Daomu Biji

Qionglong Stone Shadow Chapter 52 Black Hair

What's this? Before I could take a closer look, I saw a splash of water, and the thing suddenly jumped out of the water and rushed towards me.

Thank God for giving me a conditioned reflex. It was so fast that even I couldn't believe it. The first time I turned around, the thing hit the stone wall behind me.

This is the first time I've discovered that my body is faster than my nerves, thanks to what I've been through for a while. No matter what that thing is, I must have seen things much crueler than you, and I have also seen how those things were killed.

After falling over, I immediately got up. If it were before, I would have concentrated on seeing what it was, but this time, I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t even look. Although I wanted to turn around, but I turned over to the bearing again as quickly as possible.

Almost at the same time, I heard a flash of strong wind behind me where I was standing. The thing rushed over almost at the same time. If I had hesitated for even a moment, I would have rolled with it.

But no matter how well I hid, the situation was extremely unfavorable. Before I could stand up, I found that my waist had no strength after turning over twice. I immediately ran forward and shot at the same time from under my arm.

The recoil of the gun was huge. I had experienced that thing in Qinling, so I was mentally prepared and experienced. After one shot, I followed the recoil and threw my hand out. In an instant, I threw it to my shoulder and shot again.

All the movements were completed almost in an instant. When I heard the sound of something falling behind me, I knew that I had definitely hit it, but I didn't know how effective it was. I ran around the bearing and ran back to the corridor entrance. I held the ball in my hand. He flicked the gun, picked up the equipment bag, took out the other two guns, stuck them on the wall, loaded one of them, then lay down on the ground and turned around.

I can foresee that the thing is almost stuck to the back, and I can blast it out with one shot. But at that moment, I realized there was nothing behind me.

Almost at the same time, I saw the chain above my head shaking, and then the cold fireworks went out.

The entire darkroom instantly darkened, and I instinctively jumped forward. I didn't even have time to express my horror when I felt a sharp pain in my back and something grabbed my back.

Then I was thrown to the ground by the momentum, and my feet cramped immediately.

In the process just now, I almost exerted all my potential in these few seconds. At that moment, I even felt that I was capable, but this was still an illusion, damn it. My thoughts were like lightning, and I almost despaired, knowing that I was dead.

In the blink of an eye, suddenly my feet were in the air and my gun flicked,

It rolled, rolled into the wellhead under the bearing, and fell into the water.

It was pitch black after entering the water, but I immediately hit the rotating blade below. The water flow was very fast, and I was immediately carried out by the water flow. Then with a sudden collision, I hit something, which was an underwater iron chain.

I grabbed it and groped around and found that the space under the wellhead was very large, but there were iron chains everywhere, criss-crossing into a network, covering the entire vicinity of the wellhead.

The thing followed almost at the same time, but I entered the water first, and the strong current made it pause for a moment.

I knew that whatever it was, it couldn't kill me instantly underwater. There was a burning pain in my back. I held my breath and quickly pulled out two cold fireworks, stretched out my hand out of the water, lit them up and threw them out.

The fire suddenly illuminated, and a dazzling white light shone from the water. At that moment, I saw a blurry shadow right in front of me.

I kicked my legs out almost immediately. One foot was cramping violently, but I couldn't feel the pain. That foot was firmly on the crotch of the thing.

It felt like I'd kicked a thick tire, but that thing didn't have much leverage underwater, so I kicked it out, and at the same time, I used the force to rush to the surface.

It was so bright outside that I yelled and tried my best to climb up. I actually flipped over, but before I could stand up, the water exploded again and the thing flipped over.

At that moment, I finally saw the true face of that thing.

It was almost an ape, but I could tell that it was a person, very, very thin, but that person's whole body was covered with the kind of hair we saw in the cave before, and all the hair was stuck on On the body. This thing's nails are extremely long and seem to be grayed out. This guy looks like he's been here for a while.

What frightens me the most is its eyes. I can't see its eyes, and its eye sockets are actually full of hair.

Its movements were very weird, not like human movements at all. After it came up, it quickly rushed towards me. This time I no longer had the strength to avoid it, so I had to use all my strength to pull out the last remaining stick on my body. Light the cold fireworks and use them as weapons.

It had no effect. The thing almost pounced on me and grabbed my ear with one claw. A very deep blood mark immediately appeared at the base of my ear.

I couldn't think at all, and I went crazy with nausea. I turned my hand and punched the thing in the face, as if hitting a piece of steel bar, shaking my face with water. The second time I swung the cold firework, I hit the thing on the head. The knocking caused sparks to fly. I didn't think it would have any effect, but I found that the thing suddenly moved away.

At the same time, I saw that all the hair on its body was twisting.

I immediately remembered, these hairs are afraid of my blood.

Then I touched a handful of blood from the base of my ear, and immediately pointed towards the thing. The thing immediately shrank, and a strange feeling rose up from my body. I yelled at it: "Kneel down!"

But the thing suddenly stood up, climbed along the bearing to the upper iron chain in a few times, and began to crawl towards the gap.

When I saw something bad, I immediately turned around, picked up the short-headed shotgun on the side, aimed it and shot it, and then shot it down. Then I shot it again, knocking it staggering. I ran to At the mouth of the gap, I discovered that there was an iron chain attached to the pipa bone of the thing, and the other end was in the water.

I immediately went up, grabbed the chain, and immediately stuck the chain to the teeth on the bearing. The rotating shaft immediately pulled the chain and dragged it up. I didn't expect that the thing was so powerful that after pulling the chain for a few minutes, it actually moved continuously. The entire axle stopped, but it was pulled to death by the chain and could no longer move. I took out a few bottles of soju from my equipment bag and threw them at the thing, then lit a lighter and threw it away.

The fire started burning instantly. The fire spread very quickly and burned all over the body in an instant. Soon its strength was gone. The wheel axle continued to rotate, and soon the iron chain was entangled. The thing was dragged under the wheel axle. The fire went out.

The alcohol burned very cleanly, and I saw a green ancient corpse under the charred hair. The part above the water was smoking, and its mouth was wide open and its eyes were completely empty. The air was filled with the smell of burnt hair, which was nauseating.

I took a deep breath and touched the injury on my back, and then my legs started to shake. I felt that the skin on my back was completely opened, and I was afraid I could even touch my spine.

Just when I was distracted, I saw the head of the green ancient corpse suddenly move. I picked up the gun and thought it was still alive. Suddenly, a few bubbles appeared in the water, and then, in an instant, it disappeared from its head. A red thing came out of his mouth and spit it out on my neck.

In a flash of red light, I saw it was a red snake, wrapping around my neck and raising its head. Just before my mouth, I shrank my head and made an attack gesture. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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