Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 34 Iron Block

This piece of iron is much smaller than what we saw before, about the size of a thumb. What surprised me is that this piece of iron is relatively smooth. Although it is also stained with rust, it is smoother than the piece of stuffy oil bottle. It's much cleaner and the patterns on it are still clearly distinguishable.

I once wondered whether the ugly appearance of the iron block under the bed was because someone had treated it with acid, and now it seems that it is indeed the case. This kind of iron block should originally look like this, instead of the stuffy oil bottle piece that looks like a toad, and judging from the very exquisite decorative patterns on it, it is obviously a very superb work of art.

The small iron pieces also have irregular cross-sections. They are obviously not whole and should be fragments of another thing. These iron pieces should come from one or several large iron tools.

As I treaded water, my mind was spinning rapidly, and I felt like things were basically connected at this point. Now the problem is starting to become clear, pointing to about two points.

Is my guess correct? If there was an incident where the archaeological team was subcontracted here, we still have to continue to look for the equipment and traces that they threw into the lake. I think those corpses are likely to be nearby. This does not seem to be the case. It's not difficult anymore.

Then there is the matter of the ancient village at the bottom of the lake. How could there be a village submerged at the bottom of a lake deep in the mountains? These iron blocks come from this village. What are they originally and what are their uses? Why did the archaeological team know about this and want to salvage them? There may be a lot of trouble after this, and we have no way of remembering it now. We can only ask Agui roughly about the lake, but I feel like he won't have much information to give us.

The answers to these two points lie underwater. I sighed, knowing what to do next. We had to look carefully at the bottom of the lake and fish up everything we could find down there to inspect. It looked like it had to be soaked in water for a long time.

It's a pity that the straw ropes on our bodies have become crispy and cannot be used anymore, and I am not strong enough to dive again. Otherwise, I really want to go down and take a look again.

We made a mark in this area of ​​water with a nylon rope and a float. The three of us returned to the shore to rest first. The clouds were frightened when they saw my appearance and hurriedly dealt with it for me. I stuffed two strips of cloth into my nose and squatted in the grass to change my clothes. It felt like my bones were cracking from the inside and the pain was so painful that I couldn't use any strength. Fatty and Mengyoubo pulled the raft from the water to the shore, lifted it like a stretcher, and carried the rotten cowhide bag on the raft to a dry place on the shore.

Yuncai and the others were very curious about what we fished out of the water. Because there was nothing special in it, Fatty let her see it. She felt sick when she saw it.

The sun was so hot that my underwear would dry itself if I threw it on the rocks. We ate a few wild fruits to replenish sugar. While eating, the fat man asked Agui if he knew about Yancun? Agui was confused and had no idea at all, saying that he never knew there was a village under the lake.

Just now, my vision in the water was blurred, and I couldn't see clearly most of it. I couldn't tell more details, but based on the thickness of the sediment above, I knew that this village must have been sunk at the bottom of the lake for many years. I asked Agui to think again, if there is any legend about this incident in the nearby village, even if it is a very old legend, as long as it is related to it. Agui still shook his head and swore that it was definitely not the case. He said: "Actually, I also find it a bit strange. All of us know that there is a lake here, but this lake doesn't even have a name, and the old man doesn't often mention it."

The fat man and I looked at each other. I expected that he wouldn't know too much, because it was a legend, and whether it could be passed down or not would depend on luck, but I didn't expect him to be so absolute.

There are many legends and strange things in Yangjiao Mountain, because this place has been the dividing line between deep mountains and hunting areas since ancient times, and traces of human activities have basically not extended here, so it is normal for there to be legends, but for such a large lake in Yangjiao Mountain, it should be There are also legends, but they are insulated, without any stories, which makes me feel a bit strange.

The fat man said: "Could this be the old village that you said was burned by wildfires? You said that your old village was also burned by wildfires in Yangjiao Mountain, but it was actually flooded under the lake? So you all said that it was on the ground There is no trace left.”

Agui shook his head: "It's been too long. Even the legend of the burned old village was from the time of the Ming Emperor. I really can't say what the connection is between the two."

I knew Agui wasn't lying just by looking at him, so I lay down and smoked a cigarette, massaging my painful temples with my fingers, thinking that I really had to rely on myself.

The fat man pointed far away on the lake where I estimated the deepest point at the bottom of the lake and said, "What kind of virtue is this at the bottom of the lake? It looks like it was hammered out. How do you think it was formed?"

I said: "This is not formed. This kind of gap usually only occurs in canyons and rivers between mountains. This lake should be a barrier lake, which may have been formed hundreds of years ago."

"Is it because of the earthquake?" Yun Cai asked curiously from the side.

I shook my head: "The underwater village is relatively intact. If there was a major earthquake, we would definitely not see such neat stone roads and fences. This means that the village was flooded under relatively mild conditions." I pointed to the fat man just now Pointing to the deepest point, I expressed my speculation, "It may be due to geological movements or other reasons. Hundreds of years ago, in the mountains opposite us, an underground river suddenly appeared connecting to the nearby underground water system. , because this village happened to be located in a low-lying area, so the sudden flood flooded the entire village."

The reason why it is said to be from the underground water system is because I have not heard Agui say that there is a larger lake nearby, and I have not heard of a large lake in the Shiwan Mountains, but the karst underground river here is very famous. It's close to the tropics and rains very frequently, so the water has to go somewhere. The water from rivers running on the ground eventually merges into large rivers underground.

The siphon tide last night must have been caused by this hole.

The fat man said: "It seems that what I said is right, then what we are looking for must be in the deepest place. It is impossible for us to find it."

I shook my head: "No, these wooden buildings are like filters. Most of the things sucked into the bottom of the lake by the siphon tide will be stuck by the fences and wooden buildings on the outer edge of the ancient village, so we only need to search this circle to basically There will be gains, otherwise, I think it’s okay to admit failure.”

The depth of this circle is not too deep, I estimate it is only more than twenty meters. As long as we have a little patience, we will definitely find something.

The fat man looked at the sun, became interested again, and said, "Today's work is over, let's get into the water now."

I immediately shook my head, that was impossible. Judging from our diving experience just now, diving with bare hands is a bit reluctant. If you want to carefully and calmly investigate the ancient village under the water, you must use professional diving equipment. We definitely can't do it right away. We have to go back to the county first and then transport the equipment through connections.

This is a big project. The diving equipment is very heavy and we may have to hire a dozen people to pull it into the mountains on mules. This is not in line with our original intention of keeping a low profile. Moreover, this kind of thing is not so easy to get. In addition to the oxygen cylinder, we also have to prepare an oxygen pump for filling with oxygen. That thing is not a small thing. A mule may not be able to pull it in. It has to be disassembled before transportation. That takes a long time. Just longer.

I was very anxious. If I had to wait for a while, I might be tortured to death.

The fat man was also unwilling to go back, but he was more rational than me. He thought for a while and said: "Don't think about it. If we want to fully explore, we must go back and bring scuba. There is no other choice. But judging from the diving situation just now, it's just There is no need to scuba dive into the water for a simple search. We can split up the work, one person goes back to buy equipment, and the other two start salvaging the sunken objects here. These two things can be done at the same time."

"Then who's going back?" I asked.

"From a relationship point of view, of course it is most appropriate for you to go back. You have the most connections. My brother and I are here to salvage. If you think you know so many guys, just find a few guys to help you with the purchase. You can come back after the explanation. Than It’s much more convenient for us.”

I cursed: "Damn, that's not the same, I still have to hold it in."

"It's better to suffocate to death alone than to have three people suffocate to death together. And you think, it is definitely impossible for me to go. My relationship is in Beijing, which is much more inconvenient than you. If I go to do it, you will have to wait longer. Here, It's good to plant a place and enjoy the scenery, but you won't be happy even if you stay there for a month, so I'm right, Fatty. It would be ideal for you to go back and buy something." The fat man said grandly.

I looked at the fat man's expression, and it was a shame, but when I thought about it carefully, what he said did make sense. I only need to give Pan Zi a call and the matter can be settled in a few days. I can also bring Wang Meng and Sanshu Shop together. Several of the guys there came over to help. Fatty is unreliable. I really don’t trust him when he goes out to do errands. I had no choice but to nod, and don’t waste time on the next calculation. I’ll go back early tomorrow morning and try to make a quick decision.

So I made an appointment with Agui, and Agui would take me back tomorrow. Yuncai was here to guard Fatty and Menyou Ping. I thought that it would be hard for Agui to come back and forth like this, and we are really indispensable for him now, so we need to win him over. He then offered a big price.

I was paralyzed for the next time, and almost never stood up. Fatty and Mengyoubo went diving twice more, and brought back some things, but they were all highly dilapidated, all rubbish, and of little value. Among them was a submachine gun from that time, which was as rotten as a fire stick. The fat man cherished the gun so much that it was a pity.

The fat man also saw the underwater village and couldn't help but be surprised at how large it was. He said it was a pity that he didn't have diving goggles, otherwise he could have seen more clearly and wouldn't have picked up all the rubbish. Then he searched all over the world for substitutes, searched all the equipment, and finally found one thing, which was the barrel of the flashlight. However, it was impossible for this thing to be sealed, so the fat man made a very outrageous decision. Put the head of the flashlight on your eye, stick tape and grease on the gap, and then press it firmly to ensure that one eye can see far under water. The fat man dived into shallow water to test, but was immediately pressed into the tube by the water pressure. This method did not work. In desperation, he had no choice but to remind me that Agui and I would go back to the county town and find a sports goods store to bring some ordinary equipment to top it off.

There was nothing to say that night, and I left Yangjiao Mountain the next morning. When I left, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed like it was going to rain heavily. I waved goodbye to them, and then walked up the mountain road. When I walked to the mountainside and looked at the lake again, I saw the dark clouds. I suddenly had a strange premonition that something was about to happen. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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