Daomu Biji

Snake Swamp Ghost Town (Part 2) Chapter 45/6 Corpse Footprints u0026 Snake’s Conspiracy

Chapter 45: Footprints of the Corpse

This is a very common thing in normal times. Marching in the desert. Before entering the oasis. We usually don’t take off our upper body clothes. I put my lower body into my sleeping bag to keep warm. This allows you to get up quickly in the event of an emergency. An Ning is lying in the sleeping bag like this. I don’t know how many times I looked at it along the way. Very familiar. But think about it. Then I remembered that she was dead. It just feels so desolate.

But the body was obviously completely wrapped in the sleeping bag when I fell asleep. Who turned her out? Could it be Pan Zi? What was he doing turning her inside out?

He stood up and walked over to the body to look at it. I noticed something seemed wrong. The body had indeed been tampered with. The hands don't know why. Curled up unnaturally. The whole body looked a little strange.

I looked around subconsciously. The sky is gray. The swamp is different from the canyon. The trees around are sparse. Nothing can be photographed. The flame of the fuel can was small. It was completely dark all around. Nothing can be seen.

He turned around and woke up Pan Zi. Panzi couldn't sleep deeply. Woke up in one snap. I asked him if he did it.

Panzi was baffled. Come over and take a look. Just shook his head. Instead, he looked at me suspiciously. It doesn't look like he's pretending to me. I was even more puzzled.

Suddenly I thought of Fatty again. I wonder if the fat man is interested in Aning's relics? Doesn't this bastard even spare the belongings of his own people? But in my impression, fat people are greedy for money. But it is unlikely that he would do such a thing.

Panzi washed his face with swamp water on one side. He walked to the side of Aning's body. Turn on the miner's lamp and shine it. Wanted to see what was going on.

Aning's face still had the expression at the moment of death. It seems a bit scary now. The body was wet from the rain. Pan Zi squatted down. Cut the hair on her face neatly. We saw the square wound where Aning was bitten. It has turned black and purple. It started to rot. The skin on his body also appeared mottled dark purple. The high temperature here has begun to corrode this beautiful corpse.

Follow. We found several mud marks on the clothes of the corpse. Pan Zi touched it. It doesn't seem to take long to stick on. Follow the traces of mud. We suddenly found ourselves next to the body. There were a few small muddy footprints.

Pan Zi glanced at me. Follow these mud marks. It was discovered that the footprints had been spreading up from the swamp. Because it rains. It's not obvious anymore. Only the area next to the body was still very clear.

There's something in the swamp! Our nerves were tense. My throat tightened. They looked at each other. I turned around and woke up Fatty and the others. Panzi stood up and picked up the gun. Follow the footprints to the edge of the swamp.

Squat down. Shine into the water.

The fat man can't wake up. Mengyou opened his eyes as soon as he touched it. I don't know if he is sleeping. I'll tell you the situation. He frowned.

The two of us walked to Pan Zi. The water is murky. Nothing can be clearly illuminated. Pan Zi showed the muddy footprints to Menyou Ping again. Said: "Damn it. It seems that something climbed up while we were sleeping. It seems that we will not be able to fall asleep even if we are beaten to death."

I took a photo of the footprints. Menyouping's expression changed. He took the miner's lamp. He quickly glanced around the body. He just blocked us from getting closer to the body.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's just a row of footprints. That thing hasn't left yet." He said softly.

Chapter 46 The Snake’s Conspiracy

We just didn't pay attention to the rows of traces. Listen to Menyou Pingyi. The probe looked towards the footprints. Sure enough. Now we are even more alert. Pan Zi immediately picked up his short gun. Aiming at Aning's body.

We took a few steps back. The stuffy oil bottle on the other side was holding a miner's lamp and shining it on the corpse. On the other hand, he motioned for me to wake up the fat man immediately.

I experienced a life and death struggle before. Later, Aning's sudden death occurred. My nerves can no longer bear it. After a few minutes of calming down, my nerves became tense again. Makes me feel very depressed. But I wasn't afraid either. Instead, step back to the fat man. First he took out the dagger from the fat man. Then he slapped him several times.

But the fat man slept too hard. I patted him a few times. He just moved his brows slightly. Just can't wake up. And I hit it right away. But he felt sweat all over his face.

I just felt something was wrong. How could anyone sleep like this? Could it be that he is sick? However, when I touch the fat man's forehead, I can't feel the heat. I thought to myself, am I dreaming? I was about to pinch him hard. Suddenly I saw it. On the side where the fat man was lying. There are actually those tiny mud marks. And it's more numerous and messy than what's around Aning.

I can't tell you. He quickly stood up and backed away. Called Pan Zi.

"What's wrong?" Pan Zi turned around. I pointed to the direction of the mud traces. Let him see it. “It’s available here too!”

Pan Zi glanced at Aning's body. Side retreat to me. Look down. Just scolded me. And moved the gun head over. The stuffy oil bottle on the side turned around and saw it. Withdrew.

The three men looked at the body. He looked at the fat man again. I thought this situation was complicated. The body is easier to handle. It doesn’t allow me to think too much. Pan Zi glanced at Menyou Bottle. The two of them made a gesture. There was obviously an exchange of opinions. Pan Zi raised his gun and retreated to the edge of the rock at his feet. Away from the corpse and the fat man. This allows monitoring in both directions simultaneously. And the oil bottle handed me the lamp. Let me look after the fat man. At the same time, he took the dagger from my hand. Mao Yao walked to the fat man in a very difficult posture.

This is a half-squat position. Feet flexed. The man leaned down. But not exactly squatting. This allows you to maintain maximum flexibility when changes occur. He approached the fat man. He made a gesture to me without looking back. Let me move the lights around. Shine at the footprints next to the fat man.

The atmosphere is really bad. I cursed inwardly. When will this kind of thing end? I moved the light over. At that moment. Suddenly there were two or three unknown objects moving at very fast speeds. He rushed out from under the fat man's shoulders. All of a sudden, it passed the range that the light could reach.

That's too fast. Just a flash of it made my eyes blur. But my hand still moved directly in the direction of those things rushing out as a conditioned reflex. Unfortunately nothing was captured. I only heard a series of sounds of unknown things jumping into the swamp. At the same time, there was sudden movement over Aning's body. The same series of sounds entering the water. It feels like a lot of frogs have been disturbed by the edge of the field.

The reaction of the stuffy oil bottle was astonishing. But obviously for such a fast speed. Neither did he. He just turned around quickly. I gave up without even taking the first step. He waved me over. Go to Zhaoshui.

I rushed over and raised my miner's lamp and shined it into the water. Immediately, I saw ripples in the water and a few water marks disappearing quickly. Dive into the swamp.

"What is it? Water rat?" I asked. The first feeling is this. In the 1990s, urban construction was not so perfect. I've seen quite a few of these rats.

Menyouping shook his head. His face was gloomy: "It's a snake! It's that kind of cockscomb snake."

I was speechless. He looked at the series of marks that had just been left on his face. Suddenly I realized that I was right. That's the trace of the snake. No wonder it looks like a footprint but isn't. Ominous thoughts suddenly came into my mind. Legend has it that this snake is extremely vindictive. And he behaves strangely. Now he really came to the door.

At this time, I discovered that Fatty still hadn’t woken up. I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart. I wonder if the fat man has been bitten?

I immediately went over to see the fat man. Because I don’t know if all the snakes are gone. So I approached cautiously. Pushed him first. Unexpectedly, he woke up with this push. And he sat up immediately. Paled face. But people are still confused. He looked at a few of us. He looked at the sky again. A bit baffling. Look at us looking at him as if we were facing a formidable enemy. After a long time, he said: "What the hell are you doing? Fatty, I'm not a prostitute but a performer. There's no point in looking at me."

Looking at him like this, he should be fine. We breathed a sigh of relief. And I'm still worried. Let the fat man turn around. Checked him out. Definitely no bites. The fat man looked at me and asked him to take off his clothes. I felt even more baffled. Ask me what's going on. I just told you what happened.

The fat man was doubtful. We didn't have time to explain to him. He stood up again and walked to the side of Aning's body. I took a look at the nearby swamp. Totally black. Nothing can be seen. The stones next to the body were full of traces of the snakes leaving just now.

"Fucking evil. Could it be that these snakes opened this sleeping bag?" Pan Zi whispered to himself. While patting the upper and lower parts of the body with his gun. Check to see if there are any snakes inside.

No snakes sprung out. But I felt very uneasy. A nightmare-like panic spread in my heart. while we sleep. Several cockscomb snakes crawled up from the swamp. Climbed under Fatty and Aning. I still don’t know how to open Aning’s sleeping bag. This is really weird. What do they want to do? I looked at the dark swamp. Total feeling. Something ominous must have happened.

Everyone else feels this way. Menyoupin squatted down. Checked Aning's body. Nothing unusual was found. Made a gesture. Let's all turn on the miner's lamps. He wanted to take a closer look at the underwater conditions around him.

We'll do what Menyoupin said. The fat man on the side also came to help. We turn on the miner's lamp in four directions. Just start shooting into the water. Just scanned it a few times. Suddenly the fat man behind him exclaimed.

We thought the snake was there again. Turn around immediately. Follow his light. We saw about twenty meters in the swamp in front of us. There was actually a figure. It seemed to have emerged from the mud of the swamp.

The light of a miner's lamp cannot illuminate clearly. Immediately all the lights came together. All I saw was a man covered in mud. Standing in waist-deep water. Like a water ghost looking straight at us.

"Fuck. What is this?" the fat man shouted.

Menyoubo took a closer look. He exclaimed: "Oh my god. It's Chen Wenjin!" He rushed into the swamp as he spoke. Run towards that person.

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