Daomu Biji

Finale (Part 1) Chapter 22 What’s inside the mirror?

The fat man didn't dare to do anything to the mirror, so he had to go back the way he came. However, things did not go as smoothly as he thought. He walked back for several hours without finding the exit.

The tunnel that was originally very stable could not be completed no matter how hard he ran. No matter how loud he yelled, there was always a dark tunnel in front of him.

That was how he felt at the time. This tunnel is alive, and it can change its shape at will to tease the people in the tunnel. It may be that their behavior finally angered the tunnel, and the tunnel wanted to use this method to make him die in despair.

Just when Jishou was about to despair, Fatty suddenly saw a rescuer. He saw the deep hole he had blasted on the stone wall in front of the tunnel.

He remembered that the location of the pit should actually be at the entrance of the tunnel. The tunnel is inserted diagonally into the mountain, and the rock on this mountain wall is not hard.

At this time, the fat man showed his ruthlessness and divided all the explosives on his body into ten parts. I want to forcefully blast my way out. He blasted into the cave to a depth of six to seven meters. Although he did not blast out a passage, he blasted out the shadow of a person in the rock.

He remembered our experience in the cave, so he directly smashed the outer stone skin, smashed the man in the stone to death, and then squeezed into the gap where the man in the stone moved, crawling all the way, and kept crawling inside. After several days, Jingran found his way out. But he didn't expect that the exit was so small that he couldn't squeeze out, so he had to wait there for four days before we showed up.

After listening to the fat man's narration, I felt a little disoriented, and I felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling from the bottom of my heart.

It was a chill, an extreme chill.

I know exactly where this chill comes from. Fat Man's overall narrative, including all the details, gave me a sense of déjà vu.

In fact, it’s not just deja vu. Even reciting it backwards.

All of Fatty's experiences in this cave were so similar to Uncle San's experiences in the undersea tomb. They were exactly the same.

Back then, my third uncle was at the bottom of the sea. He also entered a very strange situation, and then he fell asleep and got up. He found that everyone had disappeared and that the place he was in had changed. He also discovered a strange phenomenon, and then left that place alone.

I was a little panicked because I couldn't figure out the clues, but I was almost certain of one thing - whether it was in the undersea tomb, in the Genting Palace, or here, the "trap" style was very similar. .

According to previous investigation. Almost all of these technologies come from the master craftsman Wang Zanghai.

At that time, Wang Zanghai first repaired Yunding Tiangong.

Then he built himself an undersea tomb, and finally, almost the same technology appeared here again.

I have a lot of petty judgments in my mind. I don’t know if Wang Zanghai is the source of these technologies. If so, this person is really awesome. But at the same time, it is also possible that he was a very talented craftsman himself when he was helping the Dongxia people repair the imperial tomb. He learned many structural designs from the underground imperial tomb back then, and then used them in the construction of his own ancient tomb. It is impossible for Wang Zanghai to live to this day. Did his skills pass on to the Zhang family or to Shi Shi Lei?

Geographically speaking, it is said that the Zhang family is a mysterious ethnic group in the Northeast. It is very close to Yunding Tiangong, and the Xianglei family is located in the east. It is geographically close to Xisha.

There are two possibilities for this. The first one is that when Wang Zanghai was active in Dongxia, it happened by chance. These technologies have been left behind or spread. Another possibility is that these technologies were spread to the coastal people when Wang Zanghai was building the huge treasure ship for the undersea tomb.

I prefer the first one. The Zhang family members use these technologies near the Zhang family ancient building, which is obviously more consistent with the entire background system. As for style thunder, all the clues we have so far are that they designed this ancient Zhangjia building. We only found a large number of architectural pavilion samples and did not find any mechanical drawings. This is very revealing.

If you don't go back to the original moment. No one can know the truth of history.

I thought again of Menyoupin's extreme understanding of the mechanism. There are all kinds of strange associations in my heart. When Fatty said this, I already had a very certain intuition-the structure of the mechanism here must be huge and overall. This is also the reason why Menyoubo did not find the mechanism. Likewise, in the undersea tombs of that year. The entire room moved as a whole, and Mengyou Bottle was not noticed.

But I am almost certain that with the IQ of the stuffy oil bottle. Even if he couldn't feel the mechanism behind it, he should be able to guess the general situation based on his experience in the undersea tomb.

But why didn't he say it then?

He always had his own. Yes, this is the key. I think he can even guess the general mechanism of the operation of the mechanism. He proposed to search in the cave outside because when he saw the cave, he already knew the method of cracking it.

And he is a person who will not leave people alone until death. He must have come back to save everyone and brought them to the ancient building. However, he did not take the fat man away, but sent the fat man to another place. What's the purpose of this?

He sent the fat man to a place where he could see him, so that the fat man could know that they were still alive. Is this for fat people to convey this message?

There is no reason. Once the fat man conveys this information, we will definitely work harder to save him. But if this is the case, Menyoupin should not be so "two", he should at least leave a clear written message.

I can't figure it out. This information gives me the feeling that it is purely to prevent fat people from entering the ancient building. This feeling is quite unpleasant. The only possibility for Menyou Ping not to let the fat man enter the ancient building is that he clearly knew that this was a journey with no return. And with Menyou Ping's skill and courage, he believed that there was no return, and basically there was no chance of any improvement.

Menyouping thought they were dead.

But Mrs. Huo and others were brought in. Did Menyouping think that Mrs. Huo and her men could die? He and Mrs. Huo have a lot of past events that I don't know about. The ninety-year-old old woman is still here to bother me. It seems that their respective problems have become so big that they must be solved, and it doesn't matter even if someone dies. To be continued

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