Daomu Biji

Snake Swamp Ghost Town (Part 2) Chapter 34 Night 3: Swamp Monster

If you look carefully, you will find that the mud at the bottom of the pool is stirred up by something. It seems that there is a huge thing moving under the mud, turning up the black air existing under the mud. The entire bottom of the pool was moving, and there seemed to be an irregular whirlpool in the mud, wrapping the corpses in and spitting them out.

As the movement of the mud became more intense, more and more black air rose up from below. At this time, I no longer had any strength to feel scared, but my teeth were tightened, and the whole body was already as tight as possible. It was impossible. Taking a step further, while my mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what to do, I was paying vigilant attention to the situation below.

These black gases may be toxic gases formed by the decay of a large number of leaves in swamp rainforests. This gas often exists under the silt deep in swamps and rainforests, and will be released if there are major natural climate changes.

Many tropical rain forests cannot be touched by humans because the presence of this poisonous gas blocks large areas of access. Some poisonous gases are highly toxic clouds formed due to the volatilization of special minerals or volcanic gases, or mixing with fog. This kind of poisonous gas is extremely toxic. There are many "Death Valleys" in the world that even birds cannot fly through. "That's how it came to be.

If so, this thing is definitely not a good thing, and I don’t know if it will be as blinding as the fog I encountered in front of the temple yesterday.

I thought about whether I could go down immediately and rush back to the ruins, but after calculating the distance and time, there was nothing I could do at this time. The black air had permeated under the tree, and I could no longer go down. Moreover, if the fog over the temple does not recede, it is very likely that I will be poisoned and lose my eyesight. If I encounter a group of snakes, I may be like the fat man. Then I would rather kill myself.

I prayed that the black air would only spread under the trees and not rise to the top of the tree, but obviously this was impossible. Slowly, I found that the black air seemed to be alive, rolling and starting to fill the entire space.

I cursed in my heart, knowing that if the black gas was poisonous this time, it would probably be worse than blinding me. In desperation, I immediately tore off a piece of my clothes, wiped a large piece of black mud on my body, and covered my mouth and nose. I made another one for Fatty.

Then he remembered that he was in a tree, so he immediately tied himself to a vine and hung himself on the tree to prevent him from falling from the tree if he was poisoned and became unconscious later.

As soon as I finished, the black air reached my feet. When it was covered, it spread at an alarming speed. The black shadow was like a ghost, covering the branch where we were sitting almost instantly. I even heard it passing by. The trees all over made a slight crackling sound, and then the surrounding areas as far as the eye could see were suddenly shrouded in black air.

Thin black air suddenly filled the surroundings. Watching the black air rise, I felt as if I was trapped in a burning house. But at the same time, I immediately smelled a strange smell and my throat began to feel itchy. .

A scratchy throat was obviously not a good sign, so I instinctively held my breath and tried to take as few breaths as possible.

A few seconds later, I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't die immediately. Obviously the black gas was not very toxic, so we had a great chance. However, if too much was inhaled, it was hard to say what would happen.

While I was praying that the black air would recede on its own like the fog, I drove up to see if I could climb higher, to a place where the black air was thinner. However, when I looked up and looked at the entire tree crown, as far as I could see, it was completely gone. It was shrouded in black gas, and under the light beam of the miner's lamp, I saw that these black gases seemed to be small solid particles. They seemed to be smoke, not gas. I tried to touch them but couldn't touch them.

What is this? I suddenly felt that I had seen this kind of black smoke somewhere. Where was it? As I thought about it, I felt vaguely uneasy, and an extremely unlucky feeling emerged.

I suddenly thought of Menyou Ping, and I only paid tribute to his ancestors. If he had listened to me just now, he wouldn't be so embarrassed now. Why didn't I insist on it? If I died here, I don't know who to complain to.

Maybe I just trusted him too much before.

But the decisions he made recently were a bit abnormal, and he suddenly wanted to slap himself in the mouth.

However, even if I don’t come, I don’t know if I can come tonight. It was my mistake not to bring a gas mask at that time. However, the gas masks equipped by Aning and others are very big, and the ones used by Fatty and Pan Zi are old military ones. , strong but too heavy and inconvenient.

No matter how you think about it, it's wrong. Think about it, this is a disaster that you can't escape.

Continuing to look at the quagmire, I heard a series of water stirring sounds coming from the swamp at my feet. It was very deep and not disturbing to my ears. It sounded like something huge was about to come out of it.

There must have been some change under this swamp, otherwise there would be no such movement. I wondered if the snake eggs in the corpse's belly had hatched, or if a big snake had come to eat?

I heard the sound of the water getting louder and louder, as if it was approaching under our tree. I took a miner's lamp to shine it, and saw a black spot as big as a calf hidden in the black air, which was constantly moving. , it’s a lot bigger than the one we encountered before, but it’s really hard to tell whether it’s a snake or not.

The black air filled the air and affected my field of vision. It was impossible to see what was under the black spots. I felt that I could only resign myself to fate at this time, and I concentrated on watching the movements of the black spots.

There was a swamp under this mist. The black spot came from the swamp. It must not be a land creature. Judging from the shape, it didn't look like the giant snake I encountered before. I thought to myself, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to survive with his size just now. If you see it, might it be a big fish buried in the mud?

However, what fish in the swamp can grow to be as big as a calf? Is it a crocodile? Thinking about it, it's unlikely. If it were a crocodile, I would have killed it just now. In this kind of quagmire, if there was a crocodile as big as a calf, I would definitely drag it in. The crocodile will never let go of anything that invades its territory.

While I was thinking, the black spot suddenly stopped near the spot of my mine lamp. I seemed to notice this spot of light. I felt a little bad, so I immediately moved the spot of light and turned it to the canopy of the tree to shine on the fat man.

As soon as I took this photo, I realized something was wrong. The fat man's head drooped down, and black blood flowed from his eyes. I was horrified. I reached out and touched it, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I felt that the fat man's whole body was cold, and he could only breathe out. No more air.

I cursed secretly. I didn't know if it was the snake venom that was taking effect or the toxicity of the black gas. I couldn't control it so much at the moment. I moved the fat man upright and pinched his middle hard. After a few pinches, it didn't stop at all. I felt sick, and thought I had to give him artificial respiration.

However, the fat man's posture was very awkward, and there were no branches behind him. I had to support him with my hands to get his head upright. However, this man was extremely heavy. I stepped on the branches and made a snapping sound. I changed positions several times. No, I couldn't hold his upper body with one hand.

In the end, I just stepped on the branch he was sitting on and lay on top of him. However, I was so anxious that I lay down on him. Suddenly I heard a "click", followed by a crisp sound, and the branch he was sitting on broke. Suddenly I felt like my body was empty. Before I realized what was going on, I fell under the tree and fell into the puddle while holding the fat man in my arms.

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