart began to beat, a mutilated soul broke away from Lilith's body and rushed into Kanai's body.

"Hey! Rathma, you're messing with me!"

The roar of the first Bulkelso did not continue, his body was controlled by Lilith and Rathma together.

Lilith mastered his mutilated, sacrificed soul.

And the corpse is in the hands of Rathma!

"Brother, when you face your mother, your attitude is not very good."

Rathma whispered, and the ground was immediately enveloped by a burst of cold air.

The Realm of the Dead reappeared, and Rathma didn't mind a fight with the original Bulkeso.

The skeletons were crawling towards the ground little by little, and those faint green lights seemed to turn into skeleton archers, bone warlocks and other things at any moment.


The battle roar broke out from the mouth of the first generation Bulkeso, and a mutilated battle ax appeared in his hand, and he slammed it towards Rasma in front of him!

The temper of the first Bulkeso was more irritable than that of the later one.

After Vasily parted ways with him, no one could restrain him.

Even in front of Lilith, it was the same.

"In front of the Holy Mother of Grace, how dare you make a mistake?" Rathma said with some viciousness.

Then he clenched his palms against those of the first-generation Bulkasso, and the bones in the corpse made deformation sounds!

Kanai's body fell into his hands, how could he not have done anything.

Irregular bone spurs rushed out of the newborn body, nailing the figure of the first Bulkelso in place!

Lilith frowned, then looked at Malthael with a pair of cold and deep eyes.


The sound of bones breaking!

What followed was the whistling of the ax piercing through the air.

It smashed in the direction of Rathma like a meteorite!

"Papa papa~"

Malthael put the Reaper of Souls on his waist, and clapped his hands.

"Wonderful, how did you let Inaris avoid it? Or did he choose to avoid it to fulfill you?"

Malthael laughed, his voice sharp.

The air suddenly froze, and a burst of mysterious aura suddenly descended.

"Inarius, what did you leave to tell us?

Or, you have already left your wife a proper path? "

Marthael said indifferently.

Destiny didn't go to a new world with Bulkelso and the others.

But this world is not something that can be protected by the hard work of fate.

Wisdom, knowledge, destiny, and a little incomplete life.

This is the rule that can still be found in this world.

Various other rules either don't have their own consciousness yet, or the masters are still hiding their existence.

Even the combination of these rules cannot prevent the destruction of the world.

Even continuing the existence of the world is somewhat difficult.


The vibration of the air.

Like a whisper of fate, but more like an accident.

In a corner that is difficult to observe, a little spider is observing everything here, trying to remember.

Spiders do not possess too complex intelligence.

Therefore, it escaped the observation of Masail, the master of wisdom and authority.

But there is a witch doctor's soul inside the spider!

Necromancers are not the only ones who are good at escaping the boundary between life and death, the witch doctor Nazeebo is also one of them!

"You're a demon, but you know how to love. It's a miracle, Lilith."

Marthael said calmly.

The Reaper of Souls is in his hands again!

"However, wisdom needs to be combined with knowledge to create the world! So is there anything else you want to tell me now?"

Malthael took a step forward to meet Lilith.

Rathma's face turned ugly.

It's all because Masail's words seem to be a little ambiguous.

Dude, in front of the two original nephalem, said that he wanted to merge with their mother.

These words don't seem to come from the mouth of wisdom at all, and they are almost mentally retarded.


The vibration in the air became more and more intense.

By the way, the consciousness that Inaris may exist is also here...

Does this count as an NTR declaration issued in person?

"I x you x!"

The body of the first-generation Bulkelso made an intense sound like popping beans, and a fist directly hit Malsail's body!

Even though the body of the original Bul-Keso was controlled by Rathma, that couldn't stop the temper tantrum.

The rage of the first Bulkelso ignored the consequences!

Because he only represents himself, and does not need to think about the existence of "compatriots", "same family", and the like.

Without Vasily, the original Bulkelso is unstoppable.

"Son, stop!"

Lilith spoke lightly when she watched the fist of the first generation Bulkasso hit Malthael's face.

The next moment, the body exuding a strange beauty appeared in front of Masail, and he pressed Masail's wrist with both hands, so that the pair of Reaper of Souls were fixed in place.

Malthael's movements were a little slow, because the fate that came was also blocking him.

"I need your authority, your presence. And now, even if Inarius is here, there's nothing stopping me from getting what I want.

Wisdom tells me there is no need for machinations when I can get what I want with power! "

Malthael's hand was still raised, and the Reaper of Souls slashed across Lilith's arm, and the crimson blood was dripping little by little.

At this time, Rathma let go of his control over his brother, and used his own strength to increase the physical strength of the first generation Bulkeso!

At this time, there is almost no difference between them following Lilith and killing other angels and demons afterwards.

It's just that there are many fewer people around.

"Lilith, do you love your children very much? In order for them to live freely in Sanctuary, you want abundant resources, even killing the children of other angels and demons.

It's just that your children don't understand your selfish love. Great as it may be, you're still in the way. "

Malthael's body became unreal, and the barbarian's fist passed through him, and then he was soaked in the breath of death.

The bone spurs from Rathma landed on his body, making waves of tearing cloth.

But after all, it didn't hurt him.

"You who lack wisdom can only search for a possible course of action in the endless ocean of knowledge, and you have no ability to distinguish what is the best choice from it.

Without fate to advise you, how can you be the god of war? What right do you have to refuse me? "

"Based on this!"

Li Min's sweet drink!

A black hole carrying rules such as shattering slammed down heavily towards Malsail's back.

It staggered the figure of this angel of wisdom.

In Rasma's hand, fangs turned from dark green poison also appeared, and they were directly poured into Malsail's mouth!

A flying knife flew from the darkness, with lightning on it!

Nazeebo is broadcasting what happened here with his friends.

When Rathma opened the realm of the dead, they began to push beyond here.

After Nazebo used countless souls as sacrifices, he blocked wisdom from observing those with wisdom!

This blow they had no hope of killing Malsail.

But getting Rathma and Lilith out of the way was part of the plan.

It would be even more unexpected if he could leave Masail with enough serious injuries.

And only Nazebo has spare power, and it is this spare power that allows the Soul Eater he left behind to contact Bulkelso with the power of the Gem of Freedom!


"Now, you are fighting Malthael?"

Johanna asked urgently, as if she wanted to go back and have a life-and-death fight with Malthael.

Bulkasso grabbed the handles of the double knives, not very calm.

"Yes, it's just that we're not sure whether to run away immediately."

Nazeebo said so.

Then he took a deep look at Bulkelso and said: "Bulkelso, your other half of the soul is already eager to try, I really hope you can complete it soon..."

"Don't make trouble, he is complete and you come to face Diablo?"

Jotun Kuller continued to laugh like a duck.

"Diablo has already been defeated once, there is no need to be so cautious with him, especially now that he is not a great demon."

Nazebo looked at Jotun Kule, and also smiled strangely.

"We have no way to go back now, even if we have found your breath, how can we pass through the barrier of the world?"

Johanna said with some distress.

What she values ​​most now is her friends.

The previous rift flashed through Bulkasso's mind.

Now he wants to ask how this crack was created, so as to see if he can blast a way back.

Burkasso, who has many powers, does not think that he will not be able to face Masail now.

So the breath of anger pressed on the old man named War.

The guarantee of 4,600 words... is a bit short.

The missing 1,400 words will be included in tomorrow's update.

Here is the written evidence, and it will be updated with more than 8,000 words tomorrow.


PS: Anyway, I also calculate the debt repayment on a monthly basis...

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