Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 14 Fire

At this time, I just had an ominous feeling, but I still told myself in my heart that it couldn't be such a coincidence. The probability of a fire in an old wooden house in this kind of weather was very high, but the ominous feeling in my heart gradually became so strong that it made me suffocate. .

I ran after the kid, towards the fire, and the closer I got, the worse I felt. When I rushed forward, I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw thick smoke billowing out of the stilt building. The fire was so intense and the heat was so high that I couldn't get close. I could tell at a glance that it was already burning. It was hopeless. The mountain behind the stilt building also burned, the bushes were scorched black, and the fire was still spreading upward.

Villagers are coming from all directions and rushing to the mountains to put out the fire. We have experienced mountain fires and know that once a mountain fire breaks out, the terrible consequences are unimaginable. So it is absolutely right to put out the wildfires first.

The source of the fire seemed to be on the mountain, and Menyouping's stilt building was at the foot of the mountain, so it was affected, but I stood there blankly, knowing that this was definitely not the case.

The fire was so powerful that it had only been a short time since we had been in the stream. Even if it was struck by lightning, it would not have burned so quickly. The most obvious thing is that there is a strong smell of kerosene in the air.

There are no fire hydrants here, and all fire-fighting equipment only has buckets, but the number of buckets is limited, and they scoop water from water tanks. By the time the wildfire is extinguished, Mengyoubo's house must have burned down to nothing. I was desperate and wanted to rush in. The fat man grabbed me and said that there was nothing I could do. It was too dangerous to go in and there was no point in risking my life here.

My mind was in chaos, and I knelt on the ground. Suddenly, a figure flashed beside me. Before we could react, we saw the stuffy oil bottle rushing over, rushing to the fire room, and heading towards the space under the stilt building. rolled in.

The fat man and I were both shocked. You must know that if you rush into the fire without protection, you will definitely be severely burned, and there is no mercy at all. It doesn't mean that you'll be fine if you don't touch the fire. The temperature in the center of the fire is as high as thousands of degrees, and you'll be cooked in an instant if you stay inside.

The fat man immediately shouted for help! He and I rushed over immediately, and when we were five or six meters away from the house, the scalding heat wave hit our faces. My hairs were immediately curled, and my eyebrows and hair made a snapping sound. I gritted my teeth and resisted the burning pain on my skin, rushed to the edge of the house, squatted down, and immediately realized that it was impossible to go in. The high temperature inside was like the breath of a fire dragon. I lay down and barely looked. There was damp mud underground, stuffed with oil bottles. Covered in wet mud, he was crawling in.

It was no longer possible to take a closer look. We were so scorched by the heat that we couldn't open our eyes, so we had to crawl out. The fire fighters nearby rushed over and grabbed us.

As soon as he was helped up, he heard a loud sound of something collapsing from the fire scene, and then the stuffy oil bottle rolled out from the space between the stilt buildings. There was white smoke all over his body, and he stumbled up and ran toward us. Someone immediately jumped up and poured water on him. Some people nearby said he was crazy.

I rushed over,

I saw that his whole body was covered with mud under the house. I don't know if he was burned or not, but I could see that there were black ash in several places on his left hand. It was obvious that he had gone out of his way to dig it out with his hands. I yelled: You don’t want to live anymore! The fat man helped him up and asked, "How is it?"

His face was expressionless and he said coldly: "It's all burned out." He looked at the people who were busy putting out the fire, "It smells like kerosene, and even the floor was burned through."

The meaning of this action is self-evident. The fat man also looked at the people putting out the fire, and looked at me with an unkind expression: "Xiao Wu, it seems that there is something wrong with this village."

I didn't have time to think about this while looking at Mengyou Ping. Someone shouted to me: "Take him to the village office to find a doctor. The burns can be major or minor. No one lives in that house. How can we save people?" .”

We found a child who was watching to lead the way. After we brought the oil bottle to the village office, the child asked me to stay while he went to call the doctor. I remembered that I was still scared just now, and couldn't help but complain about Menyoupin. Fatty told me to stop being annoying and be careful about being overheard. I just shut up, my heart was so blocked that I couldn't breathe, and I didn't know what to say.

Menyouping didn't seem to care about the wounds on his body at all, he just stood there in a daze, not knowing what to think, and the atmosphere solidified.

I don’t want to describe this kind of depression. No one expected that this kind of thing would happen. If I had known it would happen, I would rather be caught and beaten on the spot than go to see it first. It's too late to say anything now.

It took four hours to put out the fire, but many people suffered burns. Soon a barefoot doctor arrived and treated the wounds with herbs. After checking the oil bottle, Mengyou was fine. It was probably because of the heat insulation of the underground mud. Although he had many burns, they were not serious. Only his left hand was slightly burned. The barefoot doctor seemed to have seen strong winds and waves, and was not nervous. He slowly gave them the herbal medicine and said that as long as they kept changing the dressings, no scars would be left. Mountain fires occur frequently here in summer, and villagers have had a lot of experience with burns since ancient times.

None of us spoke. When we returned to Agui's house and cleaned up, my eyebrows and hair were so burnt that they fell off. It's simply terrible.

Mengyou Bottle fell completely silent, and the room was filled with the strange smell of burnt herbs, which was very unpleasant. I blamed the fat man a little, and told him that if he hadn't told us to come back first, we would have gone in and taken out the photos, and this would not have happened now.

The fat man got angry and said, "How can you blame him? Since someone set the fire, we must have been targeted, and something will happen sooner or later." What they burned this time was an old house. If we saw the photos, it might be us who they burned. And in that situation, no one would dare to go in. It would be too courageous for you to crawl into someone's room in broad daylight.

I was also feeling sulky, and I really couldn't blame the fat man, but when the fat man said that, I felt so angry that I couldn't help but resist the urge to quarrel with him, and bumped my head against the wall a few times before calming down a little.

The fat man clicked his tongue and said to me: "I think we just can't do anything about this. I guess the damn thing has been planned a long time ago, otherwise we wouldn't be so unlucky. I think the madman who stole the box may have been pretended by someone else. He was also from the group that set the fire on fire. You think he made so much noise when he stole the box, and even deliberately knocked on the floor to attract our attention, he must have lured us out." He paused, "Then his accomplices were outside , as soon as we go out and see them, we will definitely not dare to go in again, and as soon as we leave, they will set fire to the house... Damn, that must be what happened."

It makes sense. I nodded. In this way, they should have discovered us temporarily and lured us out in desperation. If they had known about our plan earlier, they would have taken measures long ago, and they would not be so eager and extreme.

If this is the case, then the people who set the fire were probably the villagers who were watching us on the hillside at that time... Who were they? I've never met them, and they're not supposed to know me.

"They definitely don't know what we are looking for. If they know that we are looking for photos, they can just take away the photos and burn them. There is no need to burn the whole house." Fatty said, "But these people are not smart either. Now that their faces have been revealed, I don’t believe that we can’t do anything with them. Do you still remember what they look like?”

I had some vague impressions, but it would be difficult to recognize everything at such a long distance, so I couldn't help but sigh.

If Menyoubo hadn't suddenly thought of the box, we would have seen the photo directly and the situation would not have happened now. But in this case, the box would have been buried under the charred ruins and would never have seen the light of day. . There were mistakes. We did not completely fail. Thinking of this, I feel relieved. The sky is the limit, and as soon as this house burned down, I knew one thing: someone in this village must know something, and it wouldn't be an ordinary thing. Anyway, this is a clue.

However, I don’t know if those people will take action next and whether they will take action against us. The fat man said that they probably won’t come to kill us, otherwise there is no need to burn down the house and just kill us. But we still have to be careful and be more cautious in the future.

Even though he thought so, the fat man was still a little worried. He went to Agui's yard to get some sickles and hid them under the bed for self-defense. He also made some cups and hung them on the doors and windows. When the doors and windows moved, they would fall down and make a sound.

I always felt uneasy at this time, and I had a premonition that since someone was obstructing us, things about Agui helping us find the old guide would also go wrong. Some people don't want us to continue investigating. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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