Daomu Biji

Qionglong Stone Shadow Chapter 44: Parasitism

——"If you have left this circle, then don't come in again. The people here are not good people." ——"Then are you a good person or a bad person?" ——"What do you think? Do you think a good person, He heard that his childhood playmate was uncertain about his life or death, but he still ignored it and finished his own things first?" - "I thought this was a quality, and we are not too familiar with each other." - " Yes, it is the rule set by my grandfather. My grandfather is too smart. He can calculate everything. I dare not think that he is wrong. Do you know how many times I have done this kind of thing before? Many times, I will Think, if I didn't listen to my grandfather and went back immediately, would those people still be alive? Once you have that thought, you can't have friends, because, you know you can't go back to save him, then, if You become friends with him, and if something like this happens, you will be sad. In order not to be sad, in order to be able to abandon other people with peace of mind, I can't be friends with anyone."

So I know that no matter how strong and capable he is, he is still a child with a melancholic aura.

He studied opera under Yue Erhong, and Rouge Huashang was the first disguise he learned. As an actor, he hid his appearance and gender, and disguised himself so that no one could remember his real name. And as the head of the Jie family, he has more to disguise and hide. Xiaohua said to Tianzhen, "Those experiences were really, really uncomfortable experiences."

In the play, beauties age quickly, prosperity collapses, and no kind of prosperity will ever decline. In the eyes of people outside the theater, the only thing left of the standing Jie family is this single seedling. Becoming the head of the family at the age of eight is not a glory worthy of boasting. When we meet again, even his childhood playmate cannot remember him.

But as long as he is melancholy, he is not Jie Yuhua.

Immediately after that conversation was the sentence "But these are my thoughts when I was a child. Now that I am older, many things have been figured out. So, mistress, when you are with me, you have to take care of yourself."

He is the unparalleled little prince of tomb robbers and the young and promising Little Master Jiu. He has the strength accumulated over time and is the decisiveness and responsibility that a leader should have. He has a nimble figure that can fly over walls, a fierce and domineering attitude that allows him to brave dangerous situations on his own, a calm mind that is not afraid of danger, and a arrogant and arrogant attitude that "just beat him to death and it will be mine."

There is a saying in "The Songs of Chu": "The water in Canglang is clear, and I can wash my tassel; the water in Canglang is turbid, and I can wash my feet." The world is turbid, and people's hearts are sinister. He has long known that, and regarded it as a way to wash my feet. Wave, why not? He is still his interpreter, and he still follows his path. He doesn't care that he is different from others, and he doesn't care about fighting against fate.

Such a sad and lonely old time was gone with a slight raise of the corner of the mouth. Jieyuhua is the kind of person who can be fragrant and wild even if she is alone, even if she is admiring her beauty alone.

——Don’t forget, he is a tomb robber and an artist. He can “do something that has nothing to do with real life and no one can understand me.” He can make nonsensical jokes with innocence, and he can talk about “your Life must be boring.”

To mention a detail, "Xiaohua was sitting on a stone, with his feet dangling in the air. Below was the abyss. He looked at the snow-capped mountains with a very solemn look in his eyes." It was mentioned many times later, in addition to playing Russia Cube and Tianzhen were arguing, while Xiaohua just stared at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. This reminds me of the extremely loving Zhang Qiling who once knelt down in front of the Three Holy Snow Mountains (see the end of the first chapter of "Yunding Tiangong·Part 2") - perhaps the more powerful a person is, the more he has a reverence for the sacred. , because the more you understand the world, the more you understand your own insignificance.

All in all - Xiaohua, I really like you ~ Face covering ~

I’ve put up a clip about Xiao Hua that I personally think is very classic.


When they came downstairs, Menyou Ping's glass cabinet containing the jade seal had been broken and the things had been taken out. Menyou Ping was looking at the jade seal carefully.

With no intention of leaving at all, Pink Shirt was getting up from the ground, covering his neck and coughing. It looked like he had been killed in seconds.

However, when we walked past him, we saw him coughing and laughing, and looked at us as if he was very happy. I went up to the stage to say hello to Mengyou Bo and take the things and leave quickly. As soon as I turned around, I saw the pink shirt following me and said to me: "Brother."

The fat man and I looked at him. The fat man raised the table. He immediately waved his hand: "Wait a minute!" He took out a business card from his pocket, handed it to us, and pointed at the jade seal: "I won't stop you. , I’ll give you my contact information. When you want to sell (River Crab?) stolen goods, give me a call.”


After another four hours of delay at the airport, Pink Shirt finished the freight formalities. I found out that the name on his ID card was Jie Yuchen, and I wondered why he had two names. He said, Jie Yuhua is his stage name. The rule in ancient times is that you can't use your real name when you go out to hang out, because acting is a very humble industry, so as not to damage the reputation of your parents. In addition, others will not accept that the real name of a singer is actually Goudan. She is the Jieyuhua It was the name given to him by his master when he was learning to sing opera. Unfortunately, this name was very overbearing, and now his real name is almost forgotten.


It was already sunset when we reached the top of the cliff. It was the real pinnacle, with almost no place to stand. There were some low trees and shrubs growing on it. Under the dim light of the setting sun, the majestic but soft snow-capped mountains all around in the distance became mysterious. It is unpredictable, and a misty white mist surrounds the surrounding cliffs and valleys. Under the dusk, the shadow of the backlight in the mountains is already dark. The smoke from the distant mountain villages and all these create a strange and bizarre artistic conception.

Xiaohua was sitting on a rock, with her feet dangling in the air. Below was the abyss. He looked at the snow-capped mountains with a solemn look in his eyes.


His expression was full of innocence, even a little gloating, but I was completely stunned and didn't react for a moment. It took a full second before I thought of pulling my legs back to see what he had done. When I looked at it, I only saw my wound. There was blood, but there was no sign of the blood vessels being broken. I moved a little, and there was no discomfort except for the pain of the wound. I looked at him questioningly, and he looked at me quietly. I didn't know what was going on. Which blood vessel was broken? Looking at it, he suddenly smiled slowly, very reservedly and helplessly. I was even more confused, and then he said: "This is a joke." "A joke?"

He laughed, patted me, handed me a kettle, asked me to wash the wound myself, and said to me: "Your life must be very boring." I slowly understood what he meant, and I didn't get angry. I just felt that It’s funny, I thought to myself, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? You may not live a happy life.

However, this time it made me change my mind about him. Although I didn’t think there was anything wrong with this person at first, I thought our backgrounds were too similar. Although I am sure I have such a personality, I can understand that he Under that kind of life experience, what kind of person is he most likely to be, or what kind of person will he be forced to become. This is also the only thing that all the people I have met in the industry have in common. Whether they are Fatty, Menyouping, Panzi, Sanshu, etc., they are extremely utilitarian in everything they do. That’s not to say that they are completely utilitarian, but they don’t have the mentality of an artist to “do something that has nothing to do with real life and no one can understand me.” (Kounan Pirate Bar's special claw attack)

But Xiaohua's joke was a bit nonsensical and completely meaningless. This is also the reason why I couldn't react immediately. People who fight in reverse should always have something to say, and it shouldn't be like this. This joke made me realize that he was different from them.

Maybe it's because he is an opera singer. This reminds me of the interesting story about the second master of Lao Jiumen. That heroic and child-like second master was probably the cutest person in Lao Jiumen.


Xiaohua said: "We have to remember from the beginning that everything has a reason. Such a sophisticated mechanism set up here must have its strict necessity. Let's think about it together, Mistress."

Hearing this long-lost name, I didn't know why my heart twitched, and I felt an inexplicable melancholy. He looked at me, and I looked at him, and the two of us laughed. It seems that the two people are indeed burdened with many similar things.

[6] "This is not a technical job. As long as I lie down, if there are no accidents, I don't need to concentrate too much. Paying too much attention to my back will cause problems." He said, "I'm just afraid of problems. I'm afraid that some pots themselves have already It was broken, but not cracked. It cracked after I pressed it, or there are some mechanisms in these pots. These things depend on luck. If I go slower or faster, the outcome will be the same. I would rather save the waiting process. "His voice was very calm. I seemed to have had many similar thoughts before. I don't know if this was an excuse or a state of mind unique to people like us. I immediately felt that Xiaohua's heart was very similar to mine. "Then there's nothing I can do to help you. You don't want me to stand here and help you recite sutras." "You can recite sutras after something happens to me. Now you can sing a little song to relieve my tension." He said slowly.

This kind of joke is not funny at all, but it makes me feel that he is still worried deep inside. I feel a little scared. This is a normal person, not a god or a monster. He has the same emotions and weaknesses as me. , he will also be nervous at this time, this may be the norm in this industry. "Don't worry, I can't run away even if you die. You can sing enough on your own on the way to hell." I yelled at him.

Xiaohua didn’t answer me again, maybe because she thought I was talking

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