Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 65 Uninvited Guests

Chapter 55 Uninvited Guest

There is actually no need to describe what happened next, but it is somewhat related to the subsequent development, so I will mention it.

My second uncle left five days later. I don’t know if they found anything there. In short, he didn’t tell me anything but agreed to have a good chat with me after returning to Hangzhou.

In fact, Fatty and Menyoupin were not seriously injured. After receiving treatment, they were discharged from the hospital within two weeks. We did not go back to Hangzhou immediately, but went to Banai again. Fatty concluded that Menyou Ping was connected to that place, and he might have to live there for a long time before he got any more clues.

We went to the lake again four days later, worshiped the bones in the center of the lake, and erected a khaki mound.

Panma never appeared again, which made me feel very guilty, but thinking about his crimes, it also felt like a destiny. Taking my professional salvage equipment, I continued to conduct detailed salvage, hoping to get more clues. More things were fished out one after another, but nothing particularly critical was found.

Next, we are going to enter the ancient village and carefully check the situation of the Zhangjia Tower. But at this juncture, all the oxygen bottles were exhausted and had to be replaced.

Coincidentally, after finishing the diving on the last day and preparing to go ashore and return, something unexpected happened at the lake.

We were still in the middle of the lake at that time. As soon as we surfaced, the fat man said hello, wiped his face and pointed to the shore. I looked towards the shore and found that not only Yun Cai and the others were there, there were also many people setting up tents.

"Holy shit! What's going on?" The fat man asked strangely, "This place has become a tourist attraction? Why are people coming again?"

I took a few breaths and observed carefully, and found that many of the people who came were villagers from the village. Yun Cai was chatting with them. Some of them were dressed in urban clothes and I didn't know their origins. More people were coming down the path we came from, leading many mules with packages all on them.

I don’t know anyone in this group of people. John is not my second uncle and he’s back.

As I swam slowly back to the shore, I felt more and more that things were a bit weird, because those people were carrying many mules with many large and small bags of things. Several large tents had been set up, and the rocky beach was busy. A few people just looked over with slight surprise. No one paid much attention to these people coming out of the water wearing underpants.

We didn't know how to react at all. When we walked to Yuncai and Agui, I suddenly saw a man. The short-built guy with a Beijing accent that I met at Panma's house was yelling at the villagers who were porters to do this. Just do that, with a domineering look on your face.

I have seen this kind of people a lot on the road. Thinking back to what I heard at the time, he should have followed a Beijing boss to come to Shiyuan, so these people may have been brought by the Beijing boss. Could it be that they also asked about Panma's father's story and were planning to come here to find something? There are too many people!

When he saw us, he said hello as if he had met us once. I didn't want to think too much, so I returned the gift, passed by him, went to Yun Cai, and asked what was going on?

She whispered that several people in the village told her that a big boss hired them to move things here. Those people didn't know the specific situation.

This situation is quite embarrassing. I don’t want things to develop like this, but the lake is public and you can’t say no to others. The goal of this group of people is just a few pieces of iron. I don’t know if they know the truth about the iron piece, or if they just want to save themselves and have no way to deal with it.

There was a steady stream of people, and six or seven tents were set up. All of them spoke with a Beijing accent, which made me feel like I was on the shore of Houhai.

Sit down and rest while watching them vigilantly as they go about their business. This is actually quite depressing, just like you are playing ball on the court, and suddenly a bunch of people come in while you are playing. They are all tall and there are several times more people than you. At this time, you can only get off the court and rest.

I cursed silently as I carefully observed what they brought to see if I could find any clues. You don’t know if you don’t look at it, but your heart will sink as soon as you look at it. There were actually several scuba tubes in those big packages.

A lot of the supplies look like submersible equipment.

"People come prepared." Fatty snorted, "They know there is something under the water."

I thought for a moment and said to the fat man: "Could it be that some old man from Beijing came here to hunt for goods? Do you recognize those people?"

The fat man said: "Beijing is full of brokers, and few people in Panjiayuan work in person. I think it is unlikely. These people are not from the Forty-Nine City. I think they may be people we don't know." .These days, there are new forces everywhere.”

"You have a lot of connections in Beijing. Do you know one or two of them?" I asked again.

The fat man shook his head, "Why don't I see anyone with a warm face? Let me take a closer look, but these people's Beijing accent is a bit weird. Wait a minute, you fat man, let me ask around and see if I can find out who their boss is. .”

The fat man walked towards the busy camp and greeted one of the people in Beijing dialect, but the person ignored him. Who is the fat man? I immediately followed them and they walked away.

I thought about what I could do, either wander around their camp and see what was there, or simply go find their boss?

In the end, I did nothing because the pain after diving made me unable to stand up. My eyes and ears were also very uncomfortable, especially the ears. They were itchy and painful, and the sounds were very strange. It seems that diving like this is harmful to the body. Very big.

I was thinking about what to do when suddenly the oil bottle behind me pinched my shoulder.

The pinch was just right, and I shrank my neck in comfort, thinking that this guy had a conscience and wanted to massage me, but I heard him whisper softly: "Look."

I returned my attention to the camp to see if there was anything strange there, but found another group of people coming from the woods on the other side, and one person was being helped off a mule. The five short men came over quickly.

Looking carefully, I found that the man was a bit old. After he came down, he staggered and couldn't even straighten his waist. There were several followers around him, walking towards us one after another.

I stood up and wanted to go over, but Menyoupin held me down. I turned around and found him crouching behind me, staring at the visitor, and said to me: "Don't let them see me."

"What's going on?" I thought to myself. I straightened my body and blocked the bottle of stuffy oil, watching them getting closer and closer. The man who looked like a big shot was a tall but extremely thin old man. It could be seen that he must have been very burly when he was young. Because he was surrounded by several people, I couldn't see his face clearly. I just felt that this man was very old and had no strength to walk at all. He must be in his twilight years.

There was a group of people waiting beside them, including men and women, even more mixed. The short figure seemed to be making introductions along the way. Several people walked while talking, but did not come to us and turned into a tent.

Only when they entered the tent did Mengyou Ping let go of his hand on my shoulder. I was squeezed by him until my blood was suffocated. I rubbed him a few times and asked him, "What? Do you know this person?"

He nodded and said with a livid face: "Jude Kao."

"Jude Kao?" I was stunned for a moment, "Is this old man Jude Kao?" Then I almost jumped up. Holy shit! These people are also members of Aning Company, and the old man actually took action himself.

For a moment I didn't know how to react. Judeka has an established image in my mind, which is both certain and uncertain. He is a missionary with a face like Sven Hedin, but also a bit like Marco Polo, the great liar. In the stories my grandfather told me when I was a kid, Judekau was the worst villain. I once imagined him as a monster with a big head and a wolf face. I really didn't expect that he would describe an old man with a dry draft like this.

This kind of prediction makes me feel very weird and unreal. Grandpa's stories are equivalent to the fairy tale books I used to read when I was a child. Now, the characters in the fairy tale books suddenly come out of my grandfather's notebook. For a moment, I feel very confused.

What is he here for? Looking at this formation, you know what's going on under the lake. After Snake Swamp, he didn't give up the pursuit like us, and he also pursued us here?

However, the direction of our investigation was completely random. They didn't have the same foundation as us, so how could we meet each other? Could it be that they have been following us?

Thinking about it, it doesn't seem like it. If it was stalking, they wouldn't be able to do it.

We are more prepared than we are. We had no idea that diving equipment was needed here, but they brought it. They must know more, at least earlier. I was a little excited and a little scared at the same time. It must be a big deal for the old man to appear here in person. At his age, he is not suitable for long-distance attacks. This time he appears, it must be a desperate move.

What's down there?

On second thought, the current situation is troublesome, and our relationship with them is too complicated. My grandfather and Jude Kao had a feud. Although I don’t have any thoughts of revenge now, this relationship makes it impossible for me to have any good impressions of them. The grievances between the third uncle and Jude Kao are even more complicated and confusing.

Even if there is no hostility between the two of us, there is still a strong competitive relationship. When the enemy is strong and we are weak, we have to think carefully about how to handle the relationship.

You have to take one step at a time.

I suppressed my tingling heartbeat and remembered one more thing - didn't Menyoupin lose his memory? How do you know Jude Kao? And what is he hiding from?

Turning around, I asked him. He still looked in the direction of the tent and replied, "I met him once when I was in the hospital."

"Hospital? Is it Beijing or Golmud?" We were picked up from Qaidam by Jude, but we don't remember meeting him. He must have been hit harder than us.

"Beijing," he replied, "just last month."

That was when I was being treated in Beijing. Depend on! Jude has ever seen a stuffy oil bottle? Why didn't Fatty tell me?

Thinking about it again, this damn fat man is definitely loyal enough, but he definitely can't take care of others. When I was in Hangzhou, I asked him to look at the stuffing oil bottle, and he must have made half of it and put half of it in half. Moreover, it is very difficult for people like Menyouping to get along with anyone alone. Without me, the fat man's stubborn character would definitely be a big-eyed and small-eyed one. When Menyou Ping saw Jude Kao, he didn't know where he was wandering around, so he didn't know.

When I think of this, I want to curse. Mengyou Ping is a big card in our hands. Why don't we know that he has seen Jude take the test? In other words, if Jude takes the test harder, he might even take away the oil bottle, and we will have enough to hang ourselves. Fatty is so careless! It's true that Menyoupin doesn't say anything.

"Why is he looking for you?" I asked Menyouping, "Why didn't you tell me? Boss."

He didn't answer and flashed back behind me.

Looking back, Judecao was helped out of the tent, looked around, put on his hat, and walked towards the shade of a tree on one side.

"What are you hiding from?" I asked again, "What if he sees you? Maybe he already knows you are here."

Menyoupin shook his head and said to me: "We can't let them take the lead, we must take their time."

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

He pointed to the diving equipment piled aside, "Let's go get scuba diving equipment."

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