Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 55 The Stones Here

Chapter 45 The Stone Here

"Why do you say that?" I wondered, but as soon as I asked, I understood what Menyoupin meant.

In a sense, we are in the same situation as the figures in the stones, except that their space is smaller and they are trapped in the stones, just like those strange fish living in the stones. However, it is certain that if some When we are discovered years later, we will definitely not be alive and kicking.

Thinking of this, I felt a little awe-struck and said, "It's still somewhat different. At least we now have such a large space for activities, and we are still alive. There are infinite possibilities when we are alive."

Menyou Ping said calmly: "That's not what I meant."

I groaned, a little surprised. I always felt that I had a tacit understanding with them before, but here, I can't keep up with his ideas. He seems to think of things much faster than I do.

I asked: "Do you have any ideas? Just say it!"

He looked at me and said, "Have you ever thought about where we would be now if such a mine had not been dug out here?"

I thought about it for a while, feeling that my brain was a little slow, and I still didn’t understand what he meant, but the fat man’s face immediately turned pale and he cursed: “Fuck me!”

Then I understood, and the scalp on the back of my head exploded.

If this isn't a mine, what is it?

This is the rock wall, the interior of the mountain. If we were inexplicably brought here in the same way, we might be embedded in the rock wall now, exactly like those shadows.

I shuddered. What does this feel like? If I woke up and found that I was embedded in the rock wall deep in the mountain, unable to move, and had to do this until I died, that would be terrible.

Menyouping said: "If you think about it the other way around, maybe it's a complete coincidence that we are alive now."

I nodded silently. This strange thing may be a mysterious phenomenon in the mountains, and it may not be the first time it has happened in the mountains. Even if no one dug a mine here back then, things would still have happened, and our current situation would be even more incredible.

The fat man swallowed, looked at the figures, and said, "So, these are our seniors? Are they victims of the same thing before?"

"This is only a possibility." Menyouping said, "However, I would rather believe that this is the case."

I understand what he means. If this is a strange natural phenomenon, his previous inference may be wrong, and then no matter how unfavorable our situation is, at least it will be safe for the time being.

The fat man asked: "Innocent, you have read a lot of books. Can you guess what this might be? If it is like what the little brother said, what might it be?"

I laughed and said: "It's useless no matter how much you read about this kind of thing. You have to use what you can learn from reading to explain it, which is the concept of physics. We may have fallen into the crack between two spaces. Suddenly It was stuffed here from one place. But in reality, this is impossible. Even if you do enter a naturally formed space crack, the place you will appear again will be another universe, and the possibility of appearing in the same area is extremely small. Infinitely close to zero.”

There are many legends of this kind of thing in the world, and it is said that this phenomenon occurs in some very special places, such as Bermuda. But I don’t believe that’s the case here. The process of Fatty and Mengyoupin losing consciousness at the bottom of the lake didn’t look like being solved by a “natural phenomenon” at all. It looked too much like someone was using something to plot against them. Therefore, I very much agree with Menyoupin’s previous view: the power that brought us here definitely has meaning and purpose.

The fat man disagreed. He said: "The possibility is so small that it is infinitely close to zero, but it is not equal to zero."

I said: "If we use science to explain it, there is only one explanation. If not, the situation we are facing would be in another category entirely."

The fat man fell into deep thought and said to himself: "Is there such a thing in the legends left by our ancestors?"

I thought about it, never in any notebook novels in the past,

There are records of human figures appearing in rocks. Of course, maybe my coverage is not broad enough.

The fat man continued: "It is said that in the mountains near Liu Bowen's tomb, there were people who walked for only one day. The place they came out of was more than a hundred kilometers away from the place where they entered the mountains. It seemed that they were taken from one place to another in an instant. They took this This phenomenon is called "mountain ghost carrying". People think that they are being carried by mountain ghosts, so they don't know how far they have walked. Some people also call it "walking on the mountain", saying that the mountain is walking. Do you think there is something similar here? phenomenon, but in a different direction?”

I shook my head, this statement was not true. They are on the surface of the mountain, but we are now inside the mountain. It is not about carrying and walking, but we are being swallowed by the mountain.

Moreover, there is something strange about this matter, which is particularly difficult to understand. That is, the mine is closed and there is no collapse around it. However, there must have been an entrance to the mine. Where did it go? Even if there is some very special natural phenomenon such as a 'mountain ghost' or 'mountain walking', the entrance will not disappear.

What's going on here is more complicated, and has a very strange feel to it.

Thinking of this, I remembered Panma's statement again. He said there was a devil in this lake, and I actually believed it at this time. It seems that only the devil can do such incredible things. Even if there is no devil, I think this mountain or lake is a bit unusual.

The water gradually evaporated, and the shadows gradually faded, and soon they were no longer clear. I used my feet to draw out the 'iron warriors' carved on the ground. Then I thought about it for a long time, but still got no results.

The rock wall returned to its original state, but our feelings changed. Knowing that there was something embedded in the rock wall after five or six punches, I had a strong feeling of being watched, which was unsettling. This feeling didn't exist just now. It was obviously a psychological effect, but it couldn't be eliminated.

The three of them were thinking silently and didn't speak. Occasionally, the fat man would come up with an idea, but I would reject it.

I thought about many possibilities, but none of them seemed reliable. Finally, I started to think over what I had just thought about again, including all the details, to see if I could bring out anything else.

As Fatty said, the function of these iron figurines is to seal these shadows, so the motive of the archaeological team can be explained. What they are looking for are the fragments of the remains of these shadows, but they don't know what use this thing has for them.

When the miners were mining jade, they found these figures. It is certain that the mining was not interrupted. The desire for jade made them continue to dig while offering sacrifices to the King of Thunder.

Then, one day, someone left a message in front of King Thunder's statue.

Judging from the content of the message and the figure in the stone wall, it is obvious that his instructions were not carried out. Maybe the mining stopped after he left. There are many possibilities for them to terminate mining. It may be war, it may be disaster, of course it may be that the entrance to the mine disappears inexplicably. It may even be that those miners encountered the same situation as us - maybe there are more than one here. A mine and they were trapped somewhere else. There can be any possibility, the only thing that is certain is that the story of jade mining ends here.

After that, our story.

At first glance, it seems very clear and reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there is a contradiction that is difficult to detect. The contradiction comes from reverse thinking, what if all the activities of mining did not happen? So, what happens here? If no one digs the jade mine, there will be no mine pit. So, will the fat man and Mengyoubo encounter trouble underwater?

If mining activities do not occur, then where we are now is a solid rock wall. If the force that brings us here is a natural phenomenon, then even if this is a rock wall, things will still happen because of the force. Natural in itself, we are just one of the victims of strange phenomena.

But on the other hand, what if it is not a natural phenomenon? If this mine didn't exist, would this thing still happen?

I feel like it might not happen, because both Menyouping and I believe that there is some kind of consciousness behind this matter, and the purpose is definitely not to kill us. Behind the behavior of bringing us here, there must be something that has not been The purpose of knowing, and the prerequisite for realizing it, is to have this pit. Then we are trapped to death, which is equivalent to being killed, and it has no meaning to "it". Based on the above inference and breaking things down, we can first know the consciousness that knows the existence of this mine. On the other hand, this mine was not planned. Its existence here was an accident. This can also prove that the mysterious purpose of consciousness emerged after the completion of this mine. This mine was created first, and only then could it have this purpose. Then, the matter is very far-fetched and a bit unreasonable.

Suppose this force, which we call the devil, suddenly discovered a mine while walking around one day. After thinking about it, he found that it could be used, so he set up a purpose, and then used some means to capture us. Trapped here in order to achieve the purpose...

If it is such a process, then his purpose is not serious at all. Moreover, this kind of behavior is very orderly, purposeful and operational, and is completely consistent with human thinking. I do not exclude that there may be some mysterious power in the world, but I think this power must be transcendent and not so utilitarian and shallow.

But if this power is not the devil, but a person, then it will be different.

A man knew that there was a mine here and found that it could be exploited, so he devised a conspiracy to use some means to make the fat man and the oil bottle unconscious at the bottom of the lake, and then brought them here in a very clever way. in order to realize his plan. This sounds very reasonable. Not only do we not think this person is unreliable, but we also think that if he is so deliberate, there must be a bigger conspiracy later.

A philosopher once said: When all impossibilities are eliminated, no matter how impossible it is, it is also a fact. That's why I've always found this strange. Being in it, I smelled a strong smell of "conspiracy".

In other words, if things go wrong, we will be in a conspiracy set up by "people". It's just that the conspiracy is too clever to understand. I looked at Menyoupin. He must have realized this a long time ago. So he didn't participate in our hypothesis at all, but he took no further action because it was just a feeling after all and could not be confirmed.

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