Daomu Biji

Return of the Mysterious Sea Chapter 16 Continue to wait

Returning from the Mysterious Sea Chapter 16: Keep Waiting

We did nothing here and waited for three days. During these three days, the only thing I paid attention to was the entrance of the cave where they disappeared. What a long and anxious process this was, I think only those who put themselves in their shoes can understand it.

During this period, I tried to enter the cave more than once, but all ended in failure. This is really not a passage that ordinary people can climb. The highest I climbed was only ten meters at a time. I fully understood it and my calves were shaking like chaff.

Among this group of people, the third uncle's group of people must not dare to go deep. The only one who might be able to go in is the black blind man, but he never showed that intention. I think he probably felt that he was not sure about coming out even if he went in. The atmosphere in the camp was gloomy, and the mop urged us to leave several times, saying that the two people might have died inside. Since we couldn't go in, we had better save some energy and dry food to prepare for going out.

I couldn't accept that this would be the result of all the hard work to get here. I covered my head and could hardly hear these words, and all I could think about was what was going on here.

Wen Jin untied the rope. She did it on purpose. I thought of her smile before leaving. I felt that she might have planned it. In other words, she knew what she would encounter inside and knew that there would be such discomfort. Out of the situation happens.

Wen Jin's words all the way here were very fatalistic. Her life in the past few years was simply indescribable. It was possible that she had this idea. Maybe she found that there was no solution to her transformation into a corpse, so she was completely despondent. Chosen to end his life. But as for Menyou Ping, it doesn't make sense why he doesn't come out. I'm sure something must have happened here.

What could it be? There is simply no direction to review. Have they lost their way? I think the tunnels inside are winding and winding, forming an endless maze. Once you go in, you can't get out, but this doesn't explain why Wen Jin wants to untie the rope.

I had extremely anxious thoughts in my mind. When I was resting, I saw a deep hole in front of my eyes. When I closed my eyes, it was also a deep hole.

I really don't want to describe what happened next.

Starting from the fourth day, the mops began to complain non-stop. I was in a very bad mood, and they started fighting several times over the medicine box. But there was still no movement in the cave. At one point, I even wondered whether Wen Jin and Men You Ping had never existed at all. This was all just our imagination.

The uneasiness and anxiety became more and more serious, and I began to admit in my heart that what they said may be correct, but my reason made me have to argue with them. This almost broke me.

On the sixth day, Mop finally took the people away. In their eyes, there was no doubt about the matter.

Even if Menyouping and Wenjin were not dead, they would be dead in a few days. Originally they hoped to rely on our experience to take them out, but now they are obviously unwilling to waste their time in this situation. The black blind man patted me and meant to let me go too, but I refused. He sighed and left, leaving only the fat man and me.

They also took away a large amount of food, which I knew was more than average, but I was too lazy to argue with them.

The fat man actually tried to persuade me, but he knew my temper. I had gone through all this, and when I got here, even if there wasn’t a perfect ending, there should be an incomplete ending. But when it came to an abrupt end, I suddenly realized that I was stupid. Damn it, what on earth am I doing here? Is this it, it's all over? I absolutely cannot accept this.

The fat man had no choice but to accompany me. The two of us just looked at each other and waited. I suddenly remembered an absurd play called "Waiting for Godot" and I couldn't help but want to cry. I thought that my absurd play was still a tragedy.

How many days did this last for? I can’t remember exactly, but it didn’t last long, because we didn’t have much dry food, but we didn’t finish it all at that time.

After the mops left, I was almost in despair. I even said that I would collapse if I was just a little bit away. I could no longer think about what I was doing here. All I could do every day was to look at the entrance of the cave. According to the fat man, it was the behavior of a madman.

That day, I woke up in a daze after sleeping. Fatty wanted to keep vigil but fell asleep too, snoring somewhere. I have been sleeping well these past few days, and the wounds on my body have healed.

I didn't have any motivation to wake him up. I walked to the bottom of the hole and looked up countless times, but there was still nothing. I stared blankly for more than ten minutes, and then went to have breakfast. Fatty and I had very little dry food left, so we dug it out and found the half-cut biscuits we had eaten yesterday and ate them. As I was eating, I suddenly heard a strange sound, which sounded like singing or talking in my sleep.

I thought it was the fat man talking in his sleep, so I didn't pay attention at all. I ate the biscuit in a few bites and tried to wake him up. At this moment, I was suddenly shocked. I saw a person lying between me and the fat man.

I broke out of my trance and took a closer look and found that it was actually a stuffy oil bottle.

He had obviously lost weight. He was huddled in a blanket and didn't move at all.

When did he come back? While we sleep?

At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I realized I wasn't. I almost went crazy. I immediately rushed over, grabbed his blanket, and yelled: You bastard, where the hell have you been?

He was pulled up by me, and I wanted to pinch him, but when I saw his face, I suddenly realized something was wrong. His expression was very strange, completely different from his usual appearance, and his eyes were dull, his whole body was trembling, and his lips were trembling, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

There was a thud in my heart, and I immediately kicked the fat man awake, then lifted Menyouping up, pressed his neck and called his name. But he didn't react at all. He didn't seem to hear our voices at all, and he couldn't even move his eyes.

Extremely ominous thoughts came to my mind, and the fat man came over to look at me and asked me what was going on. I said how do I know. He rested his temples on Menyoupin and looked at his expression, then said: **, no way, is this little brother stupid?

No way, don’t fucking talk nonsense. I said, shouting a few times: "Don't pretend, I know you are pretending, you can't lie to me!" I could hear him shivering, huddled there listlessly, mumbling something from time to time.

I leaned close to his lips and listened, and I heard him murmuring rapidly: There is no time.

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