Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 51 Closed Space

Menyouping behaved differently from before. He was a little weird. He didn't move very much. He leaned in the corner, turned to look at me, and said lightly: "I have no impression, but I know that things have just begun."

In an extremely weird atmosphere, Fatty and Menyouping told me what they had experienced. They thought they would hear a very complicated story, but unexpectedly, they told me something extremely simple.

After I left, their actions were similar to what I expected, and they began to salvage using the simple equipment Agui brought. The bones on the rock were found in the branches of dead trees. It is speculated that it may be related to the siphon tide. The big corpses were finally stuck in the branches, and the equipment thrown into the water was in another place, so it was hung there. On the fence.

The last time he went into the water before disappearing, Fatty was the first one. At that time, he was ready to surface, but he saw something flashing in the flashlight's range, which seemed to be some kind of metal.

The purpose of going into the water was to salvage things, so he was naturally attracted to it immediately. But when he swam there, he found that there was nothing there, only some large rocks.

The oxygen in the helmet was almost exhausted, and he couldn't look carefully at the gaps in the stones. He thought the flashes were small pieces of metal or glass, so he didn't pay attention and prepared to float up.

At this moment, he suddenly felt "something bit him." He immediately felt numbness in his hand, which spread throughout his body within a few seconds. He thought it was bad and wanted to rush to the water, but it was too late and he fainted in the next moment. When I woke up, I was already lying in this cave.

Menyou Ping's situation is a little more complicated than his, but it's still the same. He was looking for the fat man, so he entered the water in a hurry. Not long after entering the water, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He wanted to turn back but it was too late. No matter how good he was underwater, his skills were limited after all.

His original words were: "I felt something move behind me. It was too late to turn back. When I woke up, I also appeared in this place."

I thought it was strange, how could such a thing happen?

He suddenly lost consciousness, then woke up and found himself in another place. This seemed to be the work of aliens. Could this be the inside of a flying saucer?

Looking at the cave again, there are rocks on all sides. If it is really a flying saucer, it is from the Stone Age.

I feel that things are becoming more and more unreliable, damn it! Fatty and Menyouping were "bitten" by something and lost consciousness. If they were poisoned by some kind of creature, they would have drowned, but they appeared here instead. It's not a mysterious phenomenon, it's too similar. It's man-made, someone must have knocked them unconscious and moved them here.


If it is man-made, how can we explain the current situation? This is a completely enclosed cave. Who can push us in through the rocks? Liu Qian?

The fat man thought about the situation at that time, still confused, "I couldn't figure it out. At that time, I had a good vision underwater. After being stabbed, I was still conscious for a short period of time before going into coma. I immediately looked around, but there was nothing." "

"Maybe it's a kind of insect or fish. It's relatively small. As long as it sticks to your back, you won't notice it. Do you have any wounds on your body?" I asked. It couldn't hurt for no reason. If you were stung by something, , there must be traces.

"I looked just after I woke up, and there were no traces." The fat man asked me to look at the place where he was stabbed, and there was indeed nothing. "I think it's unlikely to be an insect. Think about it, even my little brother has been infected, what kind of insect dares to bite him?" I clicked my tongue. This thing is so weird that it doesn't make sense! None of the plot makes sense, and is completely unlike anything a "human" can do. Is the Lake God really playing tricks on us?

The fat man continued to tell me that the only way in and out was a wrist-thick crack on the roof of the cave outside. That's where the giant salamander was found. A lot of water seeped from the crack. They basically didn't eat anything in the past two weeks and relied on drinking water to survive. He lost about six kilograms and his skin was hanging off. In order not to consume physical energy, I almost always sit still.

On the other side of the outside, there are some wooden shelves left over from the past, which can be used to make fires. They only burn a little every day. Fortunately, oxygen is not a problem.

When I suddenly appeared before, they thought I saw the mark on the giant salamander, so they came over and knew the way in and out. Unexpectedly, even I didn't know how I got in, which made the fat man happy for nothing.

I took a breath, remembered something, and asked: "Since you suddenly fell into coma, why did you let me go along the siphon tide? Why do you think you can get here by following the current?"

The fat man said: "It's a sound. I don't know where this thing is, but I know it must be near the opening of the siphon tide, because at night, the seepage water outside will shrink regularly, and the sound is very obvious, like breathing. Only close to The siphon tide is very close, which is why it has such a large amplitude. If you find a giant salamander and are lured near the mouth of the siphon tide, you may find a crack leading here."

I couldn't help cursing secretly, that's what happened, it was too idealistic!

The fat man's idea was completely unfounded. Facts have proved that following the siphon tide is a dead end, but since I am not dead, I don't want to complain anymore.

After listening, I stood up tremblingly. Although I absolutely believed Fatty, the strong impulse in my heart still made me want to see the cave myself and look closely at the stones.

The fat man sighed and shook his head: "Don't waste your energy. Naive, think about it, damn, my little brother and I have been stuck here for two weeks. What can we do in these two weeks? Fatty, I just I didn’t believe it at all at first. I always thought there might be a secret passage. I kept looking for it, bit by bit. Do you know what it feels like to look at a stone a thousand times? I almost vomited when I saw it at the end, but, if there is nothing, there is nothing.”

His expression was very painful. I could imagine what it was like, but if I didn't see it myself, I just felt empty in my heart, so I just told him to leave it alone.

I arduously walked around the rock wall, and looked very carefully this time. The fat man was right. The rock wall was indeed completely monolithic. Occasionally, there were tiny cracks that were naturally formed, and even a knife couldn't be inserted into them. The biggest crack is the roof of the cave outside, but it is only an arm. A steady stream of water flows down from the top. The ground is full of large and small puddles, and the water flows down the cracks in the rocks below.

Where would this cave be located? Could it be near where I drowned? Judging from the chisel marks, they are very similar to the rock marks at the bottom of the well. They must have been chiseled by the same group of craftsmen.

Well, we are in the rock formations of the mountains below the lake. After all, I didn’t major in geological exploration. I only knew some mechanics and had no idea about the rest.

Knocking on the rocks produced an extremely dull sound, and it seemed impossible that there was a secret passage. Moreover, Menyou Ping is here. If there is really a secret passage, he should have discovered it long ago.

Then he looked at the things piled aside. When I looked at it just now, there seemed to be a few stone mill-like things in the corner. When I got closer and looked closer, I saw that it seemed to be a cast iron stove with iron slag inside. On one side was a shelf with a large number of tools, which was incredibly stable.

The other is a clay statue that is about the height of a beer bottle. It is Guan Gong and another Bodhisattva. I have never seen it before, maybe it is the god of a minority ethnic group.

I tried to move it, but I don't know if it was because my body was completely weak or because it was too heavy and it wouldn't move at all. The fat man said that he had moved it a long time ago and there was no passage below.

Walking back to the fat man, I was finally sure that what he said was right. Although I believed him before, my confirmation at this time came from the bottom of my heart. A feeling of anxiety arose in my heart, which is a human's instinctive reaction to a closed space. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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