Daomu Biji

Return of the Mysterious Sea Chapter 4 Choose 1 from 3

At this moment, we all saw a flash of red light, and then the man completely disappeared, very quickly. We were all stunned for a moment. He seemed to be dragged in by something.

Before we could react, a scream came from the well entrance, and then he fell out. Before he hit the ground, the upper body of a giant python was shot out from the well, and it wrapped around him in the air. live.

This was a giant python that had just shed its skin. I originally expected to see a big brown-gold snake, but what I saw was a blood-red one. I immediately understood, holy shit, these are indeed the same kind of snake!

Fire had begun all around me, and the sound of the shotgun almost deafened me in the tight space.

The giant python had just shed its skin, and its scales were not yet hard, so it was immediately beaten to pieces. Unfortunately, the power of the lead bullet was too weak. The painful python became furious and slapped the man against the wall of the well, causing him to fall down. Then it coiled down like a whirlwind along the wall of the reservoir. Its huge body swept away several of them.

The third uncle's men were shocked and several of them ran away. The third uncle yelled: "Hold on! Don't run!"

But this group of people really didn't listen to him at all. Several people got into the tunnel and fled in all directions.

The third uncle was so angry that he cursed, and I pulled him to shoot and retreat into the tunnel.

Originally, if everyone worked together and fired a few volleys at the python, even the Dragon King would be beaten to pieces, but people would be confused at this juncture and unable to judge the situation.

We retreated the slowest, and the python rushed over at once. I fired twice, but the python's head flashed too fast and missed the vital point. I have forgotten the last time I shot clay pigeons, and I am no longer familiar with shooting such fast-moving objects.

The black glasses on one side had already dragged the third uncle into the tunnel. The third uncle shouted to me to come up quickly. I immediately turned around, but I was only halfway in when my scalp suddenly went numb. I looked over my third uncle's shoulder and saw a large group of black shadows surging deep in the tunnel, crawling over quickly.

"Behind!" I warned immediately.

They turned around sharply, and when they shined their flashlights, we saw a dozen cockscomb snakes as thick as the mouth of a bowl, coming like a blood-red tide. It seems that the gunfire here alerted them.

Black Glasses immediately turned around and fired, sweeping away the first wave. The strong wind behind me also arrived. The third uncle shouted "Raise your hands", I quickly raised my hands, and his gun came out of my clamping leg socket. Stretching out, a loud noise shook the giant python behind him away, and the sound of black glasses shooting came from behind. He was still smiling: "It's too much, I can't hold it anymore!"

I thought to myself that this person is really a lunatic. When I turned around, I saw many red cockscomb snakes starting to crawl out of the shaft mouths. One after another, I moved out of the way while reloading, letting my third uncle climb out, while looking for any cockscomb snakes. When he climbed out of the shaft, he went to look for the fat man, only to find that the fat man had disappeared. He couldn't help but cursed at his lack of loyalty for running so fast.

They looked over one by one and finally found a wellhead. They immediately climbed in and shouted to the third uncle. The third uncle and Black Glasses moved over while shooting. But it was too late. The cockscomb snake was so fast that it almost flew over. It had climbed up from the wellhead where I was, making a high-pitched gurgling sound. I blasted them into pulp with one shot, but the mouth of the well was instantly blocked again. Snakes surrounded it.

The third uncle told me to leave quickly and he would find a way. He and the black glasses retreated towards another opening where there was no snake. I yelled, fired again, and ran back.

Loading bullets while running, I found that there were only six bullets left. These bullets are large and heavy. I didn't bring more just for convenience. My personality is really troublesome. Things always go wrong at critical moments.

I have experienced the speed of those snakes before, and I know that I can't be distracted when running, otherwise there will be no chance of survival. I gritted my teeth and started running, thinking in my mind, "Mud! Where is the mud?"

After rushing through several forks in a row, I saw a crack in the shaft, which was also filled with sand. I paused for a second and immediately squeezed in.

The space inside was larger than the one I saw before, and I could see a large number of skeletons in mud cocoons at a glance.

We're saved, I thought to myself, and immediately took out the kettle. Listening to the rustling sounds coming closer and closer outside, I immediately poured all the water on a mud cocoon to thin the mud on the human bones. Then I grabbed it and threw it at me. He smeared it all over his body, and after finishing it, he pushed the dead man into the opening of the crack to block it, then he retracted into the depression, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

The snakes arrived in an instant, coiled around the miner's lamp and kettle I threw on the ground, and began to bite. Some snakes didn't notice that I was in the gap, so they continued to crawl forward quickly, but a few stopped, seeming to have noticed something strange in the gap, and looked inside.

I thought it was really evil, these snakes really have intelligence, but I saw a few snakes crawling in cautiously, and began to wrap around the mud cocoons, as if looking for my whereabouts, and several snakes crawled on me at once.

I closed my eyes and held my breath, feeling like my heart was about to jump out of my throat.

Those few seconds felt like a year, and suddenly I felt a chill on the back of my neck, and I broke out in a cold sweat. When I thought about it, it was over, I was in such a hurry, and I forgot to apply mud on the back of my neck.

I opened my eyes carefully, and sure enough I saw a red and black cockscomb snake coiled around my shoulder, trying to coil itself behind me with great interest.

It's over, I thought to myself, now I have to look like a fat man.

Just as the snake slowly came towards the back of my neck, suddenly a strange sound came from the bones next to me, and the snake immediately raised its head and looked in that direction.

Almost at the same time, something that made me even more horrified happened. The skeleton next to me suddenly moved, and his hand pressed on the back of my neck, covering the area where I had not applied mud.

My scalp became numb, and when I took a look with my eyes, I realized something was wrong. It was not a skeletal hand, but a human hand covered in mud. When I looked closely, I found a person covered in mud hiding behind the dead man next to me. .

Who is it? I couldn't see clearly, and I thought to myself that I wasn't the only one who knew about the silt.

I didn't know what it felt like at all, and I couldn't feel happy at all. I just felt that the atmosphere was extremely weird.

The cockscomb snake looked in that direction, but couldn't figure it out for a long time. Then it came back to look for the back of my neck, but it couldn't be seen either. It looked very confused at once, made a few cooing sounds, and kept looking around the back of my neck. I felt the snake touch my neck several times, but it just couldn't find it.

I didn't dare to move, and just stayed there for ten minutes. Then the cockscomb snakes were suddenly attracted by some movement outside, and they all quickly chased me out. This one also swam out.

For a long time after they disappeared, I still didn't dare to move, for fear that they would suddenly come back. It wasn't until the hand covering the back of my neck moved, as if it was a signal, that my whole body went weak and I collapsed immediately.

Just as he was about to turn around to see who that person was, he suddenly heard a female voice whisper: "Don't turn around."

I was stunned for a moment, but turned around. The person next to me immediately covered my eyes. I subconsciously touched a person's collarbone with my hand, and unexpectedly found that the person was not wearing any clothes. Then my hand was patted, and I heard the female voice say: "Close your eyes, don't look, and take off your shirt." Take it off."

I paused for a moment, but before I could react, my shirt had already been peeled off, and there was a rustle, and the man seemed to be wearing my clothes.

When the hand covering my eyes was removed, I saw a woman sitting in front of me. She was very petite and wore my clothes as if she were wearing a coat. Looking at her face, I recognized her immediately.


In front of me, it turned out to be Wen Jin!

I looked so surprised that I couldn't speak, so I asked incoherently: "You weren't caught?"

Wen Jin adjusted his clothes, looked at me and laughed: "What are you arresting me for? Who do you think I am?" His expression was completely different from the one he had when we were chasing him. After saying that, she blocked the entrance of the mud well with bones covered with mud, and then dug up mud with a kettle to seal the gap. I saw that the material binding the bones turned out to be her clothes and bra.

After she finished, she came back to look at me, smiled, and touched my hair: "You have grown up too."

I looked at her too, barely able to react, I wanted to say something, but my mind went blank.

This is a bit too dreamy. I have only seen her in photos before, but now she is smiling at me, and she smiles so beautifully.

She looked at me and asked, "What? Can't you react?"

I nodded, wondering how I could react. This was probably a middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her face. She disappeared in a strange underwater tomb more than 20 years ago. She has been doing some extremely secretive things for so many years. It has touched the nerves of countless people and created countless mysteries. But now he is standing in front of me like this, his face covered with mud but looking at me playfully. His eyes and skin are obviously a bit more tender than mine. Tell me how to react.

She smiled and said: "When I saw you grow up so big, I couldn't react. Think about it, it has been more than 20 years. At that time, you still wet the bed, and I even washed your diapers. You had grown so much at that time." It’s fun and much cuter than now.”

As soon as I mentioned my childhood, I immediately looked towards the gap. Thinking about it, I suddenly felt extremely strange. The third uncle was deliberately trying to find Wen Jin, but just ten meters away, I didn't know his life or death, but there he was. I saw Wen Jin here and talked to him. If the third uncle had followed me faster, he and Wen Jin would have met.

"You are much cuter too..." I lost my words and scratched my head, "Aunt Wenjin... I haven't seen you for a long time... I really don't know how to react. Should I cry now? One game? By the way, I have a lot to ask you... We miss you so much... What the hell happened - what the hell am I talking about?"

Seeing my incoherent words, Wen Jin made a soft gesture, listened to the outside, laughed softly, and said: "Who said we haven't seen each other for a long time? Didn't we have tea together not long ago?"

"Tea?" I was stunned for a moment, thinking that when I met her before, she was in the swamp, and I didn't see her holding a teacup.

I saw Wen Jin twisting his hair around his head, making a Tibetan hairstyle, and then wiping the mud from his face with his sleeves. When I saw it, I was shocked: "You! You! You are determined That daughter-in-law of Lord Dolma!"

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