Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 363: Funny Venerable Hammer, Funny Banner and Hulk (5,000-word chapter)

Originally, this level of battle seemed quite interesting. After all, for Madock, it was also a pleasure to play more high-end battles and watch the chickens peck each other.

It's just that he is really tired now.

Fighting is not that complicated for a barbarian.

When facing all kinds of monsters like demons, exquisite fighting skills are sometimes really not as effective as using more strength.

So most of these old-school barbarians will focus on how to make better use of their power.

Of course, occasionally some strange guys will appear.

Like Cassius.

That guy's fighting style is completely specialized.

Fighting with humans will still remember the fighting techniques that I have studied, and fighting with monsters has almost completely evolved into a complete brawl.

Maddock couldn't help yawning when he thought of this.

After bearing the glory of Orac, Maddock inevitably experienced some changes.

He wouldn't have worried about these things in the first place.

"Hate, remember me! Everything about you comes from me!"

General Ross's brain was already a little hot.

The power from Hulk is not an easy thing for him to master, especially after this guy did not choose to become a barbarian, but wanted to obtain the technology to create more powerful weapons.

In a short time, General Ross couldn't solve his impulsive problem.

At least until he learned to forge spirit stones.

"Conceited fellows, you are always conceited and think that the world is just, but in fact you are the greatest injustice!"

While muttering in his mouth, Hate swung his hammer and knocked General Ross to the ground.

When the hammer fell on General Ross, it made a dull sound, as if it had hit a rubber tire.

Then the abomination felt the difference!

The sky hammer in his hand was changing little by little, and he keenly felt the fear appearing on General Ross!

The Sky Hammer, which was repaired casually by Rasuke, is constantly repairing itself with the help of that fear.


Maddock finally came alive.

The change in General Ross could not escape his eyes.

Fear is born and then absorbed?

Diablo has never demonstrated this technique, perhaps he has never found it useful.

After all, it doesn't mean a thing to a man to be driven mad by fear from time to time.

Although human beings will be damaged by extreme fear, the extremely frightened soul has completely become Diablo's palm.

Life and death are no longer important, the guy under his complete control doesn't even have the right to make a choice.

That's why he won't waste time harvesting fear in this way.

But this thing is very useful.

Maddock felt that the abomination might be a good sparring partner for training fighters.

Let soldiers adapt to fear and learn to fight fear, the most important thing is not to let fear overwhelm the fighter's reason.

Perhaps there is no better tool, and Maddock would swear on Tariq's beard.

Maddock forcibly cheered up and planned to observe carefully to see if there were any hidden dangers in this thing.

Bring the hammer back to Rasuke for a check later.

If there is still no result, send it to Bulkelso.

Even if Bulkelso became the Immortal King, it wouldn't change the fact that he was the best blacksmith on the holy mountain.

Maddock's way of thinking is gradually changing in the direction of Aurak.

This may be a good thing.

Maddock usually behaved too loosely, and it was good to be able to think about the barbarian warriors.

"Jiji babble, are you inferior to a bitch like me!?"

Betty Ross landed a solid punch on the abdomen of the abomination, and incidentally smashed his forehead on the bridge of the other's nose.

Hate's height is average, just thicker.

Even though the body structure has become a bit hideous, it still does not break away from the restriction of the human form.

So he cried.

But the hammer in his hand still fell on Betty Rose without stopping.

Maddock narrowed his eyes, which seemed to help his observation.

This guy always squints his eyes when observing people, as if he is asleep.

When he was alive, everyone wondered if he was fighting while fugue prophesying.

After he died and lost his identity as a prophet, the big guys realized that he just had a simple vision problem.

Squinting his eyes allows him to better observe the opponent's subtle movements.

The power of Skyhammer worked on Betty Ross.

The fear that was born in that moment made Betty Rose's pupils dilate, but the fear was quickly drawn away, and the battle continued.

Maddock looked at the hammer carefully, maybe this thing is good for relieving fatigue?

This momentary fear, acting like a shock on Betty, made Maddock a little nostalgic.

When he first met Talik and Kerik, he liked to create some surprises, and then observe the appearance of the two colleagues.

This happiness lasted until he was beaten up by two guys in partnership.

It was at that time that they met Bulkelso.

Although Bulkasso didn't call him that name at first, they just called him "Hi".

After the first call of that name, Maddock saw pure anger.

But the power of the prophet did not act on Bulkelso at that time.

It was as if fate was blocked by Bulkelso's belief.

The battle is still going on.

General Ross didn't care about these small things, and in his anger, he directly stuffed his fist into the mouth of hatred.

By the way, he stretched out two fingers to poke the opponent's throat.

This is a dangerous technology that is not very practical, and the danger is mainly for oneself.

First of all, not everyone can put a fist in their mouth, nor can they easily have enough strength to stretch their fingers in someone else's mouth.

And after being bitten, you have to consider whether to get a rabies vaccine.

The germs in the human mouth are not necessarily safer than the germs in the fangs of wild animals, and may even be more deadly.

After all, there are always people who eat weird things, and not everyone can do oral cleaning.

It is not easy for normal people to bite off a fist, but most people can do it by biting off a finger.

But the danger also means that the effect is not bad.

Being held in the throat will induce vomiting, and the body convulsions when a person vomits will make him temporarily lose the ability to fight.

Overcoming physical instincts has always been admired by people, but few can really do it.

If you can overcome the effects of convulsions, you won't have to pick your throat.

Compared with this laborious method, inserting the nostrils may be more effective.

Severe trauma to the nasal cavity can be fatal to an ordinary person.

The human body is powerful beyond imagination, but also as fragile as porcelain.

"Roar! Vomit!"

Abomination doesn't seem to do it.

Behind the half roar was the sound of retching.

General Ross pressed his hands downward, dragging the loathsome head down together.

After destroying the center of gravity of the hatred, he also drew out his hand and sent his knee up.

This is a common strike technique with applicability.

After all, as long as the body functions are normal and people who have undergone professional fighting training can do the action of pushing the knee.

Even for ordinary people, this is not such a difficult action.

But dangerous enough.

Whether it hits the jaw or the bridge of the nose is enough to kill.

Such an attack is enough to end the battle for the Abomination, but not enough for the Sky Hammer Exalted Boundary Breaker!

The sky hammer seemed to have its own consciousness, and the hammer face ruthlessly stabbed General Ross in the face.

Bright red blood sprayed from the wounded part, but the blood was not so conspicuous under the red skin.

General Ross leaned back, but still managed to attack the abomination.

The knee and the jaw of the abomination collided heavily, making a heavy sound.

Occasionally, a little grinding of teeth can be heard.

This time Maddock stood upright.

Sky Hammer is conscious?

Maddock was a little skeptical.

Weapons with some consciousness are not uncommon, as long as they can be named as legendary weapons, there are almost all weapons.

But no matter how you look at it, the sky hammer is not enough to reach the level of legend.

Even if Rasuke had repaired it, that kind of perfunctory repair method could not give birth to a legend.

Even the prototype of the legend is impossible.

Maddock had a bold guess, this hammer might be a rare item.

There have always been a lot of stuff related to Diablo, and people who have lived in Sanctuary can still hear about it more or less.

This guy likes to make a lot of useful and useless things, so that it is difficult to distinguish his real purpose.

Will Skyhammer be so simple?

Maddock's mind began to spin again.

Betty Ross took this opportunity to wave her fist in a non-standard way.

There was some problem with the landing point of the fist, but it still rubbed against the chin of hatred.

It's just that this punch was too amateurish after all, it just added a rotating force to the back of the loathing.

A "brawl".

At least that's how Maddock sees it.

General Ross wore a crude wristband on his wrist, which was a gift from Rasuke.

If it weren't for the help of this piece of equipment, I'm afraid the red giant father and daughter team would have been blasted in the battle with the abomination.

"Hulk, do you have to beat that guy? Although I also think he is quite hateful."

Banner's voice came, and from a distance, his speed of action was dissatisfied.

The heavy belt around his waist didn't match his thin body very well.

But the big guy behind him was different.

Hulk's figure is a bit illusory, and looks a bit similar to those ancestor spirits.

A less obvious thread connects Hulk and Banner.

Jotun Kooler fulfilled Bulkelso's request, at least now the two of them don't need to have a conversation in their hearts that outsiders can't know.

There is also a phantom of a heavy belt on the thick waist, which looks just right.

This big bear, Kotull, was only slightly taller than Hulk, and there was not much difference between the two in terms of waist circumference.

"Hulk hates hate!"

Hulk opened his mouth and shouted.

Although he didn't look very smart when listening to him, but at least he can speak a complete sentence now.

It sounds a little more sensible than "Hulk smashing" and the like.

Then Hulk ran wildly in the direction of hatred.

Banner was dragged by the straightened line helplessly and ran.

Jotun Kulle's spell.

That line is like a tug-of-war rope for Banner and Hulk.

What determines the direction of action is not which of the two is more powerful, but whose will is stronger.

Obviously Hulk is determined to beat the abomination violently, but Banner is not determined to let the abomination go.

So the two guys rushed up with strides.

Hulk jumped up high, and then stepped on the disgusted face with both feet!

Banner was dragged helplessly to make the same movement.

"At least now I don't have to keep changing clothes, which is a good thing."

Standing on a disgusted face, Banner said to his girlfriend and future father-in-law, and tightened his clothes by the way.

Without transforming, he would not have to bear the extra expense of buying clothes.

This may effectively improve his quality of life.

At least I can buy two not-so-cheap ones to decorate myself, and I can afford to go on a date with Betty.


"Luke, look at that guy."

Jessica pointed at the purple man lying on the ground with burning eyes, with strong disgust and hatred in her eyes.

The purple man did not escape the pursuing Hulk and Banner, and there was not much dried flesh on that stone-carved body.

"Purple man? How did he use this body to get to this place? How do you think he was stepped on by an elephant?"

Although Luke was speaking a question, the emotion supporting his question was anger.

The purple man has never been a cute thing, and the best destination for this guy is to disappear.

As for the way of disappearing, throwing it into a shredder might be a good idea.

It's just not the time to do it yet.

This guy was chosen by Luke as a trophy for the elders of the Big Bear Tribe, and he used it to prove to those big bears who protected the cubs that he was able to dispel the haze for Jessica.

Of course this is only part of it.

Luke felt that this approach was probably as much a joke as what Kurtur said, "If you want to marry Jessica, you must beat me in strength."

What he didn't know was that killing the purple man as a trophy was a joke, and it was real to compare strength with Kurtur.

Couture seldom made jokes, as he found himself keeping the distance between bad jokes and offenses, so he stopped joking a lot.

The purple man shook twice with some difficulty, and sat up while hanging the powder on his stone body.

That face was as ugly as it could be.

Looking at this thing, Luke suspected that Maddock deliberately made it out to mess with his mentality.

Looking at this face during the battle will weaken the will to fight.

That is to say, he has long been used to rotting corpses, after all, he is a soldier who has been entangled with walking corpses.

Still somewhat resistant to nausea.

"Jessica? You're actually here."

The purple man chattered.

He has no eyelids, and his stone body doesn't support what he wants to do.

So emotions can only be judged by his voice.

"Kilgrave, you will not see me again in a moment."

Jessica was smiling, but very cold.

The cruel breath lingered on the purple man's body bit by bit, like a meat grinder.

Jessica will no longer be afraid of the purple man in front of her.

That painful memory no longer interfered with her will.

Olak's protection and Luke's love made her completely out of the shadows, and she made up her mind to put an end to the past.

Jessica was a little curious, if she could personally kill the purple man once in a one-on-one situation.

So she and Luke walked in the direction of the purple man openly.

It is true that we will not meet again soon.

No matter who wins or loses the battle between the two sides, the Purple Man will be reduced to ashes.

Since the corpse can still be resurrected, it cannot be revived if it is gone. Not every guy who has died can be compared with Leoric.

Skeleton King is neither alive nor dead, and most of the other so-called undead are only half dead.

There is nothing to be afraid of, the nephalem become stronger is a matter of course.

Even though Jessica and Luke only have part of the blood of the Nephalem, the speed at which they become stronger is equally astonishing.

And after getting the God of War Blade, Jessica felt a little swollen.

Although she couldn't wield the God of War Blade to fight yet, the changes in her body made her feel very strong.

It is indeed a feeling rather than an illusion. After all, she is really strong now, although she is not strong enough to crush a Venerable Sky Hammer.

But the purple man who doesn't use the sky hammer is really no match for Jessica.

The purple man tried to activate his superpower during the conversation.

It's just useless.

The influence that Jessica was once affected has been replaced with the harvest of several secret realms.

Wanting to control Jessica now is a confrontational challenge.

After Jessica got the approval of the God of War Blade, her resistance has undergone the same earth-shaking changes as in the past.

Orac itself is probably the most resistant of the ancestors.

If the demon he met at that time was not that big mouse of Hamelin, even the Plague King would have nothing to do with him.

Although the most powerful force of the Plague King is the physical attack created by the deformed giant hand, this does not prevent his poison from entering the top ranks.

It is a pity that the plague king was hacked to death by the three ancestors.

When they were young, after Aurak died.

Orac can ignore most attacks.

Poison and arcane are the powers he least fears.

The same is true for mental interference, even the devil of hell can't shake the will of God of War.

It doesn't make sense anymore.

A firm will like a stone has always been a description.

But on Oracle, that's a statement.

As a barbarian who inherited the blood of Orac, Jessica got some boosts, and she will continue to move forward on the path that Orac has walked on. The blood in her body pointed her in the right direction.


One defends against physical attacks, the other resists things like elements, and barbarians are not very lacking in attack power.

Call it a day, sleep...

The promised 15,000 words were done!

By the way, the number of words I mentioned and the number of words you see do not count punctuation marks. This is really 15,000 words...

Today's update guarantees a minimum of 6,000, and if there are no accidents, it will be a 4D update.

I got a little stunned.

Go to bed first.

thanks for your support.

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